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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Blocked Transfer of Funds

By Anna Von Reitz

While most Americans are blissfully unaware of the fact, an insidious "lock down" of our economy has occurred. It's something that not even the top of the top of the top ranks of international bankers understand --- but nearly all large funds transfers into and out of America are being blocked.

I have observed this for some time and what has become clear is that some parties have the ability to block funds and to trade funds, but don't have the "Go!" button. Theirs is an entirely negative function. All they can say is "No", not "Yes".

Slowly, this small cadre of un-elected, unauthorized agency personnel is, like a python, squeezing America to death.

They are strangling us in the name of protecting us.

Their excuse, of course, is to prevent importation of drug money and money laundering and to prevent off-shore tax sheltering in general, but in reality, their function has become lawless and sinister. Even transactions that have all their provenance and all their approvals and have gone through all the many steps required to prove that they are clean and legitimate and voluntary and blah, blah, blah, blah ---- are being blocked for no reason.

This is happening with large funds transfers and with relatively small transfers -- amounts as small as $50,000 -- and nobody can explain it, but it is simple enough. The old cabal is still hanging on via Homeland Security's ability to block and redirect funds transfers, long after these jokers need to be replaced and removed.

It also smacks of international theft and misappropriation of funds. Sometimes the transfers simply "disappear" and wind up weeks or months later on private trading platforms with the proceeds earmarked to go to individuals with no known authority to interfere with the transfers, trade the funds, or profit from them.

President Trump seems unaware or unable to do anything about it. International officials at the so-called Treasury are no better. The Bankruptcy Trustees appointed by Secondary Creditors, are, of course, only working in the interests of those who appointed them and generally doing their best to disregard the Priority Creditors and our interests.

So today I am issuing a public complaint.

Transfers to The American States and Nations Bank / ASAN, like transfers generally, are being blocked for no credible reason. We are not a commercial bank and function exclusively in international trade. We are not subject to any Territorial or Municipal statute, code, or agency----nor are we subject to their Bankruptcy Trustees. This obstruction and restraint of trade against our sovereign government, The United States of America (Unincorporated), is unconscionable and unlawful and must be promptly corrected.

Insomuch as our business is private and Third Party and sovereign with respect to both the Territorial United States and the Municipal United States which received their delegated powers from us and which we now exercise ourselves or have re-delegated to other federal partners as a result of their bankruptcy, there is no excuse for any interference in our affairs or the affairs of any corporation we own.

This situation is like having a derelict bankrupt son and his best buddy preventing you from controlling your own bank business and trying to tap into your assets to pay off their creditors--- when you are yourself, by far, their largest priority creditor.

So this is Public Fair Notice and Complaint that the US Bankruptcy Trustees and the Treasury and the so-called Homeland Security forces need to get their act together and stop "misplacing" and blocking and trading on assets that don't belong to them or to their debtors----- clean up and clear the system.

As a final note, the official logo and emblem of The American States and Nations Bank/ASAN is the American Bison, otherwise known as the Buffalo. Like the people who are increasingly coming home, they were once on the brink of extinction--- but have made a great comeback.

See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Sounds like it might be better to trade through Russia banks.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Where are you getting all of that money woman, and where are you trying to put it? Inquiring minds want to know. 😒😉

    1. "Woman"? If nothing else, you will give Anna VonReitz the respect she deserves. An apology is in order.

  5. We have an answer and if they don't come to heel, we will employ it.

  6. well its about ready to change over anyday now to CIPS now that Russia, China, Zimbabwe and Turkey just switched over to gold back, funny how no mention in media. i think they are ready to do it anyday now. hold on for the ride

    1. Im glad you brought that up! Hopefully soon these banksters will be gone!

    2. dont know about gone but stymied more than ever then eventually dust in the wind as more is revealed with regard to the satanist elite.

    3. Yea, but India has already dumped currency and went totally digital..."chipped"..!! Let's see what happens to all these people, all 1.3 billion of them, when 5G comes out.....I seem to remember that the bible talked about the first people that took the chip had something go seriously wrong and made them all sick or killed them...can anyone verify that...!!

