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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Just the Facts, Ma'am 2.0

By Anna Von Reitz

The United States of America (Unincorporated) is the only international-level government still standing in behalf of this country.  All the others have been overcome by legal chicanery or reduced to incompetency in  bankruptcy.

The United States of America (Unincorporated) is the first and the last union of the Sovereign States, the source of all delegated powers ever recorded--and we are still here, the Priority Creditors, Holders in Due Course, and Lawful Entitlement Holders of every asset of this country.

Our international claims are well-established and cured on the public record.

We are still here, still conducting our business.  We have reclaimed our delegated powers and administered them to maintain the integrity of our constitutions.

The National-level government owed this country has been moth-balled via fraud and deceit and breach of trust since the 1860's, but we are still here.

The Territorial-level government is in Chapter 11 and receivership to bankruptcy trustees appointed by Secondary Creditors. But we are still here.

The Municipal-level government is in Chapter 7 liquidation. But we are still here.

And here we are, the Original Issuers, the Presumed Donors, the only lawful and actual government of this country still standing, ready to kick ass.

If it were left to incompetent and corrupt employees this entire country would be ruined.  The Constitutions we are owed would all be "vacated" by the vermin who have engineered this circumstance and we would be left to pay the price.

But in 1998, we raised our hands and our flags and our ensigns.

In 2008, we began our due process and delivered it to the nations and to the Principals and Principles. 

In 2014, we issued our Final Judgment. Our Civil Judgment remains inviolable. Our orders to the Joint Chiefs of Staff remain cut in stone. General Carter Ham is the Supreme Commander of the American Armed Forces.  

In 2015, we re-issued our Sovereign Letters Patent and established our Declaration of Joint Sovereignty.

We have prevented the "vacating" of all three (3) Constitutions from the federal side of the contracts and have reclaimed all our delegated authorities.

And we are still standing on the land of our Forefathers, accusing the British Monarch and the Roman Pontiff of fraud and Breach of Trust and violation of commercial contracts owed to us, our States, and our People. 

The evidence of this is abundant and not in dispute. In fact, our claims are already cured.

What remains is for the entire world to wake up and clean up this Mess.

God bless The United States of America -- the only actual government of this country since 1776, and still here, still competent, and still standing.

See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:
 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.


  1. "What remains is for the entire world to wake up and clean up this Mess." Since we all fall in the category "the entire world", does anyONE out there in the entire world know what "wake up and clean up this mess"? Since our courts are entirely corrupt, is there any legal source or help available, or do I just take on the entire world and "kick ass" of anyone that gets in my way to include police swat teams, crooked lawyers, judges, et alia? Do we have a leader? Is there a plan? Lots of questions, no real answers.....yet!

    1. This is why we`re trying to build National Assemblies !

  2. Well, apparently the wall has been funded, the world speed rail has been funded, indictments have been made, claims that the cabal has been taken to it's knees with just a few clinging to what is left of this reality. First to go down was Pedowood, second should be the corrupt news agencies, and third Washington DC. All being done behind the scenes. The gold standard has been given back, new currency printed waiting till the cabal is completely wiped out so as not to release it back to the same corrupt snakes, the ministry A.I.system they used has been replaced. Sovereeiegnty has been given back to Trump but they are not fulfilling thier obligation as yet by returning the monies back to its people. Anna has been stamping down her ground, but the people are still sopping up this trite news vomit.People are still losing their properties,threatening being arrested from the ITS.Gallactic Federations, white hats, black hats, Q!!! My head hurts.

    1. Yes, I agree...Judge Anna if you won't bring forth a lawsuit, then go in front of Congress and testify to what you have uncovered and what you did to secure lawful liens that only , at this point, have to be enforced....anyone can ask to testify in front of Congress of crimes are being committed and ignored...!! Give them the same history lesson you keep giving us.....take the bull by the horns and get this done, because you need to finish what you started....if God gave you a mission, than you need to finish it completely.....!! If TV stars can sit in front of Congress and testify, than so can you...all you need to do is request a hearing....thats it..!! It's not complicated..!!

