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Saturday, February 19, 2022

"Christian" Death Cults

 By Anna Von Reitz

Those of you who have been following along with my own quest for truth about Christianity know that I have been a conventional Christian, a Lutheran, for the greater part of my life.
This changed when I discovered a Black Market engaged in buying, selling and trading Baptismal Certificates. My Shinola Sensor went off like a fire alarm.
Now, you have to understand that the bulk of my life I have studied religion as well as history and law, because these are inextricably connected; however, that is not the kind of study --not a criminal investigation-- such as I embarked upon after the Black Market in Souls discovery.
All the incorporated churches I investigated issue Baptismal Certificates as clearinghouse receipts and make money off them, just as the Queen's Territorial Government makes money off Birth Certificates. One claims to warehouse the body, the other claims to warehouse the soul.
This repugnant corruption began centuries ago in the Roman Catholic Church and has spread from there to all the incorporated churches. Like the Indulgences scandal that set Martin Luther off, where the Church was giving wealthy patrons Free Passes to sin in exchange for hefty donations, this trade is both fraudulent and immoral.
Then there was the whole discussion about Blood Oaths and the hidden Blood Oath sworn as The Apostle's Creed before Communion. It is an oath and it is sealed with the blood represented by the Communion wine. So here we have billions of Christians swearing blood oaths and not having a clue what they are doing --- and the fact that the swearing of oaths, much less blood oaths, is prohibited throughout the Bible.
Once one steps back and looks at it, the Communion set up also reeks of ritual cannibalism: drinking the blood and eating the body? Hello? The Roman Catholic Doctrine of Transubstantiation goes so far as to teach people that the wine in the Communion Cup magically turns into Jesus's real blood.
And then there was the whole "Christ" narrative. Christ means "The Anointed One" --- but when do we ever talk about any anointing? I went to church for fifty years and never once heard a single sermon on the subject, yet this is what gave us the name of the whole religion? This title, "Christ", turns Jesus into an office-holder, a 'person'--- and anyone who reads the Bible knows that God is no respecter of persons....
There is even the name of the Bible itself --- The Holy Bible literally translates as "The Sun Book" --- yet when did any Hebrew worship the sun? The Egyptians worshiped the sun, and the Canaanites (Phoenicians), too, but not the Hebrews. So whose book is this that we are reading?
And then, there is the ghastly crucifix. If Jesus (Joshua in English) was taken down from the cross and rose from the dead, why is he still left hanging there like a piece of dead meat throughout Catholic iconography? Why dwell on suffering and death instead of joy and eternal life --- unless "Christianity" is a death cult?
Let's not forget all the gruesome "holy relics" either, scattered throughout the known world, bits and pieces of saints preserved as skeletal fingers, mummies, severed heads and severed arms, full corpses in various states of decay, lying in state in glass coffins.... what is this, if not a death cult?
Let's not forget the Council of Nicea where the canon roster of the accepted books of the Bible were selected and, as it turns out, the whole phony story of Constantine's conversion. He never said a word about it until thirteen years after the battle where he had his purported "vision". There's not a single Christian symbol on Constantine's Victory Arch commemorating that battle. Instead, there are eight priests of Mithras wearing Phrygian head dress.
Modern linguistic scholars agree that Saint Jerome most likely slipped in numerous misogynistic "Letters" attributed to the Apostle Paul, which were written and widely distributed as "Homages" to Paul by St. Jerome's friend, Paul of Ephesus, a prolific preacher and writer who never ceased to promote the purported inferiority of women and the need to subdue them and make them obedient to male patriarchy.
The worship of Mithras, "the Son of the Sun" was popular among the Roman elites during Constantine's time. They'd get together in an underground chamber and a priest wearing a spiky sun-rayed head dress pretending to be the solar god Mithras, would sacrifice a bull, so that its "eternal blood" would fertilize the universe.
Mithras was born on December 25th and is widely depicted with a halo around his head, reminiscent of all the icons of all the Saints. Once again, we see the same death-centered motif of sacrificing an innocent animal and drinking its blood that transposes to the sacrificial "lamb" and drinking his blood.
Always, it's blood, blood, blood, blood, blood.
