By Anna Von Reitz
Today I am posting a long and potent list of court decision citations kindly provided by Larry Moe, which taken together can lead to very mistaken assumptions if you are still in the dark about the nature of the federal government versus the actual government of this country.
First, read through these valuable citations which expose the nature of the federal and federated state and county courts, plus the need to establish jurisdiction ---and then engage your brain cells for my brief commentaries about each at the end.
"There are no Judicial courts in America and there has not been since 1789, Judges do not enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statues and Codes. There have not been any Judges in America since 1789. There have just been Administrators." FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428 1 Stat. 138-178
"Courts are Administrative Tribunals" Clearfield Trust, et al v. United States 318 U.S. 363 (1943)
"All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void." Marbury vs. Madison, 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803)
"Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them." Miranda vs. Arizona, 384 US 436 p. 491
"When jurisdiction is challenged the burden of proof is on the government. Title 5 USC Sec 556(d)
"No sanction can be imposed absent proof of jurisdiction." "Once challenged, jurisdiction cannot be 'assumed', it must be proved to exist!" Stanard v. Olesen, 74 S. Ct. 768
"The law requires PROOF OF JURISDICTION to appear on the Record of the administrative agency and all administrative proceedings." Hagans v. Lavine, 415 U.S. 533
"No state shall convert a liberty into a license, and charge a fee therefore." Murdock v. Pennsylvania, 319 U.S. 105
"If the State converts a right (liberty) into a privilege, the citizen can ignore the license and fee and engage in the right (liberty) with impunity." Shuttlesworth v. City of Birmingham, Alabama, 373 U.S. 262
1. In the first instance, Keller v. PE, the federal administrator alleges that there are no judicial courts in "America".
What they should have said is that there are no judicial courts in the "Territorial or Municipal United States"--that is, in federal jurisdiction-- but such a truthful and unobscured statement is too much to expect.
In America, the actual America, we have always had American Common Law Courts that are judicial courts, also known as public courts of record. They have been largely inactive and unstaffed since @ 1965, but they exist and they are used and they are peopled by living, breathing Americans standing on the land and soil they are heir to.
It is only in the foreign international jurisdiction of the Federal Territorial and Municipal United States that "courts" assume the character of in-house administrative tribunals and cease to have judicial authority. This is because these foreign courts are supposed to be dealing exclusively with incorporated franchises instead of living people and are incompetent to address living people as living people.
2. The Clearfield decision cited also says clearly that courts are administrative tribunals but falls short of saying which courts. Again, it should say "federal courts and federal franchise state of state and county courts" are administrative tribunals, but since they are talking from their perspective about their courts, they can be somewhat forgiven for not being more explicit.
3. In the Marbury v. Madison case, notice the small "l" on laws, which indicates legislative "laws" which indicates statutory laws of incorporated franchises infringing on the guarantees owed to our "vessels" in international jurisdiction. These are federal courts sorting out cross-jurisdictional claims, so again, all is not exactly what it seems. What is legislated as "law" by federal territorial and municipal corporation legislatures cannot abridge or overcome any Public Law on American soil, and most especially cannot abrogate the constitutional contracts owed by the federal subcontrators to the states and people. For example, the federal government corporations passed the National Defense Authorization Act in 2011, providing that U.S.citizens can be arrested and indefinitely detained, but if you are not a U.S. citizen and you are owed the guarantees of the actual Constitution no "Act" of the Territorial or Municipal United States Congress that abrogates your guaranteed rights can be sustained.
4. The next three citations concerning jurisdiction are sometimes ignored by State of State/STATE OF STATE and County/COUNTY courts, until you remind them that they have incorporated themselves as franchises of the federal territorial and municipal court systems and no longer have any discretion about obeying federal standards. That is, because they have adopted the status and nature of corporate franchises as "states of states".
5. In Murdoch v. Pennsylvania note that the word "state" in not capitalized, and the word "liberty" is used. This is very clearly talking about one of our states of the Union trespassing upon and licensing a federally mandated "liberty" granted to a federal citizen---for example, an attempt to license voting. Please note that Americans enjoy "freedoms" while federal citizens have "liberties", and that our actual states are referred to using the small "s" in the federal system of things. Actual states occupy a completely different jurisdiction than States of States, and just as they infringe upon us, it is possible for us to infringe upon them. I know some very good men and women who are sitting in jail in Colorado because they wouldn't believe me and wrap their heads around this point. We have our rights and turf, but the Federales also have theirs.
