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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Who to Light a Fire Under.....?

By Anna Von Reitz

Where to go to report a crime?  Like you being falsely identified and impersonated as a "US CITIZEN" or "citizen of the United States" and presented with federal tax bills and liens?  Well, here it is, folks!   Thank you, Texas! 

Claim your indemnity from all this bull crap and make it stick. 

Make them go through the process they are supposed to go through --- present the bill for your approval, accept your signature to release the credit, take the signed "voucher" to their TTL Officer at their bank and submit it to the U.S. Treasury for permission to deposit equal credit in the Billing Party's account. After the Treasury returns the green Return Receipt to the TTL Officer submitting the request, they have to wait sixteen days from the return date before issuing the credit equal to the debt. The Billing Bank and the U.S. Treasury are supposed to be cancelling out all these bogus charges being sent to Americans.

Report Fraud, Waste, & Abuse

If you are aware of fraud, waste, mismanagement, and abuse in the IRS programs and operations, report it to the TIGTA Hotline! 

What kinds of things should you report?

Allegations of violations that impact the integrity of Federal tax administration and IRS programs. 
This includes allegations of misconduct by IRS employees.

Allegations of improprieties, false claims and fraud by outside contractors attempting to defraud the IRS by utilizing deceptive contract methods.

Allegations of identity theft where any individual (s) impersonated the IRS or an IRS employee or used words, letters, symbols, or IRS emblems to illegally obtain personal, confidential or private financial information.

Examples of specific allegations that should be reported include, but are not limited to: attempts by taxpayers to bribe IRS personnel; extortion or misuse of position by IRS personnel; assaults and/or threats by taxpayers against IRS employees; schemes involving the use of computer technology or mail that impersonate the IRS or IRS personnel; misconduct by tax practitioners (falsification of qualifications, theft of IRS tax remittances and theft of IRS tax refunds).

Note: Contact 
IRS for tax related issues -

Your complaint will be kept confidential if it is received on the phone, through the mail, or in person. We cannot guarantee confidentiality if you send your complaint via the online form or e-mail.

Laws protect you from reprisals (any action taken against you because you filed this complaint).

You can submit your complaint by these methods:

By Online Form or Email (TIGTA Hotline Complaints Unit):
Remember: if you submit your complaint via the online form or email, it is possible - though unlikely - that others could read it since the internet is not secure.

By Phone:
Call toll free: 1-800-366-4484

By Fax:
(202) 927-7018

By Mail:
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
P.O. Box 589
Ben Franklin Station
Washington, DC 20044-0589


  1. who is the TTL Officer.
    Return Receipt to the TTL Officer submitting the request, they have to wait sixteen days from the return date before issuing the credit equal to the debt

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Pity whoever follows these bogus instructions.

    1. All that's needed to know is his statement -
      "You protestants are ridiculous."
      ie= Think about it...

  3. What instructions...!! Anna you can do better than this....!! At least give us a link where you got that, but it's unclear what exactly what bills your taking about, is it just IRS bills,or for all bills, or to ask for a refund....its confusing even to me...!!

    1. Agreed. These instructions leave a lot of guessing and blanks. Not sure anyone could follow these and get remedy. A nice start, but seems there is a lot left to understand.....

  4. Is this the reason why all credit rating agencies had to remove all tax liens from everyone's credit report....they were told not to put them back on either....!! But why is the county recorders office still listing all these tax leins...!! They are committing the biggest crime by letting unlawful liens being recorded in the first place....the damn "recorders office" and Patent offices are the biggest link to all these leins....lets report them to while we are at has to go anyway because 80% of the people using that office are the banks, their attorneys, and insurance.....all against the people...!! It's become weaponized...!! And they have all been told that they don't take any liability for fraudulent filings because they aren't attorneys....well why aren't attorattorneys working the most important filing agencies in the world....idiots..!!

  5. Anne is a subverter. Her sole purpose is to deceive those who want to be deceived.

    1. No Mr. Irreverend, it is you who's sole propose is to deceive, slander and condemn. You are just like your father.

  6. Haha this is lovely to watch. It's like watching a train wreck about to go down. Love it. Follow her instructions hahaha! Pay her for her advice. See if everyone gives a . . . .

    1. Pay her? I don't see where she has ever billed anyone for her advice. Speaking from direct experience, she has never billed me a single dime! It is given 100% free. Of course it does cost money to do business and she has asked on occasion for assistance, but you are free to use the info without sending any money. Send it if you can and want to.


    3. You pay her your mind. You pay her attention. Either way, you all pay her.

    4. And you, Mr. Kerubale, are paying us attention of your mind and of your time and of your effort.

    5. Unknown: the link you posted is for a lifetime membership in a totally different venture. For those of you who don't research. Has nothing to do with Anna.

    6. I am getting a ROI from my payments.

    7. No you are not because as you admit yourself, there is nothing of value here for you.

    8. Learning against learning.

    9. "We have found the enemy! It is us!" - Pogo.

  7. Believe its TREASURY TAX AND LOAN OFFICER @ financial institution.

    Financial institution DEPOSITS 'your' signed financing application (US obligation/liability) with YOUR assigned account # for credit, from 'your' S-S-A/SSA, T-D-A-TDA, T-D-D-A/TDDA,TDA/T-D-A LEGACY/L-E-G-A-C-Y whatever alphabet soup account the magical unicorn craps out YOUR credit from YOUR assigned account, into a transaction account for your 'financed' purchase. When YOUR signed PROMISSORY NOTE (asset) is returned the transaction is 'closed', i.e. 'Closing'

    Then Financial Institution/'Financier' gets you/i/we/us to 'sign over' rights/title and interest (capital transfer from you to them) in our newly acquired property which THEY borrow against to create securities and bonds.
    THEY ONLY show an accounts receivable on THEIR books and move THEIR liability accounts payable OFF BALANCE SHEET for THEIR cash flows.