When you dig deep, it becomes apparent that we've been sold another bill of goods by the same people that have undermined our government and enslaved us in the Land of the Free, using a mish-mashed scripture hand-selected and tweaked, added to, subtracted from, regurgitated and recast from all sorts of ancient sources, to serve Constantine's real objective: gaining control of the pesky Early Church
From "Peter's Pence" collected on yearly incomes on April 15th every year by the Inquisition to fund "holy wars" --- an oxymoron if there ever was one --- to Saint Ignatius Loyola and "killing for Christ" -- another oxymoron, the Roman Church has led not to peace, but to perdition. And it is against this backdrop that we hear about priests being engaged in the most despicable acts of pedophilia, sexual assault, and even child sacrifice.
Sadly, it's a whole cloth. It all hangs together. It is what it is. From the phallic symbol obelisk in St. Peter's square to the womb-like dome of the Basilica itself, what has passed for the "Christian" Religion and hidden itself behind the beautiful storefront of Jesus's teachings, is a foreign, pagan, death cult, one that believes in duality instead of unity, one that uses sex as a sacrament, one that actively practices idolatry, one that has fallen from any state of grace.
In the early days after Constantine's infiltration and conquest of the Church, through much of the Dark Ages, and well into the Middle Ages, there were mass suicides in the Christian Churches, as the members, fed up with this world and eager to get to Heaven, engaged in mass suicides. This is what led to suicide being declared a Mortal Sin. The Church was losing too much revenue and too many members.
That was the Roman Catholic Church's answer to the problem of Christian Mass Suicides, but in other Churches that developed after the Reformation, no such stigma applied to suicide and the old specter reared its head, the most famous recent example being the Jonesville Massacre.
Most of us hearing about the Jonesville Massacre just shook our heads and figured Jim Jones was a complete and utter fruitcake, but in fact, he was following in the footsteps of many other preachers and Christian Congregations that chose to exit this world rather than continue to suffer its slings and arrows. Jones truly believed that he and his followers would all be better off in Heaven, and he was far from the first Christian Church leader to come to the same conclusion.
But, of course, no Christian leaders discussed this Dirty Little Secret of the Church. Nobody put it in its proper historical context. Nobody owned up to the logic of what was unleashed there.
So this, too, is how Christianity became a Death Cult, because it focuses all attention on what happens after we die, instead of what happens while we live. It talks about Heaven and how we all want to get there and how wonderful it will be --- after we die. After we die, we will be healed and comforted. After we die, we will finally know why all these dreadful things happen to us.
Christians spend their entire lives waiting to go to Heaven and be with Jesus, a circumstance that keeps them from living and enjoying their lives in the present. The gift of life gets discounted, taken for granted, and all too often, wasted.
That is not what Jesus taught and that's not what he wanted for us, when he said that he had come so that we could have life, and have it abundantly. He clearly valued life supremely, when he said that man has no greater love, than to give up his life for his friends.
I was ruminating about all these things and talking to a "Recovered Christian", a woman who said, "It's like waking up the morning after a date rape." I knew what she meant. You go to church in search of Jesus, and find Satan waiting there instead. You seek the fountain of life, and find nothing but blood and death and sex and lies. So many fat, self-righteous white-washed tombs, taking up space in the nicest neighborhoods, doing nothing for the community, but enjoying all the tax benefits.
It turns out that the Sabbatean Frankists weren't doing anything new. The only thing new is that they were Jews doing the same ugly, nasty things that the Christian Church had been doing for years behind closed doors. All this crap never came from the Zohar, not even the Talmud. It came from the Christian Church.
A friend sent me this film clip about Jonesville and what happened there. I want everyone to watch it and gain a greater understanding now that you can see it in the context of Christian History. Grieve for their loss. Grieve for what it says about this world and the way we treat each other.
Speaking of which, you will have to go to my website, to see the larger article that the film clip is part of, because the unlawful Censors at FB won't allow free speech.
A more poignant and searing documentary memorial cannot be imagined. These were our brothers and sisters, our children. They were part of us and we lost them.
The precious teachings of Jesus matter, but they only matter if we take them to heart and put them into practice in our own lives.

