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Friday, January 29, 2021

No "Second" Declaration

 By Anna Von Reitz

For the last 158 years there has been a consistent pattern: use the Roman Civil Law available to the Municipal Government of Washington, DC, as an excuse to use deceit and fraud to pillage and plunder the innocent people of this country and the rest of the world.  

And guess who has been working right hand-in-glove with that?  The Queen's Government, which is under contract to provide services via the British Territorial United States Government.  

It should have struck everyone by now that, hey, we've been under Martial Law for 158 years --- in fact, under what has been called and implemented as an "international military protectorate" because it wasn't just our United States Army involved --- so, how is all this stuff possible, without the military being compromised, too? 

Well, obviously, it was.  None of this could have happened without our military (and our intelligence services, too) being compromised from within.  

And that's the hard part.  Our military was basically commandeered by the Brits and the bankers and used as cheap mercenaries.  Our intelligence agencies were put to work as scalpers for commercial interests. 

That's the sad facts, folks.  The Swamp wasn't just ugly politicians spewing their crap and doing their dirt.  There were plenty of helpers in the military and in the intelligence community, too.  

The difference is that the Municipal Government could always count on another crop of corrupt and corruptible politicians springing up like weeds in the spring, but the Military has a contract to fulfill, and if they don't fulfill the contract, they not only lose their jobs, they are likely to get hacked up in the process. 

So, the stakes for the military are a lot higher than for the politicians, and they know it.  

That's the difference. 

That does not mean that the military is clean.  That does not mean that they 100% understand the position they are in, or even the history that they are now all of a sudden paying attention to (their focus on the Act of 1871 which was repealed in 1874, for instance) but it does mean that they are "Highly Motivated" to correct and (emphasis added) ---to get back into control. 

Only this time they want to take it a step beyond just controlling everything behind a storefront of "democracy" and run as a full-fledged military junta. 
In order to do that legally however, they have to overcome the foundations of our country, and especially, The Declaration of Independence, which is the foundation of our country.  

So they have offered you a "Second" Declaration of Independence.  

If you accept that, and don't steadfastly cling to the first Declaration, you will lose everything that your Forefathers fought for and won.  

You will be reduced to having to fight for it all again.  And the Queen and her Government will have a free hand to do whatever they please without regard to any Constitution or other agreement that the Americans are owed. 

The "Second" Declaration is a British lawyer's trick, a counter-offer.  

If you are dumb enough to take it, no matter how good it may sound, you lose. 

If you stay the course and remain true to the first Declaration, they have to honor their obligations to you.  

It's that simple, folks.  Spread the word. 


See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:

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    1. I mean, including our countries. Many of you are done with your paperworks. En mass, why not, like their Fraud en mass.

    2. Folks, TRUE we DON'T have 3 YEARS to claim individual tedious process. I'm TALKING about the 3 YEARS in TOTAL BATTLES from START to FINISH off PHYSICALLY.

      who frequently play games WHO will NOT PAY their prices; I or we will soon LIST your FULL CORPORATION NAMES, CEO, CFO, dob, perhaps with your crooked BAR THIEVES, THAT you FREQUENTLY COMMUNICATED with to ROB the PUBLIC'S; for PUBLIC arrest on you.

      We GO BY the BOOKS, and YOU DID NOT. You think our 7X international damages "CANON law" is worse than your 336X penalty Legislations ?

      We CANNOT exchange your apology with our actual DAMAGES. BC you robbed people 35 - 85 years with your parents, 169 years with your forefathers. Enough is enough with your FAKE LOANS, BOGUS PUBLIC RECORDS and False / CRYPTIC laws.

    3. Lastly PLEASE REMEMBER the stiff penalty. It's going to be triggered by you CORP'S again, so if you paid no attention that's your problem, 22X WARNINGS already issued. NO COVID KILLER GAMES ACCEPTED, on our people, from your fictitious ORG.