    It's a credit system!
    There must be an equal credit/debit- asset/liability-accounts payable/receivable.

    The financial institution/financing company is the borrower. THEY are merely a DEPOSITORY for your/YOUR credit.
    YOU or rather YOUR, ESTATE is the bank.

    And none of these 'BANKS' FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS/FINANCING COMPANIES, i.e. depositories, are paying the taxes due for THEM using YOUR credit.

    THEIR 'fair share' if you will....?

    THEY are having us (i/I, you/YOU, we/WE) pay THEIR taxes..

    It's a whole criminal enterprise engineered thru semantic deceit, non-disclosure, Trust and probate fraud....

    See $21tril public debt and $1.6quad obligations going forward... but that is what THEY owe. It's what THEY borrowed from "...We the People....." for THEIR Lucifarian system of enslavement, death and destruction.

    robert: family of: Carr

    1. So you are implying that the judicial system which is 1/3 sovereign is made up of "a whole criminal enterprise engineered thru semantic deceit, non-disclosure, Trust and probate fraud?"

      What's your next logical step?

    2. The Judicial Branch is not operating. It's all legislative. The court's are corporations and its all Admiralty Maritime administrative. Even the Supreme Court is only issuing Public Policy not Public Law. Please bring back the Judicial/ de jure Justice ssystem and kick these pirates into the Sea.

    3. So, Annie, are you suggesting that the Judicial Branch is your enemy and vice versa?

    4. If they only show accounts receivable on their books, how did they wind up all having to be bailed out in 2008? Their fraudulent banking system only works in conjuction with our complicit government who just prints more Treasury notes to give the Central banks so they can just print more fake fiat currency and have everyone pay for it.

      There was an article online yesterday that said Trump is taking control of the Federal Reserve. Raising rates again when we are having trade wars was enough for President Trump.
      The President apparently does have the power to take control of a Corporation under the United States corporation. No one ever did it, because they were all afraid of being assassinated. Trump has the backing of our military and God himself. I believe Trump and his team are working out a restructure of the Federal Reserve that would benefit the American people and not the central bankers. The 40k sealed indictments are slowly being rolled out. Many CEO's have either resigned or stepped down because they're all involved with RICO and child trafficking in one way or another.

  8. Yes, agreed that it is going to be interesting in following her advise as we are going to the perps and BEGGING for them to do the "right thing" and my money is that those that do this WILL be prosecuted in some shape, fashion, and form, despite a "law protecting them"!!! Yeah, these "laws" are for the poor people while the rich and evil do as they will. Annie is old enough to supposed to have lived long enough to see how the "system" is, but she lives in a dreamland!!! Good luck wtiting/contacting any of these perps and I can tyell you NOTHING will be done about anything because they don't HAVE to!!! No one has the power to FORCE them to do anything and your writing/phone calls, threats are not going to change anything!!! Been there, done that!!!

    1. The Judicial, Legislative, and Executive branches of the U.S. Federal and State governments ARE A COLLECTIVE SOVEREIGN BODY.

      You have got to be a complete idiot to follow the advice of Anne or any fuckshit guru that will tell you otherwise. Ok? Give it up. Hang a white flag. You are up against a formidable force. You have been subverted. You are in pocket. You are right where they want you to be. Who's they? Why it's the intelligence services. It is the powers that be.

    2. Please how can corporations be Sovereign??? They call themselves those branches but it's under corporate so who cares what they call themselves. Trump is a CEO And on down the line. We are their subjects by accepting their priviledges and benefits. Stop. New Hampshire just restated the right to travel. It will spread across the rest of the States of... just watch.

    3. It is not my place to question how they are sovereign. They are sovereign. That is all that matters. They operate under sovereign immunity. I respect them. I comply with any orders that are given to me from them. I abide by Federal, State, and local statutes. I am a law abiding 14th Amendment United States citizen. Simple as that.

    4. A corporation can only ever be "sovereign" in their own right within and under their own policies. From
      sovereign (n.)
      late 13c., "superior, ruler, master," from Old French soverain "sovereign, lord, ruler," noun use of adjective meaning "highest, supreme, chief"
      However, since they are artificial, they can never reach equality with a real man who is the Sovereign:
      sovereign (adj.)
      early 14c., "great, superior, supreme," from Old French soverain "highest, supreme, chief," from Vulgar Latin *superanus "chief, principal" (source also of Spanish soberano, Italian soprano), from Latin super "over" (from PIE root *uper "over").
      The legislative branch of government does NOT have the Constitutional Power to issue Court Orders or any other kind of Orders to people, as a fiction court or a court/corporation for profit and gain cannot reach parity with a lawful man.
      Maxim: Before the law, equality is paramount.
      The United States Supreme Court declares that the "Sovereignty" remains with the "people" and resides with the "people"... Yick WO vs Hopkins and Woo Lee vs Hopkins (118 US S.Ct. 356)

    5. Blah blah blah. You can copy and post that as many times as you like. You will always be massively out numbered by the status quo backed by an effective sovereign government. Your misinterpretations will always be dismissed as pshycho babble because that's exactly what it is. Psycho babble.

    6. And what do you call your psycho babble, KeruBaal? You have not offered one bit of solid advice or proof that what you espouse is accurate or helpful nor will you. That is because your agenda is merely subversion. You are only here to criticize, condemn and complain because you actually fear what you do not understand. That is why you must try to destroy it at all cost. What you fail to understand is that your loyalties are subservient to those who have enslaved you.

    7. There is no such thing as liberty in practice. Liberty only exists in theory. We are all enslaved in one way or another. According to my religious viewpoint, I believe that all of humanity is spiritually occupied in some form or another by the Holy See of United Spirits.

      So yes, I am enslaved. And I'm thankful for the grace to know that I am enslaved unlike you who thinks you are free.

