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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Answer to "Virgo Triad"

By Anna Von Reitz

I have had several people contact me all excited and upset because some woman calling herself "Virgo Triad" is all over the internet saying I am a fake.
Fine. Here is an object lesson in what I am trying to teach.
1. Why would you trust a nameless, faceless "voice" on YouTube and give them any credibility at all? I listened to one of her broadcasts and she was just blithering rumors and gossip like "Katie Courier" before her.
2. And why trust a nameless, faceless person calling herself "Virgo Triad"? Virgo star constellation? Triad -- name of Oriental gangs? Hello?
The Virgo star constellation is the home of the "Doctrine of Scarcity". If you want to continue to suffer and go without things you need, that's where you want to go. All Masochists please form a line.... and Triads? You listen to Japanese and/or Chinese gangs as regular news sources? But she doesn't sound Oriental. She sounds like a confused Midwestern housewife in over her head.
3. And if I am a fake and impersonating a judge, openly, flagrantly, for four years running now --- why is it that I am still here, still running my court?
The obvious answer is that I do know what I am talking about, my interpretation of jurisdictional issues is correct, and what I am teaching you all is correct, too. If I wasn't exactly who I am and doing what I say I am, I'd be in jail like a great many others who have visited federal "correctional facilities" before me.
The other obvious answer is that certain parties are desperate to slow down the onrushing mass Exodus from their jurisdiction, because it means they can no longer play pirate and loot and pillage as they please, can no longer control and tax and harass as they please.
Our leaving their jurisdiction also hastens the day when their heinous crimes are brought to justice. What "triad" wouldn't want to slow down that outcome?
Please, we must learn to logically evaluate information and information sources and apply logic and discernment to what is being presented.
If I dismiss clearly identified "Talking Heads" who show their faces on the major news channels, why would I pay any attention to the same kind of "Talking Head" embedding herself as a mysterious "anonymous" news source?
Remember what I told you about the "Press Corps" and the military controlling all the media in this country since World War II. Some of these "agencies" have been taught to think of us as "the Enemy" and that controlling and harassing and misleading and defrauding us is their JOB.
Think about that for fifteen minutes. And then realize that you have been paying for this "service"----on top of it.
Next time you have to deal with an aggressive nasty public employee of any stripe, rear back, look them in the eye and say, "I am not the "Enemy" and you are not the "Employer" -- I am. Now that we have that straightened out, what is the problem you are trying to address?'
Keep placing the plainly observable facts and logic of things in front of people ---things as simple as who is paying who's paycheck?
Am I a Warrant Officer in the Queen's Merchant Marine Service--also known as a "Withholding Agent"? Really?
Is it proper to coerce anyone to file false statements under penalty of perjury--- such as claiming to be a Withholding Agent when I know for sure that I'm not one?
And if "Judge Anna" isn't a Judge--- (1) why is she claiming to be and acting as one, since this is not exactly a "fun job" to be doing without pay, and (2) how is it that she is still on duty after four (4) years of --- purportedly --- impersonating a judge???
I just published the facts about these "Courts" not being Courts and the "Judges" not having degrees in law or Oaths of Office, often not even having a working knowledge of law, because they are in fact just specialized bill collectors in charge of plundering and pillaging bogus public trusts for foreign interests.
So the irony is that I am one of the very few actual Justices (national soil jurisdiction) or Judges (international land jurisdiction) left in this country and all the actual fake judges and their sycophants are confused and complaining.
Go figure. People like me signal the end of their Gravy Train. And we are pleased and proud that this is so.

See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:
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  1. By now anyone who has been on the Net for awhile ought to know that when the enemies of The People get exposed, they pay trolls to go all over the Net calling vicious names using slander to discredit anyone exposing them. So it seems obvious this 'virgo' person is a paid troll or troublemaker.

  2. Let the dogs bark, the caravan is moving on!

  3. Here, here!! There is no stopping the momentum now! Move over bullies, parrots and puppets, you are nothing but hot air and very soon your pay will be cut off !!

  4. “We’ll Know Our Disinformation Program Is Complete When Everything the American Public Believes Is False.”

    William Casey, C.I.A. Director (From first staff meeting 1981)

    This is the common thinking with the idiots that will be no more in power, SOON.


  5. For the confused;

    "Our States have been at peace since 1814.  Our People remain exactly where they have always been, despite the deliberate falsification of millions of public records by agents of the British Crown Corporation.

    We have seen the evidence in full and we declare that this is not and never was anything but unbridled international crime and legal chicanery carried out by the British Crown and the British Government and the British Monarch operating under conditions of open and deliberate fraud, Breach of Trust, and violation of Commercial Contracts (the Constitutions) owed to us."

  6. I watched Virgo Triad's video on YouTube and the ignorance she displays of any real history or even her grasp of terms is astounding.

    You know what P.T. Barnum said. Any publicity is good publicity, or words to that effect.

    1. "the ignorance she displays of any real history or even her grasp of terms is astounding.“ Paul

      Hmmmmm sounds very familiar indeed!! No???


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