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Sunday, April 21, 2024

Touche, Matthew Tucciarone

 By Anna Von Reitz

Real Whistleblowers don't tend to be whiners in my experience, nor do they have vacillating moral convictions.  That rather discredits Matthew Tucciarone as a Whistleblower in my mind.  

More like an Off-tune Whistler, which is a different kind of bird altogether. 

He claims to have run hither-thither to any and all "patriot" groups and has apparently even mistaken me for a guru.  He claims to know me from way back, but I don't know him, which is another concern.
He claims that we, myself, David Straight, and half a dozen people I don't know, are all frauds and in it for the money.  Only two characters named Jack and Margy are good and true. 

That's rather interesting, as I have never charged anyone a dime for my work.  It has all been made available free gratis.  I don't even get a penny from the books available on Amazon -- they are published at cost. 

So, "in it for the money"?  

I can't speak for anyone else, but I outright deny that.  And any time Tucciarone thinks that donations to the cause outstrip the needs, I will share my "to do" list.  

So who are Jack and Margy?  I don't know them. They don't know me.  Their website-type materials show that they are using commercial law techniques to get people individual relief from the pirates, and if that's what you are focused on, fine.  

One by one, get some relief.  

But notice, I said, "some" relief, because the solutions that Jack and Margy are offering are like salve on an itch.  Fine enough, if you are content to spend your life in a battle with toenail fungus, but 
not serious about preserving your life as a whole. 

In order to exercise commercial solutions, you have to be operating in commerce, and part of the reason you are in trouble in the first place, is that there is a presumption (largely unjustified) that you are operating in federally regulated maritime commerce.  

Please focus --- if not for that presumption, you probably wouldn't have an itch to begin with.  

So, using Jack and Margy's methods, you can go in and have a maritime battle royale and you can use commercial means and arguments to win cases, but all that really guarantees is that you will continue to have commercial court fights. 

It also cements the fact that you ARE operating in commerce, and does not settle the issue of what kind of commerce you are engaging in. 

It doesn't set you free.  

It is just one more way of getting out of a legal jam, when there shouldn't even be a legal jam. The end result is that you get out of one part of the maze, but stay trapped within the maze itself. 

Is that what you want and need?  Just a one-time fix and everything is fine-fine?  Great.  Go see Jack and Margy.  God bless you, God bless them. 

But I'm in it to win.  

A lot of Americans are being unjustly accused of "statutory infractions" and dragged into foreign courts and fined and jailed and harassed --- it's revenue for the pirates, and this kind of activity fleecing people for corporate profits is just going to increase. 

So feel free to resist in any venue whatsoever. 

But I am not offering any "silver bullet" for speeding tickets or magic tricks to solve divorce settlements. 

That's not what The American States Assembly is about, and I am sorry if Matthew Tucciarone assumed otherwise.  Let's make it explicit for him and everyone else. 

My efforts and the efforts of all those with me, are aimed at long term solutions for everyone -- broad spectrum and systemic solutions brought about by the restoration of the American Government to its proper form and function. 

We are not concentrating on individual court cases; instead, we are concentrating on setting up our own common law court system, so that we all come under the form of law we are owed, and get permanent relief from 80 million possible statutory infractions. 

It's our right to do it, and we are exercising that right.

Think of it--- all of us permanently freed from the scourge these courts represent, because they will be replaced with American Common Law Courts, instead. 

No more Hired Jurists sitting like God on a bench (bank) making arbitrary decisions based on their "discretion". 

No more motive to pass more and more and more oppressive statutory laws.  

No more struggle and expense to enforce all these foreign "laws".  

No more millions of Americans being harmed everyday.  

No more pillaging and plundering of constructive public trusts.  

No more fights with the toenail fungus, because the fungus itself will be gone. 

What a concept! 

That's what we are working on.  

That isn't to say that the Admiralty and Maritime courts will disappear, but they will be, as they are meant to be, courts of strictly limited jurisdiction.  

If you don't understand the actual goal of an individual or organization, it's unfair to criticize them because you, personally, had other goals in mind or because you held your own incorrect assumptions about what they were doing. 

Like Matthew Tucciarone, who is, apparently, one of those people looking for a quick fix for his own problem and not thinking beyond that to fixing the whole problem. 

Unfortunately, there are a lot of guys out there with their head halfway into a cranial insertion, because they suddenly fetched up with a speeding ticket, a DUI, a divorce, a child custody problem, an insurance claim, etc., etc., etc. and they expect me, personally, or the Assembly process, to fix it for them.   

They don't want to analyze the problem.  They don't want to know the history of the problem.  They don't really want to fix the problem once and for all.  

They want out of their particular dilemma and they want it now, because their personal titty is in the wringer.  And as soon as they have relief, they are content to forget about their ugly experience with the "law", go back to their couch, and shut it out of their minds, leaving the actual problem fully functional and intact and ruining more lives every day of the week. 

Not so the rest of us.  We've had enough.  We've analyzed the problem.  We know the history.  And we are bent on ending the problem -- root, stem, and leaf, once and for all, for everyone. 

We know that the only peaceable and just solution is to restore our own courts to full function. 

So that's what we are doing. 

That's also what we are advertising about what we are doing.  

So, Matthew Tucciarone and all those like him have no excuse for expecting instant solutions for their individual problems. 

We aren't in the Quick Fix business. That's for people like Jack and Margy. 

That said, let me observe -- what we aim for with the Assembly process, is a far greater and permanent solution, bettering the lives of millions of people all across the board.  It's a solution that actually does fix the problem -- it just fixes the problem, permanently, for everyone. 

Matthew Tucciarone and all the guys like him just have to expand their hearts and their minds and then they won't be "disappointed" because they were looking for a quick fix and butted up against the greater challenge of a permanent fix, instead.  

So, I am disappointed, when I take my car into the shop for a front end alignment and find out that I need a new transmission instead.  Who wouldn't say, "Ouch!" to that? 

But I don't blame the mechanic.  I don't accuse him of being crooked and money grubbing because my first gear won't shift into second.  I deal with the actual problem, the funky transmission. 

It's the same way with the current court system. It's broken. It needs to be fixed.  It's going to be expensive. It's going to take a lot of effort. But at the end of the day, we'll be able to go where we want to go and do what we want to do again. 

People like Matthew need to focus outward on the far bigger picture and get beyond themselves and their needs and their petty suspicions and their pet peeves.  And get their oar in the water to help instead of being a detriment. 

At the American States Assembly, we are restoring our traditional and customary government, including the court system we are owed. That is what we are doing in the broad open air for everyone to see, and there should be no misunderstanding about that. 

 And no slimy unjust accusations, either.  


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