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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Once Again, In Color

From Anna Von Reitz

It's apparent from all the questions I am getting that a lot of folks are still confused by the relationships and names ---- people, persons, land, sea, The Texas Republic v. The Republic of Texas and so on, so I have graphed it out and used color.


  1. I understand. Thank you.

    I was birn in the Washington District of Columbia. I retired from the defacto Federal Government.I receive a pension.

    I also have a "Live BIRTH Certificate" with my name in Upper & Lower case.

    Is my process the same as for everyone?

    1. Where were your parents born?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. 1FreeMan...
      New York City.

      Also I am so new to this path but am so angry but motivated to get from underneath the sludge.
      Please get me started on who, what, whete, when & how. Thx

    4. I believe you can claim the birth state of your parents. Anna has mentioned this before in one of her posts.

    5. 1FreeMan...
      Due to Wash DC not being a state?

    6. So what was the answer for those born in the District of Columbia?

    7. This article may have the answer:

    8. 1Freeman, my neighbor would really love to converse with you.
      She asked me to give you her email...

  2. 1FreeMan......i would like to converse with you privately at my eMail!! When and if you get the chance...Thank you....!!!!

    1. James, just sent you an email.

    2. Thank you 1FreeMan, I got it and sent you my can answer it tommorrow...its bedtime for me...!!

  3. Anna, Thank you for EVERYTHING! If you don't mind would you or your LLF team please address how we are to access our" Treasury Direct Account" using the Registered mail number, after Mr Mnuchin sets it up for us?I don't want to instruct him to do this and he actually does and I have no access...Thank You!

    1. Yes, that's what we would all like to know. The real question is, which TDA applies to us?

    2. From what I've read about TDA's they are only for federal employees; are much like a bank account and it told how to open one. Or something like a retirement account; it was rather unclear and vague IMO.
      So I did not see where they were of any use to us 'deplorables'. But again this is another one of those things that have been talked about, like ''what to do'' but never how to implement or when to pull it out and use it, or any sufficient details.
      That is why I have consistently brought this up, yet it never gets answered, but now even others are beginning to realize these missing pieces. But then at least I give them an outlet; they get to vent on me saying I am being negative, Lol.
      1Free, I almost suspect all of the real details of TDA's are deliberately not posted on the Net, just to keep us out of the loop, lol. Just IMO.

    3. Actually, there are different TDAs,public and private, for US citizens and for NCSNs. The ones we instructed Mnuchin to setup up for us are private NCSN accounts which they have restricted us direct access to. They are only available for AFV setoff via PR.

    4. Oh yeah, AFV.......and PR. Like I know what that stands for.

      Well, keep in mind his ethnicity. They always seem to want their hands on the cash register. Who ever heard of setting up an account and then keeping you out of it??

    5. Abby, I forgot, you haven't done your paperwork yet. AFV is Accepted For Value and is Anna's red stamp you put on your coupons. PR is Puerto Rico where you can file directly with the IRS where their HQ are.

    6. 1FreeMan,
      could you elaborate some on Anna's red stamp and the PR thing???

    7. Tommy, it is a stamp you create to accept any coupon for its value to settle the account. It is to be used together with the 1099 process with CID. Read this to get up to speed so you will understand the process.
      The Top Ten Articles for Rapid Assistance
      Puerto RICO is the home of the IRS and where they settle accounts for Executors. Anna's process uses CID which is another settlement address for AFV via 1099 for which you do not need an executor account but simply use as AR or Authorized Representative. To access you executors status you need a EIN as Executor. If this is of interest, you really should work with an LLF Lawyer who can guide you through the process.

    8. thanks,
      I found Anna's articles...Dear Lucretia...and...IRS Claims of Frivous Return...

    9. 1Freeman, here is an example of what I mean when I say ''incomplete information':
      You say: 'it is a stamp you create' - - ok, but you should have said what kind of stamp; a rubber stamp, or ?

      (2) 'to settle the account' - - you should have added what kind of accounts by saying 'such as xxxx accounts'

      3) 'for AFV via 1099' - - you could have added 'which you get from xxx'.

      I think a lot of the confusion comes from the fact that we are not all on the same page, because most of us came in in the middle of all this, but it is being approached as if we all began from page 1, day 1.

      Also, when something like this, right now, is being discussed, I have no idea what the purpose is, or what benefit it is to take action on it.

      Just sayin'

    10. Abby, it is not incomplete information on my part or on Anna's part because it was completely spelled out in her article with links to pertinent articles laying it out in detail:
      The Top Ten Articles for Rapid Assistance
      It is incomplete on your part as far as reading and studying goes. Just sayin'. But I will go ahead and rehash here for your and others' benefit.
      (1) Yes, it can be a rubber stamp to stamp on your coupon or a stamp template on your computer that you can run your coupon through your printer.
      (2) You only have one account which is the private side of your SS account linked to your BC bond. You use this account, after you have acquired it, to settle all your other accounts such as those that send you statements in the mail, bank, credit card, etc..
      (3) 1099 forms you get from the IRS.
      We are definitely not on the same page because it sounds like you have not even opened the book yet. From the day I joined this site, you were already on here. All these posting were after that date. Just sayin'.

