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Sunday, February 25, 2018

End of the Month Review - February 2018

By Anna Von Reitz

I am sitting here looking at my desk in what has been dubbed "The Toad Hole" and the piles of work in danger of sliding off into the Oblivion Beyond....what a month this has been.  I get tired just thinking about it.

Six major international court suits in process....

Over forty research groups reporting almost daily....

Three banks under development....

Fourteen diplomatic corps engaged....

About a tenth of all counties now up and in the process of assembling....

And only God knows how many Americans taking their own action to correct their political status records and reclaim their names and estates.....

In the midst of all this my almost-daily dispatches to my Reader's worldwide seem like The Calm Moment in the Day....breathe, breathe....

As a result of all this activity and an emergency appendectomy for one of the Living Law Firm members our always strained resources are at a breaking point.  All that has been accomplished so far has been done entirely by volunteers.  We don't have a single paid staff member.

Think about that. 

Nobody who is working on all this full time is getting a salary. And many of us are dipping into our retirement resources and other funds to carry on.  Apparently some people think I must be getting rich off my book sales or that major companies must be supporting this work and wanted me to publish my profits.  I laughed.

I have been at this over forty years and have yet to see a profit.  Every bit of profit is always whisked away into the thoroughly immense effort to restore our lawful government, and as the income streams increase, so does the scope of the effort expand.

We now have Asset Recovery Teams all over the world, Archivists preserving and organizing and scanning precious historical documents, Paralegals combing the General Session Laws of the State trust organizations, Historical Research Groups pouring through libraries all over this country, foreign governments recognizing that what we have said is true and reaching out to us to establish diplomatic relations, former Bar Attorneys undergoing the equivalent of de-programming, other non-Bar lawyers fighting the fight in courts from Rome to Philadelphia, three absolutely huge international trade banks under construction, nine planning and implementation committees--- and all this is being done without a payroll. 

At most, we are able to defray expenses for travel, supplies, court fees, light bills, and an occasional emergency "grant" when someone's car or water heater blows up, or sudden medical problem lays a worker low. 

People ask me--- The United States of America (unincorporated) is the richest business entity on the planet--- how come you are doing this all with volunteers and on Cookie Jar donations?  

I roll my eyes toward Heaven. 

Everyone knows or is finding out that The United States of America (unincorporated) is the Priority Creditor of all the Territorial and Municipal Governments and their franchise corporations worldwide.  Yes, it's true. All these bankrupt corporations were formed under our delegated powers, and because of the Great Fraud and Breaches of Trust involved, they are all forfeit.

We are in position to rule the entire planet, howbeit, a position we never sought and never planned for. Their debts are our credits and their debts are insurmountable. So here we are, the carpenters and housewives and Great-Grandmas scrabbling around dealing with a situation they could never expect in a hundred million years, and our disappointed Debtors are still holding the purse strings to our assets and our credits.

You see, after 150 years of silence, they figured that the state republics and the people who once inhabited them were never coming back "from over the sea" where they shanghaied us.  They thought that they could simply charge all their debts against our undefended ACCOUNTS, and at the end of the day, make a claim of abandonment on our assets to pay their debts. That is, we became the Priority Creditors of the whole world precisely because they thought we would never figure it out and never show up and claim our assets.

But we did.

This situation will change and get resolved, as it has to; our credit will be freed up.  Facts will be faced and assets will be returned, debts discharged, debts forgiven, accounts cleared---but until they are, it's the chickens and a couple old sheepdogs and all of you manning the barricades in this "war" of paper.  We need every penny and peso we can gather together to support our guys in the field --- none of them are getting paid, but at least we can try to reimburse their out-of-pocket expenses.

I remain your faithful Paymaster for all this activity and ask only that you send whatever you can reasonably send in support.  As always, I can receive checks and money orders addressed to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652, and donations made via PayPal at 

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:
 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.


  1. High on the agenda must be dismantle the fed. We must have sound money not garbage.

  2. Exactly...Ive told her that in previous articles that in order to work , not only do we need a "status change" it also has to be understood that along with the change in status, comes either an implied or presumed understanding that we also "pay" for everything using "lawful money on account" and not merely "discharging " our debts at law. Making us "Priority" Creditors known around the world as such with "American Diplomatic Immunity Passports" for those of us that really want this status and that the military has to understand that the president is not their boss...we are, and they better listen to us and recognize us as such, because if they don't they can be charged with treason and sedition and given the "death penalty"..!! Immediately, not waiting 20 years of appeals to stall it..!! All bonds in the case have to be surrendered to the victim (us) if a person, especially a military officer who refuses to take orders from us directly and not the president..!!

    1. James, the ncsn passport I have been telling you about is better than a US Diplomat passport.

    2. Why you realize that you can murder someone in a foreign country and not be prosecuted if you have "diplomatic immunity". Im not talking about a U S passport that recognizes us as US Citizens abroad, I'm talking about a foreign country (America) that neither the US or any other country can touch and still have the military protect us...!!Your passport doesn't cover murder...!!