    8. Liberty is only allowance or permitted leave. Freedom is complete in Jesus Christ. I am free in Jesus, the ultimate freedom which is only found in being a son of God.
      If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. John 8:36
      There is no such fiction as the Holy See of United Spirits. Another RCC fallacy.

    9. Tell that to Anna as she practices dark arts and binds people to negative spirits with her posts.

      You folks are not much different than ISIS. So dedicated and extreme in your beliefs. They become your reality. What do you think happens when you die in such a state? Your spirit becomes trapped here on earth and you function as you were while in the flesh. Looking for broken people to possess and lead astray with the assistance of practitioners like Anna.

    10. Boy, you sure have a convoluted idea of death. When you die you either go to heaven or hell. There is no inbetween.

  9. i never claimed Anna was incorrect. Nothing of the sort.

    i sent understand what your issue is?

    i read what Anna stated quite simply " lite a fire under those whom are performing their function and drawing a paycheck from the 'Public Treasury'....?

    Would you rather that people not file a Complaint with the proper 'ANGENCY'?

    If nobody files a Complaint then EVERYTHING IS A-okay..???? Am i understanding what your saying?

    i really do not understand?

    1. Thank you for your clarification of what Anna is really suggesting here. ..."when they came for me, there was no one left to help"-where We all will be if no one does a thing. Hope others "get it".

  10. "You must respect secular authority and abide by secular laws. Or else you are an enemy of the state." Romans 13? Really? Come on unknown troll, you can do better than that!

  11. Unknown, your use of explosives and derogatory condescension does not denote any spiritual ascension whatsoever.

    1. You have no religious or spiritual authority over me. Therefore, your opinion is irrelevant.

    2. Unknown, or rather Kerubale -- I know who you are -- it's not about my opinion. If you claim to be a true Jesuit, then the RCC has authority over you to which you must submit. Your foul language and derogatory comments are in direct violation of their commandements and even against your own constitution you claim.

    3. Tell them to sue me hahaha! Man are you a square or what...

    4. So KeruBaal, how does this line up your so called redemption?

    5. Seek and you shall find. I am under no obligation to prosthelytize. And sovereign citizens are automatically banned from redemption while in the flesh. You have no business redeeming yourself under MY organization. I do not associate with fuck shit sovereign citizens.

      Using Foul language when someone will not agree with you is evidence you didn't graduate 10th grade no matter how many certificates you may hold, and are too immature to be a self governing adult.

    7. Ummm you are categorized by the authorities as Sovereign Citizens. That's all that matters. Mind you, the very same authorities who you deem as enemies. Anne and the likes are doing a superb job herding y'all goy off a cliff, if I must say so myself.

    8. Unknown, not sure if you noticed, you spelled your name wrong . You forgot the i after the w and the g at the end after the third n.

    9. How can I get a cpoy of this ? the syllabus on using small claims court. I would greatly appreciated Troy

    10. Sure, Troy. Just post your email here. Once posted you can delete it right away and I will still get it in my email.

  12. I know the New Testament. Should slaves obey their masters?

    1. Most of these slaves in here are obeying their master Anne

    2. She's typing these posts ontop of her high horse. Filled with a misguided sense of intellectual superiority which her slaves have adopted. A little sunday school dash of Instruction. Notice how she reserves sundays to Catholic teaching. She's a coajutor plain and simple. She's sunk her teeth on all these morons. It's amazing that they haven't noticed. But also notice that the rest of her narrative is no different from the horseshit that other sovereign citizen shit head gurus push in social media. Makes you kinda wonder where all that shit originated. Is the Catholic church the chicken or the egg? hahahhahahahaaaaaaaa!!!


    4. Unknown, there are a few real ladies in here, who do not have any appreciation of the vulgarity that you use in here. I am one of those ladies; I do not want those words entering into my Being, so I am asking you to express your self without those words.
      Thank you.

    5. His name and title that unknown calls himself is "The Most Rev. Kerubale G. Abegaz". I am not a lady but I agree wholeheartedly with Abby. There is nothing "reverend" about his speech which is just plain vulgar.

    6. You are not part of my congregation. Therefore, it is perfectly fine for you to think as such. I do not seek validation from you. In fact, the way the org is set up, one cannot preach to anyone else beside his legal defendants (i.e., children). However, those who are redeemed members must use proper titles while addressing others whom they association with in this Bonafide Religious Society.

      See your issue is that you have been brainwashed into thinking that you must congregate with other households under one religious or secular head (pastor) such as Anne or some other fuck shit guru. You mindlessly relinquish all reason to such a piece of shit. I can't blame you since you were conditioned this way as well as your fore fathers.

    7. legal Dependents* hence Head of a Religious Household.

    8. Thank God that I am not part of your synagogue of Satan. Who would ever want to be part of your nonsense and have to deal with you? I guess you have a record of been charged by Guilford County, with charges of Communicating Threats. Why am I not surprised?

    9. And here on page 2

    10. Did you notice those charges are voluntarily dismissed? lol!

    11. Master of the Obvious. Do you honestly think I want people to join? Or shall I just raise my future children under my religious household and pass on my title and religious assets to them after I depart from this fleshly existence?


      ^ you do realize that I am the plaintiff in this case, right? hahahahhaaaa!

    13. Nevertheless the charges were there for a reason. And now you are suing people too? Nice guy. Just proves you have zero credibility or integrity which you have also proven yourself here by your bad attitude and detestable behavior.

    14. So you believe that one is guilty until proven innocent? What part of charges dismissed do you not understand? You honestly think I care about your opinions. hahahaha! Man you people just don't get it. So self righteous. Any one can be charged with anything. But what really matters is if they are convicted for what they've been charged with.