    4. james, I don't think that is true; never saw that in the bible. You must be thinking of something else.
      Also, digital financial system is only half of it; the other half is that people will have to be implanted with the 'Mark' which will coincide with and work together with digital transactions.

    5. James, here is what the text says:
      16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
      17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Revelation 13:16-17
      As you see no chip anywhere. Just conjecture by people with overactive imaginations. BTW: this will not happen until the church has been raptured. So all speculation that it is happening right now is again overactive imagination.

    6. It is true that the bible does not specify a chip; however we must include the technology of today which was not even comprehensible back in bible times. We must include how transactions are done today and its all computerized. Then we look at scripture and see that it tells us 'no man will be able to buy or sell unless he has taken the Mark of the beast'.
      And then we can see the Mark is the key to transacting all business. This then would lead us to realize it is going to take something that can be coordinated with computerized transactions; thus, a good reason to believe 'the mark' must be a computer chip of some sort.
      Common sense tells us that the Antichrist/Dictator will be very harsh and not allow anyone to loan it, borrow it, steal it, or lose it. So from that we can safely assume it must be implanted.
      I have read where a ton of info can now be put on a very tiny chip, and it has been described as looking like a tiny grain of rice; and that it can be injected by a needle just underneath the skin. Those are all facts I've read from reputable and scientific sources.
      I am not personally concerned about it because I will absolutely not be here when it happens. The church body of true believers will be taken out of here before that.

    7. james, God never does anything by just sort of blending it into an average day. When He does anything it cannot be missed and nobody will need to wonder did it, or didn't it happen.
      For example, look at when He did the Great Flood:

      He first loaded up Noah and his family and two of each of the animals. Then He shut the door; God himself shut the door.
      Then look what happened: Everything was in a 7 day pause with nothing happening. But the people no longer saw the usual scene of Noah hammering away, loading up supplies, etc.
      Just nothing.
      7 days later rain drops began to fall. It had never rained before; water came from below the earth, not from above. Raindrops and noah sitting inside the Ark on dry land.
      He had told the people for 120 years to get right with God, the earth is going to be flooded. They scoffed. Like people do today. (those bible thumping goofy religious christians, LOL)
      But the rain just kept coming; the people began to panic, gee maybe that old geezer bible thumper Noah was right. They pounded on the door of the Ark, but no one could open it. (what God shuts, no man can open. too late, too bad)
      And so they all drowned. Dead. Gone.

      Likewise, when Jesus takes the christians up and out of the way there will again likely be a 7 day pause before the anti-christ dictator comes on the scene.....probably to console all those who ''missed it'' and got 'left pounding on the door; scoffing late comers.
      That will be the beginning of the 7-year countdown to the return of christ and those who were involved 'in the great escape'. That will be when the great Tribulation begins, and the mark of the beast at some point in time during that 7 yrs.
      Point is, there is always a significant indicator, like a pause that indicates a new thing is about to begin.
      And as long as it is still raining, ya know the great Trib has not yet begun, lol.

    8. Yes Abby, but with one exception...last time was with time it will be with "fire" because that is the only way to completely cleanse the earth. That is even true in the medical field.....people misuse the term "to sanitize"...nothing but fire can "sanitize" anything for certain...its the only way to be safe when dealing with highly potent contagions...!! I learned that in my pre med classes..!!

  7. Would you mind posting a link to where I can open an account? I have tried searching for the website and all I get is site under construction.

  8. Question: The "notice to stop" is great, however the problem I have when giving the Crooked Courts any "notice" is that they IGNORE it. THEN, I have no way of enforcing it, or doing anything to them. I cannot arrest them and throw them in jail since they own/control the jail and all the "force" behind it!!!!??

    1. you have to give Notice of Liability, Notice of Default and then Default with true bill of particulars, then start a suit; called administrative Due Process. Hopefully get a Summary Judgement.