  3. ...moetary, not ministry. And this it the short story.

  4. ...from the IRS, Secret Space Programs, Gallactic Fedeation of Light beings,white hats black hats,,Patriots, Q
    ! What the hell kind of reality are we living in??? And then there is good Tom Fool's version. Shaking my head.

  5. ...Good Tom Dooly's...hope this doesn't spell correct.

  6. ''The evidence of this is abundant and not in dispute'??? That's strange, because we see more dispute today than ever before, and it grows continuously worse by the day. And maybe I need my eyes check, because I see NO evidence whatsoever. Where might we find such evidence? Anna, which planet are you on because nothing you say here, is reality. What's on paper and has passed the ''curing time clock' changes nothing. If you are depending on ''us'' to clean up this mess, then I know you are not living in reality. If you and all your Team cannot enforce any of this, then what makes you think we no-names can.

    1. Why not try quit being a NO-NAME,,, join the team and "BE SOMEBODY" !!!! HELP US.....

    2. JG, I happen to like being a no-name and I have no need to be ''a somebody'. I just don't have that 'sickness'. I happen to have a family member entering participation in the state/county assembly. We also have a number of other outside interests going on, aside from all this mess. My primary focus is my 'household engineering' job which is wide and varied. The one that is most appreciated in 'pie baking' which I am striving to get to, today hopefully, Lol. The roast is in the slow cooker and its my annual checkup day at the cardio. See? Never a dull moment.

    3. Like Fleetwood Mac songs says...."go your own way"...!!!

  7. Another great article from Anna. So I followed the advice of the IRS LOJ. Mailed my papers to the USDC court and recieved back a request for the $60.00 filing fee, which after reading another post advised not to pay it, so I didnt.(about 2 weeks ago). today I came home to a message on my answering machine from the Chief Counsel for the IRS, Los Angeles office asking me to return her call. Of course I didnt. Anyone else working on the LOJ have advice or have recieved these calls. Looks like a door is being shut again and is going to cause problems for me. Input would be great. Thanks everyone.

    1. LOJ = lack of jurisdiction

    2. Robert, just ignore the letter asking for the $60. Also the call you got was to ask you if you object to them dismissing your case due to their lack of jurisdiction. You did not need to take that call because they will dismiss it anyhow, which is what you want them to do. Now just sit still and wait to get their correspondence telling you they are dismissing.
      Then you will receive the ORDER signed by the Judge. It is that ORDER that you will send to irs together with your 843 forms, one for each year. You will need to know how much tax you paid for each year, so you know what dollar amount to put on the 843 (plus interest).
      If you want to return the call, they will just ask you if it is ok with you for them to dismiss, and you just tell them yes its ok. Don't get into any conversation with them IMO.

    3. Thanks Abby, that's what I thought as well. Didn't take the call. I thought the call would come from USDC and not IRS directly. thanks

    4. Robert, they refer each case to your local friendly IRS attorney for response just in case they did send you the notices you denied you received. Mine actually filed a motion for more definite statement. Well, how much more definite could "I never got a notice of determination or of deficiency" be? In his motion, he also demanded proof that I never received these notices by submitting copies of the notices to the court! Duh! This proves that you don't need to be the brightest crayon in the box to be an attorney for the Instant Robbery System. The funniest part was that the court denied his motion the same day he filed it. So instead of giving up, he filed an Answer to the denial. Guess he was glutton for further punishment. Now just waiting for the court to slap him down one more and we shoul be done.

    5. Aww Abby you're getting so big now!! Good for you to now actually help someone else since you NOW have done something yourself and NOW have some NEW knowledge and experience!!! Good job!!
      Much love, gratitude and peace

    6. kell, why are you talking to me? Have you not yet concluded you and I have absolutely nothing in common? What does it take for you to get it thru your head I want nothing to do with you?? Why don't you wise up for once, and just go on about your looney way.

    7. 1FreeMan. Thank you for your input. I will update as things happen.