6. In the final quote, someone has again mish-mashed language -- a right is not a liberty. A right is a material asset. A liberty is a privilege granted by a higher authority. For a "citizen"-- a servant of the government -- the government is the entity conferring the privilege. So the right interpretation of this citation requires striking out the words in parenthesis and paying attention to what remains. We see that the word "State" is capitalized and that it is preceded by "the"--- a definite article. This could reference any one of the land jurisdiction States, or the concept of "State" in general, but not a State of State. We see also that it speaks of "citizens" which, as in the prior case, indicates that this is a cross-jurisdictional issue in which our States were attempting to tax or license or otherwise limit federal citizens living on American soil. An example would be a State levied "Poll Tax" on the right of a federal citizen to vote. From our perspective federal voting rights (as an example) are a privilege granted by the foreign federal corporations to their employees and dependents, but from their perspective, these privileges are considered material rights. One man's trash is another man's treasure.
As these examples demonstrate, opinions issued by federal and federated state-of-state and county courts are written from their own perspective--- not from ours. When they talk about "courts" --in the absence of any further qualification-- they are talking about their courts, not ours. When they talk about "rights" they are talking about the rights of "citizens" -- not our natural and unalienable rights as people. When they talk about "liberties" they are talking about privileges enjoyed by federal employees and dependents, as when a sailor in the Navy is given "liberty ashore"-- not our freedoms.
These same presumptions apply to everything and anything published by the federal government corporations and by their state-of-state and federated counties and agencies, including their codes, their statutes, their applications, their regulations-- it is all and always written from their perspective, not ours. It takes no small effort to learn and to twist your perspective around to see what they are really talking about.
We are considered to be "non-resident aliens" with respect to their watery international jurisdiction. We are considered to be "non-citizens" and are referred to in their lingo as "United States Nationals" instead. Their "states" are what we recognize as "States of States" and "STATES OF STATES", while to them, our states are referred to like this--- "the California State" -- which represents the international land jurisdiction or simply "California", for example.
Attempting to read federal or federated state or county publications without being aware of their context is endlessly confusing and trying to use citations from their court cases often results in nonsense arguments because the words mean one thing to us, and something else to them.
Where, for example, would we be left if we took the statements in Keller v. PE (the first example above) on face value? We would believe and would have evidence seeming to support the idea that there are literally no judicial courts in America --- and we would be wrong, because the Federales are talking about their courts not being judicial courts and not referencing our courts at all.
The Judicial Power in this country was retained by the People. We didn't give that away to any foreign power. As a direct result, the Territorial and Municipal Courts function as administrative tribunals. That fact does not imply that our American Common Law courts are non-existent, invalid, or lacking judicial power when properly invoked by people having the standing to operate these judicial forums.
When the Bundys get their wish and an actual American County Court is invoked by Americans who have corrected their political status and elected their own justices and sheriffs and other officers of the court, it may be a rare event in the past fifty years, but it will not be lacking in judicial power and enforcement authority.
See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:
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Hope Judge Anna is the sitting judge on Gloria's case,
Deletei am pretty sure the guy that posted this got his info from these 3 videos, i would watch them as carl miller describes in detail what is written above by the one and only
Is there any way to get Paul picture off the site and put in Judge anna's picture as I believe I would have a lot more people reading my posts!!!
ReplyDeleteThere is Anna picture on the top of the article too. When you forward this article the picture of Anna will appear.
DeletePaul's picture frightens away would-be school shooters.
ReplyDeleteHa Ha Ha !!!!!! I was thinking the same thing . School shooters aere also known as MK ultra victims and greenberg crisis actors
DeleteI don't believe the day will ever come when a majority of americans will ever come to understand the deceptive language these courts use. The only solution is to get rid of these crooked courts and their sly-ster words and ways.....and that is unlikely to happen.
ReplyDeleteWe are trying. Believe it or not, the military appears to be on our side, unless I have been deluded by a false hope or Psy-Op with the Q phenomenon which I have been following for a year now. There are jural assemblies but they are fragmented and a lot are simply discouraged at not seeing much improvement. Sealed indictments are one thing. Public displays of the criminals doing perp walks into Gitmo are quite another.The mass shootings and the fake crisis actors, fake news with CNN, its all demoralizing.
DeleteLet Those Who Have Understanding See "Anna Von Reitz"
DeleteThose who have not the understanding can not see. Perhaps they are over burdened in the belief of a strange god. Even Jesus said that the kingdom of God is within, he did not say he was God. Do not be deceived . Then you will see. Beware of the serpent.