      As multi-party you are the same team, considered ONES.

  2. Thanks Paul for all your informative posts on this forum and absolutely proving my non-disputable (absolutely no argument, absolutely no debate, absolutely just the pure divine truth about the globalist's and humanity's divine fate of the planned divine planetary extermination) divine point since I have been on this forum blogging my heart out (a lot of personal time and energy spent, done out of love and respect for humanity, original divine creation and our divine Father [Yahweh]) for months to warn of the planned divine planetary extinction of humanity, the globalists and original divine creation on Earth as soon as January 1, 2025 and latest as January 1, 2035!!!

    Now, we all see why our divine Father (Yahweh) from Paradise/Heaven wants to currently exterminate His creation for His children's corruption of original divine creation (Melinda Gates, Anthony Fauci, Barry Soetero [aka Barack Obama] and the female lab technician throwing up the 666 hand sign [plus many others including Bill Gates] at the Wuhan, China Bio-Weapons Lab4 in 2015 will be divinely exterminated as soon as January 1, 2025 and latest as January 1, 2035 unless I personally reach out to them to intervene from their own divine demise [divine-eternal-condemnation]; picture under Paul's article titled: "Please Post Where People Will See It")!!!

    These folks in the picture (Anthony Fauci, Melinda Gates, Barry Soetero [aka Barack Obama] and the female lab technician at the Wuhan, China Bio-Weapons Lab4 in 2015 [ground zero for COVID-19 bio-weapons creation {Prions /Mad Cow Disease/, HIV/AIDS, SARS, Influenza} imported {stolen} from USA found in "testing swabs" and "bio-weapon-vaccines"]) think they can out do our divine Father (Yahweh) by killing off His original divine creation (including humanity) but they are absolutely mortally under estimating the power of divine creation and judgement (it is better to fear divine creation and judgement than any Earthly mortal) and about to get a divine rude awakening very soon with my "Divine-Manifesto (c)" of "Divine Intelligence's Lawful Divine Warning Orders To Humanity Of Earth To Avoid Divine Planetary Extermination (c)"!!!

    Continued in following post (too many characters):

    1. Continued from previous post:

      What divinely more do I need to say to The Assembly, The Constitutional Republic, the globalists and to the rest of humanity???!!! Do I have The Assembly's, The Constitutional Republic's, the globalist's and the rest of humanity's undivided attention for divine and mortal intelligence support now to save you from your own personal divine judgement of the planned divine planetary extermination of humanity and divine-eternal-condemnation???!!!

      If any person in The Assembly, The Constitutional Republic, The Globalist and the rest of humanity have the ultimate divine and mortal answers to avoid the planned divine planetary extermination of all of us mortals on Earth please step forward and state your case now or stand down to avoid wasting any more precious mortal time and respectfully acknowledge me as your ultimate divine/mortal guide ("Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Humanity (c)", Director, Leader, Honorable, Divine, "Divine-Earth-President-of-Presidents (c)", "Divine-Earth-Commander-in-Chief-of-Commander-in-Chiefs") to absolutely eliminate the divine threat of the planned divine planetary extermination of humanity on Earth as soon as January 1, 2025 and latest as January 1, 2035!!!

      I sincerely thank from deep down in my mind, heart and spirit everyone in The Assembly, The Constitutional Republic, even the globalists and the rest of humanity worldwide who is now part of the greatest awakening (elimination of divine mental blind spots) of humanity since the time of our divine brother Jesus Christ of Nazareth and I am personally honored to be able to MAKE IT HAPPEN 2,000 plus years later in our lifetime (Paradise/Heaven on Earth)!!! Amen, so be it said our divine Father (Yahweh) from Paradise/Heaven!!!

