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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own. If you have an opinion on a particular article, please comment by clicking the title of the article and scrolling to the box at the bottom on that page. Please keep the discussion about the issues, and keep it civil. The administrator reserves the right to remove any comment for any reason by anyone. Use the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Additionally we do not allow comments with advertising links in them for your products. When you post a comment, it is in the public domain. You have no copyright that can be enforced against any other individual who comments here! Do not attempt to copyright your comments. If that is not to your liking please do not comment. Any attempt to copyright a comment will be deleted. Copyright is a legal term that means the creator of original content. This does not include ideas. You are not an author of articles on this blog. Your comments are deemed donated to the public domain. They will be considered "fair use" on this blog. People donate to this blog because of what Anna writes and what Paul writes, not what the people commenting write. We are not using your comments. You are putting them in the public domain when you comment. What you write in the comments is your opinion only. This comment section is not a court of law. Do not attempt to publish any kind of "affidavit" in the comments. Any such attempt will also be summarily deleted. Comments containing foul language will be deleted no matter what is said in the comment.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


By Anna Von Reitz

Somewhere between all the other work I have to do and sending boo-boo presents to my Great-Granddaughter who has sprained her ankle and is worried about not being able to go to the local Fall Festival in costume next week (I suggested that she go as a sick person, add some bandages, and use the crutches to good effect, right?) -- I have to raise money for travel and filing fees this week. 

We are looking at what can only be described as the Mother of All Collateral  Claims and for some documents the filing fees are $50 a page, folks.  This isn't cheap and Grandma's Cupboard while not bare, is far from overflowing. 

And since you are all the "Poor Dogs" standing to gain not only bones but well-deserved beef roasts out of all this-- please send what you can:

PayPal is and snail mail is: Anna Maria Riezinger c/o Post Office Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652. 

There is important business to settle in the realm of banking, too. And, true to form, it is all coming to a head at the same time. 

Meantime I hear the bankers at the Bank of England have pushed all their desks into a circle and are hiding under them. The discovery of the 1802 Stamp Tax still being charged and used as the excuse to issue warrants against purported American "franchises" 215 years after that issue was supposedly settled for good is especially ripe. 

I have a very peculiar artifact in my possession.  It is a large Victorian sterling silver serving fork that has been altered so that fits like a wire headband with the handle appearing to enter on one side of the head and the fork end appearing to come out of the side. ( It once adorned a life-sized bust of Albert Einstein who was being lampooned for getting the Special Relativity Equations all wrong.) 

I think I should send it somewhere for a similar purpose right about now, but there are so many options to choose from, so many parties who have it all completely wrong, who have nonetheless been applauding each other and handing out Nobel Prizes to each other and drinking champagne and eating sweetmeats and being sanctimonious. 

Here are the headlines--- Dear Pope Francis, Dear Queen Bess--Your Predecessors carried out an illegal commercial mercenary war on our shores in Breach of Trust and Commercial Contract.  You have remained on our shores under conditions of deceit for 150 years and committed vicious war crimes against our states and people for no good reason other than to plunder and secretively profit yourselves under color of law-- all the while pretending to be our very best friends and Allies and Treaty Partners. 

Care to explain this? Or would you like to wear the Einstein Fork for a week as penance? 

Donald Trump-- please think before you rattle any sabers. We aren't paying for any more wars for profit--not with blood and not with money. Read the contract. It says "mutual defense" not "mutual offense". 

And as for all you beribboned prize bulls at the Pentagon, presently trying to trade and steal the assets of the Guadalupe Hidalgo Trust away from our Native Tribal Nations-- shame on you. 

This behavior has got to stop. 

And it will stop, whether you want it to or not. 

You have been offered amnesty -- provided you repent and clean up your acts, which includes stopping this kind of gross criminality and riding herd on the Bar Associations and these fake military tribunal courts you've been running and using to plunder the innocent American public. 

Take the offer. It's the only one you will get. 

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website
 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.


  1. judge Anna it's just food for thought have you ever considered expanding your knowledge base if so check out you guys need to come together you guys both represent the natural unincorporated government but there's some law does that is not seen in the public that you can use as ammunition to bring these people to a surrender. Just my opinion I read everything you send I'm trying to give back read some of the things that's on his website

  2. . Medical students tough,learn one ,do one,teach one.
    In this way we can fight in law.

