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Saturday, January 25, 2025

International Public Notice: The Rest of the Fourteenth Amendment Fraud

 By Anna Von Reitz

Part of the fraudulently misrepresented (and unratified) "Fourteenth Amendment" claims that the public debts of "the United States"---"shall not be questioned." 

Says who? When can a debt not be questioned? 

These were the purported "war" reparation debts of "citizens of the United States" who fought for the South in the Mercenary Conflict known, deceitfully, as "The American Civil War". 

This is misrepresented and used as a blanket excuse for British Territorial Courts to honor whatever debts are alleged against "the United States" --- but which United States is being referenced? 

At this point in history, there were two (2) entities known as "the United States".  One, the Municipal Government Federal Subcontractor running the Federal Civil Service provided by "citizens of the United States", and the other being the American Federal Subcontractor, the Federal Republic, providing other Federal Civil Services provided by "United States Citizens" as defined under the First Immigration and Naturalization Act.  

Both of these "Federal Citizenries" are distinct from each other and also distinct from British Territorial U.S. Citizens. 

Our American Federal Subcontractor known popularly as "the Federal Republic" was run by the States of America, the doing-business-as-name of the Second Confederation which was awarded The Constitution for the united States of America in 1787.  The Federal Republic was forced to go dormant when its sponsor, the States of America, lost a quorum to operate in 1861. 

Ten years later, the British Territorial U.S. Congress gratuitously claimed to own all the Federal Republic's corporations and their assets.  See Acts of Congress, February 2nd 1871. 

Whereas the "Fourteenth Amendment" language about not questioning "the public debts of the United States" undoubtedly and specifically referred to the "war" debts of the "citizens of the United States" and not any debts of "United States Citizens", it is easy to see how British Territorial Courts intent on raising revenue for their King accidentally-on-purpose cast a wide net to include claims brought against United States Citizens, who were by definition not Parties to the Mercenary Conflict mislabeled "The American Civil War", and who owed no phony commercial "war reparations".

With the passage of time and the dulling of awareness on the part of the American Public, the Perpetrators running the foreign King's Equity Courts simply started calling everyone a "United States Citizen" or "citizen of the United States", and liberally applying these presumed foreign citizenship obligations on all Americans.  

In this way the Perpetrators found a way to mischaracterize and attack and extract payments, fees, and performances from anyone who would admit to any form of "United States" citizenship at all.  

By 1913, the second "Federal Reserve" was selling labor bonds on all these "Debtors" as "United States Treasury Bonds" and beginning to use not only the mercenary military forces, but hired private security personnel --- various kinds of police --- to enforce their commercial claims against the value of the labor of United States Citizens, U.S. Citizens, and citizens of the United States.   

It was damned inconvenient when anyone, then or now, raised their hand and said, "Hey, wait a minute.  I'm no Federale.  I'm from Minnesota."  Or Wisconsin.  Or Virginia.  Or, or, or.... 

They also began issuing "Debt Notes" --- Federal Reserve Notes --- against the value of the "United States Treasury Bonds" --- which were all backed as labor performance bonds extracted from a vast work force of people merely presumed to be debtors responsible for "the public debts of the United States" which, conveniently, could not be questioned and which "United States" was never identified by the enforcers of the fraudulently misrepresented "Fourteenth Amendment". 

All forms of "United States" citizenship are foreign with respect to rank and file Americans, yet hundreds of millions of Americans for the last 160 years have been self-interestedly misidentified as some form of "United States Citizen", "U.S. Citizen" or "citizen of the United States" so as to extract non-existent debts and performances and taxes and fees. 

All this has been done to us by British and Roman Subcontractors who in fact owe us "good faith service".  

These white collar criminals have siphoned unimaginable amounts of labor, natural resources, and assets out of this country and its people, and then declared bankruptcy and thrust all their own debts on the victims of this gigantic fraud scheme. 

Now they wish to find some way to carry on business as usual and bluster their way through it and bring on Donald J. Trump as President..... of what?  President of the United States. 

Which "United States"?   And it really doesn't matter, because the only United States related to any American at this late date, is The United States, the official name of this country. 

Though they twist and though they turn and spread their web from here to Belfast, though they attempt to "calm things down" any way they can, though they try to lull us all back to sleep and slather on cost cutting measures (required by the Municipal Chapter 7 bankruptcy anyway) and pour on the bandages of various kinds, nothing works. 

The whole fraud and misrepresentation scheme that began with "King" John, has run its course.   All the king's media can't put Humpty-Dumpty back together again, because the simple truth of all this is damning and not that hard to understand. 

This past week a brillant hoax-parody-art project appeared on YouTube, a Mock result of a non-existent Supreme Court Case, 
Zachary Moore v. Alliant Credit Union: a Moot Court Case appearing in a Moot Court. 

Beyond educating Americans and revealing the self-evident facts about Federal Reserve Notes and the Federal Reserve itself, this art project begs support for the simplest and most basic causes of justice itself. 

