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Saturday, February 19, 2022

Exit Interview With "The Devil"

 By Anna Von Reitz

To and through John Curren Chapman III:
You will shortly be joined by Princess Gaia Sophia and other surviving Martian nobility.
The Martians are distantly related to the Lyrans, so the Lyrans have agreed to take you in and give you a new home planet. Transport should begin in about eight Earth Days.
You will be greeted upon arrival by the Lyran Ambassador and the Princess's DNA will be decoded to provide you all with a true and accurate history of Mars and the Martian people as a starting point to begin your new world. You will also be given an extensive overview of the new planet and its resources. The Lyrans will give you whatever else you need to make a new beginning.
Your allies in the Saturnine Brotherhood will be transported home; they don't like living there, but as they will eventually realize, it is what they have made of it.
And now I would like to take this opportunity to explain a few things to you and to those who, in view of your heinous crimes, are calling for your blood and wondering why I have not demanded the extinction of the Martian race.
Anu is the Father of All That Is and Ana is the Mother of All That Is.
Thus you have the Creator, and you also have the Primal Creator. Creation is a Team Effort.
The Father provides the energy, blueprint, and material. The Mother provides everything else needed to manifest the creation in the physical world, what you disparage as the lowly "third and fourth dimensional world" which is the seedbed of everything else.
The vestiges of this truth are found in your Bible where it speaks of the Word being with God and the Word was God. Just substitute the word 'Goddess" for "Word" and you will have the truth.
Generations of people have struggled over this and even tried to say that Jesus was the Word. The patriarchal Romans wanted all powers accorded to men and no mention of the Goddess, so that's what you've got ---- a deliberately skewed and obscured bunch of gibberish.
The Truth is before your eyes every day and you see it and experience it endlessly, yet men fail to observe it. The Father provides the seed, the Mother provides everything else. There are two creators involved in the creation of All That Is.
Because Ana translates you into physical reality, you have a lasting bond ---or call it an energetic connection with her, and like any good Mother, she keeps track of her children.
And loves them.
I see your faults, but I see your greatness and your potential, too.
Like every individual, every race of beings has a maturation process. Like each individual, the entire race begins as babies, then toddlers, then children, then teenagers.... and gradually matures into what that race will ultimately be.
The Martians are the same as any other race of beings in this respect.
Just as Mankind on Earth is barely out of infancy, the Martians are barely toddlers. In the great spans of time-experience required for ultimate creation, a thousand years truly is the equivalent of a day.
A good parent doesn't give up on a toddler just because that toddler is enterprising and likes to find tools and go around smashing things. A good parent teaches them how to use tools constructively and how to behave.
You and the other Martians here on Earth are the last of your kind. I want you to think about that.
You would not have survived, if you hadn't been given refuge on Earth. I want you to think about that, too.
Your planet lies in ruins, it's atmosphere destroyed, and your proud race is reduced to being homeless beggars, dependent on the kindness of distant relatives---- all because of your fondness for war and fascination with destruction.
I have examined this aspect of your biology and neurological functions as incarnate beings and determined that you are perceptually unable to link together the finer aspects of cause and effect at this stage of your development.
The normal delay between cause and effect is too long for you.
Pardon me for saying this in this way --- it is not meant as an insult --- but just as a puppy can't connect having an accident in the house with being "bad" unless you happen to catch them in the act and correct them at that moment, at this stage of your development as a race, you are equally clueless concerning the rightness and wrongness of your actions.
Accordingly, I have shortened the time delay between what you do (the cause) and the result of your actions (the effect).
So that you learn to walk and balance yourself, gravity gives you an immediate and obvious correction. From now on, until you outgrow your fascination with destruction, all your actions will be similarly attached to an immediate and observable correction.
Your freewill will not be hampered, but you will get immediate feedback, and that will help you perceive the actual impact of your actions on yourselves as well as the impact on others.
I wish for you and the entire Martian race to get through this stage in your development without destroying yourselves --- or anyone else, so that you might grow into the great role that your Father envisioned for you at the moment of your creation.
Just one other thing --- we are leaving the Age of Pisces, which is the Age of Delusion. The Age of Pisces is given to you so that everyone is forced to question and search for truth, to hone their discernment and logic, and develop their communication skills. Those who have failed to do this and in effect, "slept through the class" because it was too hard, will have to go through it again in the next Precessional Year.
As for the rest, they will go on into the full enjoyment and self-realization of the Age of Aquarius, and be set free from the Wheel of Karma.
I wish the Martian people good fortune and fair winds on their new planet. I wish for them to mature and learn and become all that they can be.



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  1. One simple question to ask any, and all whom come forward with claims of superiority, super natural abilities, god like prowess, including “Alien / ALIEN” beings…
    Who made ewe?
    Remember what I have told all of Us;
    What happens when someone puts a “Name”, or “Label” onto something, or someone? Does it not then relegate that into a construct, thus confining it in a box? Can our Father, Creator of everything be confined, let alone have a “Name” that is uttered out of our mouths be sufficient?
    Here’s a few songs to get this morning’s jam on.

  2. Anna,it is articles like this that give me pause about recording paperwork connecting me with you! You write some very good articles, but then you come out with this stuff that makes you look delusional.