      COPYRIGHT WARNING: This posted script herein is under divine and mortal copyright protection, absolutely no part of this script may be copied or transmitted without exclusive permission from the author "Make it happen (c)", this copyright herein supersedes this forum's copyright, all rights reserved without prejudice: (c) 01/30/2021

    2. You’re posts are just plain biblical builshit. Dont forget your every lie will be revealed and you, the controlled opposition, will get what you have coming in order to make sure your stupid ideas are ground into dust where they can do the least damage. Based on the depth of your biblical baloney, you have cemented your choice to deliberately support your demon mis-informers, making you nothing more than a junk spiritist from hell. You think far higher of yourself than you have a right to. Your words are mixed with the same deception as the father of lies.

    3. Net- Absolutely no divine lies, absolutely no controlled opposition, absolutely not from "hell", just absolutely the pure divine truth!!! It does not matter what I "think" or what I "believe" in, it divinely is what it is, sorry!!! Those who have not done their proper divine research (like yourself Net) absolutely are not able to comprehend and understand my divine messages about their personal divine fate (like yours Net, the globalist and the rest of humanity, waiting for you and them at your personal mortal death, pure divine truth hurts deeply, sorry)!!! Amen, so be it said our divine Father (Yahweh) from Paradise/Heaven!!!

    4. You seem like you got stuck in transition between the children's playground of mind, and the throne of the heart. Did you get a glimpse of Glory? Divinity? The Way, The Truth, The Life, The Word, and The Light, that i am within you? It is available to return to the Source, and rest there.
      Lessening the risk of running out in public, speaking before you think, thus believing nothing? I doubt you are an idiot, and one not possessing the capacity to develop intelligence, maybe only retarded, which delay may be only that, and full development is still possible?
      I just dont get why you try so hard to come across that way? When you grow up a few moments, and speak intelligently, humbly, recognizing you are one of many, equal and free as you, who have no man between them and their Father, save His Son, our Savior, Who also is not ashamed to call us His Brethren. No need to bebut children.
      God speed, if you will.

    5. Apologies, no need to Rebut children. Nonsense claims are not binding. Fortunately for makeithappen.

    6. Paul Raymond Whipple- Thanks for your response!!!

      You said "Did you get a glimpse of Glory? Divinity? The Way, The Truth, The Life, The Word, and The Light, that i [I] am within you?"!!! I absolutely did my divine-brother ("You seek and you shall find me"- our divine Father [Yahweh]) and that is why I absolutely can say what I say with divine and mortal conviction about the planned divine planetary extermination of humanity as soon as January 1, 2025 and latest as January 1, 2035!!! That will absolutely not change until the announced divine planetary extermination of humanity threat has been cancelled, period!!!

      You said "Lessening the risk of running out in public, speaking before you think, thus believing nothing? I doubt you are an idiot, and one not possessing the capacity to develop intelligence, maybe only retarded, which delay may be only that, and full development is still possible?"!!! I love it when folks like you are very critical of my comments because it gives me the opportunity to prove my point about my comments, awesome!!! I am actually very intelligent due to the fact that I am self-taught in politics, law, divinity, marketing, science, physics, health, internet technology, philosophy, nano technology, life extension technology, e-commerce, finance, real estate, psychology and still counting (how about you Paul Raymond Whipple???), that doesn't sound like a retarded person does it???, so who really is retarded here Paul Raymond Whipple (hmm)???!!! I absolutely just live in divine reality which most of humanity can not comprehend and accept like you Paul Raymond Whipple!!! You and The assembly thought that your ceiling has been hit but has just only begun, creme rises to the top and I am the cream!!!

      You said "I just dont get why you try so hard to come across that way? When you grow up a few moments, and speak intelligently, humbly, recognizing you are one of many, equal and free as you, who have no man between them and their Father, save His Son, our Savior, Who also is not ashamed to call us His Brethren. No need to bebut children."!!! I speak nothing but the pure divine raw truth (no more, no less)!!! I agree with you 100% that what I describe on this forum to The Assembly and others worldwide is very disturbing of humanity's catastrophic divine fate but it has to be disseminated no matter how shocking, painful and uncomfortable it is so humanity may be able to react appropriately to avoid such scenario before it is too late!!!