    3. James, I am not interested in protecting anyone for murder. That is another reason why a ncsn State Citizen passport is superior to a diplomat passport because it is not an employee but an employer passport. And since there is no American passport avaliable at this time, the ncsn passport is the best available at this time.

    4. I didn't mean act ally murdering someone, but these days you can be charged for anything at any time and by any country..!! How would you like to be that college girl that was going to school in Italy, and wind up being charged for murder...she went through he'll before finally being released after a jury found her not guilty. It's a good thing she made a beeline back home because they still want to charge her again..!!

  3. I saw a utube recently that said Trump is aware of or is going to receive a $175 trillion dollars worth of money that rightly belongs to us, but I didn't have time to listen to it..!!

    1. James, I think that was $475 Trillion reported by Stew Webb and Tom Heneghan. I am leaving the link so you can see if this was what you are referring to. If here is another $175 Trillion too that would be nice.
      Intel Update - Tom Heneghan, Stew Webb (2-9-18) - YouTube
      France Bringing $475 Trillion to Trump! Tom Heneghan (1-24-18) - Duration: 23:28. Glenn Canady 18,022 views · 23:28 · Late

    2. James, lets hope not ! It seems to me that NO money should go to Trump, since it is ''our'' money and he refused to take the job offer to be 'our' President, then We the People would never see any of what is Our money, going to a foreign govt. which has been the problem all along....right?

    3. Yea, I know Abby. But does anyone think judge Anna is going to be in charge of it to distribute with all the psychopaths that think it is the Federal govt to take charge of...!!

    4. Thanks Mustang 69 for those sites... $475 trillion, really!! Has anyone googled what even one trillion looks like...

    5. James, lol, I will be shocked if we ever see a dime of it in our hot little bare hands. As it is, we can't seem to find out what happened to the gigundous 9 Trusts that Anna told us she HAS. And why doesn't anyone ever ask about those?

  4. Re: funds - Is the lien process that is brought into Chapter 7 involuntary bankruptcy for liquidation as presented (by Mark Emery founder of Lighthouse law club) here:

    an option?

  5. Is Anna saying we are M.I.A under the CQV Act. If so I now know why we (our group) are going in the direction via current paperwork to bring the admin (our Crown) back home from the united kingdom. HHHMM I'm thinking about those words "united kingdom" Or I could just be in fairy land. However it's interesting when so called govt depts cancel meetings for NO reason what so ever once their solicitors get the filings. That happened last week.
    The front line plebs are no probs and are now very nice but once it goes higher it's.. run rabbit run rabbit run run run. Mary Elizibeth Croft once said "If ya not having fun ya not doing it right" and we're having fun at the moment.

    1. Anna Answers:

      Yes, that is exactly what has been done.

  6. Can the remedies presented thus far be used in Washington, DC and the territories?

    1. Yes, Mbizi, as long as you or your parents were born outside of DC.

    2. 1FreeMan, regarding the Petition to Tax Court, on Question #5
      can we simply state ''for all years from 1950 through 2000.....instead of listing all 50 individually?

    3. What about the Letter to Justice Howell; send it regular stamp mail, or does it have to go Registered Mail?

  7. Abby, I wouldn't mess with the recipe and just list them all separately. I sent the letter regular first class mail with a certificate of mailing but I sent the petition Fedex overnight because I wanted it processed ASAP. No need for registered but if you feel more comfortable with certified then do that. But you do not need a signature confirmation. Online confirmation that it was received is all you really need.

    1. By the time I listed all the years in first part of question # 5
      there was no room left for the 2nd part, so I had to put ''same as above, from 19xx through 20xx inclusive.

  8. Will someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't " Farah Faucet " die from cancer about 10 years ago..!! I'm watching the news today on TV and they are saying that Farah got into a domestic dispute with her boyfriend and has to go to court on it..And she looks good, like she did 20 years ago...did any one else see the news today...That was the weirdest thing I've ever seen..either they are testing us to see if we're awake or the "Mandela affect" is a real phenomena!!!

    1. James, yes Farah did die of colon cancer I believe it was approx. 10 yrs ago. But it is a different actress that is now in court for having a fight with her boyfriend, and sheesh I can't think of her name off hand. So they must have just pulled up the wrong picture.

    2. Abby, it wasn't a picture. They showed her with that beautiful hair and smile in party or something..there was no mistaking her for someone else... It just shows you that these newscasters only report what's on their teleapromptor, no matter how ludicrous..!! You would have thought they would have said something, but they didnt..She died in 2009..according to Google.

    3. James,wow, that is downright eerie. Here is something else we have noticed more and more each year, lately; the Time is going by much much faster. It was just Sunday, and now tomorrow is Friday already !
      When I was back in my earlier working days, I used to feel like I worked a week already, yet it was only Wednesday, and it seemed like it took forever to get to Friday. I also felt like 5 o'clock would never come.
      Is this just my imagination? But I swear we just started Feb. yet here we are already clear through it.


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