    11. 1Freeman, we periodically get a 'bill' from the dept. of edu. with a coupon attached. I am wondering why you did not suggest using this Stamp for AFV to rid ourselves of it. Is that a plausible solution?
      Also, what color should the stamp be. Does it make any difference?
      Thx. I'm not trying to be difficult here. I know I just have way too many other distractions and at times they pile up at the wrong times.


    good breakdown as well

  5. Note for those who would like to take the NCSN passport classes. From the site:
    Due to recent requests: We have scheduled a weekday State Citizenship Class (Monday, April 23, 2018) and a Passport Workshop (Tuesday, April 24th)
    Details and registrations are at the web

    1. Dear 1FreeMan. I would like to communicate with you by email or phone, as well. Edward Novak,, 415-269-9776.

    2. Edward, just sent you an email.

  6. 1freeman-I would like to speak with you at some point if possible. My email address is If you would be available for a phone conversation, please leave me your number in the return email. I've been reading most of your posts for some time now and want to say that all of your hard work is greatly appreciated. Thank You!

  7. I am wondering if all judges know this process of deception that they make their judgement upon. Anna this process is very detailed and after 2 years of you being on Caravan to Midnight show host John Wells still doesn't get it straight and he has the book. It is almost like this information is to good to be true, people can't wrap their heads around it.Thanks for all you do .

  8. 1 Freeman, This article just confuses me! Now you can become a "“Citizen of these United States”? By expatriating to the land...OMG

  9. All just a bunch of hodge podge. Who dreams up this stuff, LOL.
    Let me tell you: This has all been presented in a very disorganized fashion, and y'all know damned well it would never make sense to 99.99% of thinking down to earth folks.
    Its been a little bit of this, then jump over to a little bit of something else, no rhyme or reason to any of it. I've pointed this out a doz. times, but nobody reads or listens. So just keep on doing yer thing in whatever haphazard way y'all like lol.

    1. Abby....i have meet some really smart people in this patriot movement, and I can tell you from personal experience that maybe 2% of all people trying to use the "AFV"(ACCEPTED FOR VALUE), technically called the "Redemption process" are having success....i would tell everyone that if you try using it, especially with your utilities, that you ask them to figure out what your average Bill is for an entire year and send you a bill for an entire year, and try the "Acceptance" process with that Bill only, and keep paying you monthly bills like always until you know for sure that they will "set-off" (discharge) your bill for sure, otherwise, you just might find yourself in the dark when they turn your electric off...!! Nobody knows why some people seem to get REMEDY like this while others do not....but they do...!! One person even said that it worked for all his bills except!! They just won t honor it...!! So just because you get success with one company, doesn't mean you will get it with another...!! And we all know why by now....the corp, who are all greedy, always answer with a first response as...NO..!! And of course we are still dealing with "THE WALL", our tratortist courts and judges, which to this day no one wants to address....even judge Anna, and her whole law firm...except to notice them in a letter that what they are doing is wrong...the pen is not mightier than the sword....what sense does it make to have all of us work all by ourselves, when they all work together...there is power in numbers, and no one can refute that...!! It's played out in the news constantly...!! When is everyone going to wake up and get together on this issue, in numbers so great, everyone has to take notice....if we were to bring a "class action suit" against the BAR , and bring it straight to the supreme court the way things are right now, I'm sure President Trump would not only support us, but actually join in the lawsuit, especially after what just happened to his personal attorney...Cohan!! They just went into his home and took all his files, plus his computer, just because of the Stormy Daniels incident...!! It's time we straighten out these judges , once and for all....along with Trump, before his home is raided..!! None of us is safe or secure if we don't address this problem right now, while the timing is right...!! Obviously, Trump doesn't understand our courts yet, or about "Acceptance"..!! When they refuse to honor "contract law" the are committing a crime, it's not just active superior court judge was teaching a criminal law class near me at a college, so my brother and I took the class..! At one point we got into a dispute, right in class, because I said everything is "civil" in law now....and his response was " No everything is actually criminal".. well which is it..!! My point is , if he thinks like this, then all judges may think it also....i would rather every complaint be criminal..that way the cops and sherriffs cannot just tell someone who comes in complaining of FRAUD, they can't take the easy way out and say I'm sorry sir, but that is a civil, I don't think so....especially since Trump just created that new executive order, making all laws against humanity criminal felonies carrying the death penalty..!! How easy could he make it for you judge Anna...Judge Anna..."TAKE DOWN THAT WALL"!!! You will have an army right beside you if you would only stop and think for 2 minutes...!! This is the second time I've given you a challenge, Will it be the second time you ignore it...!!

  10. Makes perfect sense , it takes time to get people accustom to the information.
    I teach this on radios call it's beautiful whin another caller adds to the line of thinking lots of smart people get it.

  11. Might want to check out what the IRS is commenting about Team's here
    Watch "URGENT:IRS Warning to TDA/A4V Guru's & Tax Filers!" on YouTube

    1. Robert, Anna has repeatedly warned us not to use the TDAs as they are not for American nationals. Same with all these warnings for taxpayers and US citizens. If you are a taxpayer and a US citizen, you better be filing your taxes.

    2. 1Freeman, Anna stated all she did was revoke her agreement to pay taxes, by sending a letter to each of the two IRS Commissioners.
      Your post here does not jive with your earlier saying you asked Mnuchin to set up a TDA for you.