      I must digress because you all will find any and every excuse to avoid due process when you are charged with a crime or are in default for a debt. There is absolutely no reasoning with extremist, fundamentalist, sovereign citizen, domestic terrorists. There is no point in trying to reason with you. Anna will handle all the dirty work to ensure you all self destruct since you are all like moths to a flame.

    15. You will be charged with a crime and stand there infront of a judge in a court room and argue about whether he has authority to hear the matter and whether the statutes that you have been accused of violating apply to you. Just face it. You all are extremists and terrorists. Carry on.

    16. KeruBaal, there is no smoke without fire. You were sued with charges of Communicating Threats. It is public record. How you weaseled out of them by settling with the victim is irrelevant. You were still charged and no one here on his blog who has witnessed your filthy conversation firsthand can have any doubts as to why you were charged.

    17. They were dismissed because you groveled before the victims of your threats to settle and drop the charges and get them dismissed because they could have turned ugly and criminal if you didn't. And the system you have sworn your allegiance to would have chewed you up and thrown your butt in jail for a long time. You are the terrorist here with your charges of Communicating Threats and your foul language. You are the first and only person I have ever heard of being publically charged with Communicating Threats. Since it is still on the record and not expunged or sealed, it was only dismissed and not eliminated and therefore the charges were credible and will be remain on your record for life. Now, I could show you how to eliminate the record if you would only ask politely and cease and desist your foul rantings and subverted language on this blog. Your call.

    18. I don't have to guess. The evidence and your character are clear for all to see.

    19. I'll give you a small hint. I did everything that you wouldn't do. When the police showed up to arrest me, I complied with all their orders and didn't argue with them.

      I was represented by a public defender. I appeared before the court. The district Attorney did not have enough evidence. Therefore, the DA dismissed the charges. So now I get to counter sue on August 13.

      The justice system is a beautiful thing in the U.S. as long as it isn't ran by self righteous idiots like you.

    20. Sentiments have no place in the rule of law and administration of justice.

    21. Then why was the case not sealed or expunged? This does not add up. Now you are going to sue them? Nice guy. The fact that you were even charged for communicating threats is still self evident that you are not a nice guy.

    22. I chose not to expunge. I have my reasons 😁

    23. Any one can be charged with anything. The charges have been brought to the attention of the Board of Veterans Appeal. I am currently 60% service connected with an appeal that has been placed on the docket for 70% or more ($40k a year ununtaxible ungarnishable). Not to mention backpay dating back to 2011. So, why expunge evidence when it can be put to good use.

    24. Va Disabikity alone will be equivalent to a $60k salary before 46% in Federal, State, and Fica taXes. Not bad aye.

    25. Didn't you say that you were not paying taxes?

    26. No income to tax. But receiving $40k a year is like the equivalent of a $60k salary b4 taxes.

  13. Ok. So. . . This TTL officer. . . It says "their TTL Officer at their bank and submit it to the U.S. Treasury for permission to deposit equal credit in the Billing Party's account." I assume this would be the bank that the business uses for "their" banking. But how would you find this out for an entity like your electric utility, for example? The utility is the "Billing Party". . .
    This could be used for just about anything that you receive a "bill" for. They aren't actually "bills" anyway. They are simply vouchers that are used for you to sign off on. Example, when you get your electric bill; That little tear off portion at the bottom; read it very carefully. It does NOT say "Bill" on it, it likely says "Statement" on it. Could say Payment Voucher. Bill would be something "you" pay. Statement is stating the fact that the bill is already paid, but asking you to verify that you used the electricity. Endorse it, and send it back. (this is where the proper procedure should be used, which we are not told how to do or that we are even supposed to do). By doing this, you are saying, "Yes, I agree that I used x amount of electricity and verify that on this voucher. Thank you for taking care of that for me!" Voucher would be something issued on your behalf to pay for something. Not for you to pay for it, but to be used to pay for it. Gets kind of confusing. Not many of them use the word "voucher" on their forms for obvious reasons anymore.
    Why is it this way? (history lesson coming. . .) When the United States financial system went bankrupt (you can choose which of the bankruptcies, it doesn't matter) It was set up so that no one had the ability to "pay" for anything except the Government. All we can do is "discharge". Or trade one debt for another (dollar is a debt instrument). We give dollars (debt) to businesses to "kick that can down the road". In actuality, everything we have or do is already paid for by the government. They just don't tell us about it. In the example of your electric bill. They are a "Public Utility" Or "Public Service Company". Since we can't "pay " for anything, they get paid by the government. They send a copy of your "electric bill" to the Treasury, who then pays the bill on our behalf and the company sends you that "voucher" or payment "statement" or whatever term they use. This is actually just for bookkeeping purposes. To keep the business (electric company) honest. They are asking you to verify that you used the electricity, and how much. But they deceive us into believing that we must "pay" that bill. And we do! I still do, as I haven't learned all of the proper methodology to verify it.
    One interesting thing about all this, is that the people who are telling us about this stuff usually ask for assistance with paying their. . . electricity bill. . . so if this is actually how it works, and if they know how it works, and if they know how to do it. . . why are they still asking for assistance with paying the bills! Sorry that was a tangent, there. . . No bad reflection on anyone. . . Anna has not specifically asked for money to help with an electricity bill. . . Travel expenses, printing, copying, etc. . .those kinds of things are not usually "public utilities" so you won't get a payment voucher from them. . .
    Anyway. . . we know how it works, we just don't know how to make it work for us!
    Y'all have a GREAT DAY!

    1. Doug - Thank You for this. Now, does this also evidence THEY are co-mingling PUBLIC with private in a large white-washing stroke?

    2. It just keep running thru my mind, coming on my mind, that ALL these things are being paid OUT OF our Accounts that Anna has talked about all along. Those Trust Accounts.
      I do not think the 'government' is paying anything for us; I think they are digging into all our Trust Accounts RATHER than allowing us to Access them ourselves.