    2. Tom, a notice is just a notice. If you the court to take notice and answer, you need to use a Mandatory Judicial Notice & Demand which always must be answered. What is it that you want them to stop?

    3. whats up @1freeman ;o)

      yes once you initiate a suit then you can add your demand and judicial notice, also motion to be heard...

    4. Yo penny, looks like we posted at exactly the same time! My LLF lawyer does not like the idea of filing a motion which is equal to begging the court for favors submitting to their jurisdiction. Foreign Soveriegn non-citizen state nationals tell the court what they want and put them on mandatory judicial notice since they are not subject to their US jurisdiction. IOW: They decree.

    5. Tom Dooly...i know exactly what you mean...When it comes to us, sometimes it's better not to show your hand until your in front of a judge so he isn't prepared to deal with you..!! And I think it is actually a better idea to "BOND" the case , naming the judge under subrogation for a million dollars on bonding paper (I understand bonding paper is different than regular paper). It doesn't have to be fancy or long worded. It just has to say it's a Bond for one million and a line with the word "subrogation" underneath the line and placing the judges name above the line. Then just before you go to court, first go to the clerk's office and file it making sure the court clerk stamps it, then ask for a copy and when the judge calls your case immediately tell him.."Did you know that this case is bonded by you under subrogation...!! Let him know that before we even begin to talk that you are liable for the charges in this case and here's the proof on the record...and hand him the stamped copy of the bond..!! Sometimes, the clerk will give you some flack about court rules say you need to file things on your case at least 24hrs ahead of your case before we can accept it, but that is nonsense.. Your not an attorney and cannot be held to the same standards as any court officer...!!I have never tried this personally but it makes sense to make the first move on the judge..!!

    6. James, why bother when they already have bonds in place in your name that you are entitled to use your right of subrogation under because they used your NAME and private account funds to pay for? You just need to ask the judge: "Will the prosecutor certify my right to subrogation?" and all hell will break loose in the courtroom. We had someone's son use this in court who was arrested and jailed on an outstanding arrest warrant in another state for possession of a small amount of pot. He knew nothing but listened to his father explain it to him and what to say in court. Once he asked the question, the judge said what is that? I don't know what...and the court clerk whispered something in her ear. She announced to the court that she was taking a 5 minute recess and left the courtroom with the the court clerk in tow. She did not come back out until 25 minutes later and had the entire courtroom cleared first. When she started asking him questions he stated that he was not aware that he had ever elected to be a US citizen and that there is no evidence that he was a US citizen. So she started asking about his residence and where he was staying while in this state. He was such a novice that he did not realize that she was dragging him right back into US jurisdiction based on residency. He gave his temporary address and she said look I am going to release you on your own recognisence but I don't ever want to hear you talk about subrogation in this courtroom again. So now we are going to submit a MJN&D in camera and under seal to exercise his right of subrogation before his next court date while applying for his NCSN passport as well as filing Anna's docs to establish his correct position. So subrogation absolutely works but you have to push the issue because they CANNOT deny you your right of subrogation.

    7. So how should he have responded to the question of his 'residence'?
      That is what people need orientation about, how to respond to the questions they will use to trick people with. I do understand not to answer their questions, but I don't know what TO do, instead of answering.

      P.S. I see 'subrogation' popped up in this Forum awhile back, but nobody ever explained what the hell that is; as if its something we all already know.

    8. Abby, that's simple. "I am not a resident." That's it. Now they will keep prodding but you have to stand your ground. Where do you live? I live in this body. Or, I inhabit my state. What is your address? I don't have an address because I am not a resident. Well, where do you get your mail? At the post office. Do you have a post box. No, general delivery. Is this your address on this summons. No that is it not me. Isnt this your name? I don't give out my name. That's private. Well isn't this your name right here? Why? Do we have a contract? I don't give out my name for free. Would you like to negotiate a contract? Etc. RES = thing + IDENT = identifying yourself as a thing, fiction, US citizen. When in doubt what to say, ask a question. Always try to answer their question with a question if possible, especially when you don't know what to answer.
      To learn more about subrogation read this:

