By Anna Von Reitz
Most people in the western world see "QE2" and think of Queen Elizabeth II; now she's gone, but the mammoth fraud named after her, Quantitative Easing 2---- continues.
Quantitative Easing 2 is yet another swindle, as we should expect by now.
Asked exactly ---how is the second round of Quantitative Easing a swindle? We must reply that it is a swindle in exactly the same way as the first round was a swindle --- theft.
That is what we call it when funds go astray, go to a different person or are expended for a different purpose than agreed upon.
Theft is when banks are given huge amounts of capital for investment with the understanding that this new injection of capital is to be used to make new loans, and instead, the banks use the funds to acquire new assets for themselves, or pay their officers seven figure bonuses, without extending any benefit to the public at all.
This is doubly outrageous when you consider that the public is the source of all this largesse and provided the funds in the anticipation of this "investment" being an investment in the economy, not in the banks.
After all, investments in the economy create jobs, fuel additional investments, and kickstart new developments that prime the pump and keep things moving.
Investments in the bank do nothing but pad the salaries of bankers and give other non-institutional investors the wrong idea -- the idea that the bank must have performed wonderfully and is in such good shape on the balance sheets because of their excellent and prudent management.
This could not possibly be further from the truth. Like buying back their own stock to give the impression that the market is lively and that their stocks are desirable investments, QE2 is a final Large Lump of Payola for the bankers at public expense, before the curtain comes down and the stage is swept.
QE2 is a swindle in exactly the same vein as Foreign Aid is a swindle; observe that the money for Foreign Aid is earmarked and allocated for aid to some less developed country to do something like dig more water wells and provide more water pumps, but instead, it gets siphoned off into Administrative costs and Transportation and Site Analysis and 52 other unnecessary things that eat up the entire amount, and distributes all but 2% of it to government cronies.
QE2 is similarly misdirected and misspent on the same crooked parties that caused the mess in the first place --- the banks and the bankers, who lop it up like pigs at a trough, and never even consider what that money was supposed to do for the economy as a whole.
Economy? What economy? What Public?
They neither know nor care where the money came from or who it belongs to or what it is supposed to do.
We could complain that those who appropriated these funds had more than enough cause, based on experience with the first Quantitative Easing and its results, to either never entertain such a program again, or to include stringent new requirements to make sure that such a boondoggle could never happen a second time.... but instead, the members of Congress did nothing toward oversight or new requirements, and repeated the same "mistake" almost verbatim.
So we conclude that....
The members of Congress and various Parliaments are deaf, dumb, blind, and currently comatose, or getting such fat kickbacks to their political campaigns and personal pockets that the reality of this theft and the misdirection and siphoning of the funds by the banks and the bank employees escapes their notice; this immense theft will continue until we hold them all accountable for it.
What can you expect from an organization that has admittedly kept two sets of books since 1946 and never once balanced their accounts?
An organization that has admitted to "losing" a total of $13 trillion dollars from one (1) department in the past twenty years?
Stop and think about what an investment of $13 Trillion could do for this country? How many bridges could be stabilized and rebuilt? How many railroad lines could be extended and how many local services could be restored? How much farmland could be cleaned up and rehabilitated? How many power plants could be brought up to modern standards? How many transformers could be protected against EMF attack?
Instead, it's all pissed out the back door of the Department of Defense and nobody is held accountable for it. Nobody is even assigned to look for the missing money. It's just gone. Like a puff of wind.
As Catherine Austin Fitts has observed, while we were fed sensationalist "stories" about Bad Boy Brett Kavanaugh in his youth thirty years ago, members of the guilty banks and Congressional Committees got together and quietly agreed that it was perfectly fine to lie to the public--- and changed Statement 56 of the Federal Standards Advisory Board accordingly.
So far, the members of the Territorial Congress have exempted themselves from experimental vaccines that they shoved on everyone else, kept two sets of books to hide the accounts of the government corporations from the public, failed to balance the accounts--- never mind the budget--- for 77 years, agreed that it is a-okay to lie to the public, colluded to give the banks the biggest Freebie in human history, and are promoting the invasion of our country in the name of partisan advantage.
We call upon them, in the name of peace, to vacate the seats of the American Delegates they have been occupying under conditions of deceit, and to return the American Flag -- the peacetime flag -- to its upright position in the Capitol Rotunda.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
February 29th 2024
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