I agree with Abby..We can never change the thinking of these judges now..these "elites" realize that after they bribe our public officials, the next step comes all by itself and is self- sustaining....POWER,the most powerful and addictive "drug" on earth.. It's a stronger drive than "sex"..!! I wish I had power like that. It leaves "love" in the dust for those people who really want it and unlikely to ever get it without being seditious traitors..!! These people often have never been recognized by society and most likely have always been social outcast most of their doesn't take much to push these people into the dark side of the FORCE..!! These people refuse to give up any of their power to anyone else, the Law be damned..!! Jerry Brown thinks he's the president of the United States..!! He wants it so bad that he can taste it..!! My ex roommate was so frustrated and angry everyday because he wasn't rich and I was. But I didn t want control of anything and he did, even though he never put one cent into the place. And since he was bigger and stronger than anyone else living there, we had nothing but arguements...still to this day he doesn't understand why people want nothing to do with him.. One day we got in an argument about all this nonsense..He kept telling me that he would have made better decisions that I did with money. Yea, that's why you've been broke your entire life, because of all your good decisions...the only difference would have been that you would have had a lot of "TOYS" instead of trying to grow your money. But I told him you can have all the money in the world, but give me all the power to rule over it all and I'm still going to rule over you and be your master..!!
DeleteJudge Anna, these judges were all brought in and consoled after the the "Erie Railroad v Thompson case in 1938, where Law and Equity were merged and told that there is no more "common law". There is only Bankrupcy..!! But we can't call it that to the people. It has to be called something else...."Statutory Law"(secretly the Law of Bankruptcy)..! We arent solvent. And people who are not solvent have no rights or a constitution..and if no one is solvent their can be no "civil order". Therefore, they had to create so many laws that no matter who you are, you are or will be at some time "a criminal"..from their perseptive...a "tortfeaser". So I disagree with your synopsis judge , that they were ignorant...Bull..!! They all knew and told point blank what was happening and they all went along with it. Of course a couple of them had to be eliminated to make their point stick and made purfectly clear to the rest of the BAR. They are culpable as hell..!! The only way it can be changed now is by this pesident, while we have the chance, to make an E.O. that the courts must (I say must as In being forcefully compelled) to recognized to take Judicial Notice (not silent judicial notice) that two statuses exsist on the LAND. And only the man or woman can make that choice, not the judges or courts.That s especially true of any prosecutor who thinks they can just charge everyone for anything and get away with it..!! It has to be a "FELONY" for the court to send out bogus "Complaints" as "Informations" only, without first taking judicial notice of that person's "Status" separating "Citizens" from " American Nationals"..!! And from now on NO ONE in a courtroom has "immunity" from anything..!! If a judge or prosecutor still thinks they can just arbitrarily treat everyone the same, than they can easily lose or "forfeit" all their assets over to the accused and 20 years in jail...the punishment has to be great or no one will obey it...and we need "provost marshals " to enforce our rights and the entire military backing it up..!! That's where the real problem comes in. They have a strict code of ethics and a solid "chain of command" who now feel that why should all these people be allowed to walk freely and get away with anything they want and we have to protect can see their point..!! Maybe later, when we correct the sins of the past of LIES, we can reconstitute regular public schools again. But until then all schools have to be military schools until these kids all learn respect and recognize the rule of law again and the sacrifice of any of our armed forces to keep and protect our true liberal thinking allowed to go unchecked..!! You want to be a bully, than you can live on K rations and man a post all night long for a week, and let's see if you still want to be a bully..!!
Deletebluecollarmovement Could you please let me know Why the utilities gangs and other corporations are sending their scam letters from PO Boxes. What they are hiding? They are plundering our ESTATES via cestui qui trust and on the top they want us to give them more IOU. Actually, they are not sending invoices/bills, instead, they are sending the statement to us which means they own us that amount on the statements, plus dividends, plus interest. I think, they too are hiding stolen IOU from People from their masters, BIS, Vatican IRS, (here in UK HMRC), Vatican, Treasury, Central Banks...
DeleteAgreed BB The cestui qui trust translates to beneficiary. From Barron's Canadian Law dictionary the word TRUST: a right of property held by one party for the benefit of another. It implies two interests, one legal and the other equitable: the trustee holding the legal title of interest, and the cestui que trust , or beneficiary, holding the equitable title of interest." This trust was set up when you were an infant and sold to the world bank, Google and watch Winston Shrout if you want to beg the evil dooers to free you from their sysrem.