    3. And Roger Elvic, the father of A4V, said we don't want to give up our status, because that gives us the right to use our set-off, using our "strawman" that the STATE purposely created to use as our REMEDY for anyone sending us bills, or trying to charge us with was set up for taxpayers, not non taxpayers...!! Because, when anyone who is asking you to "pay" (they never say discharge), for something, in a world where only debt instruments are used, they also know, they have the duty to give you the corresponding REMEDY on how to do it...!! Those "Vouchers"(coupons) is their legal way of providing REMEDY for their "liability" of trying to collect something when they know we are in bankruptcy, and have been for the last 150 years....But the reason they don't honor them is because it works against their books, instead of creating profit (prophet)!! But it doesn't matter what your status is, we are owed that right because of their outright theft of our energy and our good names they took advantage of....dont forget, no matter what they think, we are the TRUE "Creditors", not them...!! You should all remember that from now on...!! They work for us, not the other way around...!! Those bills are just "statements" , like it says right at the top...!! A statement is an accounting term. Not a bill. Just exactly do they want us to "PAY" like every Bill says they want us to "pay" a Bill is a physical impossibility when their is no "lawful money" in exsistance.....and they never use the word "discharge" on any of their are actually committing a felony when you offer to pay a debt, with another debt.....the actual and truthful way to do accounting is always to have the accounts add up to zero...not positive accounts...!! And they know it to..that is why they always list your payment on the "accounts receivable" and then convert it on their off-sheet bookkeeping ledgering accounts as "accounts payable"....How hard can it be to hire an accounting forensic expert to find out all the books are "cooked"...!!

    4. James,

      A statement is to pro-claim or proclamation, up to that point, there was only a presumption of law until consent through acceptance by letter/US mail. Thats why a mail box is a court of action pertaining to the contract now enforceable. A legal name is presumed a name, however, it is a title to a character created by the State for the state. Do you see where this goes? Anna has said, claim your name, wrong, you have a name not of record and therefore can't be seen when dealing with fiction. Control of title is the remedy which can only be done at arms length. You get the drift.

    5. Cube sphere....i most certainly do..!! Thanks for that clarification.....!!!

    6. "the federal zone" is a good book for IRS details.

      that site should have HTML and/or PDF of "Federal zone" book for free i believe (that is the author, not a "pirated" version)

      the forms/etc. may be outdated (IRS tends to move things around), but as for "how the IRS views things" lots of good info. and refers to some other books from various people who have researched these things.

    7. james, all accounting practices must Balance. Banking Accounting is the opposite of our own personal accounting or checkbook balancing.

      Example, if we put $100 in the bank in our checking account, to us we Credit our checkbook. For the bank receiving it, they must put it into the Assets as a Debit, which increases their Assets, or their value of all holdings. But at the same time, they must Credit that same $100 as Accounts Payable, because they actually owe it back to us; it is not their own actual asset.
      So as a Debit in their Assets, it balances out to Zero because they also must put it as a Credit in their Liabilities Section. Assets minus liabilities = true balance, which in this case is zero. Yes.
      Our Deposits in our own banking Account is only a temporary Asset to them AND at the same time is an automatic Liability as AP. These two things are carried within the same ''set of books' because every Debit must have a Credit somewhere. Its the ONLY way there can be a Balance Sheet developed or to show the condition of a bank or company.

    8. That's what I mean by cooking the books.....when a car comes off the assembly line, that car is already paid for, using our accounts.. Roger used to talk about this a what point on the lot does a contract take place....the point where a salesman walks up to you and says can I help you...Yes, i want that brand new truck over there..will you sell it to me...of that point the car is yours, along with the the only think to settle is the price, but technically you already own the just accept the face value of the car without a counteroffer...!! He's stuck because he was the one who set the price , so he made the offer..!! Unfortunately, no one understands contract law fully..!! Roger used to have them fill out all the paperwork, and just before signing it, he would ask for a "firm offer", meaning the "law firm"..!! All of a sudden they say we don't make offers...!! They want to be the acceptor, because he's the one that controls the contract...!! It should be a set off. Especially now that they owe us 4 quadtrillion..!! We won t get it any other way..!! But as to your accounting strategy, I agree it should work that way, if we were using "real money"..But all you put in the Bank was "debt instraments"...which means the more of it you have, strictly speaking all you have is a ton of debt, using private commercial paper...worthless..!! And it never pays for anything which means every time we use it, we are actually creating our own demise as it just keeps adding up instead of going down... .at our expense..!! And they wind up with all the real assets...if the Bank closed its door tomorrow, you would lose everything in your account, and the safe deposit box too....thats why we need to go back to lawful money and never let commercial instruments enter society again....!!

  12. Here is the IRS pdf. Under section E contention 8.
    The Truth About Frivolous Tax Arguments Section I D to E | Internal Revenue Service

    1. They know every single argument patriots have ever brought up, and always have attorneys to skirt the issue or send us to jail until you become "enlightened"..!! It all comes down to the "WALL" again...!! When are we going to join hands with Trump and put all these foreign agents working for foreign principles in jail, or just send all of them back to Great Britton, which will make Brittian a hellhole to live in with all our corrupt judges and attorneys in one big metropolis of criminal connmen...!! I give Great Brittian and QE2 one week after that, for it to turn into a Syria, with riots and devestitation wherever you look..!!

  13. 1Freeman, in the letters to Mnuchin Anna instructs us to tell him to open a TDA and gives us instructions how to do that. How does that correspond with what you said about American Nationals don't use TDAs? Thanks

    1. Doonstr, the TDAs they and Anna are talking about not to do, are public TDAs. The TDA you instructed Mnuchin to set up for you is a private TDA. Biiiiiiiiig difference. Just like the front of your SS card is public and the back is private and shows your bond number.

    2. 1Freeman, ok, now if you had just included the word PUBLIC Tda's ...that would have saved a lot of this confusion. So ya see why again we got 'incomplete' info.......which happens just by leaving out a few important words, lol.
      Just sayin'

    3. Abby, Anna already explained this in detail in several of her posts. Are you not reading them or not remembering them? Or just dismissing them altogether? Newcomers to this blog have an excuse. As a senior commenter here, you really don't.
      Just sayin'

    4. 1Free, I read all Anna's posts, that is, since I've come to this Forum. Not before that. And I simply do not have time to go back and read 800 items on her Site.
      My point here is how are we to know which TDA's You were talking about in your just stated recent reference to them?
      And her detailed explanation of them must have been before I came on board here.
      Just sayin'

    5. Well, Abby, then you must have missed this one posted Sunday, July 23, 2017:
      TDAs --- Not for Americans - Anna von Reitz

    6. 1Freeman, oh yes I did read that, but came away with the thought that it was of no usefulness to me. So why are we even discussing it, if that is the case.

