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Monday, February 5, 2024

International Public Notice: Restitution to Wrong Parties

 By Anna Von Reitz

We have already reclaimed our country and placed our claims in front of the world.  No further acts of "reclamation" should be allowed by our foreign employees based on the supposition that because they work for us, they represent us. 

These employees, British Territorial U.S. Citizens, have shown that they have neither the hearts nor the brains to serve us in good faith. 

As our claims pre-date theirs by a number of years, and were given seven years Due Notice and Process, and are cured on the books of the Uniform Commercial Code Units, cured in the Records of the State-of-State organizations and their Counties, cured in the records of the Vatican and Universal Postal Union, cured in all venues and all jurisdictions --- we fail to see by what possible flight of imagination anyone has overlooked these facts and several others:  

1. Americans have been the victims of a ruthless unlawful and illegal process of unlawful conversion of their political status, serving to redefine them and denigrate them as U.S. Citizens.  U.S. Citizens are British Subjects, not Americans.  U.S. Citizens are "humans" in the undisclosed caste system.  U.S. Citizens can't own land in this country.  U.S. Citizens are foreigners with respect to this country. 

2. This may come as a shock to some of the people reading this and to many of the Generals who have been denigrated to this status themselves as an undisclosed aspect of accepting their British Title as a "General".  Nonetheless, this is true, and they will not receive back their true status as an American and as a living man or woman, until they declare it and return home as a civilian. 

3. The situation we have described is unequivocal. There has been no actual war since before the Civil War.  Everything since and including the Civil War were Mercenary Conflicts having no Law of War or Peace. As a result, there is no honorable part for the "military" in any of this, no conquest, no right of conquest, and no means to claim any military victory.  

4. We demand that all requirements being proposed that Americans have to accept being "U.S. Citizens" in order to receive restitution for damages be removed, and the United States military come to grips with the evil they have been involved in and served.  We will not "volunteer" to be classed as "humans" and we will not "volunteer" to be British Subjects when we are owed the entire Restitution just as we stand, as men and women and as Americans owed all our assets and credit back and in our own hands. 

5. If these Generals are doing their jobs and owed the cooperation and support they claim, then they need to make restitution available to Americans not U.S. Citizens ---and wait their turn until they can retire and come home to the land and soil of their birth. 

6. Otherwise, the world is again making the mistake of thinking that they are us, when they have clearly adopted a different political status, and have merely impersonated us with no granted permission or any conscionable contract on our parts; whether they are aware of this fact or not, the rest of the world must be---  it does not serve the purposes of restitution to give the restitution to the wrong parties, much less to give it to those who caused the problem in the first place. 

7. We object to any plan to provide restitution to U.S. Citizens, except as a subclass of the American population, when and if, they return home to the land and soil of this country. Restitution can be provided to them without requiring anyone else to waive their status as free men and women. 

8. Make it so. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

February 5th 2024


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