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Saturday, February 6, 2021

Hopium 2.0

 By Anna Von Reitz

This morning found me embroiled in a text conversation with yet another patriot telling me "what's going on" and accusing me of being a nasty, old, mean-spirited cynic, for not "keeping the faith" and not "hoping" and "waiting".   

Where do I begin?  How about 1863?  Think I've been waiting long enough?  37 plus 100 plus 21.... that's 158 years that Americans have been waiting for their military, particularly the United States Army and later, the United States Air Force, and when on the land, the United States Marine Corps, to do their jobs and protect us from "all enemies both foreign and domestic".  

I think we've all waited for them long enough.  Okay?  I am not waiting for them anymore.  I am showing up myself to settle my own hash and I highly recommend that you all do the same, each and every day.  

The whole Civil War was a set-up by the British Territorial Government.  Lincoln was substituted for election as the "President" of the Territorial United States, because as a Bar Attorney, he was prohibited from holding any office in our actual government.  That should put up some red flags, shouldn't it? 

And then, there's the strange story of Ulysses S. Grant, or, as he is known, U.S. Grant --- like "Grant of the US" --- which is what happened under his endlessly corrupt administration.  Now, add the fact that Grant's actual name was Hiram Grant, and he picked up the nickname "Ulysses S" at West Point, and it doesn't seem that his politics as a Queen's Man was exactly a secret, does it? 

What you are looking at is a 158 year-old coup d'etat staged against our lawful civilian government by our own dear military and commercial mercenary interests operating under color of law and fraudulent misrepresentation and Breach of Trust.   

The U.S. Army has been overtly in charge since 1863 and we've got what we've got here.  These awful things literally could not have happened to our country if our military had been honest and acting in our best interests to protect us.

Could not. So stuff that down and believe it, because that's the facts, Ma'am. 

For all those standing around "hoping" and "waiting" for the U.S. Military to do jack diddly, I suggest you stop waiting and pay attention.  

Let's see.... I have been hearing rumors about NESARA for forty years, but nothing whatsoever has been done with this legislation since the 1990's.  So if there is some kind of "NESARA" on the Agenda, there is no sign of it being addressed in any degree, way, shape or form on the public record for thirty (30) years. And call me a fool, but that does seem to be problematic.  

I've also been hearing rumors about "global resets" and "currency exchanges" and all sorts of other currency-related speculation for the past ten years.  

I get regular emails about all these "tiers" and exchange rates and preparations being made and protocols to be followed when you trot in to exchange your Zims or your Dinar or whatever else ---- for a decade.  And it is always the same story---- it's going to happen! 

It's going to happen next Tuesday.  It's been delayed.  It's going to happen this weekend.... there was this trouble, there was that trouble.... Saudi Arabia farted, a computer system failed, a Beta Test went sideways.  

There is always some excuse.  And there's always a new date, right around the corner, when all the pipedreams will come true.  Well, folks, I really hope they do.  But my Mama taught me that someday never comes.  She also taught me to observe what is right in front of my face, and what is right in front of my face is ten years of talk, talk, talk that is completely devoid of walk, walk, walk. 

And now we've got another version of this same schtick going on --- the Military is going to save us.  There's going to be a big announcement via the Emergency Broadcasting System and all of a sudden it's all going to be clear ---- except, of course, the Military's part in all this heinous crime and breach of trust.  It's going to happen January, no, it's going to happen January 21st..... no, no, it's going to happen February 6th..... 

And it's all part of a brilliant plan to entrap the members of Congress and the Media Moguls and the people like Bill Gates so that they face prosecution for Treason, or, alternatively, all the Bad Guys including Joe Biden are already dead and we're just watching a movie..... a distressing, ugly movie that we don't need and don't benefit from, for no reason at all.  

Oh, the Military is going to save us.  They've only had 158 years to do so, and it's right around the corner.  Oh, yes, really, for sure.  Our heroes are out there rescuing tortured children from underground bunkers and tunnels all over the world.  They are protecting us from China, Six Foot Tall Rabbits, and stale beer. Nobody knows the wonders and #@%%  blunders of our military....because most of it doesn't exist. 

But I observe that they've had 158 years to get off their butts and actually do something to protect the American States and People from the British Bounders and European Bankers and American Industrialists that have been robbing us blind and illegally conscripting and taxing and pillaging us for six generations.

And they haven't done so.  

I'm sorry, but I am done "hoping" or "waiting" for all these miscreant Employees to do the right thing.  The only White Hats I know are actually Gray Hats with lots of grease spots on their lapels.  

I want to see it.  I want to smell it.  I don't want to hear about it, and I certainly don't need any more excuses about softening up the American Public and trapping more rats in more legal snares.  