      The bad part is, they can't tell us that, so we are still paying this stuff ourselves, just like Doug has said. BUT what that means is that our Electric company and others, are getting paid TWICE, collecting double payments on our ''electric bills''.

      True, a Statement is not a Bill. Maybe this is the hint, that none of us got.

      Anna, skip the history lessons, and sidebars; I suggest you spend time exposing and remedying THIS stuff. And lets see it get nailed; no more hints and glib half assed worthless informational Articles like THIS one.

    3. That s exactly right Abby...everytime we pay them when we receive a statement we are in affect paying them twice....!! And they still don't appreciate it..if we are late in paying for it, the start adding additional charges, plus interest.....govt is not happy unless they get payed at least a half dozen times...!!

      The problem is and always has been our "foreign traitorist BAR attorneys...They have a legalese answer for everythin, no matter how they have to twist it to get away with FRAUD..!!

      I would like to introduce a "bill" to Congress, but especially to Trump that makes any type of FRAUD punishable by death...and the first ones have to be public, with a guillotine even if kids have to watch..When they grow up they will be so fearful of committing FRAUD that they will be to fearful of ever committing it...!! They we can set up a "FRAUD HOTLINE" similar to 911 so that cops have to come out right away..No more getting away with telling us it's "civil"...I don't think so...!! Fraud has to be a "capital crime", much, much greater than murder....!!
      Let's see all these judges try to get away with anything then....!! It has to be that way or we will never escape the evil that pervades our world...and it's the only thing that will keep people honest...right now "FRAUD" is sanctioned as completely legal in the interest of "NATIONAL SECURITY"...!!!

      Are you guys aware that we can now carry weapons in full complete site because of the ruling of the 9th Circuit Court in Hawaii, thanks to George Young Jr, the plaintiff who said his "civil rights" were being violated because he couldn't protect himself thanks to gun laws....!! You get cut her in court arguing "civil rights" rather than Constitional rights...and everyone knows it except us "patriots"...!!
      But I would suggest before you start doing it, go to your local city hall meeting and address the board of supervisors to notify all your law enforcement men and woman that don't get spoiled just because you see a few of us around "packing" in full site, just like they do, because the court also ruled that no permit or license is needed for least not yet...!!

      Here is the site:

      Here's the video on it.

    4. I think someone needs to call thier shrink or find a whiners chat room

    5. I meant "spooked " not spoiled..

  14. man! you are a little foul mouth. Can't you disagree with someone without calling them names or constantly using the F-word. I see why you come at everyone as Unknown. I wouldn't want to disclose my name either so nobody would know I was the ignorant one making all these baseless claims. You sound like you are not to educated and very defensive. That's how insecure people sound. When they don't have an educated forum or dialect to engage in. That is when they go to their true education which is real shallow. And choose to use all those colorful words. Quit lashing out at inncent people who are just trying to do what is right. And all you fellow Americans. Don't listen to this TROLL. If he is so upset with what Anna writes. Then why are you always on her web site other than to bash people. You are just acknowledging what everyone already knows. Figure it out. You might go as Unknown. But it is not unknown to us who you truly are.

  15. Your opinions are irrelevant. I'm here for research and development. I am learning from all the posts in this site. Learning about what not to do. Who to not associate with. Since when was having a foul mouth illegal? Did I hurt your feelings? Also, since when were you morons handing out degrees and certifications? Do you honestly think I care if you think I'm uneducated or not? I have absolutely nothing to prove to you. I do not seek your validation. I'm just here to observe and intervene when possible then record your reactions to my interventions.

  16. See the what I've discovered is that you all are nothing without your little group. You all cannot stand on your own two feet and think for yourselves. You have the hive mentality. You seek echo chambers. You seek validation and then you project your method of existence on others. You don't use foul language when debating with others because you depend so much on your point getting across to the otherside. For you are nothing without a person who agrees with you. You all flock to sites like these to find others whom you agree with but there is more power in more numbers. Therefore, you refrain from using foul language because that would not aid in your recruiting efforts. I couldn't give a motherfucking rats ass if people join me or not. I am not reliant on numbers. I stand on my own two feet. In fact, I'd rather stand alone than to suffer from what inflicts you all. You are only as strong as your weakest link.

  17. Fake Messiahhhhhh
    Stitches sown in your eyes.
    Generation failure. Suspended in irrelevance.
    Split you wide open. Just to see what your made of!

    1. Kerubale, you are the house that is divided against itself. Why do you even bother coming here? Don't you have anything better to do than to be a troll and a shill? Is business so slow in your luciferian cult world that you need to come over here to get some attention because nobody is paying attention to you over there?

    2. I am paying attention to this website because I'm all about learning against learning.

    3. My religious household is perfectly intact. I do not seek converts. There is a one time examination for people interested in becoming religious heads of their own households and for them to associate with like minded people in a bonafide religious society founded in North Carolina which I am the registered Agent of. Go to the North Carolina Secretary of State website and search for "UCADIA Ecclesia Foundation." Also go to USPTO and search for the trademark by the same name. And then proceed to eat your heart out.

    4. If I wanted any and every shit head to join then why would I require applicants to score a 100% on their first and only attempt at the examen?

      Quality over quantity.

    5. Now it is I
      Now it is I
      Now it is I
      Now it is Eyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeee!

    6. lmao!

    7. Unknown: I don't want to associate with anyone that doesn't use simple respect for others. Do I ever use foul language, of course, bUT out of respect for the people here I do not Bible thump, project my judgement as law or result to survival mode where I use foul language. I will no longer read your posts as they are no help.. If I want to listen to children using the F word as a noun , pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, ect... I'll go to the Rehoboth boardwalk. Have a great day. I do not blindly follow anyone or any guru. I research. Anna has led me to more questions and I thank her.