    8. 1FreeMan and Abby you both seem to be we versed in this material. I would love an chance to speak with you guys one-on-one. I have several questions over many different topics that I have been unable to find answers to on my own.

    9. Sure, seceamon, just post your email and I will contact you.

  8. The big statutory system of ever-increasing shakedown is fueled by its proceeds (thefts of our truer, productive labors, generally) and I myself do not see any simple "man-made cure" for this. It occurs worldwide in one form or another. Until the world starts to formally address the problem of innate human evil and meet it in competent measures, humankind is stuck. We did get a marvelous Constitution as if by some miracle, and even this I attribute to the secret windfall provided by slavery. Anytime I win the lotto I will appear to buy a stairway to Heaven here and there. But the downtrodden can win, in degrees if never a totality. The new slavery still fuels the corrupt monster. If we had our purpose properly understood here on Earth, we might fix things, save some species, etc. There is not a single one of us who is not corrupt in the DNA projections. Only by application of moral intelligence and good family mores do we preserve ourselves from more deeply joining the monster. If this residual windfall has grown since time of Christ I do not see it, as we would be unanimous about a moral function over Earth. Who thinks we can arrive to that perch in our Time and Space? Any progress will be sabotaged by that DNA monster which can not be overcome so long as the flesh is enslaved to replicate it for all perpetuity. And power corrupts, in service to the monster. It's the DNA beast what ails Earth. Any one of them would claim the entire realm of raw materials for its replications. Just give it power to do so and watch what happens next. It devours Earth. Humankind now clearly has the power, impeded by the random laws of nature, but population must be limited over the Earth by effort of moral intelligence. Instead we get justified warfare? And the no-names are definitely NOT at the top of that food chain. A truly comprehensive constitution would be going after the secreted slavery and raw materials captures which grow the monster. And competent voices would be self-indicting, not attacking the X% Hero voice (I give Anna high %), not wallowing in envy for a monster's kingdom. We must eliminate such kingdoms. None of us should even try to deliver the windfall that Abby is after. I do stand with the more hopeful or pretentious rhetoric, despite noted present flaws, and I fight the monster regardless of things I see as inevitable for the Earth.

    1. Hmmm, what windfall am I after. ?

    2. Windfall??, If you mean returning stolen monies I wouldn't use that word, restitution is more or less the correct word.

    3. Unknown, your entire dilemma is due to your leaving out the Main Element, which is Christ. He is going to bring it all to the very conclusion you are in such a quandary about. If you've read my numerous comments you would see just how He is going to bring that all about. Its called the great tribulation which will flat out destroy all that is causing the entire problem of Earth and then bringing in His Kingdom and rule it. Keep that in mind as you continuously hit dead end streets in your search for 'the solution''. Then you will see it's the only Answer there is.

    4. If that is true, we won't need restitution in money, because Jesus will be our restitution and money will be a thing of the past...!! And so will lies...

    5. james, if it is not true, then the entire bible is a lie and there is no God. But I have living proof of the Word being true as it has manifested itself in our lives. Example: when my son was just a late teen, I wanted to let him grow up to be a man and not hover over him. So I prayed for God to ''watch over him for me' so I wouldn't be a mother hen type mom. But I did not tell my son what I prayed.
      Summer came and he happened to go out walking in the park just to enjoy the warm air, sunshine, birds chirping and etc. He came home and told me as he walked he heard ''look up! look up!' So he looked up and saw the eyes of the Lord peering down OVER HIM from a small white puffy cloud. It was just his eyes, not his whole emphasize He was indeed watching over him, just as I had asked.
      And when he told me what had happened, it immediately came back to my mind what I had asked, and the Lord was telling me ''I AM watching over him'.
      Not long after that the Lord had healed him instantly of an ulcer, and the Lord spoke to him and told him 'I have put a new lining in your stomach''. He has never been sick since then and that was about 40 years ago.
      Back in 2000 he had major surgery near the optical nerves, and that is another time when God was in the operating room and telling me in the waiting room that something was not going as the doctor had planned, etc. Afterwards, the surgeon himself confirmed that to me.
      So I can say without a doubt, that Jesus will be our restitution in total. What is going on right now is 'God is
      simply exposing that which has been hidden, so all can see it. Like scripture says 'what is done in secret, I will expose openly'. And IMO thats all this stuff is about. If some of it gets accomplished, fine with me, but I am not holding my breath because I fully realize the depth of these evil hearted people who are the perpetrators. They do not care about anyone or the pain and suffering they cause, all they care about is themSELVES and their lavish lifestyle.
      They have established two different economies; one for themselves that has no boundaries and a different one for the rest of us, especially to keep us 'under control' and in need.
      We can only wonder what scripture means which says'he that is first will be last, and he that is last, shall be first'.