  3. Scientists are very much aware of the presence of advanced beings the back engineers thair toys .
    For gods sake we have a space fleet and have had anti gravity since the 30’s.the Reprillians are the bad guys with no emotion classic phycopath

  4. Anna, I think that you genuinely believe what you wrote here but think that many will disregard all or nearly all you write because of such claims.
    I think that Edgar Cayce had contacts too and gave accurate medical readings but inaccurate life advice readings Please take care to document your recommendations to keep me from looking like a fool to folks such as Devvy Kidd & Edwin Vieira, Jr.
    Thanks in advance from another Wisconsinite.

  5. Hello, Anna, I'm wondering if was actually you who wrote the above piece. It didn't appear to be your usual style. And it was signed "Ana" Thanks for all you do. lnolan

  6. Hmmm;
    “The vestiges of this truth are found in your Bible where it speaks of the Word being with God and the Word was God. Just substitute the word 'Goddess" for "Word" and you will have the truth”

    Heck why not, might as well substitute some spade or neutered cat in place of “The Word”.
    In fact, that’s exactly what *Ana* did.

    “Generations of people have struggled over this and even tried to say that Jesus was the Word. The patriarchal Romans wanted all powers accorded to men and no mention of the Goddess, so that's what you've got ---- a deliberately skewed and obscured bunch of gibberish.”

    Why would it matter that John was inspired by “The Truth” to bring clarity (as much that Us “infants” can digest). Who are these “Generations of people” that have struggled?
    Answer; Those whose walk is their own, and the path that “They” themselves have have decided to embark upon, and then travel aimlessly towards whatever goal “They” thought was good for “Them”.

    So now according to *Ana* “The Bible” exclusively belongs to “The Martians”…
    Also according to *Ana* “The Bible” through the “Romans” is “a deliberately skewed and obscured bunch of gibberish”. Well sure it would be if all of Us believed in a “Roman’s” point of view, or logic”. This is why these “Romans” had to be tutored by the “Greeks”. This is also why anyone who is a serious avid researcher goes to, and finds the Hebrew, and Ancient Greek manuscripts for clarity (of course being led by the Holy Spirit/Ghost). Never the Latin

    “I have examined this aspect of your biology and neurological functions as incarnate beings and determined that you are perceptually unable to link together the finer aspects of cause and effect at this stage of your development.”
    What happened Anu, and Ana was there a snafu in ewer creation process? Oh my, say it wasn’t / isn’t so. Anu, and Ana created a race of blundering idiots?

    “You will be greeted upon arrival by the Lyran Ambassador and the Princess's DNA will be decoded to provide you all with a true and accurate history of Mars and the Martian people as a starting point to begin your new world. You will also be given an extensive overview of the new planet and its resources. The Lyrans will give you whatever else you need to make a new beginning.”

    Whoa, whoa, whoa, reign it in. A Princess's DNA needs to be decoded in order for history to be revealed? Then the “Lyrans” will become these “Martians” providers.
    I guess these other low-level “Actors” needed to be introduced, and come on the stage because Anu, and Ana have more pressing issues to contend with. Maybe another race of idiots needs to be created, hidden, and cloistered on some obscure wasteland / Plane[ta]?

    I could go on… It should be crystal clear to all of Us, that the writer to this Prose is the one who is still in their infancy.

    1. This is evidence of the strong delusion, and one who has become deluded /diluted.

      Here’s a few jams to get this morning going

    2. Take a close listen to song number two, especially at minute marker 2:05.
      Ozzy 40 years ago flat out told all of Us what they did. Who caught it then? I sure didn’t. No wonder Ozzy flipped out. What else does this guy know that he's been suppressing causing him to lose it. Or has he?

    3. Remember its the jesuit that publishes this stuff.
      Any of you who have read this website annd Anna's website have observed that we read grounded article after grounded article , then one of these thrown in to sow the seeds....
      Open your eyes

  7. I dug him up.
    John Patrick Curran, III Obituary - Chapman Funeral
    John Patrick Curran, III. April 2, 1943 - November 17, 2013. Recommend John's obituary to your friends. Share Obituary: John Patrick Curran, III.

    1. Oops, dug up the wrong one. Back in the box.
      J.C. Chapman 1887 - 1966
      Born in Elberton, Elbert Co, GA on 7 Dec 1887 to John E CHAPMAN and Matilda Emma Johnson. He passed away on 1 Sep 1966 in GA.

    2. This might be the guy that "Anna/Ana" is referring to;
      J Inquiries | Chapman Family Assoc.
      John Curren Chapman
      My Name is John Curren Chapman III (Jack) My Son is John Curren Chapman IV (Curren). My Father was John Curren Chapman Jr. (Buck) My Grandfather was John Curren Chapman Sr. (Curren). My paternal Grandmother was Nettie Ophelia Mann from the Isle of Mann. My Grandfather married a Mann ;-). So far My Son and I are the only John Curren Chapmans i can find on the planet. Plenty of Currans, only 2 Currens. My Grandfather Curren was From Elberton, Ga., born 1889 and died in 1967.
      any connections?
      John Curran - Second in command - Retired Life | LinkedIn
      Gematria value of john curren chapman is 1249 - English, Hebrew and Simple Gematria Calculator Values
      Gematria value of john curren chapman iii is 1276 - English, Hebrew and Simple Gematria Calculator Values

      It matters not to me who, or what someone's lineage or "Gematria's" values come from or claim is. The only thing that matters is when one states whom their Creator is.