    7. Beats me, Abby. You're the one who brought it up.

    8. 1Freeman, actually I think it was doonstr that brought it up, and I merely responded to it, iterating what I had found in my research on the net. Thats all. Just sayin'

    9. what, it's on the private you really think the work for doesn't matter whether it's public or private...they see us as only "Debtors"..! No amount of paperwork will ever change that...Trump has the power of "Executive Order" which his last one targeted the entire "deep State " and all its players and foreign agents...have you read it...?? And still, they come after him and now his attorney...!! Roger used to tell us about all these filings too, plus using a "closed account", which was "public" when you had a bank account, but when you closed the account, it becomes "private"..!! And we own both sides, not the bank..but immediately the call their custofo "the cops" when they have absolutely no clue about commercial instraments, and so just arrest us because the "Banks" must be right automatically...!! The banks want you to stay public, while they take advantage of all the private side of our accounts, even if you change your status...the only way to change this is for Trump to declare "martial law" until he drains the incredibly huge swamp...he needs to be a "dictator" for a short while, until this mess is cleared up....Even kanya West is taking Trumps side, and becoming a conservative, because in his position he has seen what's in store for his children now..!! And he is good friends with Kanya West..!! Let's see if the "deep state" destroys Kanyas career...!! Natasha on utube checked out the flight schedule of flights to and from GITMO and its been very busy at GITMO lately....!! SometSomething is going down...And a lot of senators and congressmen are either resigning, or being it's the speaker of the house, Paul Ryan who just gave his resignation with a lousy excuse...!! It's time to back "team Trump" and get on board his train...!!! My intuition tells me you are all headed for a trap. Even A anon says their is power in numbers if we all stick together...alone we are hepless, together "united" we are strong...!!

  14. I don't know if this helps or not, but from my Accounting type mindset, and my Sudoku mental gymnastics, what I see is needed, and would help simplify and clarify things IMO, is:

    Itemize things in the order they need to be done. Such as #1 First you must do xxx so that #2 can be of effect, etc. Then proceed to explain what #1 IS, what it accomplishes, why it is needed, where and how to accomplish it. Leave nothing out, even if it seems juvenile.

    Then the #2 thing that needs to be done, why and how, same as what is completely explained for #1.

    List all the things, the papers that need to be done, in complete detail, along with appropriate addresses where needed. Or what local office to use, etc.

    Make sure with each Step that if Step 5 or any other step is given, that what other steps or papers are prerequisites or precursors are necessary in order for the current Step or document filing to be effective.

    After all the Steps or instructions for each filing, there ought to be, or could be, Headings of other topics, such as ''About TDA's'.
    Or ''About Birth Certificates.'' Where to get them, why get them, what to do with them, etc.
    Another topic with Heading could be ''About Taxes". Then give all the info about taxes, with a brief but complete guideline to do what ever one wants to do about taxes. What to do, how to do it, addresses, with just the facts, leaving out unnecessary fluff; just like an itemization. What it accomplishes, and what to do with it after you accomplish it, and when and where to use it.

    This is not easy to put into words, but it may give an idea of how to 'cut to the chase' a little better.

    1. Abby, stay tuned. This is what the LLF is working on as we speak. Like a DIY kit with instructions. The full service option has already been available for a year now by hiring one of the LLF lawyers.

    2. 1Freeman - it must include those places where a previous filing has to be done, before something else, like: Say you are on Item #5....and suppose Item #2 has to be done prior to it, or it will not be effective. Other Items should mention nothing else is needed, and this can be a stand-alone.
      Property and real estate: What is needed if you already own property vs. what to do before you purchase property. It will not be the same information/action needed. And are these actions stand alones or in conjunction with some of the other Items from the Initial List. This is important to know so whatever one wants to accomplish, they have all the bases covered.
      Just sayin'

    3. No Abby...what would really help is for all of us to start a class action suit, lead by our fearless leader, judge Anna, to step up and get it organized, and bring it straight to the supreme stops in between....Trump is waiting for all of us to help it fair to let one man take on the sins of the world, when that has already been done once for us...Trump is just a man and despite his ego, he is not invincible..!! He is waiting for our help. Because coming to his rescue will be helping us like we've never seen before...!! It's amazing how we all just want to sit back and let Trump, who means well for the PEOPLE, to take all this pressure of the "deep state" on all by himself....!!

    4. james, I sure can't argue with that. I am always for going straight for the jugular and skip all the fluff and nonsense.
      The culprit is the united states and I see no reason why we americans can't all sue them just like you've said; one huge class action suit. Great idea IMO. Too bad Jerry Spence is no longer around.
      (I'd love to hear what Anna has to say about such an undertaking.)

    5. james, actually we the People have a Right to Redress of Grievances; this was brought to the forefront nearly 10 yrs. ago and The People went to d.c. to present them (to Congress) but they were refused to be heard. It all got blown into the wind and never heard anymore about it. So what does that tell you.
      The Remedy has already been provided, but the Tyrants do not allow us to exercise it.