      Continued in following post (too many characters):

    7. Continued from previous post:

      You said "God speed, if you will."!!! I appreciate your acknowledgement and good luck to The Assembly, The Constitutional Republic, the globalists and the rest of humanity to overcome the planned divine planetary extermination on Earth (either we have the mortal intelligence or we don't to survive the planned divine planetary extermination of all mortals on Earth)!!!

      You said "Apologies, no need to Rebut children. Nonsense claims are not binding. Fortunately for makeithappen."!!! I absolutely never have to apologize for my comments on The Assembly forum about the pure divine truth about the planned divine planetary extermination of humanity as soon as January 1, 2025 and latest as January 1, 2035 when it is absolutely dictated directly from His mouth by our divine Father (Yahweh) from Paradise/Heaven!!! It is my obligated personal divine duty to disseminate the absolute divine truth about the planned divine planetary extermination of humanity due to the fact that I personally have direct divine intelligence of such divine facts for decades and knowing such divine revelations, and withholding it from humanity would be a great divine sin against me personally because of my personal divine life saving intelligence ability and divine command from our divine Father (Yahweh) from Paradise/Heaven to save humanity and His original divine creation from their own divine extinction (my lifetime passion to divine research has lead me into the divine responsibility and divine accountability of disseminating the pure divine truth of humanity's divine fate, it just worked out this way which something I was not expecting [the whole world on my shoulder])!!! Now, you can see where I am coming from and now you know what I know but I personally have the divine and mortal intelligence and the divine and mortal solutions (blueprint) which you personally do not have (do you have the solutions [blueprint])???!!! Honesty is the best policy which is thinking and speaking intelligently!!! Amen, so be it said our divine Father (Yahweh) from Paradise/Heaven!!!

  3. We don't have three years more like three weeks. I have been saying for months now whoever is negotiating with the trustees, Living Law Firm?, get an initial installment of our credit, assets for all the American State Nationals/Citizens that are signed up now! Get our assets from the Vatican Bank which is now under control of the good guys - $34 quadtrillion available I am told. We must get some momentum in this negotiation so we can fund our efforts and state enforcement. We need action - NOW!

    1. Billie Joe Lugan- Thanks for your response!!! "We don't have three years more like three weeks."- Billie Joe Lugan!!! You are absolutely correct, this objective/mission of Paradise/Heaven on Earth should have been done millenniums ago but we were all mortally clueless back then!!! Now, we all have the divine intelligence and need to move super fast (time is the essence) to avoid the planned divine planetary extermination of humanity (including the globalists) on Earth as soon as January 1, 2025 and latest as January 1, 2035!!! This is why I am personally taking the divine and mortal initiative to fund and guide humanity out of its' darkest history of original divine creation (Paradise/Heaven on Earth or extermination, which one is it going to be humanity???)!!! Amen, so be it said our divine Father (Yahweh) from Paradise/Heaven!!!

  4. Romans 2 12-16/ Leviticus 25:10

    Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all inhabitants thereof. engraved on the 2000 pound Liberty Bell that rang On July 8, 1776 to
    announce the reading of the Declaration of Independence, Resounds that
    Gods Law is written in the heart

    1. Gods Law is CANON LAW, with org. UCC, its sub-part.

    2. God's Law is Love overcoming hate fear ETC

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. thank you ever so much, Anna. i didn't like it when i saw it - best

  8. Well, I don't think the so-called "American Indians" - even our southern cousins who fought with the British to protect their lands, families and homes, ever needed a Declaration of Independence at that time. But we sure do now. The only place where it refers to "American Indians" in that document is where it calls them "merciless Indian Savages ...". So yes, we need a new declaration. In Alaska they claim to have conquered us by christianizing and giving us new names.