DeleteThe Templar bar, the freemasons, the monarchy and the knights of Columbus are all gateways to hell. The KJV was commissioned by James Stewart and overseen by freemason Francis Bacon so it is a flawed document. They claim that Jesus wrote the ten commandments ( not true )they claim you must accept Jesus Christ as your Lord an saviour which is also not true, even Jesus said the kingdom of God is within. He never claimed he was God. The first commandment says "I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have any strange gods before me. (not us or me and Jesus or the trinity, just me. God is being very patient here while this battle is being fought between the Vatican and the Freemasons. I prefer to shine the light directly in the eyes of the evil doers than to beg them for a remedy. . The monarch is defacto, the Vatican has bowed out in 2011 and just the freemasons are holding us in bondage now. Remember woe to you lawyers. The freemasons are a cowardly bunch. A strong man stands alone but a weak man needs a crowd around him. I am a distant descendent of King James and can not believe he would approve of the KJV if he knew what was written there. Billy Graham Freemason just died and how many souls did he score for Lucifer humping a strange god. He left behind 5 houses and two jets. Seems a bit much for a supposed man of God. Beware of false teachers, they are everywhere. I kinda like the creator God;s mandate. Ten laws and all is given. vs Satan/Lucifer's 180000 acts and statutes. God gets my vote. Peace to you and God is internal, seek and you will find. The serpent is very wise and can out think most Earthly minds,. Most but not all. above all use logic, if it does not seen to fit, discard it. Remember, the tables were not turned on the money changers 2000 years ago but they are soon going to be. I was brought up an RC Rome usurped Catholic in 325 ad and put woman in second position then, hence no female can be an rc priest. God created man male and female and gave them dominion (collectively ) You may think I am a nut case but spent 16 years in research and 39 years in business for my self . The Freemasons gave me a terrible time, threats with my life if I did not shut up and an offer of 300,000 a year job so I would be quiet. I was told by one that they were going to get me. They did not scare me as my mother told me as a small boy to never sell my soul no matter how tough things get ( and they were very tough ) she said time on Earth is but a second compared to eternity. In honored my mother as I still have my soul and intend to have it when I lay my head down for the final time. I shall die in peace if I must die. By the way, why did you single me out for answers ? You believe any of the stuff I post maybe ? lol. You are on the right track. Hint for you..God created man on the sixth day and saw that he was good. When has man ever been good. Obviously we are in the 6 th day of God's time. The end of revelations. The Earth was once tropical and how can that be with a single sun. Watch for a second sun to rise and wipe away the night.
DeleteYou might find this of interest
Enjoy the ride, it will end well for those who have held fast to their soul.
These cases are the perfect introduction one should use in a court case brought to by these clowns. I have hearing March 1. I will introduce them along with my other strategies. The court still has not provided jurisdiction which tells me that they either have no idea what they are doing, which is more than likely the case, or they are being the criminal clowns I think they are. Either way these case cites, once shepardized should prove valuable.
ReplyDeleteGames, what exactly has Q stated that has come to pass!!!??? I have a friend that reads/listens daily to all of his and other postings and I am STILL waiting for this "mass arrests" etc. etc. blah blah blah!!! I am beginning to think that Trump is the ultimate "strawman" we have been falsely led into believing that this is the guy that will "save us"!!! It is more apparent that the shooting in Fla. was a blatant false flag gov't op, as all the recent shootings have been, and what has Trump done!? Arrest the evil perps!? Nope, nada, nyet, nothing!!! He has the power under the NDAA to arrest ANYONE for ANYTHING, or for nothing but his own whim, and yet, he does nothing!!! Abby is quite right, we may not live long enough to see this, and those so-called jury assemblies are worthless too as they enforce NOTHING!!! Am still waiting for proof that this touted Michigan Jury Assembly that is peddled so highly on this forum is doing anything at all, such as ENFORCEMENT of their charges!!! I guess they just assemble for coffee and conversation, where are the INDICTMENTS and just how many criminals/gov't rats, have they put in prison!!!??? I bet none!!! Yes, discouraging it is, especially when this site and others off nothing but false hopium to the masses!!! ALL of the court cases sited in the beginning of this article are "null and void" because they are IGNORED by the powers that be!!! As stated before, let's see anna drive down the street with no license plates on her vehicle with no driver's license and see if she can get some jural assembly to dismiss the charges after she has been in Prison Hilton 6 months before she even gets to trial. Maybe her "hereditary" Sec. of State hubby can issue a decree to abolish the federal gov't!!!??? Still waiting for proof of this position too!!!
ReplyDeleteyou mean DONALD J. TRUMP - who ran the Apprentice? did you see anna's article recently that broke down, sex or work slavery, Apprentice? knights of malta, watch him carefully.
DeleteIf each one is sovereign (without subjects) then everywhere one walks with a witness or retinue, becomes one's "court of record"; where 2 or more are gathered, there am I in their midst; a matter is established with 2 or more witnesses. Perhaps one needs to Know more who (and Whose!) one is (a living wo/man), and is Not (dead corp[se] fiction NAME)and declare same in any alleged COURT action; using affidavits placed in the public county recorder/ published newspaper record to establish truth, facts, evidence and law more cognizable in their COURTs. An unrebutted affidavit becomes the truth; he who speaks last with no reply WINS; he who leaves the battlefield first, loses! Always peacefully lawfully standing one’s ground is in deed a challenge and worthy mission in one’s sojourn/ life journey.
ReplyDeleteAdditionally, establishing one's status and standing with anna's examples executed properly becomes a strong fortress for both offensive and defensive purposes.
