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Friday, January 31, 2025

International Public Notice: Regarding "Final Stand Down"

 By Anna Von Reitz

Even though the 18-page document purporting to be a "Final Stand Down Order" signed by two military officers, plainly says that reproducing it or otherwise sharing it via social media is a crime and will be considered "treason", it is nonetheless being widely circulated. 

The information contained in this document is the usual mixture of factually correct and incorrect government sponsored material that ultimately results in confusion and disinformation, because there is a consistent failure to fully disclose. 

What has happened is that a District of Columbia Municipal Corporation that was authorized by the District Government in 1871 has been subjected to Chapter 7 Involuntary Bankruptcy and dissolved.  This process has been ongoing for ten years.  

As a result, approximately two-thirds of what has been operating as the Federal Government has to be shut down and/or placed under new management and integrated by the remaining Federal Subcontractor.

Of course, this necessitates stopping the activities of all the former Municipal Corporation franchises, including their DEPARTMENTS and franchises, while all this down-sizing and reorganization takes place. 

The cover-story for this is (apparently) the Evil Act of 1871, a Bogey Man that has haunted the Patriot Movement in this country for many years; however, the Act of 1871 was repealed in 1874, and the actual damage was done by Organic Acts promoted  by what appeared to be the plenary government of Washington, DC, that same year.  

The creation not only of a second District of Columbia Corporation --- the British Crown Corporation established in 1790 and a new Municipal Government Corporation establishing a separate, independent, international city-state government in the District of Columbia in 1871, together with certain other acts of obfuscation resulted ultimately in two foreign incorporated District-based Federal Subcontractors operating out of the District of Columbia. 

This is how we, Americans, got stuck for paying for two complete Federal Government operations mirroring each other and duplicating operations all across the board: for example, a British Territorial Department of Defense, mirrored by a Holy Roman Empire Municipal Corporation the DOD, INC., a British Territorial Department of Labor, mirrored by a Holy Roman Empire Municipal Corporation doing business as DOL, INC. and so on. 

This situation also resulted in competition between the two incorporated service providers at various junctions in their history, but the miseries of the Great Depression forced them to collude beginning in 1937 and begin relatively cordial joint services operations (See: The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States) from then on until 2010 when things began to fall apart for both of the foreign parent corporations known as the UNITED STATES ( the Municipal Corporation under various iterations) and the United States of America, Incorporated (the British Territorial Corporation under various iterations), respectively. 

Mr. Trump's Administration which is now operating as a London-based LLC, is trying to explain away the disappearance of roughly two-thirds of the Federal Government as a combination of cost-cutting by DOGE and other austerity measures by his Administration to save the Public Purse.   

Whether they can con the gullible public into believing this or not, is another matter.  The facts remain. 

The survivors, the remaining officers of the British Territorial USA Corporation, have also been indulging in a game of The Pot Calling the Kettle Black, and pretending that the incorporation of the Municipal service provider was the problem, while bypassing the fact that all their operations are incorporated, too.  

In terms of their service contracts, The Constitution of the United States of America and The Constitution of the United States, it doesn't matter how these foreign Federal Subcontractors are organized. There is nothing whatsoever in any Peace Treaty or Constitution preventing them from being incorporated, so that entire debate is a Red Herring issue.  

The Municipal Corporation could be incorporated so long as it remained solvent and that lack of solvency on the part of the Municipal Subcontractor is what has caused all the rest of this. 

The document in question also claims that the British Crown no longer exists.  It would be more correct to say that some franchises of the British Crown have perished in the aftermath and a reorganization of their operations is also underway -- e.g., Mr. Trump's spinning off a London-based LLC calling itself "United States of America, LLC", or the sudden existence of a "State of Israel, Inc." with an agency address at Kensington Palace.  

The larger False Claim in Commerce and outrageous treasonous fraud against the people of this country, which occurred in the Territorial U.S. Congress on February 2nd 1871, the writers of the "Final Stand Down Order" stubbornly refuse to mention, apart from a one-line reference to changing the word "for" to "of", an undisclosed allusion to the illegal and immoral latching onto the assets of American Federal Republic by the British Territorial Government. 

The members of this renegade Congress named themselves the owners and beneficiaries of all the assets of the "abandoned" American Federal Subcontractor, known popularly as the Federal Republic, that had been doing business under The Constitution for the united States of America (1787-1861) and "all corporations thereof"--- without, however, disclosing the circumstance or honoring the obvious property interests of the States and People -- their own Employers.