  3. Come on, folks. We need to fill Grandma's Cupboard. It is to all our benefit!

  4. Anna, first let me say that I wish we could help financially, as its just about the best place to put ones giving but I know you understand we are living on a shoestring and hope we can make it thru the winter and that this old clothes dryer doesn't conk out on us. No sad songs here, its just how it is right now. We pulled the plug on cable, sealing up the windows with that wonderful plastic, and putting the flannel sheets on the beds.
    Ready for Showtime! I hope the buggers have all gotten their 'last chance notices' and some serious deadlines. Keep the powder dry cause I think we're gonna need it to emphasize the Point here.
    There is no honor among the pack of thieves.

  5. It grieves my heart I can't give right now but I will, the rats bankrupted me over four years ago.

  6. Please also read in the active comments and archived comments. So much is shared there as well as Anna's work mentioned and endorsed often. follow what John says. Its especially strong.

    1. Wrld, have you not yet caught on to that arrogant brit yet?? He is the last person anyone should follow unless you love hot air, and his disdain for God, his mockery of christians, his denial that the queen is wicked, his denial that the Rothschilds are a big player, his eagerness to wipe away the poor and indigent because they are poor and indigent, his mockery of the less fortunate calling them useless eaters, his mockery of Walmart shoppers, and his pro-transhumanism ....then you just go right on and plant your lips on his ass.
      The only thing 'strong' about him is his stench upon the earth.

  7. I'll donate Thursday. Not much. Wish I could do more

  8. They all need Personal Notices of Liability, as Cal Washington and the InPower Movement are doing to great success, e.g. 14 members of the Canadian Parliament vacating their offices in fear. Next? All of US Congress, State Governors, even European heads of state, et al.

    1. I agree, Cal has done a great job at hitting them with their own game, but the minions at the top need some serious liability measures, like in the trillions....

  9. I wuill cover two pages ($100). We sure do need that manual as to how file what when!!!!!!

  10. The way things are going with Trump, their whole system is unraveling as we speak.. Senators are announcing their resignation and being rebuked for their comments against Trump, and things we dont even know about yet..!! In fact today on the FNC(fox news channel) on cable, the truest news channel on TV right now, Trey Goddy , a senator after my own heart, finnaly said "why is the DOJ above reproach" ..indeed.!! He is ready to start questioning members of our judicial other words "the judges"..Its about time they faced the same crap they have been using against us for the last 70 years..!! Everyone needs to get cable TV, just to watch the FNC , channel 45 on spectrum TV in Calif...Its news 24/7 with different host...!! It doesnt get truer..they are tough on the left..!!

    1. James, I just got rid of Spectrum, as did many other thousands since they raised their price by $20 per mo. all at one time, with no heads up. As for FNC I got tired of the Hannity praising the wicked bush crime family. He talks as if there is a difference between the Dems and the Reps; if he hasn't come to realize they are one and the same with different color ties, then he isn't as smart as he wants us to think, or else he is following an agenda which is way less than honest.
      Has Fox told us any of what Anna talks about? Have they told us the country filed for bankruptcy? Have they told us the entire System is corrupted? Nada. So I think it could be a whole lot truer, don't you?

    2. I was just recently shown that channel by a friend. I have only watched it for maybe a month and a half.. However, Hanity, and others from the time ive been watching it have either did a 180 from the Hannity and company you knew, because he is full on Trump, and litterly bashing the left everyday, and finding stories that expose the lies of the left and the republican traitors that are giving the president no help whatsoever..!! And since Trump never gives the media much info on his military tactics, he is litteraly driving Kim Junk Um crazy. And he has China on our side now, and cut off finances to N. Korea..!! But no channel is going to talk about all countries being bankrupt, because it appears to everyone that it is just another day.. When the Banks claimed bankruptcy the first time in 1929, everyone knew it because it was obvious with soup lines in the street, and most companies closed.. But we dont see that today.. And Trump isnt going to announce it on his watch, until he gets to the bottom of this. All i know is for the first time i am glued to the TV especially FNC and comparing the narritive to regular tv news..!! I never watched politics before Trump came in. It is actually interesting how everyone in congress are bashing one another openly for public display. And the presidents "tweets" which no one can stand..!! Because they are used to everything being mostly hidden from the public. They cant compete with his tweets.. I can see how he uses it as a one in congress even knew about our presence in Niger, until that unfortunate loss of those 4 gold star soldures. So Trump is ordering secret military missions without the congress knowing..!! I wonder how many other missions he is ordering covertly..!!! He is working around our congress, not with them..!!Something is going to give soon..someone in our intelligent community is a traitor..Those 4 solders were not supposed to run into an ambush..there was a leak somewhere..!! And today a rebublican senitor(from arizona) gave his resignation for the first time..Trump knows that the parties have been working together for a long time. And he means to shake them up and see what drops out.. Its fasinating to watch..!!

