By Anna Von Reitz
We have had numerous questions about freedom of religion and our traditional separation of church and state.
The right to religious freedom is built into the fabric of our history from the earliest times, when America became a haven for religious dissidents fleeing European theocracies and monarchies bent on imposing religious homogeneity.
Our earliest colonial settlement was set against a background of over five hundred years of social and political chaos based on holding or not holding specific religious beliefs.
The guarantees of religious freedom take the form of limitations placed on the government, most famously restated by the first sixteen words of the First Amendment to the Federal Constitution: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...."
Religion, among many other topics, is a private matter, which the American Government leaves to individual conscience. We imposed the same prohibitions against state-sponsored or state regulated religions on our Federal Subcontractors when the Federal Constitutions were adopted.
We did this because of our country's unique history as a haven for religious freedom and the experience of our ancestors who suffered the Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation.
This experience led us to observe a Law of Nature and led us to the realization that to guarantee religious freedom for anyone, religious freedom had to be extended and guaranteed to everyone ----and the government could not be allowed to say or do anything about it, because religious zealots would otherwise plot to take over the government and enforce their religious beliefs on everyone else.
This bulwark has more or less successfully prevented the installation of a coercive theocracy and it continues to moderate against conflicts based on varying religious beliefs.
There is a contingent of those who insist that America is a Christian country, based on the idea that a majority of our Founding Fathers were Christians. There were, indeed, Christians, both Protestant and Roman Catholic among the Founders, but that is not to say that the American Government is a theocracy. Far from it. Ours is a secular government which guarantees religious freedom to all.
To quote Thomas Jefferson:
(1) "Christianity neither is, nor ever was, a part of the Common Law.
(2) "Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man."
(3) "Religions, all alike, are founded on fables and mythologies."
To quote James Madison:
(4) "Religion and Government shall both exist in greater purity the less they are mixed together."
(5) "The purpose of separation of church and state is to forever keep from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe with blood for centuries."
To quote John Adams:
(6) "The government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion."
(7) "The United States is not a Christian nation any more than it is a Jewish or Mohammedan nation."
Thomas Jefferson, like George Washington, was Deist, who studied comparative religions of the world with scholarly interest and who created "the Jefferson Bible" by having a Bible printed with the sayings directly attributed to Yeshuah emphasized in red ink, the better to identify them and compare them with similar Hindu and Egyptian teachings.
These men, these Founders, did not naively accept whatever they were told. They were on a lifetime quest to know the truth, and were inveterate and close and critical observers of the world around them.
This they held in common with their generation, and it is this characteristic more than anything else, that led them to the conclusions enshrined as The Unanimous Declaration of Independence.
We can be sure that they held no illusions about the evils of theocracies and sought to avoid them, as assiduously as they also sought to avoid the evils of democracies, which they considered little better than the Law of the Jungle and referred to as "Mob Rule".
We do a disservice to them if we in our ignorance speak of "our democracy" when in fact they opposed that form of government and never established a democracy on our shores.
The British Territorial Government is a democracy, but our American Government is not.
We also do a similar disservice if we say or assume that the government of this country is or ever was Christian, as that would imply that these Founders created a theocracy, which they also heartily opposed.
The Holy Roman Empire was and is a theocracy and its Municipal Successor to The Constitution of the United States has remained in close alliance with the Roman Catholic Church. The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception stands as a testament to the involvement of the Roman Government and the Roman Church in the establishment and administration of our Federal Capitol which bears their symbols and characteristic architecture to this day --- but neither the American Government nor its Federal Republic have ever been theocracies.
We bring this information forward because our country and our government have been so determinedly and repeatedly mischaracterized by our foreign Federal Subcontractors, that a clearing of the air is necessary, and so is a rebuttal of accusations that our government is Anti-Semitic because we oppose the horrific profit-motivated genocide in Gaza.
Our government is secular and the repugnance we feel toward the present government of Israel is not rooted in any religious belief system nor any racial prejudice; it is purely and simply abhorrence of the violent misuse of state power against a defenseless civilian population that motivates our disgust and opposition.
We firmly believe, and have reason to believe, that the present Israeli government is merely a commercial corporation franchise engaged in mercenary activities, most likely at the direction of British Crown operatives or Crown affiliates. We do not believe that this corporation, now disguising itself as the State of Israel, Incorporated, is concerned about the Israeli people, any more than it is concerned about the Palestinians.
We believe that this venal corporation is engaged in a mercenary "land clearing" operation and genocide seeking to clear the Palestinian population off the Gaza Strip, which they intend to condemn and/or buy for almost nothing, and use as the terminus of a new Sinai Canal and Eastern Mediterranean Oil Basin development, that will allow the Perpetrators to bypass OPEC and the Suez Canal, and establish their ability to supply refined oil and gas products to Europe, the Mediterranean, Eastern Africa, Pakistan, India, and Southeast Asia. They also hope to ruin and further cripple the Russian economy by competing against Russian oil and gas exports to Western Europe.
Their own plans are so grandiose and their greed so overpowering, that they could not conceive of finding a peaceful and cooperative way forward that would share the resources of Gaza with the people of Gaza. So they killed the people, destroyed their homes, their schools, roads, sanitation plants, electrical generation facilities, their gardens and their pets and their children, en masse.
And these dirty, lousy "businessmen" who have made their way by stealing and cheating and defrauding, and by violence and murder and constant war profiteering, are counting on everyone else, all the other governments, to cow down and look the other way, for fear that they will be next, if they say anything.
We are ashamed of our British Territorial Subcontractors for their mindless support of the Israeli government in such a venal endeavor, and we deny that the deployment of U.S. Government assets including personnel and equipment and arms in support of the genocide in Gaza has our approval or has anything to do with our defense, our service contract with the British Territorial Government, or us, as a country, a people, and a government.
Any love that Mr. Trump has for Benjamin Netanyahu and his government is not shared.
It's not the Americans carpet bombing Gaza nor are we the ones arming and encouraging the Israeli Government in its despicable reign of terror.
We call upon the people of Israel to put an end to this and to the men responsible for it. We call upon the nations of the world to repudiate what these monsters have done in the name of profit and self-security. We call upon the United Nations organization to earn its salt. We call on the conscience of every Christian and Jew and Hindu, everyone in China, in Russia, in Japan, everyone, everywhere throughout the world.
Open your eyes and say no to this.
These poor people, their families, have been murdered and robbed. Don't let this go, or the Vermin will be encouraged, and will expand upon this reprehensible behavior, so that yes, you could be next. Speak up now. Take the bankers and politicians and generals to task. Do it now.
If you go on Google Earth and scan the coast line between Gaza and Tel Aviv, you will see that they have already begun construction on the oil refineries and pipeline systems that are part of their Sinai Canal plan.
Britain and Rome are responsible for this, just as they have been responsible for most of the other wars and miseries, and we have been their dupes, their Muscle, and their resource dump, all unaware that these parasites were using our sons and daughters as the cheapest mercenaries on Earth.
Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
January 30th 2025
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