One's Identity is truly most significant! "You've got the wrong guy! That's NOT me!" Acting FOR the NAME in separate established capacities- administrator, beneficiary, subrogee, priority creditor, paramount security interest holder ... upon the land jurisdiction where Law of the land applies seems most advantageous.
Blessings to all peacefully lawfully BEing and DOing honorably for highest good of ALL!! In Joy & Love :D
And along with it we need different "identity statuses" so we don't get into conflicts with the police...that shouldn't be necessary. Once the courts recognize two statuses, it has to be made clear to all law enforcement to, so conflicts don't erupt at curbside..!! We will have a completely different outlook on them, and them on us once that happens..!!
Delete@tricia good points tricia i like.
Delete@james, Revelation 18:4 King (KJV 1611) 4 And I heard another voice from heauen, saying, Come out of her, my people, that yee be not partakers of her sinnes, and that yee receiue not of her plagues.
SO get rid of your marke, the name of the beast, and the number of his name:
what is your god-given name to be? so it is and it shall be my brother...unincorporated religious association, ein, dba then authenticate it in your newspaper, name/race/nationality change court order and you are good as gold. New passport, DL and the book of life...
If jurisdiction is the issue than proving LOJ (Lack Of Jurisdiction) should be paramount. The easiest way to prove their LOJ is to use an authority which they will readily recognize. Many judges willfully ignore the above case citings because they are prior to the incorporation of 1871 and they do not see them as relevant or current. What they cannot ignore is the highest authority in their corporate US system whom they have empowered to determine citizenship which is none other than the US DOS in DC. The US SOS is their sole authority that they will listen to and obey as to his determination of the citizenship status of any man or woman in the system. If the DOS has determined that you are not a US citizen by issuing you a state Citizen (Capitol C) passport of the state that you inhabit based on your application and accompanying ES (Explnatory Statement) that you have complete as a state Citizen, then the DOS has declared you to be a state Citizen and not a US citizen (lower case c). This is one of only 3 types of citizenship the US DOS recognizes and issues passports for accordingly: 1. US citizen, 2. Non-citizen national of the US (Samoans and other US territories), 3. State Citizen (not in the application and must be demanded in your ES). Once your state Citizen passport is issued, it will be unrecognizable from a US passport. The non-citizen national of the US passport can be identified by an endorsement on page 27 of the passport book. There is no such endorsement in the state Citizen passport. The only way to identify it is to run it though their FBI NCIC connected system which will recognize and read it as a state Citizen passport. This is to hide the truth in plain sight so you cannot show your friends that you have a different passport than they have. The only way to bring it into the light is to order a certified copy of the application and ES from the DOS which they will issue for $50. After 8 to 12 weeks you will receive an impressive looking document with a hole punched in the upper left hand corner with a red ribbon through it and running done the left side of the entire document and secured under a gold seal firmly placed in the lower left hand corner of the document. The cover page will be signed and sealed by Rex Tillerson, the US SOS, and certified as being an authentic copy of your application and ES. The first 2 pages will cite that this document meets all the federal rules of evidence in any court. The rest of the pages will be poorly scanned in copies of your application and ES which are still legible but should be immaculate for your $50 fee. When you go to the copy of the DS-11, at the bottom of the first page you will be able to read in handwritten letters in red ink: "Claims to be a (your state) citizen." upon which the application was approved and your state Citizen passport was issued. This certified document issued by the US DOS under the seal and signature of the US SOS is undeniable proof in any court in the US that you are not a US citizen but a a non-citizen state national and state Citizen of your state which no judge in any court in the US can argue with. No US court of any kind, whether federal, state, county or municipal has any jurisdiction over a state Citizen. Only over US citizens and non-citizen nationals of the US. This is the only solid proof you can present in any court that will be readily recognized and fully honored without question because they cannot rule against their own authority or they would be a house divided against itself that cannot stand, as Jesus talked about.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteWill that passport still work if we mistakenly list our address as we have been doing all our lives or do we still have to play games with them..!! Incidentally, what if we are in a foreign country and given a ticket..will our passport work for us overseas the same way it is recognized here..!!
DeleteJames, as a ncsn you don't have an address. You are always c/o (in care of) where you want to receive mail that you do not want to pick up from the post office as general delivery. This is also what you state on your DS-11. Only US citizens who are residents have mailing addresses with zip codes. You are a non-resident alien to the US. You do not get tickets in foreign countries including the US which is foreign to you as a ncsn because you are not subject to their jurisdiction. What part of this ncsn passport are you not understanding?
