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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Public Notice, Anna Von Reitz Special Guest Speaker

For a printable flyer of this event click on this link:


  1. Please NOTICE they have a LIVESTREAM link!

  2. Anna Live Stream Link:

    Anna Live on ZOOM:

  3. Here is what is being said about Anna on you tube by a site Virgo Triad -basically she is a fraud. - Virgo Triad
    1 hour ago
    Anna Von Reitz is not a real judge, she never has been nor does she have a law degree according to the Alaskan Judicial Council.

    That she is committing a crime by calling her self a judge.
    Telling everyone not to believe anything she says. Showing Anna's website. Here is the url to video.

    1. Typical provocateur. They sure come out of the woodwork when you are doing something right.

    2. Thanks for your valuable insights. We'll all be sure to follow you now that we know you are the go to expert in the field of law. I'm gonna sleep a lot better knowing you are out there watching our backs by quoting others who are as clueless as you!

      ALL manmade written law is subject to God's unwritten natural Laws housed in the hearts of Free Inhabitants and applied through daily living.

      The United States District Court system is a sham that is at the heart of the political corruption so firmly entrenched in our communities.

      You sir are a sadly mis-informed, not to mention disgraceful, idiot!

    3. Ewwwoo- must be getting under the big dogs skin eh...
      That misinformation won't fly anymore like it once did with sheeople.
      The Sheepdogs are watching.

    4. Ewwwoo- must be getting under the big dogs skin eh...
      That misinformation won't fly anymore like it once did with sheeople.
      The Sheepdogs are watching.

    5. Somebody please STOP Virgo Triad!!! She must be an agent!

    6. What jurisdiction does the Alaskan Judicial Council full into? Yep that's probably why she not listed.

    7. Oh, we get can't be a judge or know law without a "Bar" license...!! I wonder what our forefathers would have come up with , now knowing that their great creation of "liberty and freedom" has become an albatross around our neck because of its intentional perversion and semantic deceite...!! Contracts on just about every major purchase have all changed over the years to keep up with the times (or the fraud)..!! 60 years ago, buying a house used only two pages as its contract...Now that same contract is at least 30 pages long, and got longer after 2008 with at least 10 to 20 more waivers, so you can't sue them....!!!

    8. I got into a debate with her, and when I cited the examples and proof, I was censored! It was amazing. I did know an open forum was so closed...not did telling the truth rank me among those worthy to be rewarded or

    9. james, we know that if a person gets through law school with passing grades, they have a Law Degree, regardless of anything else. But the BAR exam is a separate exam, which I believe is taken after getting the Degree. One does not have to take the BAR, except they will be blackballed from practicing, without it. Its a Con game.

  4. Looks like SOROS sent the trolls out for you Anna...thats usually a good sign that your having an effect...!!

  5. Keep up the great work Anna, the trolls are coming out of the woodwork as people awaken to the corruption and manipulation through the past 150 years.

  6. I submitted a two page legal document to be recorded at my county office. They questioned the document being recorded. I responded with, "I am not asking permission to record this two page legal document - I would like this two page legal document recorded - that is your job - thank you." They then processed it. Then one day before I received the document in the mail with the recording number on it; I looked out the window of my remote property to see on the road (parked) a county sheriff vehicle. I quickly got my binoculars out and saw that he also had binoculars looking in my direction scoping out the property so I immediately went outside with the binoculars to eye level so that he could see I was checking him out. He immediately drove off rather quickly. I suspect I am on a watch list for the county. This will not deter me. Freedom does not come easy at times...LOL

    1. Malmberg
      I want to start this process but where do I start

    2. Hi Bohdo Malmberg, I would like a copy of those pages with instructions if you don't mind. Question - on recording paper work, do you have to do that in the town you were born in? I am living in Florida, almost 600 miles from town I was born in. Would I need to go back there to do the recording? Thank you:

    3. Your do the recording in the county you are "presently living in".

    4. Bohdi...what was the document...The county recorders office knows it has no authority to refuse a filing because they aren't attorneys...!! But I think that the DA calls them once in awhile if they are having trouble with patriot filings. So they are probably told to test some of them to see if they know their rights. And if not, then send them on their way..!!At least 50% will, believing that this office has that power when it doesnt...!! I know, because the supervisors in my hazardous waste position in the environmental dept. of health told us to start trying to deny certain request for info even though it was supposed to be for public knowledge..!!