All I am seeing is John Roberts booking for England and taking the powder he so richly deserves.  And Joe Biden pumping out Executive Orders for all his Municipal Slaves to keep them wearing masks so they don't offend the sensibilities of his Arab Investors.

Great Almighty, please spare me the drama---- and the rest of you, look at the facts.  

This entire country has to wake up and stop waiting and stop hoping, gather all the common sense you ever had, and get off your rumps.  There's nobody here but us chickens and what is left of Public Law and Decency.  Hike up your skirts and unbutton your shirts and bring your mops and buckets. 


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  1. I agree completely Anna. I have felt for quite some time that we have been subjected to the greatest Psyop in the history of humanity. And the longer they keep pushing it out with "hope" that the military brass in their ivory Pentagon towers will ride to the rescue, allows them to dig their talons a that deeper into our throats. That Time Magazine article that the Left are joyously praising about how a secret CABAL SAVED THE 2020 election makes me want To alternate laughing hysterically while ripping my hair out,, and throwing up in my mouth... I believe you Anna, all of it...what I don't believe is that we can do a darn thing about it. For 4 years I have watched conservatives like DJTrump and Gen Flynn burned at the stake and watched liberals calmly say...there is no fire, its your imagination. What the hell do you expect that a rag tag bunch of Senior citizens can do to stand against this evil? How many "thousands" of State Nationals are there in the REAL America? I know there are only 13 in NEVADA...I'm sorry, but something does not compute...

    1. Greetings Bunny Wrangler,

      Do not fear my divine friend!!! Our divine Father (Yahweh) from Paradise/Heaven have agents here on Earth including yours truly!!! I am one of the eyes and ears of divine and mortal intelligence but the most intelligent (genius of geniuses) on Earth!!! I see both sides when divinity and humanity only see one side (their own side)!!! Divinity is superior to humanity and the globalists, period!!! Divinity does not understand humanity and humanity does not understand divinity (divinity declared war against humanity [its' own children] and humanity declared war against divinity [its' own creator])!!! I am personally the only divine and mortal bridge to connect divinity and humanity together
      (on the same page, dialog, peace manifesto, coexistence)!!! Absolutely without me personally connecting the bridge between divinity and humanity will result in planned divine planetary extermination of the globalists and rest of humanity as soon as January 1, 2025 and latest as January 1, 2035!!! I am personally at my divine and mortal post, and, on duty and call 24/7/365 to assist divinity, the globalists and rest of humanity to absolutely avoid planned divine planetary extermination!!! Amen, so be it said our divine Father (Yahweh) from Paradise/Heaven!!!

      Sincerely by,

      Divine-Earth-Citizen (c)*
      Divine-Earth-Agent (c)*
      Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Creation (c)*
      Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Humanity (c)*
      Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Peace (c)*
      Divine-Earth-President-of-Presidents (c)*
      Divine-Earth-Commander-in-Chief-of-Commander-in-Chiefs (c)*
      Divine-Earth-Military-General-of-Military-Generals (c)*
      Divine-Earth-Director-of-Paradise/Heaven-On-Earth (c)*

      *Exclusive copyright by the owner of "Make it happen", February 6, 2021.

    2. Your words are powerless, not to mention how patently screwed up your understanding of scripture is. You should not be instructing anyone about anything you know NOTHING about. Some people just like to listen to themselves instead of getting personally involvement. You’re grossly insincere and lacking the necessary ingredients to once again make our country great. But then you know it all Mr. Make it Happen, know it all.

    3. Greetings Net- Thanks for your response!!!

      You said "Your words are powerless, not to mention how patently screwed up your understanding of scripture is." These are not my words but directly from our divine Father (Yahweh) Himself from Paradise/Heaven!!! When the right time comes very soon I will disclose the evidence to The Assembly and rest of humanity!!!

      You said "You should not be instructing anyone about anything you know NOTHING about. Some people just like to listen to themselves instead of getting personally involvement." I am personally not instructing anyone to do anything!!! It is our divine Father (Yahweh) from Paradise/Heaven who is instructing me personally, the globalists and rest of humanity to establish Paradise/Heaven/Peace on Earth or face planned divine planetary extermination if humanity fails to do so before January 1, 2025!!!

      You said "You’re grossly insincere and lacking the necessary ingredients to once again make our country great." I am who I am (when you judge me you don't get to know me personally, when you know me personally you won't judge me) due to my self-acquired divine and mortal intelligence and ability that no other mortal on Earth has!!! If someone else on Earth had the same intelligence and ability as I personally do we all would not be in this divine/mortal predicament in the first place (I could not locate another person on Earth who has the equivalent intelligence and ability as myself, zero, no mortal peers)!!! Let's go beyond just making our country great, let's make all countries great at the same time for the sake of survival of humanity and original divine creation!!!