    3. Amen Abby, conservatives liberals Democrats Republicans are different dogs with the same nasty fleas. It's the whole system that's corrupt.

    4. James, 1929 was the stock market crash, which then led into the Depression. Both were deliberately created by the same bastards running the show today; same kind of people, just younger names. Their ''cure' for those two ills was WW2.
      We are not in good hands here. Our over esteemed leaders use disease to cure disease and do it on purpose.

  11. Thank you all for your donations to Anna and the team in Alaska.
    Snail Mail address:

    Anna Von Reitz
    PO Box 520994
    Big Lake AK 99652

    PayPal email is

  12. sent our donation last week specified to Living Law Firm; don't do paypal. Thanks for opportunity to give to such a worthy cause as financial resources are available. Team is often in my prayers for wisdom, empowerment, clarity, Abundant Provision, Love & Light for highest good of ALL as we each participate however each is moved by Spirit. Remember the multiplied loaves & fishes... Love & Blessings 2 all peacefully lawfully BEing and DOing to Creator's honor & Glory :D

  13. James, don't look at any of our so called politicians as a friend of the People. They are all our enemies. In fact, the Common Sense is revealing that 80 of our ''representatives of the people' from both parties, are gathering with the intention of a Coup overthrow of Trump. They are spewing they must get rid of Trump because ''he is ruining our country''.
    No, you dumb jackasses, you are what has already ruined our country. You all work for the devil himself, and the devil turns everything backwards, which ought to be quite visible to all, by now.
    Hannity trashes hillwitch yeah, while at the same time praises the bush crime family who are all joined at the hip with hillwitch. Surely Hannity cannot be in the dark about their close relationship, yet plays the deceptive role as if they are opposites.
    At the least, Hannity ought to be calling for the arrest of soros, who is at the root of the treason that is going on. Does he even mention treason or these treasonists, and the penalty of that is death?
    Trump is a huge disappointment to me. I am wondering how he can even give a State of the Union address, upcoming in January. ? How do you put frosting on a pile of manure and expect People to think its cake.

  14. After what i have been through for the last 15 years, your starting to sound alot like me Abby..Foretunately, God finally answered some of my prayers, and as soon as we qualified for social security a couple of years ago, everything came together all at once for my brother and me...!! And thats after losing our house and living in our van for two years..!! Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom before God raises you up again..I didnt see his plan at the time, but i do know..!! We got rid of all the dead weight that was keeping us down for years and all our broke friends we thought we could make happy with money...Boy was i wrong..!! Now we have a brand new place again and the rent is only $528/mo. This same place goes for $1500/mo if we were on a section 8 govt handout...!! We are simply classified as low income housing..between the two of us we make about $1900/mo. But if we had to rent a regular apt. it would cost at least $1200/mo..So i have lightened up a bit. But im still angry how it all happened..This system has gone on way to long...way to long..I was fighting this system 30 years ago and wound up doing 6 mo in jail for it.. And I didnt change a thing. Its not fair that we put our necks on the line for everyone else, when 99% dont even care what happens to us.. If i was doing what judge Anna is doing, i would be facing life imprissionment for sure..I dont understand her immunity. They dont give a rats damn about paperwork or what you know about law.. If you pose a threat to their system, you will be targeted by govt agencies and law matter how nice you are or treat them. Corporations will simply not put up with insubordination ....especially the biggest one in the world...!!Ill fight to a point but not to the point of losing my own freedom.. I can tell you from experiance, id rather live in my van than 6 mo in many of good decent patriots have given their lives for this battle, only to be crushed and jailed for years for our sake...where is the respect for our fallen who are never recognized except within this small group.. they have done as much or more than all our military and yet they wont even be recognized by our history about unfair..!! I think that guy who made the suggestion to write to president Trump all at the same time is a good idea.. at least he will realize we are organized and know what is going on..!!

  15. Judge Anna - are you aware of a communications platform that some have said "is more powerful than the Second Amendment"? It may be found at Please read ABOUT US and PLEASE CLICK HERE to understand how powerful we are and how we may wield that power to return our nation back to the Vision of our Founding Fathers. In short, it puts a leash - a short leash - on all our elected, appointed and hired public servants and that short leash is attached to a choke collar.