    9. Right on 1FreeMan....thats exactly what you need to do with every question a judge tries to get you to answer....answer with another question back to need to think like a judge..she is thinking what question can I give this person so she just answers with a yes or no...!! If she ask you are you a resident of this state or of the United States...Your response should be..."judge so and so doesn't that depend on your definition of resident...does that term defined in both dictionaries...websters and black laws dictionary..?? See what I mean..And bring both dictionaries with you into court, because if she tells you what it means, you have both dictionaries to catch her in a LIE...!! NOW SHE'S ON THE HOOK..!! These judges have been assured or convinced that they have immunity from prosecution which is BULL!! The trouble is the damn bailiff sheriff is there to intimidate you into following the judges orders or throw you in the cage for awhile until your to fearful to try anything else...!! That's why no one should ever be left alone in court without a friend and "witness" to everything that is said and done in court so they can testify to what actually took place with an affidavit of truth..!! Never underestimate the power of a witness....!!!

  9. Games medic, I too have searched for The American States Bank to no avail, and would like to open an account.

  10. That's the state of affairs , police planet. Time to refuse affiliation band the federalizes.James Madison refuse to enforce federal laws .

    1. 1FreeMan....last time i used a "mandatory judicial notice" i actually paid a professional servicing company to serve all three parties involved...the judge, the prosecutor, and the court clerk...!! All 3 refused service of process right in open court...!! That's how sunny Calif. rolls...!!However, when I returned to court, I had a new and nicer judge, who immediately removed the warrent they had on me and I believe the case was was years ago...But the process server said he had never been denied before that incidence, because legally they can't refuse service of process as public employees...thats why I'm on an all out agenda at removing every single judge in America...!! And we can just through all the attorneys to the bottom of the ocean...thats a good

    2. James, you don't serve a judicial notice but simply file it into your case like a motion. It should be free too. They cannot refuse you filing anything into your own case. If they refuse for any reason you simply say "file on demand" and they reach under the counter and get out their little FILE ON DEMAND stamp and stamp it right on your paperwork. Once recorded it is mandatory for a judge to respond to your JN.

    3. The trouble with that is I tricked the court clerk into believing I was a new attorney and didn't have my card with me...cant you just make an exception this one time...and she did because I dressed and looked like an attorney...when she gave me my own file, I saw right away that the last judge put a warrant for my arrest on the record....which I suspected....So I had no choice but to hire someone to hand my "judicial notice" for me or I would have been arrested right on the spot while the court clerk went to find a sherriffs while I waited for her to stamp my paperwork....i played it safe, and it worked..!! They got rid of the judge that filed the Warren and everything went well from have to be sneaky with these rebrobates..!!

  11. Anna, it is time to stop playing nice with any of these people. The Time to go for the jugular is NOW.

    The majority of countries are in the process of moving away from the SWIFT money transfer system, and using the CIPS transfer system.

    All along the crooks have been blocking all kinds of money transfers that use the SWIFT system; this is what ALL of our money goes thru here in the states. This is what has been holding up any of the humanitarian monies that some benevolent factions have wanted to transfer to The People.
    This is why Russia, China, etc. went to work and set up the CIPS transfer system, which is run via underwater cable systems and much more secure. It makes no sense for americans and patriots to use the SWIFT system.
    Two things: we must use CIPS and we must use banks that only use CIPS.
    Anna, issue any necessary Notices with an attachment that says 'within the next 10 minutes, or else................''. You know
    now, you cannot give any of these game player liars any space at all.

    1. I don't believe this is money merely blocked; I believe they have stolen it. This is what the Cabal has been doing for many years; its how the bush family et al has gotten so super wealthy.
      It really blows my mind why trump has not frozen ALL their Accounts everywhere, and taken the Action that is truly needed, same as with any crook. OR else american owes Bonny and Clyde an apology.

    2. None of them own this money. It just moves from account to account like a 3 card monte street trick in the hopes that they can at some point access it while no one is looking.