All the liars and hypocrites in the world who call themselves "Christians" and practice evil, who contribute to making this planet a Hell Hole, will never sit down to dinner with him in his Kingdom, because they didn't sit down to dinner with him in their own kitchen. Well and truly he will say, "Depart from me, you Evildoers! I never knew you."


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  1. they are all "death cults" except draco the dragon

    yes, baal the bull, most high god (not really, bull drowned long ago)

    all revolves around draco the pole star dragon

    novus ordo seclorum and the sibylls song -- the just inherit the pole -- egyptian amenta - fields of heaven. this is all "the bible" ever was.

    "ineffable" god (draco the dragon, who sends out periodic pole star representatives)

    "jesus" of any stripe is 180 -- must confess, be baptized.

    mystery religions: be silent "ineffable" "god" cannot be named

    this was the "greater mysteries of amenta" versus lesser. draco the dragon is the true "god"

    yes, jewish tabernacles and temples are 100% baal the bull -- all they did was remove a statue. ezekiel in the jewish encyclopedia asks/tells "god" the 4 cherubim should no longer have a bull, because he was embarassed. same old baal/bull worship, but like the statue being removed, tried to cover it up. moses has horns coming down from sinai. "our god is an ass" talmud -- all egyptian gods. "shu"

    aquarius: just more veiled draco the dragon

    the only reason draco the good dragon was not "god" -- despite every religion attacking him for 2160 years and ultimately losing each time --- is because he has no stars in his belly. so it is "hidden" that he is the "true center" for the pole star system

    hence amun/ptah (grand architect of the universe)/amun "the hidden". separates spirit and soul, sharper than a two-edged sword. draco the dragon and his "cat's eye"

    moses/shu holds up the sky. evaporates into the morning mist. believe he pants like a lion too.

    this is all "the bible" ever was, but it is also all "judaism" ever was, all any type of "christianity" ever was...and all the age of aquarius is.

    ultimately, there is just draco the dragon worship.

    chinese astrology, has "hidden virtue". and there is a cat's eye -- more accurate than any pole star.

    so what we have is, draco the dragon on all sides. some supposed "shaman" religions went beyond polestar-based religion

    mars is part of the "judaism" system. so is saturn. ADONAI.

    draco the dragon reigns forever and ever. that's all any of these religions ever were.

    they are all death cults -- except draco the dragon. all the pole star gods (horus, "the lord" baal the bull, hercules, athena, arthur) get reborn every 2160 years. as does aquarius -- yet another "death cult"

  2. much like the q shaman in his "baal" the bull costume, praying for america to be "reborn" and all the other "the lord" worshippers. praying to -- draco the good dragon, "the hidden".

    that's all there ever was was "death cults" -- draco the dragon, "life" was always kept "veiled" and still is. "ineffable" his name cannot be spoken

    draco the dragon never dies. the pole star changes. the equinoxes and solstices change.

    same with arthur/arcturus the bear. prior pole star. he is currently "dead" until he swings back around.

    in egypt, nile flooded (on earth, not from rain) around leo. so leo adorns fountains. same with solomon, mary, cybele, hercules, freya other cultures, this was scorching heat and death.

    so one leo "saves" other parts of the world, other times, it was a symbol of death.

    usually earth was "female" but since egypt water came from the earth, it was "male" and the sky got to be "female" - doesnt really matter, same old astrology/alchemy.

    this is why it is so ridiculous to talk about "mars". a roaring lion. is that "jesus" or "satan"? they both use that imagery. forked tongue dragon yet again. tribe of judah -- "jews" -- a zodiac sign. so "jews" are "lions" too.

    the astrology is easy -- draco the dragon rules "heaven" forever and ever.