  15. Yep, it takes commitment and studying...just like the bible(s) but once one asks from within for guidance, understanding and clarity, all connections and "aha" inspirational moments transpire and transform!
    No more fear, chaos or confusion to rule our wordly minds. Choices

    1. Your worldly mind. I have the mind of Christ, so I never have been confused.

  16. I think by now we've all had more than enough of history and how we got here; the focus ought to now be we are here, how we got here no longer really matters. Study is not needed; what is needed is clear concise instructions without all the assumptions we know whats in 'the teachers head' as if we are clairvoyant or something, lol.

    ''Cliff Notes' are now in order, and that is what I've tried to outline. As it stands, nothing has ever been put in logical order so anyone can ''see the picture'. So few if any really know what the hell is what, lol.
    Truth is, the world is crumbling all around the place so it probably won't even matter what we do; those with their heads up their ass are just going to be in total shock. Their choice, and their tune will change in a nano-second to....WTH happened !

  17. Abby.....I really don't think we have much time left anyway....things were put into place before Trump even got in office that he can't change.....and the result of that is that by tomorrow, the 20th of this month, BRICKS , the countries getting together to form a majority vote in the United Nations, that formally the U.S. has dominated for the last 70 years, is going to be controlling the IMF, and America is going to loose it's standing as the reserve currency of the world, which is going to devalue the dollar to almost nothing and interest rates will make it impossible to buy a home or a new car...and ever thing including food and gas, will skyrocket...this is all according to Jim Richards, a financial expert trusted by our govt and has just given this last it won't matter if Trump gets businesses to return, because everyone will be living on a lot less...they may even declare "banking holidays"(closing all bank doors), and all the associated ills that come when a currency completely devalues overnight.....just saying guys...!! We waited too long...!!

    1. james, I have the same thought wave as you do. This filing of papers, making claims, restorations, etc., have not taken into consideration what is going on in the real world, in d.c. and global agenda, you said, how the Dollar is being removed as the world currency; what the BRICS countries have been working on the past few years and implementing all along.
      Then add to all that, how trump has gone off his campaign promises, stirring up war, making enemies the same as obumbo did. The Syria fiasco is one big lie, and the whole world is being lied to. Nothing can be fixed in the midst of all this gross Deception, which is worse than ever before.
      I too keep 'feeling' like this is all 'too little, too late'. Should have been happening 25 yrs ago, at least. Now the clock is ticking, and the rascals are very restless and anxious to what they think is their 'final takeover'.
      Rickards has been saying this for quite awhile; many others like Paul Craig Roberts giving the same indications, plus the activities that are taking place and actual look. I voted for trump but in all honesty I do not see anything that is any better; this tells us something is amiss. He even looks worn out and disappointed by all the roadblocks.

    2. surprised he still has any hair left...after 4 years in that office, he WILL need a hair transplant, or a hairpiece....the pressures of that office isn t worth it to me...most of them walk out with grey or white hair after one term, let alone

  18. But are all the different versions of rubber stamps that can be made up for "acceptance for value"..and the coupon they are talking about is actually called a "voucher", which is the perforated and detachable part of any Bill that you get when someone is asking for money and send back with your payment....the thing is, that "voucher" represents your payment, because in a system of "fiat currency" where it is impossible to "PAY" you debts at law, then the person or corp, or utilities comp have the duty to provide you the REMEDY to discharge your debts.....and that's the reason why they are required to send you a bill with the rip off coupon (voucher) at the bottom of the supposedly when we use the coupon and send them a personal check, we have actually paid them twice...!! Check out all the different versions of this stamp and check out a few so you can determine the best one..

    1. james, do you know anyone who has actually used this 'AFV' and gotten their 'bill' paid that way? I would love to pay my car insurance that way, but I would not want it to 'bounce' and come to find out I was not covered by car insurance.
      Actually,I have not seen much info about this anywhere. How did I miss that. Neither have I seen one single person say they have used that method of payment, so where is the validity.

    2. james, and thanks a bunch; your info and explanation is very very clear. That's how things should be made known. (I think I missed some of this info when my brother was ill all last yr. and finally died, and I was the only one around to take care of all the mess he left, and being 75 miles away; making a lot of trips, etc.)

    3. going to tell you something that a judge told a very smart patriot, who won his case years ago, because he studied enough and did enough jail time to bet him finally. This was his comment to him after winning....Mr Smith (I forgot his name), you know a lot, but nobody knows it all, and neither will you.. the system is purposely "compartmentalized " so that info doesn't flow evenly and flows more like a meandering slow moving river, turning at ever bend and through the forest, so that no one has all the answers...!! It looks like Trump just wants to bust loose and explode so that he finally tells the TRUTH about our situation...even at his inauguration, he looked at the people and shook his head, saying jes, you guys left me with a mess. He was pissed that American let it get this far. It hasn't helped his family at all..Its only put tremendous stress on a person who was hoping himself that a President like him would come around so he wouldn't have to...!! But that never happened..!!

    4. james, yes, very well stated. I think that judge knew and understood the frustrations of the common people and was trying to tell us why they are so frustrated; we are up against an immovable wall. The plight of the People is all because 'they' deliberately set everything up to be like a scavenger hunt. I see it as a gigantic puzzle with pieces deliberately taken out, missing, never to be found.
      The judge there is right; nobody will ever figure it all out because 'they' have designed it so there is not one person who knows it all. Each segment of their 'society' only knows their part. So that brings us back around to ...who does Know It All and able to bring True Justice, and will do just exactly that. The judge forgot about that, lol.

      But for now, we are living in a world where we at least know why everything is such a mess, and 'impossible' to untangle; hit and miss, where we just throw stuff and see what sticks.
      People think I'm negative and just throw cold water on everything, but they too will come to realize that Reality is far from fairy tales. I just did it a whole lot sooner than they did, and they still need to catch up.
      I really am a ''glass half full'' type of person.