DeleteAre you saying other countries understand this passport too when it comes to law enforcement...i would really like to test this if it wasn't for the cost...and can I send a copy of that passport to Equifax and tell them to correct their records , as the name they have is an imposter, it does not name the MAN only some "person" masquerading as a Corp fiction..You need to wipe that name clear of your records completely and only list the name on this passport from scratch, with a clean slate..!!
DeleteJames, every passport is connected to the FBI NCIC system. See here:
Deleteas well as INTERPOL’s National Central Bureaus I-24/7 secure global police communications system. See here:
If the country you are visiting is connected to this system, then yes. If not, then as I stated above, it will just look like any other US passport to them. However, if you are questioned or arrested for anything, they should/will contacted the US embassy or consulate in that country who will be able to run your passport and verify your ncsn status. It is then their job to protect you and even to extract you with military force if necessary. In their eyes you are an Internationally Protected Person. Go ahead and look that up and see what it means. You should know better that Equifax only deals in US fictions and not in real people. It is up to you to take control of that fiction.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteHey penny, wasn't me. What site was it? Just sent you an email.
DeleteI believe this and have cited these laws, Common Law, Stare Decisis, in STATE OF IOWA v GREG TENNANT, SCOTT COUNTY case SRCR380962, now on appeal no. 17-0648, and STATE OF IOWA v KENNETH TENNANT, SCOTT COUNTY case AGCR383847, now on appeal no. 17-1333. Iowa AG Tom Miller’s office is “handling” the Coverup operations . Gov. Kim Reynolds, FBI continues to act with depraved indifference. Senator Chuck Grassley is behind these devilish schemes because he has deprived this 100% S-C disabled veteran of SSDI and several years of retro-active VA comp. (C 30 269 323) with the aid of US Dist Ct Judge Ronald Earl Longstaff, who refuses to apply the case laws directing these officials to “Give Great Weight” to the VA’s disability determination. Instead, they had ALJ David Thompson, ODAR, issue a Fraudulent Res Judica to to keep my ssdi forever. Grassley and his crew have Defrauded US Taxpayers/Citizens Of Honest Government Services. I even pointed to other areas of Fraud in my case. I pointed to A case in Illinois, Judge Posner, Who Revealed how SSA cheats the disabled so BAR associates can have job security. Only a bunch of lying cheating thieving BAR associates could attempt to justify their misconduct and continue the course even in the face of overwhelming evidence! Shame on Senator Chuck E. “Cheese” Grassley for putting his personal gain before our pain.
ReplyDeleteDr. Kenneth Tennant, Please Share with all appropriate authority and to whom it may concern. You Tube: Iowa Corrupt Judges Courts Police, and Iowa Corrupt Judges Courts Police 2.
you are not allowed to use their cases, codes and statutes, it is their legalese/copyrighted info. only the state constitution and specific, targeted supreme court cases if at all. but you dont want to be there and create controversy. ideally motion to dismiss immediately for lack of personal, subject-matter jurisdiction, venue, service, service of process, failure to state a claim and misjoinder of parties; then, motion to suppress any hearsay from them and lastly, motion to compel discovery if you have to worst case and hopefully you can keep it from becoming a controversy. stand on that and dont let it go anywhere burden of proof is on them and i mean proof/evidence NOT HEARSAY
DeleteAll that was done.
DeleteGod created man, male and female he created them. Man created citizen , not God. I know a man who went to court and would not admit to the NAME..he told the courts numerous times he is a man and eventually the Masonic judge said get him out of here. Three sheriff's escorted him to the door and one said "and don't come back". The ten commandments is a powerful tool in the court.
ReplyDeleteI was hauled to court over not complying with the census. I asked the judge if the guy named on the court documents admitted he was indeed that guy, would that be considered a contract with the court ? I had 2 men in suits beside me , no one could identify which of the three was the one there for the issue. Got really hairy for a while but eventually I accepted that under duress and intimidation ( Sheriffs were in a stance to arrest me ) I accepted the offer and when I filled out the documents I wrote I John Doe agree to act as agent for JOHN DOE ( fiction ) and signed it by: John Doe. Within 2 weeks 6 of the 16 sitting provincial Masonic judges quit the bench including the presiding judge. That was back in 2008. The Masons control the world presently and their bible is the KJV overseen by Freemason Francis Bacon. They worship Lucifer and are trying to get a New World Order up and running. It is going to happen BUT they will not be in charge. Remember once again God created man, evil man created citizen. Even Jesus said the Kingdom of God is within, he never said he was God.
Bluecollar....why would 6 judges just quit the bench just because of your letter...did the also turn in their BAR cards or do they just plan on being criminal or civil attorneys who make more money anyway..!! Why didn't the other 8 quit also..??