They took over the assets of the American Federal Republic and appropriated its service contract, The Constitution for the united States of America, under conditions of fraud and self-interest, while continuing to operate under their own service contract, The Constitution of the United States.  

Thus, it wasn't a matter of changing the words from "for" to "of" as the writer of the "Final Stand Down" paper describes it; it was an illegal and immoral latching onto property assets and contracts owed to their employers.  The treasonous Perpetrators acting under these Pretenses struck the flag of the American Republic and hung it in the Capitol Rotunda and Chambers of the Congress, where it continues to hang in the struck position, to this day.  

It's important to know that this corporate skullduggery had nothing to do with the ultimate owners, the States and People of this country, nor with our sovereign Government; it was a matter of British Territorial Sticky Fingers misrepresenting the situation and promoting a False Claim on Abandonment against a fellow Federal Subcontractor, a Federal Service Provider that was actually owned by the States of the Union and was owed return to the American States and People that employed both Subcontractors.  

Circling back to the creation of the incorporated Municipal Service Provider and the Organic Acts of 1871 which provided for the existence of an "independent, international city state" operating in the District of Columbia --- an enclave like Vatican City plunked down on what is otherwise Italy -- and run as a plenary oligarchy by members of the U.S. Territorial Congress: note that they were not members of the intended Congress entrusted with running the City of Washington, DC, as a neutral Federal Capitol. 

The Congress and the Congressional Members entrusted with that duty were the American Federal Subcontractors operating under The Constitution for the united States of America.  The British Territorial U.S, Congress operating under The Constitution of the United States of America commandeered that trust and office when they gratuitously claimed the assets of the Federal Republic as abandoned property and proclaimed themselves the "Successors" to the Federal Republic's contracts and operations as of February 2nd 1871.  

The Congressional oligarchy established to run the Federal Capitol , was supposed to be American, not British Territorial ---a fact that both His Majesty's Government and the Pope's Holy See are aware of, but which the American victims of their Gross Breach of Trust, are still struggling with. 

It looks to us like the writer of the "Final Stand Down" is a British Apologist, trying to evade admission of the culpability of the British Territorial U.S. Congress in these matters, but the history and context and timing will not bear this out.  They seized upon our American Subcontractor, declared themselves the Successor to its contracts, and promptly abused that position to create a foreign oligarchy for themselves, running a Municipal "independent, international city-state" in the middle of our Federal Capitol, forming a new Municipal Corporation for their convenience, "the United States, Incorporated", and proceeded to fraudulently misrepresent their government for ours. 

And all this was done under color of law, while still operating as our paid employees, subject to The Constitution of the United States of America.  The usurpation, disservice, and criminal self-interest in gross Breach of Trust, is self-evident.  

The writer of the same document, the "Final Stand Down" Order, refers to "Australia" and "Canada" as "Islands" without appearing to know the history and failing to disclose the ridiculous fraud behind that.  Whereas the continent of Terra Australis could somewhat euphemistically be referred to as an "island", Canada cannot and neither can Mexico, so the average reader is left scratching their head. 

This particular fraud scheme arose out of the Insular Tariff Cases argued before the Territorial Supreme Court (1900-1904), which resulted in the establishment of other foreign government manipulations and as Chief Justice Harlan put it, "mischief". In this scheme, the "Territories and Possessions" termed "Insular States" were used to set up separate foreign government bases offshore, and then use their jurisdictional immunities to promote inland piracy and fraud against the actual national governments. 

In the case of The United States, the actual island of Puerto Rico and the British Territorial Commonwealth Nation of Puerto Rico, was used for this crime spree of fraud and misrepresentation.  In the case of Terra Australis, the British Territorial Possession of Norfolk Island was used.  We have recent information that China's Government was under attack using this same scheme, with the intent being to use the U.S. Territorial Mariana Islands as the home base for it.  

These offshore islands constructed as "Territories and Possessions" were used substantially as white collar pirate bases to organize, promote, and provide support for British Territorial inland piracy and bases for privateering operations authorized by the British Crown under Letters of Marque and Reprisal--- for example, the unlawful conversion of American babies' political status to that of British Territorial U.S. Citizens via undisclosed and (for the victims) unconscionable citizenship registrations, and the collection of private bank debts owed by British Territorial U.S. Citizens, by the British Territorial Internal Revenue Service, was all orchestrated out of Puerto Rico.  A similar scheme used Norfolk Island, dba, "Australia" to carry on the same con game against the people of Terra Australis, which is the actual name of the country.  