    noone worshipped "the sun". it was "ineffable" -- and likely yet again, will just turn out to be "draco the dragon" "the ineffable" "the ever-lasting" the true "the most high god"

    "rome" for bull worship? lol. "jews" came out of egypt, dont exist otherwise, same as "christianity" and "jesus" and "roman christianity"

    yes, baal the bull aka yahweh aka jehovah aka elohim had a wife. so you get 7 hathors "holy of holies" aka isis aka mary ...continued all the way down through "judaism" and "christianity". the "veil"

    there is no "goddess" without "bull worship". they were always a pair.

    the names are quite irrelevant. isis is another "ineffable" "god" just like "the lord".

    after all the name games, there is just draco the dragon.

    "goddess" was grace. america never did that, they did/do "noone is above the law". and now "the 10 commandments". no grace in sight. the "goddess" doesn't exist in america. there is only baal the bull, trying to "veil" his wife, same as always. aquarius changes nothing.

    novus ordo seclorum, as the sybill's song says, as egypt says, as "the bible" "mysteries of amenta" says, the "just" inherit the "pole" -- which is draco the dragon, more accurate than "mary"

    draco the dragon on all "sides".

    there's draco the dragon worship, that's it. all the rest are just nicknames. the "veil" is torn.

    pay no attention to the dragon behind the curtain.

    ineffable serpent god. all there ever was, is, or ever will be.

    draco the dragon > aquarius and yet another rerun of "baal" the bull worship.

    "so be it" amen. "the hidden"

    everyone already worships the draco dragon, under thousands of names. it is only people trying to "veil" this that invent all their "characters" and "morals" based on astrology.

    one message for insiders, one for outsiders. same old "mystery religions". draco the dragon for insiders, "aquarius" and "the lord" and "jehovah" and "yahweh" and "jesus" and "arthur" for outsiders, the vulgar, the unworthy,
    the shallow, senseless, sensual, conceited, arrogant.

    same as always, nothing has changed.

  3. draco the dragon is everlasting. aquarius will drown like all the other "gods" and "goddesses" did.

    just more veiled serpent worship and "idolatry"

    the dragon always wins. all the other "gods" and "goddesses" always lose.

    aquarius just carries water for...draco the good dragon. yet another "representative".

    instead of all these two-faced forked-tongue "representatives", the "pure" the "just" "the blessed" "the saved" "the worthy" "the holy" are with draco the good dragon in the pole, on the mount, the fields of amenta.

    aquarius is just one more of these "demigods" that didn't reach "heaven" -- yet another "death cult"

  4. Cut to the chase, Babylon created by Nimrod the most evil ruler whom masons keep his body parts .
    Can go back further to the The evil neighbor of Israel the Canaanite’s . Who became the Phoenicians modern day Jews.
    Jesus performed an exorcism on daughter of Canaanite woman at her request.
    You live a bad lifestyle your open to astral parasites .

  5. Anna: I am getting fake blogs in with yours in Paul Stramer's emails. Someone is inserting blogs claiming to be "Ana", the Goddess Creator and Mother of us all. She claimed to be a Seraph in an earlier blog...contradiction.ⓧ Since you, Anna, called me a numbnutz for wanting clarification of something, (or the CIA tards did, pretending to be you), it would be hard to believe any of the titles listed in these recent blogs. It is probably the CIA, as usual. They intercept my groceries, and do stupid things to them like putting pinholes in my 25 year powdered milk en route from the company. They destroyed my outdoor plants. They enter my home every time I leave, and I always get sick within two days. They destroyed me financially, socially, and in every other way they possibly can. Since they stole a gazillion jobs as they infiltrated, pretending to be 'helpers', making it impossible for me to work, changing my computer work into attacks, proving 24 hour surveillance by repeating everything I did the night before, including in the bathroom, etc., I wouldn't put it past them to infiltrate emails and change them. They sometimes change the order of my inbox mail from earliest to latest instead of vice versa. Sometimes they forget that I read one of the emails, and they select all of them and mark them unread. Multiply these things by infinity, and you will realize what these beasts are doing to Americans. They have GOT to go. We have to make them leave...along with every other 'agency' owned and directed by foreign parasites.