    6. Abby...if that is really true, I'll see you at the "TOP"....LOL. Unknown...are you sure your not describing "the fantastic 4...the silver surfer""!!! Just saying, the subconscious mind holds a lot of memories...!! Just pulling your leg unknown...!!

      Well, today was the last draw for news channel showed him visibly upset and putting the entire justice system on notice, how reprehensible it was to unlawfully go into his attorney's office and grab everything they could, whether it was Trump related or he is finally realizing how dangerous our judiciary is...what a lot of us go through on a daily basis and a whole lot of Americans...!! To raid his attorney's office and take whatever they wanted, which was probably something private of Trumps too..He said he doesn't have time to deal with the judiciary at this time.(because he is probably putting the swamp in GITMO). But he gave them a cryptic message saying up till now I think I have treated the judicial system fairly good, but at some point I'm just going to say "no more"..!! That can only mean one thing.....when he's ready I think he has no choice but to declare "martial law", since he has the entire military behind him, and it looks like the courts are lining up to take Trump down....he knows the courts are the problem now for sure...and he can't take on the entire judicial system alone, especially since there are so many....but trust me, Trump knows now that he has to do something about our courts, and now law enforcement too..He is going to find out that law enforcement take their orders from the courts, not Trump...!! When this is over, we are going to have "Nuremberg " all over again...!! It truely is amazing to see this unfold before our eyes....maybe he read my complaint and realized I told him the truth...whatever he is doing right now, is more important than taking time out to address the courts and deal with them...!! But I guarantee you, this was a call to arms day, and Trump is going to have the last laugh...!! Finally, we are going to get remedy..!! I don't know how he is going to do it, but he basically declared war on the courts and only needs one more incidence to call in the Troups...!!

    7. Something you seem to have missed judge Anna.....there isn't only 3 U.S.'s here in America...!! There are at least 5 or 6 agencies that are above the United States, and work separately unregulated by anyone and at least 2 grades higher than our President and your so called 19 delegations of authority.....the CIA, FBI, NSA, NASA, TOP SECRET agencies we never here about...What about those countries living within our country...!! And they have their own Advantanced military all its own, and works independently from the United States,Inc. It doesn't even need to label itself incorporated or is neither....!! It is a monarchy/ dictatorship/Facist/Communistic/Socialist, etc, forgot to tell us that, or didn t you read this yet from Cathy o brian, a CIA mind controlled operative ....

      You are not being realistic...!! All you uncovered is the icing on the cake...but you still haven't gotten close to the cake itself...!!! Cathy has seen our predicament from the inside and close to it than any of us will ever know, because she has been taught that ..."You have the "RITE" to remain silent"..!! The religious RITE...!!

    8. And silviegirl has it right...Ronald Regan was part of the cabal and did indeed activate a govt 2 levels above the President of the U.S., Inc....

  9. Honest jurors would convict even if it's a superior common law court will get a president on paper.
    Eventually we will have a common law county and eventually a state with an unincorporated governor who will use state's rights to block all unlawful shenanigans .

  10. Automating Congress is a #MAGA great idea. When we need to be polled, we can vote directly using the keypad on telephone.
    Court cases can be compiled, to #include appropriate code/law.
    Privacy is hard to re-acquire once it's gone.

  11. General Carter Ham commander American Forces woo ah the general that said screw it let's go in benjhazi.was relived by CIA.plant Gen shanchez.
    This is a bad ass!