      You said "But then you know it all Mr. Make it Happen, know it all." I personally don't know everything myself but know more than humanity put together and that is why I have no Earthly mortal peers!!!

      If you (Net), The Assembly and anyone else for that matter on Earth have a better solution to avoid planned divine planetary extermination of the globalists and rest of humanity as soon as January 1, 2025 and latest as January 1, 2035 please disclose it to me personally, The Assembly and rest of humanity now or forever control your tongue before you mortally defile your self any more ("It is not what goes into a man's mouth that defile him but what comes out of it"- our divine Father [Yahweh])!!! Amen, so be it said our divine Father (Yahweh) from Paradise/Heaven!!!

      Sincerely by,

      Divine-Earth-Citizen (c)*
      Divine-Earth-Agent (c)*
      Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Creation (c)*
      Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Humanity (c)*
      Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Peace (c)*
      Divine-Earth-President-of-Presidents (c)*
      Divine-Earth-Commander-in-Chief-of-Commander-in-Chiefs (c)*
      Divine-Earth-Military-General-of-Military-Generals (c)*
      Divine-Earth-Director-of-Paradise/Heaven-On-Earth (c)*

      *Exclusive copyright by the owner of "Make it happen", February 7, 2021.

    4. Greetings Anonymous- Thanks for your response!!!

      You said "O shit. Not this fool again."!!! “It's Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” – Mark Twain. (Posted by Maximus, thanks)

      You said "This message will result in planned divine planetary extermination of "Make it happen" and the alike as soon as January 1, 2025 and latest as January 1, 2035"!!! You are actually correct in that assessment because no Earthly mortal is absolutely not exempt from planned divine planetary extermination as soon as January 1, 2025 and latest as January 1, 2035 including myself and yourself Anonymous (you can hide your identity from me and The Assembly but you can't hide it from our Divine Father [Yahweh] from Paradise/Heaven), your immediate family, your relatives, your coworkers, your friends and their family and friends and on and on, get it fool (Anonymous)???!!!

      You said "No-One-Cares-About-This-Shit (c)*"!!! You personally may not care and it is no lost to humanity or divine original creation, folks like you will be phased out of humanity and original divine creation!!! All my personal friends that I disclose this to are very receptive of humanity's divine fate and very excited that they met someone personally like me that has the ultimate solution to avoid planned divine planetary extermination, they all have an open mind unlike you Anonymous!!! Amen, so be it said our divine Father (Yahweh) from Paradise/Heaven!!!

      Sincerely by,

      Divine-Earth-Citizen (c)*
      Divine-Earth-Agent (c)*
      Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Creation (c)*
      Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Humanity (c)*
      Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Peace (c)*
      Divine-Earth-President-of-Presidents (c)*
      Divine-Earth-Commander-in-Chief-of-Commander-in-Chiefs (c)*
      Divine-Earth-Military-General-of-Military-Generals (c)*
      Divine-Earth-Director-of-Paradise/Heaven-On-Earth (c)*

      *Exclusive copyright by the owner of "Make it happen", February 7, 2021.

  2. .
    One day in the near future the truth will be exposed of all falsehood and people (many) will be in denial.

    Which will cover ALL subjects people hold dear.

    ABSOLUTE PROOF-Mike Lindell

    1. .
      “It's Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” – Mark Twain.

  3. Worrying is praying for what you DON’T want
    Fear is not of god nor is doubt, judgment, loosing faith, questioning your beliefs if things don’t go as hoped or planned .. exactly when you thought or wanted it, Giving up on your dreams .. your imaginations... the origins of creation. If any of you are experiencing mixed timelines where you thought something was to happen when you had all the proof it would happen or certain reliable sources confirming events to follow don’t happen is a result of men, woman, children not following their hearts. When we doubt our hearts truth .. we highjack our futures. Listen to your heart and ALWAYS follow your heart.. it will NEVER fail you.. even if you don’t understand what you think should result from following your heart . .. kharmic loop never forgets. Trust your heart and believe it not only affects your well being but those of all creation upon our existence. When people don’t follow their hearts it not only affects them but all creation .. the reason things are not happening is because people aren’t ready .. they aren’t following their hearts .. they’re allowing doubt to affect their reality. So therefore they are creating what they are being deceived to believe. I am disappointed in anyone who has allowed the mass phsyops of Joe Biden to affect their reality to the point they have given up hope and turned on those that are in tune with truth and light. The only way you can connect With love and light is to vibe at that Level which means you aren’t weak when things don’t work out as you had hoped or when another man/woman or child uses their free agency in a way that you don’t agree or approve of and react in anger, contention, hatred, or giving up. To give up is not vibing in love or light. When your heart and soul is told something that you know is real and true at that very moment in time .. it means it’s real. We have much to learn as a whole .. the biggest thing that the whole doesn’t understand is who they are, how powerful we are as individual beings to Create. The real lesson to learn is to know thyself and to stand up in your power 💥💥💥

  4. Yet, somehow throughout this process, the sub-conscious and conscious spirits of our nature are beginning to converse with each other.