To paraphrase the artist(s), fraud is wrong, contracts secured by fraud are wrong, and truth (including the foregoing) does not depend on validation by authorities and institutions. It exists all by itself. 

We might add that the truth commands respect and when crime against living men is an institutionalized practice, it demands action. 

The premise of this art project is simple enough: if our public servants want to dabble around in the realm of fiction, and tell lies about us, put words in our mouths and imaginary debts in our hands, and then pretend that this has validity --- then one good fiction deserves another, especially if it exposes the truth. 

We quote: 

The Argument Against Usury, Fiat Currency, and Systemic Unjust Enrichment

Opening: The Mathematical and Moral Impossibility of Usury

To illustrate the core injustice, consider this story:

Imagine I lend you a single dollar—the only dollar in existence—and I demand interest. How would you repay it? Can you extract "2 from 1"? The answer is simple: you cannot. The loan is mathematically impossible to repay without incurring additional debt or taking resources from another borrower.

This is not just a thought experiment. It is the foundation of the Federal Reserve's credit system. Borrowers are set up to fail, guaranteeing their eventual bankruptcy and the transfer of their real assets to the lender. This system does not create value; it extracts it, enriching the lender while impoverishing everyone else.

Continuing to quote: 

The Unjust Nature of Fiat Currency and Usury

Fiat Currency as Fraudulent Consideration

A valid contract requires mutual consideration, meaning both parties provide something of real value.

The Federal Reserve issues fiat currency unbacked by tangible assets (e.g., gold or silver)

[Editor's Note: though labor has value, it's illegal and unlawful to trade the value of someone else's labor, because it is either a form of peonage or enslavement
. The guilty parties have tried to get around this by "redefining" living men as corporate franchises and most recently, as "transhumans".]

This currency is created out of nothing, yet loans based on it demand repayment with interest.

This violates basic principles of contract law and equity. Lending something inherently valueless and demanding repayment in real assets constitutes unjust enrichment.

Compounding Interest and Perpetual Debt:

Borrowers face obligations they cannot fulfill without further borrowing, leading to a cycle of compounding debt.

This ensures the lender's unjust enrichment by continuously transferring wealth and assets from borrowers, without proportional value being provided.  

[Editor's Note: The Federal Reserve System is a form of embezzlement known as "siphoning". It escapes detection and prosecution by use of another form of fraud known as "mirroring".] 

Systemic Coercion: Taxation and Inflation

Taxation as Coercion:

The U.S. government [Editor's Note: we are talking about the British Crown Corporations acting as Federal Subcontractors, not any actual American Government doing this.] enforces taxation payable only in [fiat] dollars, creating artificial demand for fiat currency.

Citizens are forced to earn [fiat] dollars under threat of penalties, fines, or imprisonment. This is tantamount to economic duress, as they are compelled to participate in a system that benefits lenders disproportionately.

[Editor's Note: The situation is actually a form of peonage if voluntary, and enslavement, if not; both peonage and slavery have been outlawed worldwide since 1926.]

Inflation as Hidden Taxation

The Federal Reserve's 2% inflation target erodes the purchasing power of the [fiat] dollar.

[Editor's Note: The rate of inflation is not somehow set at 2% in the marketplace, where it can be unlimited -- observe Weimar Republic history.  The author/artist is referring to the "Prime Rate" that is the usury the Central Bank imposes on other banks seeking to "borrow" the phony fiat currency that the Federal Reserve is licensed by the criminal British Crown Corporation to produce.] 

Citizens must work harder, borrow more, or become more productive to maintain their standard of living.

[Editor's Note: This is how American families have gone from having one breadwinner to needing two parents working full time, and often taking on extra jobs in addition. The Federal Reserve system is an enslavement racket that imposes a silent, constant unseen and universal "tax" on the phony "debt" that this foreign currency imposes on anyone forced to use it.]

Inflation acts as a hidden tax that transfers wealth from the public to banks and asset holders, further entrenching inequality
End quote.

We never needed nor wanted nor consented knowingly to the Federal Reserve System; the British Crown Federal Subcontractors imposed it as a Military Scrip (illegally, it turns out, as the "military" is actually a mercenary force) to be used by British Territorial U.S. Citizens. 

They used the phony Birth Registration process as a means to redefine Americans as U.S. Citizens.  Just like they are trying to use their phony "vaccines" to redefine all such "humans" as "transhumans".  

We have one thing to say to all these criminals -- up your asses.  Everything you have done since Day One of this fiasco has been unlawful, illegal, and immoral.  It's all fraud. And we are blowing it all the way back to Rome. 

We are the Belle Chers.  The Visigoths.  The Normans.  The Amoricans.  Alive or dead, we've never been defeated.  And never will be. 

The British Crown has betrayed its own soldiers and sailors, violated its contracts, enslaved its own people along with many, many others, and together with its disgusting Roman compatriots, deserves what it gets. 

So saddle up, everyone, be ready to ride. The truth may be stranger than fiction, but it's still the truth. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

January 24th 2025 

See this article and over 5200 others on Anna's website here:

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