    5. james, I agree about Trump. I don't think he really wanted to run at all, but it all came to the place where the alternative would be we'd end up with hillwitch, so he really had no choice. Even now I don't think he really wants the job, nor did he ever really want it. It's all just a Big Expense Item in his Life's Balance Sheet. A sacrifice he and his entire family have made, for an ingrateful wicked world overall, and a handful of the genuine patriotic americans, by comparison, in numbers. Too bad that we have been so overpowered, lack proper and sufficient weapons, and too few in numbers; shoulda happened 30 yrs. ago.
      You can't wait till the enemy has everything glued in place, and then decide to fight them and expect to win.

  19. And guess who wants to lead the UN? Starts with an O..

    1. doonstr, I have thought that obumbo is just waiting in the wings for the current UN president's term to end, so he can take over; AND we put that together with what appears to be the UN taking over our country, such as what is happening in chicago, and then O will once again be in position to be over Trump. Put that all together with what Michelle said after trump got elected: ''now people are going to find out what it feels like to have no hope''.
      They have planned it all this way, that's why obumbo didn't leave d.c. and go live in his Perk Paradise HI, but still hangs around.
      They weren't able to remove trump in the normal ways, so this is an obvious back door tactic, which is total treason; a final destruction of our country. So for those that think ''the devil has been put away', they need to open their eyes, take a good look at what is actually going on, and stop living in fantasy land. The walls all around are crumbling faster than you can file all your paper work, which 'they' will give no consideration to.
      And as an aside, independent news sources have been reporting lots of UN vehicles and activity all over various parts of the usa, for a good while recently. The UN will be a complete foreign take over of our country. Say hello to obumbo once again, and goodbye to america.
      The handwriting is right on the wall.

    2. I hate to say it but I think your right Abby..Obama isn t going anywhere...i think between the elitist of the "deep state" and Obama, he has his own military that is or has been in place just for this reason as a back up..and they have advanced weaponry...more than anyone knows about...!! As to your question above if I have heard of successes about using A4V, yes, some people do get remedy, but I've read ten times more who are still having problems at getting the same remedy...way more..!! That's why I warned people, that if you want to try and use it, that you should first use it on something that won't affect you adversely if they refuse to honor your request..!! It's not just the money they want..they want it in the form they ask for because it works to increase their bottom line..When you send them back and acceptance, it goes on their accounts payable which goes against their books and actually starts to bring down the debt of America, instead of keep increasing it to infinity... they have no incentive to close out our accounts because as long as we do it their way, our accounts remain "open" forever..!! Even if you close out you bank account, the bank still keeps your account as a private account now, instead of you...actually if you go to blacks law dictionary you will see how a "closed account" is defined....
      "CLOSED ACCOUNT"....An account to which no further additionscan be made on either side, but which remains "still open" for adjustment and set-off, which distinguishes it from an account stated...!! You see, those accounts should still belong to us when we close them, but only to be used for "discharging" our debts or for "set -offs"...!! But everyone tried to use those accounts to buy things with, which is not what a closed account is for...Thats why people started getting arrested and now the courts won't recognize our accounts anymore....Corporation are only in business for one thing...profit..!! They don't want their books coming to zero...they want to be billionaires . But they are billionaires of debt instruments only...!! Those same billionaires will be the first ones committing suicide when they lose everything when the dollar happen before and it will happen again..!!

  20. i would say "redress of grievances" is overrated.

    believe it is mentioned in "the dispatch of merchants" book, re: cases someone could "sue the king"

    to "petition" was simply like asking an equity/roman civil law "chancellor" (king and/or church and/or pope-appointed) for assistance...there was no obligation on their end.

    the "king" would show up if he didnt want to be overthrown, but this was "voluntary" on his part.

    "we the people" are "king" over here, but the point i am saying, is "petition of grievances" or "redress" etc. is already lost in my opinion, there is no enforcement anyone will "hear" your cause. it was always "voluntary" on the king's part if the king wanted to keep his head.

    it is an "Equity" "civil law" type thing. the "judge" uses his discretion whether to even bother reading your "petition" or forwarding it "up the chain" or not. there is no obligation.

    so, i would say it is not a "Right" at all. it just means you can beg and they might even bother to read.

    now, i am not suggesting pitchforks or something to "inditimidate" people, but if you have many people physically present, they might take "petitions" more seriously.

    i would not say totally useless, just pointing out the "history" seems to have been they were a thing the "king" would voluntarily do to keep his head, but no obligation.

    so, i dont see how any "legal" or "lawful" right to "petition" or "redress" of grievances has much just means you can send a letter and they can ignore it. you have the right to be ignored.

    the historical use case was the king borrowed money and someone came to collect. so youd petition him (his representatives/agent) and say you want payment now or he is running late, surely the most honourable right king did not neglect his loan?

    so, in that case, the king could not hide...someone had a record of the transaction, it may have even been "public" he would answer that "petition" and order the treasury to pay up.

    for the modern type of "petitions" and "grievances" they will likely just deny everything, complete silence.

    for the historic case, the king had a motivation to show up and pay his debt, else he would be cut off.

    so, i dont see much that forces anyone to take petitions/grievances seriously.

    1. Actually, the gov. is supposed to work for the people, and are employees of The People. Therefore, in truth, The People do have a right to redress their Employees with their Grievances.
      However, we know that the gov. has flipped us the People to being at their beckon call and made The People their employees and made themselves our employers.
      We can easily see we are living under Tyrants.