    3. It is not so much that ''they' want the money - their goal is to prevent The People from having it, or having ANY. Reminds me of our old childhood games, one of them was called ''Keep Away'....trying to just keep something away from other kids, but I don't remember what the ''booty' was.

  12. Abby, If this money was stolen, then we are back to square 1 and the Cabal would win. That does not make much sense. I read that Trump did freeze their accounts, and they could not hand this money over to their families. Is everybody guessing or does anyone have the Truth? Only the Truth will set us Free!

    1. Even if it is stolen, we have every right to claim it back, especially if it was stolen. Trump's goal is to seize those accounts and use the funds to pay off any and all debts. With 25,000+ sealed indictments on record to date already the proverbial stuff is about to hit the fan any moment now.

    2. Ingrid, I have heard with my own ears, the words out of the mouths of some benevolent funders, that they have had a lot of funds stolen over the past years, and they have never retrieved them. Thefts have occurred via transfer system as well as other means.
      The general population HAS TO wake up and realize the depths of depravity and demonic evil that these people have sunk into; they are beyond wicked to their very core. Time to stop treating them as if ''they are their fellow man' and giving them any credence at all; they are worse than any venomous snake; DEADLY.
      Remember, they CHOSE that path, so they deserve the most vile of treatment possible. Take NO pity on them whatsoever.

      We can even look at some of the things that God did in bible days: He once opened up the earth and let 14,000 folks fall in, then He closed the earth back up ON them all.

    3. Abby, I agree with 1FreeMan. I think he already has or is soon to freeze the accounts of all these con artists, like Bill Gates, and several Tech CEO's, plus senators and other elitist..Trump is the first President that realized he has to work behind everyone's back like a top secret military strick, before the TRUTH comes out about what he did...he wants people focused on his "tweets"..!! The perfect media..!! But I think we are at a point where he may realize there is no way around "digital currency" using a "chip"..!! Even if he were to collect all the gold stollen, it wouldn't come close to paying off the debt of the world...!! I get so sick of hearing our law enforcement officers telling us that theft is civil...go get an attorney..!! Next time I hear an officer say that I'm going to tell him everything is civil...FRCP 1....."All actions at law are civil actions". Now are you going to arrest the erson that conned me out of $100,000 or do I have to arrest you for malfeasance of office under the color of law...Fraud causes more deaths and mayham than all drugs put together, plus accidents, plus every other crimes included...But it's the least prosecuted...!! Because they say it's hard to what!! Isn't that your punish people breaking the law...!! Trump needs to make Fraud the number one crime of this century and relentlessly attacked...!! They are no better than attorney ambulance chasers...go for the easy slam dunk...drugs!!! And alcohol!!

    4. james, I also agree; and I've heard rumblings of that happening, or going on behind the scenes. In fact, I think the coolest job right now would be part of that Task Force that has probably been going around freezing all kinds of assets and property of all the nefarious.

      I think there really is plenty of gold in this world sufficient to cover all debts; I just don't think that is the way debts will get paid off though. Anna told of a different method. Afterall, why should fraudulent debts that were accumulated by computer key strokes, be paid off with hard Assets such as gold?

    5. Ingrid, there are many many various Funds stashed in various Accounts. There are the Wanta Funds which I have no idea what is what with that Fund; I don't see anyone telling the truth about it.
      Then there are others Funds that Neil Keenan was trying to get control of, but I have not kept up with that for a couple of years now. But Neil did say that he had funds stolen out from under him, and his life has been threatened, even been poisoned a couple of times. He also once stated he had his own personal accounts blocked/robbed or who knows what.
      There are many many other Funds totally unrelated to one another, and we can know that something nefarious is going on , otherwise, those funds would have come forth by now. These 'devils' do their dirty work behind the scenes and in the dark. For that reason, we can only know so much truth, but seldom can we know all of it.
      Some people just love to tell wild stories, but as for me, I never just make things up and I always do my homework first. If something is just my own opinion, I will say IMO.