ReplyDeleteJames...they were all of retirement age. Judges surrender their bar cards when they become judges. They are not allowed to practice law from the bench. They did not quit because of my letter ( what letter ) They quit because they knew that I knew that they needed me to admit to the name so they have a verbal contract. The other judges are younger and not of retirement age. It was written up in the newspaper out here and I had quite an interview with the journalist. We has a total of seven men in black suits. They are yellow and on the run. God said you are free, what man has dominion over what God says ? All judges, lawyers are Freemasons a very dark group who are at the top of enslaving man. The Vatican is bad enough but no where near as evil as the Freemasons. Even the Queen has to bow to the curator of the Templar bar. Look into it and see for yourself. A provincial court judge out here in Eastern Canada makes 250,000.00 $ a year stealing from the downtrodden. They are very well paid. It is heart braking to go to court on a Monday morning and watch there Satanist prosecutors and judges bring the poorest of the poor into court and levying fines and jail terms on them. Most are desperate and may get involved in some criminal misdemeanor just trying to feed their kids. We must stop it and we will stop it. Just say no
DeleteJames , I posted about this last night but it has been omitted. The letter you mentioned was their offer to me to appear in court at a later date on the charges (a Contract) So I added my terms to the contract when I wrote I John Doe (the living man ) agree to act as agent for JOHN DOE the corpus/deadman/legal fiction/ strawman. All your credit cards, driver licences, bank loans are in the capitalized name which is the dead corporate entity. This was done via the birth certificate Look at it closely. Your name is in all caps, there are two dates, the flesh living child and the dead corporation. Corporations can only interface with corporations and not living beings. When you verbally admit to the name in court, you have contracted. Reference above. The six judges who quit the bench were elderly and knew they were caught. they were of retirement age so they got to hell out. Judges give up their bar card when they become judges as they are not allowed to PRACTICE law (preform legalize ) from the bench. Provincial judges out East here in Canada are paid 250,000.00 a year to tear the hearts out of the down trodden poorest of the poor. These poor souls are for the most part just trying to feed their families. It is heart breaking. There is a legal maxim that reads something like a contract with an infant is null and void. I tried to find it but found this instead.
also called the baby act; additionally, in trust law they can only have corporate fictions as trust property. ie., legal persons as beneficiaries.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
I do not want to beg them. What I do want is them to leave my ESTATE and me alone and want them to return ALL the stolen "gifts" from the many generations beneficiaries of my family ESTATE. Also, I want to know how to confront the potential murderers and thieves. That is the most I am interested to figure out. To learn andto know how to apply in practice this complex knowledge is 2 times more difficult for mr as English is not my first language . Even though, I have done few thing such as Affidavit/Notice of Alive, Common Law Name copyright, I use EXECUTRIX Letters for attack and so forth. I too single you out intuitively. And rightly so, you have great grasp on the subject(s).Regards from Me,
Hey Branko, I have heard that many have gotten into big trouble trying to do what you want to do. You are doing a great job so far. May I suggest you get a Blacks Law dictionary and look up trust and take it to a lawyer and tell them you want your trust back. That will be my next step when I feel I am ready. I spent 16 years learning what I know and thousands of hours reading. I even had my son create Blue Collar Currency usury free and went to some business and asked them if so n so up the street accepts this as money, would you. Went to 4 businesses and all agreed. That was in 2002. I did not have time to pursue it as I had a business to run. We do not need to use the Queen's tainted currency and pay usury ( interest ) when we can create our own.
DeleteThere is a problem with this whole Effort if it continues to drag out as it has been trying to get off the ground for the past several decades, those who are aware have been dying off, and more will die off, while Generation X has become liberal communists and the school age ones are busy texting about a lot of nothing........
ReplyDeleteSo where does this ever get to where you want it to? How then do you ever get a majority of society 'educated' about these Truths. Think about that. And this does not even take into consideration all the propaganda machine ramping up and deception and confusion
thrown in for good measure that is constantly increasing.
I have the advantage of knowing how different life was back in the early 40's where school was a safe-harbor; shootings, bullying, hallways full of hyperactive loud mouths just did not happen. Girls acted like girls, looked and dressed like girls; boys were boys and did not act like clowns; they looked like boys and dressed like boys.
Nobody was lost and doing weird things to try to 'find themselves'; nobody had any problem knowing which gender they were, either. Kids didn't even smoke cigarettes, let alone have an opioid or drug crisis ! We never heard of islam or a multiple choice of 'religions' or weirdo beliefs like we have today. We seldom if ever saw any foreigners who didn't speak english; they all acted like americans and were proud to do so.
We seldom if ever heard of any murders or other such issues. As a teen I could walk down the street at night and was safe. We parked our cars on the street and never locked the doors.
You were out of step if you didn't attend church. We had bible class in grade school. We also all knew we were in the classroom to learn
and so we did. No talking and making disturbances during class and no chewing gum; those things got you a time out sitting in the hallway.