    8. Annie, 'out of respect for the people here, you do not bible thump''?? Since when do people who do not want to hear the words of the bible, Deserve Any Respect?
      And P.S. Folks who use vulgar language have no credibility to
      'bible thump' anyhow. That is known as a double minded person.

    9. Annie McShane - this Unknown isn't us, nor part of what we're pursing. Just seems to have shown up. Just so you know. Of course pursue all one wishes, or not. Though its not us who should be held for the vulgarities of 'it'. Thanks & have a good one

    10. Abby...your ongoing Bible Trumping is quite amusing actually.

      May the Trump be with u!

  18. Two sentences got your panties in that big of a bunch, eh? Might have had a stroke if my reply had been sent properly by me earlier, or if I cared enough to rewrite it. No pearls to you, swine...

  19. Here is the chart of unknown's, or Kerubale's, delusional one man organization right from his website:

  20. PLenty of pearls here. I shall trample as much as I like.

  21. "Unknown" It seems you are talking about yourself and your stupidity. I believe you, you can not be fixed. Your videos are soooo stupid and evil too. I can see, you are obsess with this great Lady-Judge-Anna and you are jealous of her great mind too.

  22. I thought we are to unite? as the People? Form our Assemblies? With enough People we can claim our States? With enough States we can claim our Army? With enough People we can claim our Counties? With enough People we can Re-open our courts? With enough People we can put them on trial?
    Claim our Names and wait for everyone else to do the same? How do we live while waiting for re-enforcements?

    1. Turtle, uniting is good but it needs to be a uniting of free sovereign individuals. Set yourself free first by correcting your public record and surrendering your fed person back to the treasury and then you can help others do the same. To live in the meantime, use the courts to enforce your position. Let me know and I can send you a syllabus on using small claims court to do just that.

    2. 1Freeman-
      i would be interested in perusing that syllabus if you dont mind sending one my way. Thank you.

    3. Sure, Blue, where should I send it?

    4. Why should we free ourselves first in order to come together...I don't buy it...There is nothing preventing us to stick up for one another right this very minute...!!

      Unknown, how is your system any better than anyone else's if you teach the same bullshit everyone else teach people how to handle themselves...well that's a 'll well and good, but what happens when they run into rough cops or judges and prosecutors that think they can just do whatever they want when they see someone is completely alone, without even one witness to back him up...
      You all think that one man is a "ROCK".!! Let me know how that all works out for you guys....!!
      As for me, the only justice comes from the barrel of a gun if you insist on standing alone....!!

    5. Then you cannot be on my jury, James, and I cannot be on yours. A sovereign cannot be judged by a US citizen and is not subject to US jurisdiction. But a US citizen, which you still are on the public record because you have not done any of your paperwork to expatriate your US citizen status nor secured a NCSN passport, is still subject to US jurisdiction. If tomorrow, a SWAT team throws a stun grenade though your window, breaks down your door, tazes you and as you writhe in pain on the floor, stomps his boot on your face, all on a suspicion by a neighbor who thought she smelled pot coming from your apartment and thought she saw you carrying in marijuana plants, you have zero recourse. That is what this blog is all about, to expatriate from the corporate matrix and be a free sovereign so as free sovereigns we can all,band together and be a force to be reckoned with. Right now, you don't qualify. Also, only non US citizens can participate in jural,assemblies.

    6. 1FreeMan-
      still have the email on file, "jbk@..." send to that address please. Thank you.

    7. Found it and sent you the syllabus.

    8. 1Freeman are you familiar with the
      I am lennard
      if you cant find me send it to

    9. james,
      i can understand your anger, so i am with ya there,... to an extent.
      Yet justice does not come from the barrel of a gun, no more than power does.
      Every Communist must grasp the truth; "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." "Problems of War and Strategy" (November 6, 1938), Selected Works, Vol. II, p. 224. The seizure of power by armed force, the settlement of the issue by war, is the central task and the highest form of revolution.
      Quotations from Mao Tse Tung — Chapter 5
      And yes, just so you know, i own a few guns.
      It is not a gun that makes a man what he is.
      True justice, True power comes from elsewhere.

    10. a follower, supposing a stranger broke into my residence, their intent would be to do harm, and they are breaking the Law, so I would not hesitate to shoot them which would be self defense.
      They can all just iron out all the details later......but that Power is something I would use in the Now.
      That would definitely make me ''what I am''.......still living.
      And true justice will have been done, though it is only for the interim. The final and everlasting Justice is yet to come, but this will do for now, lol.

    11. Turtle, just sent you the Debt Solutions syllabus.

  23. Great men do not use foul language.

  24. The corp State is king over its subjects which equals public. They can not regulate the private. With that said, these criminals forced everyone into the public by holding a public franchise, (office). Driver license, etc., and the only person offered this office through its trustees is the decedent/born alive, cmon people. (Biological material)

    Edward Mandell House had this to say in a private meeting with Woodrow Wilson (President) [1913-1921]

    “[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a National system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be non the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor or to this fraud which we will call “Social Insurance.” Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner; every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America.”

    1. It's been awhile since I've read that while verse, but the main point is the admission of the scheme of "SECURED TRANSACTIONS "..!! The thing is what are they "securing" the transactions with....!! Us...!! That's why only one in a million understand this system....devilishly clever...!! Litterally..!!

  25. Rog....I was wondering when someosomeone was going to bring up Romans 13, completely in the wrong context and just another lost "christian" who likes to throw around bible scriptures as if he understood them in their proper context of higher knowledge...!!

    If you really want to understand Romans 13, I suggest you read the book...."Where are all the Daniels"...
    Ask yourself if Jesus would give one single penny to Ceasor, if it was to destroy his church and spread untruths and outright lies to promote FRAUD on his people..If your going to stretch that passage that far, then why not take the advice Jesus have to a wealthy man when he approached him and asked Jesus, what must I do to be saved and follow your ways....Jesus answered him and said give away all your possessions and all your money, and follow me...!! And he walked away...!! You guys love to quote Romans 13, but if you really listened to Jesus, you wouldn't be worried about taxes because you have nothing to take...he never said he wanted anyone living for money, but by every word of GOD..!! He was talking about "FAITH"..!!