      I say, What If: Yes, of course there are infiltrators. And some are jews right now, reporting on Assembly developments, especially related to capturing our wealth & insuring jews continue their thieving of our everything.
      The others are immigrants who are made American State Nationals carte blanche, who are interested in bringing in more of their own kind, who in turn want America to be more like their homeland than to ever be what America was meant to be.

      Anna gives American State National status to illegal immigrants who hide for 7 yrs, don't receive benefits, have no Fed convictions & those illegal immigrants get to choose whatever state they want. The Generational American State Nationals HAVE NO SAY AT ALL WHATSOEVER about these immigrants whom Anna give a totally free pass.

      And when asked what law Anna is following, she lies, makes up laws, then invents another excuse, lying about it all... In other words THE LAW ANNA CLAIMS to allow anyone who comes onto America to be ASN does not exist. And Anna is not for America, she is for jew-Multi-Culti based upon her beliefs. BELIEF IS NOT LAW. I DON'T GIVE A SH*T WHAT YOU BELIEVE, IT IS NOT LAW.

      Anna herself is one major danger to our America. We keep asking Anna for the contract making her Fiduciary. Well there is no contract. It is her bloodline & self-appointment she makes claims. Claims about herself, her bloodline, about laws, about immigration & so much more. JUST AS THE JEWS HAVE DONE, ARE DOING & CONTINUE TO DO make claims & rule by bloodline, bring in more immigrants to destroy America & enrich, empower themselves.

      So Anna herself is one of the infiltrators.
      She also says for Assemblies to do all sorts of things... but she has not done those things. Is her Alaska Assembly barreling forward, making such great strides? Breaking the chains that bind? No. But you, you you you can.

      What If the answer is YES & infiltrators are aided. Immigrants are given our nation while Generational American State Nationals are kicked in the face by Anna. Do folks think for a moment immigrants, illegal immigrants wouldn't be behind Anna, while she gives OUR AMERICA AWAY to them? Criminals who fake documents are to be 'believed', even witnesses can be faked... but some how this can't really be questioned, as Anna's "believers" are triggered when Anna is questioned.

      Thanks for thinking for yourself! & stay sane

  6. All the above and more ; do and pray and KNOW, 'Life is for learning'
    We WILL win in the end.

  7. Good Recent Henry Makow Articles:

    Mike Stone--Restoring Belief in Heaven February 7, 2021

    Donald Trump is a Traitor Who Betrayed America February 6, 2021

    Here, Jacob Rothschild Explained How & Why February 5, 2021

  8. I see that U.S. Supreme Court has scheduled a conference to consider several 2020 Election lawsuits including one by Sidney Powell. Mike Lindell (My Pillow) has also recently released an excellent video concerning the election. I have been wondering for some time: What if the 2020 Election is proven to be massively fraudulent ? That would be a first.

  9. I see that U.S. Supreme Court has scheduled a conference to consider several 2020 Election lawsuits including one by Sidney Powell. Mike Lindell (My Pillow) has also recently released an excellent video concerning the election. I have been wondering for some time: What if the 2020 Election is proven to be massively fraudulent ? That would be a first.

  10. I see that U.S. Supreme Court has scheduled a conference to consider several 2020 Election lawsuits including one by Sidney Powell. Mike Lindell (My Pillow) has also recently released an excellent video concerning the election. I have been wondering for some time: What if the 2020 Election is proven to be massively fraudulent ? That would be a first.

  11. Bring your mops, buckets, pitchforks, pikestaffs, sabers, flamethrowers, and everything and anything else necessary to finally do away with these evil shite-heads once and for all! "A time to kill" as proverbially stated in "The Good Book", indeed.

  12. MATHEW 24 37-39
    As the signs of Natural imbalances are increasing in frequency
    and spirituality wanes focus on the truth and Communion with
    God becomes more crucial

  13. I full hardheadedly agree and here is the VIDEO for you HOPIUM ADDICTS!!!
    What's really going on in dirty DC=the Dis-Trict of Criminals... The worst is yet to come——- Monkey Business Special w Garrett Ziegler 02.06.21

  14. To those that don't believe the "plan" this video explains how Trump is leader of the Plain to which we live on

    The narrative is that March or April will be when its all announced.. Trump signed the reinstatement of the republic July 4 2020