Well you all get the picture, eh? So what went wrong, you might ask.
How many of you have figured out the answer to that question?
Abby, I was born in 1951,,had much the same experience. In those days fathers went to work and the mothers stayed with the kids and used a switch when necessary. Because of the greedy bankers, mothers had to go to work to help sustain the family and the kids were left with liberal minded day care operations and filled wit all kinds of disobedience. We raised 4 great kids who are in mid 30;s to early40;s My wife stayed home (our choice ) for 24.5 years raising the kids. The teachers are only allowed to teach what the government tells them to teach. Google the ten planks of the communist manifesto written by the very lazy Karl Marx and see which ones do not fit in your system. It is a 2 tier system with the blue collar working class (the Creative minds ) doing all the heavy lifting while the bottom feeders at the top control us. They are the highest paid and most egotistical people on the planet and need to hire blue collar folks to do the simplest of tasks. While at the same time looking down on us. They operate from their ego , not their intellect as they have very little.
DeleteOur generation has been lucky as we would not agree to go to war in the 69/70's as the banker wanted us to. this current war is silent and it is the seniors who are fighting it. With age comes wisdom and the elite are very afraid of that. Remember in the end, God will not let us down. God bless you Abby, breathe deep and do not worry so much. Remember Jesus said, the kingdom of God is within. Not the kingdom of Jesus or the trinity and all the rest. And no contrary to many false teachings , Jesus did not write the ten commandments, Very complex yet it is not when you open your spiritual eyes and discover just who God is. Ten laws and all is given..that is our real inheritance. You made mention that the anti-Christ is the next spiritual entity to visit the Earth. Does not say the anti-God does it. Jesus knew he was not God, read the first commandment and it end in ME, not us or me and Jesus or the trinity. Just me. Try inserting God into your heart where you now have Jesus. I am related to King James and he commissioned freemason Francis Bacon to oversee the KJV. are you aware that the Freemasons control the whole world. Billy Graham was one and how many souls did he score for Lucifer by promoting a strange God ? I was raised RC and now am religion neutral, I can think and create what is in my head in the material world. All religions have some truth but none have all, There are 140000 different sects. which one is right just as which bible is the true word of God. There are 9 different versions of the Black's Law Dictionary, which one should you take to court to get remedy. The devil has things pretty sewed up BUT he can not trump God. That is his promise to us. Keep walking with your head up towards the light. It will be sooner rather than later
What makes you think I am worried about anything?? The fact of the matter is, I am not one bit worried about this world, or anything that happens to it or on it.
DeleteAnd since I am a long time bible scholar, and you are admittedly NOT, then you ought to know by now that you are in no position to teach. You would do much better to start correcting your own misgivings, which are Many.
your posts are always negative of anything Anna writes. You are either worried or a defeatist. I admit, I have not been led astray by false teachings or false gods. I have way more faith than you.Yourhigh ,haughty ,condescending, ego filled and judgemental posts do not reflect a loving God. Quite the opposite. You say you are a long time bible scholar so you should know we are in. not on the Earth. I came in peace, you stabbed me in the heart. Why don't you and unknown start your own posts and get out of here. You could call it "Only those who believe in strange gods need apply " Now, now stop stomping your feet. Re misgivings, I have no doubt where I have been and where I am going. You do not have the right to judge me. I see an old angry woman writing when I read your posts, bitter even. You are beyond learning as you all ready know it all. find God and then you will find love and peace.
Deletebluecollar, I will send you some cheese to go with that Whine of yours. And a large box of kleenex. Then you can go have a pity party for yourself.
ReplyDeletei am pretty sure the guy that posted this got his info from these 3 videos, i would watch them as carl miller describes in detail what is written above by the one and only
has anyone ever looked up writ of ponendis in assisis
I am looking for a link to a cover sheet example for a deed, anna provided hers with coat of arms, i cant seem to find it. help!
ReplyDeleteWhere do you get those forms that you are talking about that you fill our and send in, one example Judge Anna mentions (form 56) sending in with bc, and the other forms to send to treasury and such.
ReplyDeleteGot another question, if you are on disability can you still do this? or do you have to stop receiving the check? This part is supposed to be done pretty quickly, I have been working on this for over 2and half months, firs they sent my bc back Apostille from what I understand you can't use. The US Secretary of State will not authenticate it because they say it being an Apostille a law was passed in 1961 I believe that after that date it did not require being authenticated by US Secretary of State. I am new at this and would appreciate all the help I can get. Thank you to all in advance.
From Anna:
ReplyDeleteThe forms are all available from or elsewhere on the web.
The key is the Trade Name seize that back and all derivatives of it.
Then the Trade Name controls everything and you control it.
YOUR ACCOUNT is still viable but it is no longer owned and controlled by them.