Please note that the creation of the legal term "Insular States" can also mean "states within the jurisdiction of a Territorial Government".  This is also how they contrived to create a linguistic fraud scheme misrepresenting their Territorial "States" as States of the Union, and "Territorial Statehood" as if it was equivalent to actual enrollment as a State of the Union.  It's not, but the British Territorial Government used this wordplay to create another Bait and Switch Fraud against the interests of the American States and People. 

During the long hiatus in which the actual American Government was not in Session, no new States of the Union could be formally enrolled.  The entire process of creating new States of the Union outlined by the Northwest Ordinance could be completed, right up to the Enrollment of the new State of the Union, which required action by the actual States.  

So, our British Territorial Subcontractors contrived to create "Territorial Statehood" instead, and "grant" that to the people living in States that began forming during and after the so-called Civil War, and again, they basically substituted their form of "statehood" for ours, and passed it off as if was the same thing.  

This is the basis for Mr. Obama's odd lapse in public, describing himself as the President of the "fifty-seven" States, and his slip of the lip admission that he was operating as a  British Territorial "President".  

The writer of the "Final Stand Down" document also makes the mistake of claiming that "the military" came first in terms of establishing our American Government.  This is a very odd and ignorant claim and appears to be an attempt to justify military rule and the existence of a first-in-line-first-in-time Military Government enabled to serve itself at the expense of the non-military population. 

Such a thing has never been heard of in the history of the world and is in fact an impossibility.  

Militaries always derive from the non-military population of the Earth; the creator is always greater than the thing created.  It follows that, as is traditionally well-known, military powers and personnel belong to and are obligated to serve their country, not the other way around. 

The crux of the matter (we've heard this before) that the Continental Army existed before The Unanimous Declaration of Independence and therefore enjoyed some kind of precedence, akin to a commercial claim, on the country and the people.  

So let's examine this.  The Continental Army was preceded by local Militias, the well-known Minute Men, who served as volunteers.  The Continental Army (and Navy) were then organized and paid for by the Continental Congress to act as a National Military.  The only change was in jurisdiction and from unpaid to paid (or at least, somewhat supplied) status.  

The Minute Men obviously preceded the Continental Army and joined it and supported it both with labor and materials, and were the backbone of the entire effort.  The early records of the Continental Congress are replete with descriptions of donations of materials supplied by local communities and organizations, and detachments of local militia joining the national-level effort. 

Indeed, apart from certain French and German volunteers, the only source for the existence of the Continental Army, was the non-military population of this country.  

There were very few professional soldiers in the ranks of the Continental Army, and those that were, were imported from overseas.  Even General Washington was a farmer, not a professional soldier; he had gained his entire military experience and tactical education as a British officer during the French and Indian War, and apart from the momentary need, had no avowed intention of following a military career. 

The Continental Army and Navy were the only military components present, and the only military personnel acting in favor of our  national government on the American side of The War of Independence.  These American Armed Forces derived directly from the population of this country who acted as the personnel, the suppliers, and through their Congressional Delegates, were the underwriters of the Continental Army and Navy. Both. 

So which came first, the chicken or the egg? 

The Minute Men preceded the Continental Army and Navy.  The Continental Congress preceded the Continental Army and Navy.  Everything possessed by the Continental Army and Navy, including their personnel, muskets, gun powder, food, horses, wagons, cannons, uniforms -- to the extent they had uniforms -- were all provided by the average people of this country directly or through their Delegates operating the Continental Congress.  

It becomes apparent that the claim that the "military government" preceded the non-military government is a gross misstatement of fact; there was in fact no military "government" apart from the Continental Congress, which organized the Continental Army and Navy.  General Washington made his reports and took his orders and requested his supplies from them, not the other way around. 

We firmly protest and assert that there was no "military government" preceding our government, and we also firmly protest and assert that there is no competent military government now, except ours, with the possible exception of the United States Navy. 

This claim and circumstance arises because all military functions since the administration of Abraham Lincoln have been unlawfully converted to function as mercenary forces instead of military forces. 

This precludes the existence of any valid military government being represented by the British Territorial Government or any corporation thereof with the possible exception noted. 

The United States Navy may still be functioning as a military force via its attachment to the Royal Navy; however, the recent coronation of "King" Charles III as his "Imperial Majesty" indicates that the British Swindlers are on the move again, attempting to vacate the international jurisdiction of the sea and the office of the British Monarch from which the authority of the Royal Navy as a military branch derives.  

When the Monarchy is vacated, the Lord High Steward takes command of the land jurisdiction and the Lords of the Admiralty stand for the absent King, but as "Great Britain" is a Company, not a country, and has been operating under conditions of deceit for 300-plus years, it's doubtful that any crumbs of actual military authority remain.  

