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Monday, July 23, 2018

A Sad Day for OPPT

By Anna Von Reitz

Heather Ann Tucci-Jareff has been sentenced to 57 months in a Federal Prison. Almost five years of her life is being stolen from her and her family and for what?  Attempting to do to the banks what the banks have done to all of us.

What she is really being sentenced for is insubordination.  As a Bar Attorney, also known as a Shipping Clerk in the British Merchant Marine Service, she has no right to sue  those chartering her "vessel for hire".

She assumed that she had standing to sue, but she didn't argue it.  She didn't fall back on the actual Dual Citizenship that applies to her, and she didn't make preparation to defend her claim on that basis.  She never took my advice.

Like most Bar Attorneys (except Bill and Hillary Clinton) she no doubt thought that she, a registered JD, knew more about the law and about jurisdiction than I did.  It never occurred to her that the registration of her "vessel" as a JD had an undisclosed downside.  It never crossed her mind that she could be in a compromised position and be unable to defend or prosecute a public venue case in her own behalf, and that in fact, so long as she subscribes herself as a Bar Attorney, she has no standing to do any such thing.

I could weep.  There are so many good people out there, on both sides of this fence, who are being railroaded and arrested and harassed and harmed for no good reason, while the real criminals sit fat and happy in Washington, DC, in Paris, in Brussels, in Rome, in Berlin, in Saipan, in Manila, in Tokyo and Beijing.

They hired and pay the Bar Association to protect them and collect their debts. They are in charge of the biggest con game and racketeering scheme under color of law in the history of the planet, and they have gotten away with it for so long, that they imagine that nobody will ever figure it out and come after them.

They laugh at people like Heather, because they know that her JD knowledge has been hand-crafted to be missing certain key facts and information, to be focused almost entirely on procedure and Territorial Case Law.   They took over the American Law Schools over a century ago and jettisoned the "rest of the story" so we really do have the blind leading the blind. 

Most lawyers are innocent as children in their belief that they know the truth and they know how things work and they are right and blessed and lords of the universe --- until they wind up busted for doing the right thing, and are left with the ultimate cognitive dissonance staring them in the face. 

I hope by some miracle of fate that Heather made enough of the right arguments to somehow mount a successful appeal.  I hope that she is listening now, and that the rest of the members of the Paradigm Project are listening, too.  Take this to heart:

Your only safety lies in knowing who and what you are and which side of the fence you are standing on---and being able to prove it.  

See this article and over 1100 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. The problem here is that as an attorney she counseled Randall Keith Bean how to auccesfully access his TDA account from which he retrieved $2M using the Feds routing numbers and bought CD's which he then cashed and bought a $500k luxury motor home. These are the accounts Anna has warned about that they are not for us. They belong to the cabal or so they believe. They hate competition and will do anything and everything in their power, legal or not, to cut off people's access to their own funds. Bean is set to be sentenced too but the big message to the BAR community had to be done first to scare them into submission if they had any ideas to even think of doing the same.

  2. Arrogance often is not seen to be a coin with two sides that go together. Ignorance is the other side of arrogance. Wisdom the other side is humility. Those who act arrogant often prove out to be covering up for ignorance while the wise are humble, wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

    1. Yes, yes, yes Air!!! Recognition/awareness of this vital Fact IS within us All awaiting patiently to be accepted and acknowledged for our rightful reconcilliation and proper balancing within/without to be restored!!!

      Thank you for sharing!!

      Much Gratitude, Love, Peace Be Now

    2. The colorable dark masks are breaking Now and the Light IS On Now for All to clearly choose to see indeed!!

  3. Thank you Judge AVR for breaking this down as I followed that case and thought many good arguments were made and was disgusted to see them both found guilty. Obviously this was abuse of ((Their)) power and showing us all how they have no conscious about using it. Articles I read about HATJ claimed she was an expert in certain areas of the law regarding these issues. And reportedly ound out the bankers were insuring home loans multiple times so when you defaulted...they made you homeless while ((they)) collected $Millions of Shekels.
    Following the comments on their website was difficult as they all used this "love and light" lingo that seemed pointless and irritating. Like they knew better than you and yet allowed such a bad thing to happen. I hope like you said Judge Anna, that her people are paying attention and enough points were made that they both get absolved of these charges. How does RKB get his money if that isn't his? We have been betrayed by generations of Presidents, Congress's, Governors, AG's, Mayors, Military, Intel, Treasury, etc to keep this horrible con game going. Can Trump and the White Hats put an end to it? I pray that God will deem it so.