  26. to anonymous,,, the ultimate IGNORANCE is the REJECTION of something you know NOTHING ABOUT and REFUSE to INVESTIGATE,quoted from dr wayne dyer, or you are a govt puppet

  27. hi all
    to whom do I report breaches of the uniform Commercial Code, my email,

    1. Chris, no one as no one will listen unless you enforce it in your paperwork in court. If you can share what the issue is and your objective, I can try to steer you better towards a remedy.

  28. You will not succeed in convincing me to become a extremist, fundamentalist, domestic terrorist, christian. Just not gonna happen. I am extremely proud to be a 14th Amendment United States citizen. There's no way in hell that I will deviate from this blessing. I abide by State and Federal Statutes and abide by local ordinances to the best of my ability. I also respect the secular authorities which God has appointed over me as sovereign (Executive, Judicial, and Legislative).

  29. I'm obsessed with learning against learning.

  30. Unknown (who often seems to be UCADIA USA in disguise...& not affiliated whatsoever with Frank O'Connor) thinks the 14th is okay.

    That should be a crystal clear warning to anyone wasting their time trying to set him right.

    For those still uninformed about the original 13th amendment ratified in is the best link on it I'm currently aware of:

    1. I just think many of you are venturing into dangerous territory by renouncing your citizenship and alienating yourselves from the Judicial system which is 1/3 sovereign.

      I think many of you do not realize the severity of actions based on your ideologies. Granted many of you are most likely too cowardly to actually act based on your beliefs. Anyone can promote dangerous ideologies but to use them as a basis for actions is a different story.

      I just hope you all realize that the judicial system can pretty much have its way with you and still be immune.

    2. Just look at the federal sentences that are being handed out for paper terrorism.

    3. Unknown, what is paper terrorism? Can you give me an example?

    4. "Anyone here acting as an undisclosed federal agent or provocateur, anyone seeking to collect information for Third Parties, anyone working for some other agenda such as entrapment or solicitation or redirection of our group is now invited to declare themselves or leave."

      Probably not

    5. Abby, it is the term they use when you file paperwork they cannot rebut. Sure, it is OK for them to commit paper terrorism (PT) against us who are not subject to their jurisdiction, but they do not like it when they get a taste if their own medicine. It is the same as when you file true paperwork with the IRS and they claim that it is frivolous and fine you $5,000.00 for it. Their response is always frivolous and the perfect definition of PT. The court and it lackeys (attorneys) use the term "vexatious litigant" if they cannot get their way and you keep filing paperwork to defend yourself or start filing complaints against them. It is nothing more than name calling to intimidate you into submission by demeaning you and your right to defend yourself. It is basically the bully kid in the sandbox who keeps kicking sand in your face and then when you do it back to them out of self defense, they start crying and screaming blaming you and want you to be punished.

    6. Have you ever considered that maybe you are not trained as a lawyer and thus do not fully comprehend the law? That you might require an attorney? That you are mistaken? Are you honest with yourself to accept that reality? Or does pride and ego cloud your judgement?

      I don't think they are the bully in the sandbox. I think maybe it is difficult for them to reason with you when you have such strong convictions about what you think is truth. The law is serious vusiness and the reason why so much formal training is required is that one can never be too certain in litigation. Every stone must be turned. Ts crossed and eyes dotted. Furthermore, law in the U.S. consist entirely of case law.

    7. Lawyers do not know the law, they only know procedure and count on paralegals to research it for them. Ask any overworked and underpaid paralegal and they will tell that they do all the work while the attorney pockets all the money. If attorneys are so smart then how come every judge needs to side with them for the plaintiff by default? They are merely officers of the court putting on a good show and practising law without a state issued license and only have a private BAR club member card and in some states a court issued so-called "license" to show for it. Go ahead, try googling a picture of a state issued license to practice law. You won't find it. It's an inside club. As such they are only allowed to operate inside the court and everything they do outside of court is fraudulent, i.e. they commit mail fraud every time they send you something in the mail. They work for the system and do not work for the one who hires them other than to railroad them into a plea deal to save the court time and resources. Their loyalty is first to the court, second to the judge and you come dead last at the bottom of the totem pole yet you foot their bill. If they were to truly defend a client, they would be fired and disbarred, the modern version of being tarred and feathered. Yes, most cases are supported by case law but U.S. law consists entirely of bankers policy. It is the banks that own the courts as private for profit corporations.

  31. That is because you simply don't understand the history nor the process of Expatriation out of US jurisdiction. That is also why you are still paying taxes and subject to traffic tickets.

  32. This is what IIunderstand: If I am cited for a traffic violation, then I retain an attorney to defend me. Hopefully the attorney gets the violation reduced to where I only pay a fine. If the attorney cannot do that, then I remain accountable for what I have done and face the punishment. As for taxes, I only pay direct taxes (sales taxes) on goods and capital assets that I purchase. I swore an oath to poverty. Everything that I control belongs to a religious society as per Chapter 61 of the North Carolina General Statutes.

    1. Hey Kerubale, glad you decided to identify yourself. That is costly and risky. Better to file suit in small claims court after defaulting the officer using administrative process, for violating your Constitutional rights. Keep it under your state's limit for SC court. His municipal attorney will never allow him to go to court and admit to violating the Constitution. Instead he will call you and offer to drop the ticket if you will drop your case. Then you insist you want reimbursement for your expenses and be paid for your time and effort and for your unlawful detainment and ask him what he is offering. Let him offer an amount and if it is acceptable, agree. But do not sign anything that precludes you from suing them further or in the future. Do not withdraw your case until after you have received and cashed the check. If he gets belligerent, just term him you will see him in court. The officer will not show up and you will win by default. Now you take that judgement and file it with a MTD for violating your Constitutional rights.