All the "British" forces we know of are privatized and are staffed and paid for as corporations, by corporations, and have no legitimate standing as national military forces at all, so it seems doubtful that 
the Royal Navy dodged this bullet and has remained unincorporated and under the control of the Lords of the Admiralty all this time.  

As the standing of the United States Navy would depend on the standing of the Royal Navy, it may be as compromised and as relegated to standing as a private mercenary force as all the rest.  

Only a deeper dive and access to records of the England Company would serve to answer this, and as we do not presently have that access, we cannot officially confirm or deny the nature or standing of the Royal Navy nor the United States Navy at this time. 

The last obvious large misunderstanding is the idea that a "1776 Constitution" exists and can substitute for other later Constitutions. 

All Constitutions are debt agreements.  All.  That is what a "Constitution" is.   One Party performs a service or provides a commodity or both, and the other Party agrees to pay in a stipulated form and by a stipulated date.  This is the equivalent of a Bill of Lading (the service or goods) and Bill of Exchange (the payment) under contract, in international jurisdiction. 

Constitutions by their nature are unique and relatively non-transferrable; all Parties have to agree to assignment under a Constitution. 

So, when the Continental Congress entered into a "Constitution" with the King of France in 1776, to contract for services from the French Government and settle the debt for those services, and when those debts and service agreements were paid and sunsetted ten years later, in 1786, that Constitution ceased to be in effect, and new Constitutional agreements were put in place with three new Federal Subcontractors -- 1787, 1789, and 1790. 

It is clear from the foregoing that any reference to any "Constitution of 1776" as if it could form the basis for any action in the present day is another gross misunderstanding. 

Another gross misunderstanding associated with the Constitutions our Federal Government has operated under, is associated with the so-called "National Debt".  

While the rest of us were fighting against the British in The War of Independence, the "Tories" --- that is, the British Territorials who supported the King's Government, were fighting for the King and against the Americans. 

The British Territorial Government ran up a huge debt, borrowing from the King's Government, so that they could fight for him and his interests in North America. 

After the War ended and the dust settled, the British Territorial Government owed the King a lot of money ---for the money he loaned them so that they could fight for him.  This is the foundational basis of the British Territorial National Debt. 

They have made payments on this "National Debt" ever since, and kept a running tab with the King's Government ever since.  This is the debt that they expand by "raising the debt ceiling" and that they fear "defaulting upon".  

It has nothing to do with us, the American States and People.  

Shortly after we paid off our constitutional debt to the King of France, this same British Territorial Government was given The Constitution of the United States of America as a service contract. They engaged to work for us under the terms of the contract and our states agreed to pay them for the service.  

They've been bilking and misrepresenting us as British Territorial U.S. Citizens and getting us to pay their debts since the so-called Civil War. 

We, the actual American Government, has seldom been in debt and has always promptly repaid anything we borrowed.  We repaid the King of France on time, in 1786.   And when another ugly British incursion, The War of 1812, required us to borrow money again, we repaid it on time were debt free in 1840 when Queen Victoria began her reign in England.  

Our American Government has not had cause to borrow any money internationally ever since, and as can readily be deduced, have acquired no new "National Debt" of our own, due to the zero sum nature of the debt-credit exchange system; instead, we are owed the application of our National Credit, and the return of all the credit we've paid out as "interest" on the British Territorial National Debt, along with great sums of additional American credit and all the American assets that have been illegally and unlawfully and immorally seized upon based on the fraud schemes, omissions, and non-disclosures employed against us by the British Territorial Subcontractors and the British Crown. 

The Enfranchisement Scheme pursued by her government as a means to latch onto the private property and labor assets of the British Working Class has been described at length elsewhere; this same scheme was spread to the British Territorial United States and applied to U.S. Citizens; from there it was spread to our shores and practiced against us by Undeclared British Agents via undisclosed registration of American babies as U.S. Citizens under the Sheppard Towner Act.  

All this crime and skullduggery was accomplished under conditions of deceit and color of law by Federal Subcontractors owing us good faith service.  

In actual fact, no American owes any debt; quite the opposite.  The balance of the books shows an insurmountable debt owed to us not only by "Great Britain", but the British Territorial Government and very substantial debts owed to us by numerous other governments. 

Although Mr. Trump and his Administration may be employed to collect for us, that role for these particular miscreant Federal Subcontractors needs to be negotiated, not assumed.  We've had the foxes guarding our hen houses for far too long, and do not accept a continuance of this situation. 

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

January 30th 2025


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