    6. Abby....that Wanta fund you've heard about was true..!! His name is Lee Wanta and wrote a book called..."Wanta, black swan white hat".!! He was Regans most trusted and secretly hired ambassador, ordered by Regan to get our money back, because he was a wis at currency exchanges... Regan gave him several billion dollars to do it, because he knew he could turn it into trillions, which after 8 years in Europe, finally accomplished it, turning the money Regan gave him into $32 trillion. But when he tried to bring it back to America, he was meet with nothing but resistance and numerous court actions...people and countries were all fighting over the money....because it was all gold backed, not fiat...!! Long story short, it was finally sent back here to NY CITY BANK, where the CEO of the bank along with Bush Sr were waiting for him and surrounded him , his one associate, and a provost Marshall by a swat team and ordered him out of the bank, and he has been running for his life ever since...Bush and city bank stole all $32 trillion which was earmarked for the American can see why this can only wind up one way.....WAR..!! Image spending 8 years of your life amassing all that money, just to have it stolen by our own rebrobates...!! This is probable what is happening to all money coming into America....the Rothchilds at some point will just cut us off completely from any money, just like Trump is doing with N Korea...!!So it was true, but like everything else, we never got it...!!

    7. Hi, James. What version of FRCP 1 were you using to get "all actions at law are civil actions?" I know that statutes and rules are frequently changed to make it seem like it says something else than it previously meant. Currently, I just googled FRCP and got the following: "Rule 1. Scope and Purpose
      These rules govern the procedure in all civil actions and proceedings in the United States district courts, except as stated in Rule 81. They should be construed, administered, and employed by the court and the parties to secure the just, speedy, and inexpensive determination of every action and proceeding."

      The part where it says, "...of every action and proceeding," seems to be attached with the first sentence about governing the procedure and proceedings of all civil actions in the United States district courts, which might, exclude criminal procedure and procedures.

    8. Ys figures that they completely rewrote the entire FRCP in 2016, just to make it harder to find things.....Now it's in FRCP at title 1, rule 2: one form of only looked at rule 1.. Rule 2 is very simple...there is only one form of action...civil. You should also notice FRCP 13....There is a mandatory "counterclaim" if the U.S. is bringing the claim against you... you at least have to bring it up before sentancing, but realistically right from the start...In other words, you don't want to walk into court as just a defendand...You want to "claim" that they are also criminals and named as defendants also, and you as the plaintiff...!! Court is very tricky... It isn t about law at all...its all about "proceedure". And they know most people have no clue on how to play "chess" in a courtroom....most attorneys don't know either because they are just trained to plead "not guilty" for their clients, which sounds good to most people so they never object...!! We don't want to play their game, but sometimes with some judges and the type of crime, they will force you into playing their game.....the rule of law be damned...Here is the site for that rule (rule 2)..

    9. james, oh yes the Wanta Funds and all you said, is definitely true; this has been talked about over the Net for the past decade or so. A judge demanded it be released to wanta about 5 yrs. ago, but then the whole topic just went dark.
      Now, stew webb is talking about it and even has wanta on his talk shows.
      But just as you said, I don't think we will ever see any of these Funds. As we see, the same thing is happening with the funds Anna is trying to transfer, so it seems.

    10. More than likely Abby..!! It reminds me of the Barron who hunted down king Richards(The lionheart) son took over as long and tried to pull the same thing his father did, but was never as strong as his father, but he still tried to enforce his laws on the Barrons with his military...Finally they had enough and formed a possi of sorts to hunt him down and forced him at sword point to sign the "magna carta"...!! He even tried later crying to the Vatican that he was forced to sign it...but it didn t work because everyone hated him....thats what it will take with these bastards...they will never surrender....not unless the sword is at their neck...!!

  13. A new team of people to replace all hired thugs, order takers corporations and origanized criminals ... trust not there.. we the people want self more trespass and theft and beaten and stabed pow s .. peace

  14. We should be free to send money to whomever we wish, after all if we earn money we have a right to do what we can to increase our talent and not just bury it in the ground. God will damn us for not doing something industrious with our resources.

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