  12. Well, if everything is under control and on the correct path, perhaps someone can take an hour out of their precious time and listen to this riveting video. PLEASE. I'd like to know who specifically this gentlemen is and how he is connected to the Trump Administration in Washington DC. This phone call is mind-blowing and shocking, but as you continue to listen, you get the feeling this man is credible with most of his information. He challenges Holmseth to check him out. But first, a bit of background about the person he talked to in the call.

    Timothy Holmseth has a YT channel. Over many years, he has been harassed by law enforcement agencies local to the level of FBI, over his determined research on child stealing/pedophilia and their networks. That's a whole story all by itself. They tried through courts to shut him up, but last winter, he was given the okay to continue his research by a judge, due to the validity of his research. One of his vids gives you the link to the lawsuit information involved. You can delve more into his story by researching his website, which is linked under many of his vids.
    He records all of his calls and that's why this particular one is too--it was a surprise to me he uploaded to his YT channel, given the very WOW-type info on it...

    Now, what I'd like to know is more about the man who called in this particular video, and the information given within it. Here is the link:

    This man says he is Lawrence Dean O'Brien (O'Bryan...don't know exact spelling) and is 2 levels above Trump, executing a specific protocol (he calls the 28th amendment created secretly by Ronald Reagan). He names names of connections he has, gives intriguing intel if true, tells a bit about his own history, the whole call is stunning and jaw-dropping.

    I couldn't find much on this man except some links where he was arrested and unable to stand trial. But for all I knew, it may not be the same man. He claims to have worked as a SEAL back in Reagan's day and was trusted with this protocol activation in case of threats to the American Government or the President. He also states he was Monarch MK-Ultra trained but has "broke" free from it and recovered. There is info here that is completely out there, but I have no way of confirming any of it. Plus I don't know if Holmseth has done so.

    I've thought about forwarding it to either the Q research group or even someone like Craig "Sawman" Sawyer for their input on this man. I've no idea if he's contacted others with the same info, but some of the same stuff I've heard from the "Alliance Insider" who has done interviews with the Dauntless Dialogue website. Here's one of them, but there are others prior to this one.

    Anyway, enjoy! I'll keep watching for responses...especially from you Judge Anna...TY!

    1. The part where you said, "This man says he is Lawrence Dean O'Brien (O'Bryan...don't know exact spelling) and is 2 levels above Trump, executing a specific protocol (he calls the 28th amendment created secretly by Ronald Reagan)," seems suspicious and without credibility to me. I read nowhere that there is anyone above the president. The president executes the laws that the legislature passes. Nowhere in the constitution for the United States, passed by the People of the United States of America, do I see any authority for anyone who works in the government, much less the president, to amend the constitution which enumerates and limits their very authority to do anything in government. After all, if the document which gives someone any authority can be changed by them, you can bet your donkey that they will give themselves more and more authority.

    2. Thus, if the legislature changes a law, then neither the president nor anybody else can execute the old law any longer. Also, since Executive Orders (E.O.s) are virtually seen as legislation by the president (they aren't, but most Americans, apparently, think so), they would be invalid. The only reason they can be valid, is as memos to the rest of the administers (in the government) as to their own jobs. So, if the president issues an E.O. saying, "All vehicles must be registered," then, it means "All government vehicles (which term, itself must be defined), must be registered." Not the employees' cars. To whom it is addressed and the items to which it pertains must be addressed.

    3. The pResident as well as the queen of England,,, are below the catholic papacy,.. if you research properly,

    4. JG, and if you research the bible and see what righteousness, goodness, and worthiness consist of in God's eyes, you'd see that the papacy is lower than the dirt on the ground.

    5. QE2 is at the top of the transpire. She even has a passport that clearly states that she can never be charged with a crime, including murder or crimes against humanity...of course she can always admit it with a sword to her throat, like the barons did to king Richard (the lionheart)son who took over when Richard died...and that's when they made him sign the "magna carta" which lead eventually to the rest of the treaty leading to our constitution...!! People don't seem to grasp the concept that these documents only represent "contracts" and nothing more...they do not have mystical powers...all contracts can be broken at any time, and the only REMEDY for that is either a lawsuit or war....has it been any different throughout history....!! Contracts simply don't work, because they are fictitious and no one really understands them, especially when they are 40 pages long...!!