    2. Abby, this came to a head years ago when Bob Schultz sued the government demanding the people's Constitutional right to redress of grievances. Their response? They finally declared that yes, you have a constitutional right to petititon the government for redress of grievances, but you don't have a constitutional right to an answer. Well that is a clear violation of the Constitutional meaning because according to black's law redress means "The receiving satisfaction for an injury sustained.". This is how crooked and cowardly they are where they simply stonewall us because they know they are guilty of corruption.

    3. Bob Schultz did win a landslide victory against the IRS in Schultz v IRS in which the appeals court finally agreed with him that a notice of lien is not a lien and not enforceable and that a notice of lien followed by a levy is also not enforceable. But of course you never saw that in the mainstream news. Here is the whole set for you perusal:
      The problem is that you have to sue to be able to use this. But people have used it and won their case and had their levies reversed and liens removed with a court order. The typical process is: you file in your local court and the judge, afraid of his own shadow because the IRS is a party, denies your claim and dismissed your case with a lame excuse forcing you to appeal. The appellate court however has to reverse and grant your case because you have cited Schultz v IRS as a precedent. They have no choice. This can be a long drawn out process because they will delay and hope you go away or try to find fault with your filing. Much quicker and cheaper is our new method of simply filing a petition with the US tax court claiming you never received a notice of deficiency or a notice of determination all the years you have ever paid taxes which according to their own rules, they are required to do. It is not optional. Even if you did receive such a notice, it was never signed under penalty of perjury and therefor invalid and therefor you never got it. See how that works? Their is no cost except postage because you do NOT send in the $60 filing fee or you will end up on the wrong side of the court. They are now trying some cute things like filing a motion for a more definite statement which just gets denied by the court, and eventually they will dismiss your case for LOJ and issue you a court order as such. Now the IRS agent or agency is in Contempt of Court all the way back to the first year they demanded taxes from you under dures and threat of jail. It is effective nunc pro tunc ab initio.
      BIG TIP: if you have any liens, drop everything and run to the county clerk and get certified copies of your IRS liens. You want these certified copies of your liens in your hands because they will magically disappear as soon as you send them a letter with your court order. We have already had one individual who wrote a simple letter to his beloved IRS collection agent that he was in contempt of court with his collection actions and using counterfeit securities. An actual lien is a security instrument but a notice of lien is not a lien but only a notice being filed as if it is a lien security which is a felony. The following week he went to the county recorder with copies of his liens in hand which he had previously printed out from the county recorder website. When he asked the clerk for certified copies of his liens, she came back out and said "You have no liens." His response: "That's impossible, here are the copies from your own website." Her response: "You never had any liens filed here." and she wouldn't budge. So be sure to get your certified copies NOW before they disappear. You will need them to file a claim with the US Court of Federal Claims for damages.

    4. 1Freeman, Very interesting. This all goes to show how obvious they are making their ''sins' known. We received our Court Order dismissal letter and Order in just a couple of weeks. We also received a letter telling us the IRS has no liens against us.
      So I simply wrote a letter to IRS with a copy of the Order and the no-lien letter, asking them then under what authority have they been handing over our tax refunds to the dept. of Ed. Did that last week, so now waiting to see how they respond to that. Wanted to do that before we send the 843 for those refunds, to first make sure they don't also hand those over. I ended the letter with a demand they cease and desist such activities.
      Any thoughts on this? I hope that I am putting the horse in front of the cart here, lol. We already received the tax printout for the ''student' with the alleged loan; but mine is still being dug out of the 'victorian archives' lol.

    5. 1Freeman, yes that is the man who filed the Grievances, Bob Schultz. I followed their journey which was a good number of years ago. Thanks for reminding me of his name. As you already well know, this battle has been ongoing for several decades, and still meeting up with roadblocks, though getting more exposure. All these Warriors and their dedicated followers and groups have all gotten shoved into the ditch, and their ventures all just disappeared.

    6. nnnm, I think the word petition and the word redress are different. Read here how 1Freeman explains the definition of Redress, and you will see.

    7. Abby, I am curious what their response will be. Just checking, you did get a signed court order with the judge's signature, right? Because the first item you would have received is a motion to dismiss with an unsigned "proposed" order submitted by the respondent attorney of the IRS for the court's consideration. The signed order would come once the judge dismisses the case and issues and signs the order. The reason I ask is because it seems a bit quick that you would have already received a signed order already. But if that is the case, God bless you. If not, no big deal, just wait until you get the signed one and resubmit that. Now my guess is that in their typical fashion they will either not respond or they will tell you they only acted as intermediary and direct you to the DoE. Yes, the next step would be to file the 843 (one per tax year) and demand the wrongful levies be refunded with interest. Start putting your records together as to how much they levied each year. You will need to fill in the amount for that year on the form and behind that add "+ Interest". Next you may need to file a claim for damages with the US Court of Federal Claims. But stay tuned as we are just learning about this one.

    8. You petition for redress of grievances.

    9. 1Freeman, I just double check and yes it is the Order and is signed xxxxxxx Chief Judge. which I received just a few days after I got the motion from the responding attorney; got both of those.

      As for the response I may or may not get from IRS in regard to my inquiry as to their authority to 'steal our money on behalf of the DoE' ...if they try to throw it off on DoE I am going to insist that the IRS show me what ''authority' they took that action. They are the ones who did that action, so they are the ones who have to show why. That is how I view it, since it was irs who gave away our money, so I am going to stick to that, lol. They love to pressure people, so now I feel like doing the same thing back to them, lol.
      Once in years past, I had filed and had a $300 refund at the end of my calculations. They sent me a letter saying I was in error and would not be paid.
      So I called them, got a guy on the phone, asked if we could go over my return line by line. I told them they were wrong. We got just half way thru my 1040, and he stopped and told me yes, he sees where I am right, and just a minute. He comes back and tells me the check will be on the way immediately, and this is the first time he had anyone that was right, lol.
      We had a polite conversation and goodbye. Got the check immed.
      Now with this, I will not readily accept an unacceptable response. I don't go looking for fights, but if I have to go a few extra rounds with them, I will.