    1. Mustang, good post. So true. And yes, these 'love and light' folks are the misguided, new age false religion folks, thinking by saying those words ad nauseum they will 'create' what they speak. How sad it will be when they find out what foolishness that is.

      Good point, if it wasnt Beans money then how or why did they even give it to him in the first place. What I get from all this is Bean was correct, we do have Accounts, but 'they' pulled all these strings to jail them/him as nothing but a Deterrent to the rest of us. That is obvious to me.

      Now, IF Anna is right, that Trump 'now knows whats what' then these two should petition him pronto for Pardons. That would act as a boomerang on this cabal who wants to keep the lid on our Accounts, for themselves and their worthless children to get a free ride thru life.

      At this point we are seeing deception and betrayal still riding high. As some of us smartasses have said, 'until the courts are fixed, and the Bar is run out of business, the People are still in peril'.

    2. Why Abby had to bring up religious heresies right away to her otherwise almost interesting post above is beyond me.

      I guess she gets that fiat money is available somehow & is foaming in her 'smartass' mouth to git some soon...

  4. "Credit River Case" At least she is alive.

  5. The "other" scenario to this story is that all lawyers are considered "officers of the Court" so therefore cannot sue one of their own creatures. As far as anyone "putting an end to this" all Trump did was to get himself elected as the head of the Titanic and the collapse of this evil is coming, maybe as soon as Spt. or Oct. of this year. Deutsche Bank is doing everything it can to hide it's insolvency and when that is fully exposed it will take all of this Babylonian debt system down with it!!! Better get ready for one wild ride because it is coming!!!

  6. A sad day indeed. It was my understanding that she withdrew from the BAR. If nothing else, the OPPT opened a vast number of minds in the awakening to the fraud globally. In as much as she became very knowledgeable with UCC, the simple logic is that they, the cabal, don't follow their own laws and will twist and turn at every fork in the road. No matter how right she and her team was the PTB could not allow this to be in her favour especially now when all hell is breaking loose. Even so, she has proved her point that the corruption is rampant even with this case. The devil has reveal itself even more so.

    Perhaps Heather and Randy may take Anna's advice and put this baby to bed.

    1. Well said Dan and as far as we knew the bar card was given up before the paradigm report and UCC filings but my memory is not so good... I do remember that issue being volunteered by heather herself way back... so we shouldn’t judge when the system is so corrupt and how she proved that... losing a family home during the process of exposure.. she too has done much to awaken many folks to the true light side of who we are. Q has also exposed it all and President Trump is bringing this to an end... so yes to a pardon. RKB did get the funds ... so there you go... better him than the rogues robbing us blind every which way for thousands of years! Please release Heather and Randall soon I say.

    2. She forgot that insidious doctrine of "silent judicial notice"..!!
      As long as she has that BAR card, she had no standing...!! The blade cuts both ways...!! Of course if it was Hillary Clinton, she would have never seen the inside of a courtroom...!!

    3. Right, James, as a BAR member, she is a foreign agent and not a sovereign.

  7. Has anyone considered this may be a con to discourage others? T-UCC-1, really, perhaps it's just me. I do not know, however, these monsters don't lie, do they?

  8. ya know, I've listen to AVR for quite awhile and I must say this little article is the biggest bunch of bullshit yet!!! Heather tuck and Bean opened proceedings asking for OATH OF OFFICE AND AUTHORITY TO HAVE JURISDICTION ...that is the only power we have with these fake actors who disregard their oath of office and are guilty of treason, sedition and conspiracy!!!!! when the Machine won't obey the law of the land ...The Constitution For the United States...we are all screwed!!!! and that is the bottom line OATH OF OFFICE PERIOD " AVR"

    1. not some stupid commerce game we are suppose to play!!!!

    2. we are sovereign people with a constitution that the people we HIRE have to obey with an OATH and we do not have to jump thru a bunch of papers to prove anything!!!! all we need do is know that and declare it openly and it is so!!!! by virtue of illegal adhesion contracts with which we refuse to consent period!!! why would a person with inherent rights from god protected by our Constitution need to fill out PAPERS to declare anything ???? it can be as simple as a verbal decree period!!!!


  9. This is a link to some interesting comparisons between HATJ- and April L. Same woman.

  10. What is the "except" vis a vis hitlery n gang?


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