    6. I meant to say QE2 is at the head of the "trashpile...!!

    7. sounds like the book called "Trans Formation of America" by Cathy O Brian, and the man involved with MK Ultra at the time, but fell in love with Cathy, Mark Phillips, who is also an author...this was autobiography of Cathy and her daughter, Kelly, who is the only living and vocal person to survive the MK Utra MONACH program and its a true story that both Cathy and Mark brought all the way up to Congress and testified about, only to be hushed up for reasons of "National Security"..!!

      Heres the book and a discription of it

    8. Even the comments say this book is so dark that it will pay heavy on you , because of the shock value it entails. Most people have no idea how tru ely evil this country has become, in the name of "National Security"..!! It will litterally put you at a lower frequency level of energy if you aren't ready for the details involved in this book....It sounds a lot like the movie...NIKITA...!!!

    9. If you guys really want to know what you are up against and the presidents, senators, and clergy involved, I am providing a short story of Cathy O Brian's traumatic childhood of ritual "generational child abuse and how it is used , even to the point of inter/intra delusional travel, made possible by the " Philadelphia experiment" which was more than successful...the military and these perverse people now know how to travel in and out of other dimensions and have the ability to change the future by changing the past.....and their agenda for us took place in 2000 when they put their mind control project into affect by totally controlling our "public school" system with liberal agendas which start at an early age, were young minds can easily be molded without them even knowing....its time you read this judge Anna, and the rest of you thinking you are freeing yourselves are perfect proof that you are still controlled....!! Read it if you dare judge Anna....Abby, please read it...!! As for 1 FreeMan...good luck with your illusional remedy...there is none and is clearly stated in here exerpts...!! Fascinating read..!!

    10. I tried telling all of you that our children, our next generation, is the key to changing all this, because we now have the ability to teach them the truth.....instead, we are trying to change our own status, instead of teaching all this to our children so that this generational perversions of "TRUTH" is stopped once and for all...they are purposely using our school systems to achieve their ultimate goals, which they could never achieve without them...the courts and our school administrators all have to go....immediately, if not sooner....our kids are the key to their success...!! Think about that for a minute....!!!

    11. I meant to say inter dimensional travel above, not delusional...!!.

    12. I work every day to try to educate my son's and daughter. Most time they think I'm nuts so I have to do it in very small doses in the form of questions.

      Like: do you know US CITIZENS can not own land? I am doing a deed of Reconveyance right now for my land I've owned since 1990. All my other paperwork is done. Hopefully the outcome will be some positive proof for my kids. That is what I get all the time, just like Abby, show me the proof.

  13. Ys Geye, thank you for your comments, however I get the impression that you are expressing your thoughts about my comments, not the caller's in the video. Did you listen to the video all the way to the end? It's his information that I'm wondering about.

    With respect, I do believe there are higher levels above the President, dealing with so-called "black projects" or other secretive levels that handle extremely serious and threatening protection for the country or it's President when rogue elements or domestic enemies exist. Mr. O'Brien talks about these, including at least 6 attempts on President Trump's life at the time the video was recorded two months ago.

    With the deep state/shadow government's increasingly dangerous volatile threats against the Trump administration, I also believe there is a greater and overwhelming force "behind the scenes" of good-guy military/intelligence coordination (White Hats if you will), working hard to carefully right the ship of our "hi-jacked" Constitutional Republic by corporate thieves, along with removing the corrupted diseased heart of it all--the cabal.

    I was wondering if the caller in the video is privy to and intimately involved with the White Hats as I like to call them. It was his information I was looking for reactions to, but you have to listen to the vid in order to respond. Trust me, you won't be disappointed--stunning info and yes, some is hard to believe.