  16. There's no appropriate place to put this, but please NOTE:
    It is being widely said with much validation, that our gov. is planning a nationwide EMP type drill from Sat. Nov. 4 - Nov. 6 which could well mean nothing will be operable; phones, electric, internet, etc.
    With all the recent talk about NK could do an EMP strike via their satellite and with our knowing how disaster always seems to come at the same time as previous 'drills'' it may be a good idea to keep this in mind and make some preparations ahead of that date, which is just over a week away. Think of all the things that may not work; ATM's, gas stations, grocery checkout, refrigerators, stoves, some newer model cars, airplanes, water pumps, all phones, heat, electricity, etc.
    Much about this is on the common sense show . com and they have some good sources and vet their info.

  17. They can blame it on N Korea, but more than likely it will come from our own govt as usual..!! If you look at all the utubes on congress and their actions one is safe anymore..they have brutely questioned the IRS commissioner, and the accounting manager, the FBI, the CIA, and pretty soon the DOJ..!! Its downright criminal that some of these people can actually get away with using the 5th amendment as a means to not answer questions that might incriminate them..if we did that we would immediatiately be shown to the grey bar motel..!! But Trey Gowdy isnt going to let it happen..!! In any case, it is one big free for all. And Trump admitted today that he gave the military full authority to act without his command so they have been released to do what should have been done years ago...Trump isnt perfect, but he is at least accomplishing the destruction of both parties . When its finised maybe we can have one party..."The American National Party"..!! Things are happening even if we havent seen our pocketbooks get better yet... But things are starting to be exposed.. Yes Abby, they are the same people that caused the great depression, but this time we are using these DEBT instraments and this elastic currency to our advantage, not theirs..!! The banks cant even understand why this whole thing hasnt collaspe yet..!! The whole system is running on auto.. and trust me there are way smarter people running Wall Street these days than Alan Greenspan...or smarter criminals!! But in any case they are keeping the system alive until Trump cleans the swamp.. we are all impatient because we have all lost alot and struggleing. But i have to think it is for a reason and is moving as fast as it can after 150 years of fraud..!! How many of us would like to have Trumps position...No thanks..!!

  18. James, thinking people can see the Markets are inflated with banks pumping it up using money made out of thin air; we see it makes no sense to have 94 million americans out of work, and yet the Markets made to look like we are booming. Our actual unemployment rate around 25-30%. We have not forgotten how to do the math.
    Honestly, I have not seen Trump do anything, except keep hillwitch out of the seat of control. He has either used bad judgement or else allowed himself to be threatened, as he has made some very very bad choices, such as the traitor Sessions for AG, who is also betraying the People, doing absolutely nothing of real value.
    Letting his liberal ass children twist his arms. The man shows NO discernment of people, or even common sense. I believe he meant well during the campaign, but once he won, he has gotten nothing but mud in his face, and did not take the bull by the horns.
    The only hope I can see at this point, is for Anna and Co. to be successful in accomplishing what they are working on. This Empire has to be brought down, or else all the enemies of america will destroy us.
    No, Donald, we are not tired of winning yet; just WHEN do you intend to begin?? Why have you not even had any of these treasonists arrested yet? Why is soros still running loose? Are you afraid? Do you have a backbone at all?
    Anna has more boldness in her little finger, than you do in your whole Self.

  19. They can blame it on N Korea, but more than likely it will come from our own govt as usual..!! If you look at all the utubes on congress and their actions one is safe anymore..they have brutely questioned the IRS commissioner, and the accounting manager, the FBI, the CIA, and pretty soon the DOJ..!! Its downright criminal that some of these people can actually get away with using the 5th amendment as a means to not answer questions that might incriminate them..if we did that we would immediatiately be shown to the grey bar motel..!! But Trey Gowdy isnt going to let it happen..!! In any case, it is one big free for all. And Trump admitted today that he gave the military full authority to act without his command so they have been released to do what should have been done years ago...Trump isnt perfect, but he is at least accomplishing the destruction of both parties . When its finised maybe we can have one party..."The American National Party"..!! Things are happening even if we havent seen our pocketbooks get better yet... But things are starting to be exposed.. Yes Abby, they are the same people that caused the great depression, but this time we are using these DEBT instraments and this elastic currency to our advantage, not theirs..!! The banks cant even understand why this whole thing hasnt collaspe yet..!! The whole system is running on auto.. and trust me there are way smarter people running Wall Street these days than Alan Greenspan...or smarter criminals!! But in any case they are keeping the system alive until Trump cleans the swamp.. we are all impatient because we have all lost alot and struggleing. But i have to think it is for a reason and is moving as fast as it can after 150 years of fraud..!! How many of us would like to have Trumps position...No thanks..!!


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