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Sunday, December 24, 2023

Leaving Which "United Nations"?

 By Anna Von Reitz

Two bills, one in the US Senate and one in the US House, have been floated to remove the United States from the United Nations and as an afterthought, "similar international organizations". 

And which "UN" are we talking about?  The ditzy do-gooder, or the bulky badass mercenary corporation? 

This action proposing that we withdraw from "the UN"  has been hailed as "extraordinary", but in the current climate, it's necessary. 

Twenty million people have been killed by the Covid "vaccine" ---directly, within the first ten days after receiving the injection.  Most of them died very painfully, in front of their families. 

Somebody is going to pay for it, and even if the politicians are clueless about a great many other things, they are aware of political payback. 

They calculate, rightly, that the Giant Poo Ball is rolling downhill and will inevitably hit them.  

They are now trying to remove themselves from the target zone and distance themselves from the obvious scapegoat: the United Nations organization, while continuing business as usual with the UN CORP.  

That's how I read the language.

How interesting. 

The United Nations organization doesn't have enough money to do much toward addressing problems like the worldwide breakdown of the family, education, food insecurity, basic health, clean water, or chronic unemployment. It's pathetically underfunded. 

The United Nations organization actually exists as a perpetual beggar, trying to come up with products to sell to retail consumers to fund programs, begging for sponsors and donations, getting poor people around the world organized in home and community workshop projects to try to generate income. 

The United Nations organization, frankly, looks more like the traditional Roman Catholic Church Social Services Network operating without the religious overtones, or Commonwealth Community Support Program effort than anything else.  

The United Nations organization is not the problem or even "a" problem. It's a pitiful non-entity when you look at its budget compared to the immensity of the needs that it tries to address.  

I repeat: the problem isn't the United Nations organization, and please stop spending your venom on that.   

The problem is the UN CORP, which is an entirely different Beastie with a deceptively similar name. As usual. 

The UN CORP is a very dirty transnational corporation that was incorporated by Vichy French Nazis during World War II.  

It has been involved in every kind of nastiness you can think of.  

It is the parent corporation running the WHO, INC. 

This "UN" has tons of mercenary and military contracts, and has been one of the chief recipients of laundered money coming in from so-called Black Ops worldwide.  

The UN CORP often works both sides of a problem, providing "peacekeeping forces" that solicit young girls into human trafficking rings, or coincidentally keep the peace over poppy fields. 

When I say "dirty", I mean dirty, as in filthy, as in criminal, mean, bad, nasty, as bad or worse than Blackwater or Isis or Hamas. 

This is "the UN" that we need to get out of and stay out of, but oddly, this isn't the UN Membership targeted by the Congressional Bills. I wonder why? 

It's the happy useful idiots trying to do good in the world who are being blamed.  It's their organization that is being identified as the threat to our national sovereignty.  

The actual threat to our national sovereignty sits in Washington, DC, operating our Federal Capitol
as an unanticipated and unauthorized independent international city-state. 

Beyond that, the threat is represented by the UN CORP, which has pulled in illicit money with both grimy paws ever since World War II and never suffered as much as a tax evasion investigation by the French or Swiss Governments, either one. 

When you think of the UN CORP, think of deep pocket payola.  Really deep pocket payola. Think of blackmail, honey pot traps, and worse. Think of murder for hire.  Think of creatures like Klaus Schwab, playing roulette with antique 1911s one moment, prancing around in pink tutus the next. Think of the Weird World, as in, really Weird World. 

Think of, "Hey, Sugar, take a walk on the wild side...." 

Think of my husband rolling his eyes heavenward and shaking his head, muttering that, "One of the best looking "women" I ever saw was a guy in drag who worked for the UN CORP." 

That UN is the one we all need to get shy of, but it looks to me like the intention in Congress is to continue to do business as usual with the UN CORP and continue to give it juicy "government" contracts and "program funding" and even let it run "our" DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, or, was that the DOD or maybe the CIC, INC., or..... well, you see what I mean.  

The truth is not in the Municipal or Territorial Congresses, either one. 

They lie, they cheat, they steal, they avoid accountability like the Plague, they liberally exempt themselves from the requirements they lay down for everyone else, so they are proven hypocrites as well.  

What would you expect from organizations that have spent the last 160 years bilking their employers and hiding their true nature from the public? 

That's what you've got in Washington, DC. 

Of course, such a nest of Vermin is sympatico with an organization like the UN CORP.  They may even feel that they need good relations with the UN CORP for a rainy day. 

None of this has anything to do with the American Government, which has never been a member of either kind of "UN" ---  but just sayin' --- withdrawing from the United Nations organization is ridiculous unfair grandstanding, and withdrawing from the UN CORP relationship isn't yet on the table.  

Before you start celebrating "the United States" talking about withdrawal from "the UN" --- stop and ask yourselves, which "United States" are we talking about?  And which "UN" are we talking about?  


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