    Here are two different links back to the vid:

    Thank you for your detailed response but not quite what I was looking for! :D

    1. Everything LEGAL is run by the VATICAN. All comes down to canon law. Corporate officials are LEGAL ENTITIES. Pope, Crown, President.

  14. I am not one to rain on someones pep talk, But when all of the past "convictions" on the "legal" record about "me" are vaporized back to the fraud from whence they came, and the real perpetrators locked up in the prison cells they built for us, for violating actual LAW, then I will say that the republic is genuinely restored. As it stands now, outside of being your average curious man, seeking why the hell driving with a license, or having a "license" to do anything is required just to exist and function in todays world, I have done absolutely no harm to anyone. And if anyone else thinks otherwise, please speak up now or forever hold your peace! I have devoted a lifetime to exposing heinous crimes that are aggressively covered up by the "Powers that be" only to have had my own fingers burned by the alleged so called protectors of this system when I got too close. 20 years later I am still fighting off corruption that has seen fit to target and bear down on me with the legal system, and while I am starting to see some change, I see it moving far to slowly to regain much of the ground we have lost. I would much rather have spent that time inventing the next "Jetsons" car, or free energy generator, but now that I hear the ancients already have a patent on it, I am very dismayed. We may in fact see the change we want in the world, but not before they put me 6 feet under.

  15. This really sounds great!
    Now all that is needed is a description/definition of what you mean by: "The United States of America" and (ideally) also identify what other nations have acknowledged this entity just as you describe it.

  16. Just curious, if the municipal government is in chapter 7 liquidation and the territorial government is in chapter 11 reorganization, whose assets are they reorganizing? Also, in a ch 11, the debtor can be its own trustee. This is like putting the fox in charge of the hen house. Nevertheless the debtor Is accountable the secured creditor or the creditor may put the debtor into forced ch 7 liquidation for failure of performance and seize their assets. Just curious since we claim to be the priority secured creditor if such a claim has been filed with the bankruptcy court?

    1. 1Freeman, great comment. Seems to me there has already been too much ''wait and see what they do'.....and then wait some more. I've said several times in here, its time to realize 'they' will just ignore as long as nobody is putting pressure on them and giving them deadline dates for response/action.
      No wonder most of these entities aren't taking 'us' seriously.

    2. In a system of law, if the rule of law is to be preserved, you are required to make your voice known either in front of a judge or the Senate oversite committee. But you have to challenge their authority or all you have are rantings by some disgruntled individual, which many people in other sites call judge Anna...!! But I still stuck up for her...why, I don't know..!! I am hoping she finishes what she started....and praying about it..!!!

  17. 1FreeMan my email is

  18. Thank you James for all of your comments. I appreciate you taking the time to answer.

    I have read some of Cathy O'Brien's information and seen videos. Yes, it was difficult to read/hear but I've been researching for quite some time now so the cognitive dissonance is not as severe as it used to be.

    However, I learned the other day it can still affect me--I watched this video about the Dark Web. Caution: Some vulgarity and a couple of pics may be disturbing. This dark web and all that use it for their insane and sickening evil has to be destroyed right along with the corruption and demons who are currently controlling our world, God willing.

    I will read the links you sent--TY. Also, you did mention Reagan and his activating a "govt" 2 levels above him, which he claimed at the beginning. My initial thought is he is probably not the only person, but maybe one of a small groups, if true. Others have claimed it was done also, but under extreme secrecy. No one has been able to give me any links--with all the conspiracy sites out on the net, you'd think someone would have intel about it.

    I was told it's believed the purpose was for keeping a minimal government head in place to do what's necessary to hold the country together in times of an extreme coup threat or excessive danger to the office of the Presidency. This man in the vid, Lawrence Dean O'Brien (could be O'Brian, O'Bryan), claims he's the one who ordered the Marines for Trump's personal protection. And goes on from there. I'm still trying to follow-up with the names and events he talks about--wish it was clearer. (The Al Gore info seemed pretty far-fetched, but what do I know?!) He seemed to speak with authority and to me, that just made it sound more authentic. It's a shocking audio, that' for sure. Peace.

    Appreciate your responses!


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