    10. 1Freeman, yes I fully understand where the line on 843 says from jan.1 to dec. 31, 19xx and then the amount for each year Plus Int. and one form for each year. Yeah, got it.
      I wonder how long they will take to pay out on 843's. Any idea?

    11. Nope, Abby. We are pioneering this.

    12. nnnm765...i love your version of rights..."you have the right to be ignored...!! So true brother...!!

    13. Actually, what you call rights is better understood by our courts as "RITES" as in Catholic Secret did you miss that one judge Anna...!!! It's all in the perversion of language...!! Do you have RITES....not unless your in the Vatican circle of elites..!!!

  21. also wanted to add, "behold a pale horse" by bill/william cooper has some info. on how IRS ended up in puerto rico.

    not sure how far he got on that, cracked the nut at least, others may have picked up where he left off, but has pointers to research further if people are wondering how this all occurred or it sounds too crazy.

  22. dunno why my "reply" is broken.

    if that info. is not in bill cooper's book re: IRS & puerto rico, "the federal zone" book has some details, and google for bill cooper's other writings.

    just if people are wondering the details of how that occurred.

    i am not affiliated with this site, but i mention these things, so hopefully people can understand WHY they are doing something (or not) and have sources for their claims, a paper trail of fraud of records the IRS left behind.

    should hopefully help ppl understand how/why the IRS got based in "puerto rico" and might clarify some of the multiple IRS's out there.

  23. Is there a book on step by step process to become a free man...

  24. Man is free, make no mistake. This is a relation-ship problem as well as being presumed to be what you are not, by force.

  25. Bohdi, They are working on this as we speak. Not a book, but sample templates with step-by-step instructions. If you can share what you are looking to become free from, i.e. taxes, court case, etc, we can try to direct you to what is already available.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I am currently going step by step with the following link below...

      Although this link is helpful...maybe explaining what each form accomplishes when implemented.

      Plus additional extra information of how to drive without a driver license and not registering your vehicle.

    3. 1Freeman, 'what we are looking to be free of'........ya got anything for freedom from pie in the sky new age BS religion, lol.

    4. 1Freeman, oh Yes, and won't it be grand !

  26. I've been reading in the past couple of days, how Russia is calling all their students who are studying out of country, to return home immediately. Russia has also been stocking their bunkers and places for their citizens to go to in case of war.
    Meanwhile, UN vehicles are being shown being transported by the hundreds, including various size tanks. Places like Alabama, georgia, arizona, wyoming, colorado. Lots of accusations being made against the UN suspecting them of planning an attack on our Grid.
    How does this stuff go on under our noses and in broad daylight, and nothing said about it.
    Add this to the Rickards and Roberts 'warnings' about our econ/banking crashing. Add all that to the simultaneous indictments creeping up to the top for all to see.
    And these threats don't even include the volcanos and earthquakes shaking and threatening.
    Me? Well Im busy enjoying the beautiful (finally) true summery day here, preparing to shampoo carpet after all the wintery cold winter; and lining up some travel for health renewal, and whatever.

    1. People on the "Third rock from the sun" going through unbelievable changes...maybe it has to do with the increase in frequency from the traditional 7.83 HZ or "NOT".

    2. BM, we have especially noticed how the cold air is just bone chilling, unusually so. Even today when the clouds covered the sunlight temporarily, the air felt strangely chilly. This is not normal for around my area (ohio). Perhaps the earth is on a tilt; I dunno. ? I just know we are not supposed to have snow in april, which we have had this year.

    3. That too is a great consideration for the usual weather conditions worldwide. My main concern is earhquakes and volcanoes activity for those close in proximity. (yellowstone park, madrid fault, and hawaii ongoing volcano activity with earthquakes...rocking and rolling!

    4. that you brought up Yellowstone park, which is a national park, with tons of others....there are extremely weird things going on in all these national parks that no one is talking about, especially the "park rangers" who are silent on the matter even though they are well aware of it....So a guy , did extensive research on it and wrote a book called "911..missing.!! People in age ranching in age from toddlers to adults that are healthy and athletic are completely disappearing under the strangest of circumstances. And the park rangers wound give you any answers unless you are very specific about a certain person you are asking about. But if you ask a general question about people and kids missing in there park, they will just say they don't know what you are talking about....and sometimes they do find the missing persons, but usually 2 or 3 months later, stripped naked, with there clothes completely cleaned like new and folded, and they body perfectly preserved as if it just rigamortus set in or any other signs of death..!! In some cases a hiking group of young adults are following a path that at some point "peaks" and the hikers have to climb over. But when the first hiker makes it over the top, the other hikers are only seconds away from reaching the top after the first....and the first simply disappears from site, with no footprints or any other forensics to prove he was there at all...!! It's reprehesable that these park rangers are keeping this whole thing secret...probably because the parks depend on the money they charge people a night to live there and party because they have been given orders by superiors not to say a thing...thats why the elites know that if you own the currency of a country, you can easy control everyone to go along or lose your job and anyway to take care of your family....!! Stay out of the national parks...!!

  27. BM and ABBY, will answer all your un-natural weather questions

  28. Replies
    1. Your welcome. Sorry the news is so sickening, but we all see it everyday...we just don't look or care or know...


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