  7. Great fellas in the Republic of Texas they put it all on the line!

  8. Bohdi@
    i would like to have that 2 page doc. as well.
    Is that the correct e-mail address? without your last name?

  9. That is a great answer when you go to Recorders office --- we are NOT asking for permission to record, they are the Recorder and its their job to record things for the people of their community/ county. PERIOD.

    1. Actually in more detail. The worker at the recorder office look at the document and ask what kind of document it was and I responded with a two page legal document that I want recorded. She then walk to her supervisor (talked very softly to each other) and supervisor scoped out the document. Then they both approached me and supervisor asked same question...what kind of document is this. That is when I told her I am not asking permission to record...I want this document recorded...that is your job! Then the supervisor look at the worker and said to process it. I laughed my head off once I was outside. Be strong in your convictions!!!

    2. Yea, but how and where did she file it...there are at least 200 different filings and she probably wanted to know where and under what heading you wanted it filed... if you don't tell her where and how you want it filed, they will probably just file it under the heading..."Notices". I filed a "Notice to preserve interest in my property before the bank took it. But because that notice was in relation to "real estate", I expected it to show up on the very first page that comes up when you look up any filings on your property...But instead they filed it under notices with a document # and buried it there....that means anyone looking up my property and knowing that it was in foreclosure, but would have seen that the title to the house was "cloaded " would have never bought that house without getting rid of the filing first....As it wound up, since there is no way to know what is completely filed on your home or the one your interested in buying has to know that document #, or they will never find make damn sure you tell them exactly how you want it filed, not just to file it... it will still work in court, but something that important has to be on the the first page of filings or it will never be seen by anyone checking your property....i was passed when I found out how they filed it...!!!

    3. james, that is what sticks in my craw; how do you know any court or judge or prosecutor will even know you have filed anything at the Recorders office? Surely if a cop stops you for something and decides to arrest you, they arent going to know your ''corrected status'. So this is why I am not yet convinced it will do any real good. Even making it on the first page, it isn't going to stay there for long, and will always get burried. So...?

    4. That's my point one will ever know what is or isn t filed if it doesn't appear on the first far as a cop is concerned, you should always keep a copy of your status filing with you at all times so you can show it to him.....but cops rarely care or know one thing about law. You have to treat them with kit gloves and be as nice as pie, while proving you know what you are taking about....but if it involves a foreclosure, you will have more luck talking to a WALL..!!! I'm going to call someone in charge of passports and find out how to file a DS-11 form in order to get that "non resident alien" status that 1 FreeMan talks about..!! I'm going to be firm about it until he gives me the answer...!! And without receiving those two following letters that come after filing for it like he said....!!! Then I'm going to post it free on this site.....!!!

  10. You are not a sheep, wolves can't eat you.

  11. I re-call reading that one of these "official" Licensed?? Judges, serving in an official corporate office said he often does not see documents filed with the clerk. They often have a personal clerk and he said send copies directly to him if you wanted him to see them.
    I do a lot of work that I am not licensed for, I learned it and some of it have done it for many years. If you go to the "offical" people to check and see if they have a record of some degree or license you will not find it. In fact a real sore spot that I cannot work at places where I know how to do the work but have no license yet so effectively barred from doing what I know how to do. Like my dad said, "You have a head, why don't you use it?
    One of the supreme courts ( there are apparently 4 now if you look in to it) said there will never be license to practice law as it is a common right. Two or at least one of the 4 courts are article three so it was likely that court. Take the time to look it up and know for sure.


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