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Saturday, August 31, 2024

International Public Notice: Evasion of Obligation

 By Anna Von Reitz

The Department of the Global Federal Reserve in Switzerland and Jerome Powell know the identity of the man who is the Lawful Inheritor and Legal Attorney-in-Fact over all assets encumbered by the Severino Sta Romano Estate, and who has the Power of Attorney over the Global Collateral Accounts, including the Spiritual White Boy Account. 

His name is on the most recent contract allowing them to use the land in the 333 Master Accounts as collateral, subject to their return as stipulated.  So it isn't that they don't know who he is, it's that they don't want to repay him and they don't want to obey the trust indentures that require the assets to be employed to "uplift humanity" and to "break the chains of poverty and ignorance".  

They want to spend his money on whatever they want to spend it on, most likely more coercive control of other people and more war mongering for profit and more invasive technologies.   

Never let them tell you that they don't know who is supposed to be in full possession of these estates and assets,  because they do know.  

They also know that I am the Fiduciary for our unincorporated Federation of States and therefore the one authorized to hold all American assets in international jurisdiction.  They don't want to admit that, because they want to pretend to be my guardians and caretakers.  They want to pretend that I am "absent, whereabouts unknown".  They want to claim that the American assets are "abandoned".  

That's self-interested nonsense, too. 

James Thomas McBride was appointed Post Master of the North American Region and given the Seal of Saint Peter directly by Pope Benedict XVI. 

Our signatures as Principals and High Contracting Powers appear on The Postal Treaty of the Americas 2010.  

The Universal Postal Union knows who we are, knows that we are still here, that our seat of governance is still occupied and that the Office of the Post Master is not vacant --- and never has been.   

Our sovereignty is intact, both as individuals, and as nation-states.

Any pretense that we disappeared or are unknown or that we are in need of salvage by our foreign British Territorial Subcontractors, or that the Municipal Government of the United States is the civilian government that these yahoos are supposed to be obeying is mistaken. 

This pretended ignorance can only be considered purposeful evasion of their personal and professional obligations.  

All and any American assets, which includes the assets of Americans who have been misidentified as U.S. Citizens and citizens of the United States, need to be returned, and any issues regarding American assets need to be discussed directly with us, not with subcontractors of our Federal Subcontractors.   

All those in receipt of these communications have already been given Due Process and our claims have been cured for more than ten years.  

The named parties have cause to know the identities of the lawful Inheritors of the so-called Legacy Trusts and Historical Trusts and also have cause to recognize the lawful American Government. 

We do not accept any pretenses to the contrary.  

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents, Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

August 30th 2024


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