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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Pope Francis, President Trump, and Mr. Larry Fink:

By Anna Von Reitz

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents, Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals.

Mr. Fink has bonded six (6) trillion dollars-worth of Federal Debt.  He has now called in the debt for lack of security, and thereby bankrupted the Perpetrators of the Federal Debt.

The problems are:

1. The Federal Debt doesn't exist.  It only exists on paper because our National Credit has not been applied to balance the books. So either the bookkeeping needs to take place or the bogus "debt" needs to be discharged --- one way or the other, and we don't care which.

2. The Securities bonded by Mr. Fink are illegal, and represent living flesh involuntarily and unconscionably contracted and impersonated under conditions of non-disclosure and deceit.  The Serial Numbers and certificates all go back to living people who have been illegally and immorally "latched and attached" to the bonds without their knowing or voluntary consent. Mr. Fink has cause for complaint against the Perpetrators--- the Holy See, the Queen, Westminster --- but no valid claim against any defrauded American born on our soil and mischaracterized as any form of "US" citizen.

3. Mr. Fink's corporations are all chartered by our States of the Union, including Delaware and New York and California, et alia, with the result that Mr. Fink's assets are in fact our assets, and his claims against our assets are claims against his assets. As you can see, Mr. Fink has no assets and no position to buy, sell, or bankrupt anything related to us or our States. 

In view of the widespread constructive fraud scheme that has been employed by minions of the Crown and members of the U.S. Congress and the Municipal "Congress of the United States" seeking to deliberately misidentify American babies as "wards" of their States of States, and in full view of the heinous nature of this activity and unconscionable nature of the resulting contracts, Mr. Fink needs to be informed that he has six (6) trillion dollars worth of fraudulent securities (or thereabouts) on his hands, and the only remedy open to him is to seek reimbursement from the Crown, the Holy See, and the Queen's Government. 

He, Larry Fink,  cannot be allowed to continue to try to peddle these illegal securities to any Third Party, as in his recent efforts to offer them to President Xi. 

Ironically enough, we have some sympathy for him and for the Israeli banks and the Israeli Government, which have backed the bonds he is trying to trade, cash, or otherwise off-load, but the responsibility for this circumstance is not ours and cannot be used to harm or indebt or excuse any military or mercenary action on our shores whatsoever.

We have had reports of Israeli mercenaries on our soil, leading attacks against former PENTAGON employees.  This activity needs to stop immediately and permanently while the Principals work out a solution.

We also note that the same Israeli banks and Israeli Government are greatly in our debt, and that those debts have not been settled, so that Mr. Fink's activities appear to be invalidated in another way as well: the Crown, the Queen, and the Holy See may owe the American States and People six (6) trillion worth of damages, but so then does the bonding company and its backers. 

Not only that, but the same parties, the Israeli banks and the Israeli Government offering to bankrupt our Territorial Government, owe us in excess of 100 trillion dollars, so what kind of game is this?  Our Subcontractors owe them six trillion, while they owe us a hundred trillion, and they want to foreclose?  Hmm? 

We are the Lawful Government of this country and we insist that this entire mess gets straightened out according to our Will, our Treaties, and our Commercial Contracts with the Crown, the Queen, and the Holy See without further delay, excuse, dalliance, obfuscation, or deceit.

Obviously, someone siphoned six trillion dollars and it went somewhere.  It did not go to the people of this country to whom it was owed.  Similarly, the Chinese Trade Deficit was created by siphoning and swindling and all that money didn't get where it was going, either.

The pipeline - transfer agents - are the obvious place to start looking for all the missing credit, and the securities oversight organizations are another, as well as the banks which have been operating illegally since 1934 in this country.

But again, we only observe the obvious, and neither we nor the States and People that we represent are responsible for any of it---- and we do not intend to be blamed for it or billed for it.

                                     James Clinton Belcher, Head of State
                                     The United States of America

                                     Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
                                     The United States of America


  1. Does that mean we can sue the IRS for deliberate fraud against us for a million dollars and win..!!
    I know it says we cant sue the IRS or its employees, but that is only for US CITIZENS , not American non- citizen Nationals...!! Your thoughts...!!

  2. Old wars resulted in treaties and often the winner like Russia got a deal to run the government offices and collect taxes. Nowadays same game but far more complex and TV and news keeps people afraid and waiting around to see what happens like the Jews and Croations who had no idea the were about to be snuffed

  3. We're being involuntarily euthanized because we're their priority creditors.

  4. Anna, who made you Fiduciary and James the Head of State, and where can we find evidence of your positions? if you were such, would you not be able to contact Trump and somehow assist in this transition? All we see is you complain about the whole situation not getting handled properly. I do however notice the Gold Fringe is gone from the Flag and we are no longer flying the UN Flag. Trump has transitioned the Fed into the Treasury and closed the back door which was there to illegal bleed our funds. Trump appointed the new President of the World Bank, so we should have access to our actual gold not just the worthless debt notes. I see him getting something accomplished. He has done more than anyone else has had the balls to do up until this point. Yet you continue to just bash him and only speak negatively. If you at all understand the cosmic shift taking place, it is assisted by positivity. Show the man a little bit of love. He is doing all of this because he is a Patriot. He could have not ran and we'd have Killary right now and be in the process of systematically exterminated while they cut the faces off of living children and sodomizing newborn babies.