    1. Well, First Of All To Address The Prior Commit, Yes 100% The Illegal Broken Sadistic Government Is Monitoring Everything And Everyone. They Are Without A Doubt Sabotaging AnyThing And Everyone Who Speaks The Truth And Gives Solutions. You Should Read Judge Anna's Report To Targeted Individuals (TI'S) With Regards To Religion, Again The Information We're Being Given By Most Of These Religious Organizations Has Definitely Been Misinterpreted On Purpose, In Order To Justify The Evil Works Of The Ruling Powers Of The Times, When These Interpretations Were Released. Even Starting From The First Pages Of Adam And Eve. Where Did Their Sons Get Their Wives ?? This Is Misinterpreted To Leave A Opening For The Pagans Practices Of Incest. The Answer Is That There Were Other People Around And Added To The Community. Eve's Sons In No Way What So Ever, Had Sex With Their Mother. OK Now That I've Made Myself Sick To The Stomach, These Truths Have To Be Realized. These Are The Sick And Sadistic Things That Were Going On, And Still Are. If You Study The History Of The Bible You Will Find That The Truth Is In There, However, Evil Murdering Leaders Of The Time Purposely Instructed The Translators To Make Certain Adjustments In Order To Justify Their Acts And Actions, Just Like The Broken Murdering Illegal Governments We Have Today. God's Ways Are Simple And Easy. But, When We See All Of The Murderous, Criminal Acts Being Carried Out In The Name Of God, Many People Run Away From Religion All Together. Yes God Is All About Life Right Now, We Are Surrounded By The Beauty Of The Miracle Of Life. Yet, We Are Being Trained To Take These Things For Granted. If We Truly Seek God And Educate Ourselves To Be Aware Of The Evils That Surrounds Us, We Can Truly Find And Be A Part Of God At All Times. And When You Find Yourself Surrounded By Evil, The Word Says "Come Ye Out From Among Them" The Word Also Says
      "And If They Attack You, Kill Them" Now This Also Corresponds With The Ancient And Current Laws Of The Land. Clearly Self-Defense Does Not Have To Be Lethal. But When Your Life Is Being Threatened, That Speaks For Itself And Is Well Defined In The Laws Of The Lands. Now Back To The Subject Of The Governments Illegal Zip Um Zap Um Programs (AKA Electromagnetic Pulse Torture) Where Is The Justice?? This Program Is So Evil And Illegal That The BROKEN Government Can't Mention It In Their Own Courts Which They Control. I Know For A Fact That When I Pray, These Godless Freaks Try To Interrupt Me With Pain, Lights, Pictures And Many Other Illegal And Evil Thing's, Which They Do Weather I'm Praying Or Not. And If Their Doing It To Me And Bragging About It To The World, Then Clearly I'm Not The Only One. And Where Did This Technology Come From ??? Nazi Concentration Camps, And The Scientists Who Were Imported To America And The Broken Governments Of America And England And Their Business Partners At That Time. I Have Escaped America With in The Last Month, And I Currently Sit In Turkey, Being Delayed Illegally From Reaching My Destinations Of Iran And Afghanistan, By Some Of America's Wannabe Business Partners Who Like So Many Others Are Being Forced To Bow Down To The Same Illegal Government Me Along With Millions Of True Americans Are Fighting To Correct And Save Our Country. To Them I Ask, If There Is A War With Russia, Who's Side Are You Going To Stand With?? Hummmm ??
      Careful Now, Don't Go And Get Yourselves Into Even More Troubles... Nevertheless My Simple Challenge Remains To These Sodom And Gomorrah Nazis, Pretending To Be A Valid Government, When Real Americans Clearly Know That Our Government Has Been Broken And Invalid For Many Years. Meet Me In The International And World Court's That You Heavily Influence, And Give An Answer To Your Crimes That You Are Bragging About.