    2. No thanks, 1FreeMan. I'm not a paper terrorist. I have faith in the legal profession and the judicial system. I respect secular authorities. Good luck with the extremist path you have chosen for yourself. I'm sure you'll get far with it.

      I'm smart enough and honest enough with myself to know that cops are doing their jobs keeping public roadways safe when they issue traffic violations. Prosecutors are doing their jobs litigating on behalf of the state or federal public. Defense attorneys are doing their jobs litigating on behalf of their clients.

      I think you may be all talk and not bite. Else you would have long been thrown in a federal prison for paper terrorism. I'm sure some braver moron will take you up on your advice and suffer the consequences though. Now kindly go fuck yourself. Buh-bye!

    3. Unknown, ALL lawyers, including defense attorneys, are Officers OF THE Court. They bend to please the Court, and their clients are just pawns. They use people to play their game and actually think its funny; to them it is their way of 'having fun' and making making a lot of money for themselves. That is their only goal.
      Very sad nefarious games going on, none of them favoring The People.

    4. Kerubale, since you like to quote scripture, please explain these scriptures in light of the license you assume in your foul language:
      But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy. 1 Peter 1:15-17
      Let your speech be always with grace... Colossians 4:6
      Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. Ephesians 4:29
      Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man. Matthew 15:11
      Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: [and] he that shutteth his lips [is esteemed] a man of understanding. Proverbs 17:28
      A wholesome tongue [is] a tree of life: but perverseness therein [is] a breach in the spirit. Proverbs 15:4
      If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion [is] vain. James 1:26
      But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. Matthew 12:36
      The mouth of the just bringeth forth wisdom: but the froward tongue shall be cut out. Proverbs 10:31-32

    5. So you readily admit that the bible has no authority over you? Well, it is obvious that you submit to no one and not even to God. So your religion is basically in vain and your word worthless.
      Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
      Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
      And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Matthew 7:21-23

    6. Pactem De Singularis Caelum is my authority. I enjoy reading Papal Encyclicals of the RCC as well.

    7. While you cling to your Jesuit Pactem and Papal Encyclicals, I will cling to Jesus. Like I said, whoever owns you, will claim you when you die. I certainly would not want count on them coming to my rescue. By the way, did you know that RCC as well as Jesuits do not believe anyone can just enter heaven? They condemn all souls to purgatory which is nothing else but hell itself. Their doctrine condemns being born again as Jesus commanded as a requirement to see and to enter the kingdom. Read it here in His own words:
      Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. John 3:3
      and here:
      Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water [not water baptism but washing by the water of the word of God] and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. John 3:5
      His words, not mine.

    8. Well, I for one am a 'freeman' when it comes to onlybegottenism biblical nonsense for sure:)

  33. Hi 1 free man🙋 thank you so much for your help and referral 2017.
    I too have now corrected my public record and surrender my fed PERSON to the US Treasury😊

    I will like that syllabus you offered blue sky thinking if you don't mind to send it my way?

    1. My pleasue, MPS. Where should I send it?

    2. Hi 1Freeman! Please forward sylibus to me too!

    3. Done, doonstr. Just sent it to you by email.

  34. No thanks, 1FreeMan. I'm not a paper terrorist. I have faith in the legal profession and the judicial system. I respect secular authorities. Good luck with the extremist path you have chosen for yourself. I'm sure you'll get far with it.

    I'm smart enough and honest enough with myself to know that cops are doing their jobs keeping public roadways safe when they issue traffic violations. Prosecutors are doing their jobs litigating on behalf of the state or federal public. Defense attorneys are doing their jobs litigating on behalf of their clients.

    I think you may be all talk and not bite. Else you would have long been thrown in a federal prison for paper terrorism. I'm sure some braver moron will take you up on your advice and suffer the consequences though. Now kindly go fuck yourself. Buh-bye!

    1. Back to hiding again as Unknown? So if what I am doing is paper terrorism as you call it, then how come the IRS honored my position and zeroed out a $121,000 tax bill and literally wrote "Your case is closed"? And how come the SOS/DOS issued me a non US citizen state national passport with a 5 star passport card which is their highest security clearance and listed on FBI/NCIC as "do not detain"? And how come I was able to help 2 people get out of jail, one with 2 trumped up felonies and 1 misdemeanor and the other with an outstanding arrest warrant for drug charges and one individual from being remanded back to jail for tax evasion? And how come I have been able to secure a court order from the US tax court for lack of jurisdiction for myself as well as at least 10 other people? This is the IRS admitting it never had jurisdiction for all the years that you paid taxes and be able to file for damages in US Federal Court of Claims. All of this proves that the system is not what you believe it to be.

    2. I don't believe you. I am not obligated to believe your stories. I give you the benefit of doubt. This means I'll doubt everything you claim. hahaha! The difference between your approach and my approach is that I couldn't care any less if you believe my claims or not.

    3. That's just it Mr. K, you don't have anything to claim.

    4. ;-)

    5. “To sum up: men crucified to the world, and to whom the world itself is crucified (See Gal. 6:14) such would our Constitutions have us to be; new men, I say, who have put off their affections to put on Christ; (See Eph. 4:24) dead to them- selves to live to justice; who, with St. Paul in labors, in watchings, in fastings, in chastity, in knowledge, in long suffering, in sweetness, in the Holy Spirit, in charity unfeigned, in the word of truth, show themselves ministers of God (See 2 Cor. 6:5-8) and by the armor of Justice on the right hand and, on the left, by honor and dishonor, by evil report and good report, by good success finally and ill success, press forward with great strides to their heavenly country. This is the sum and aim of our institute.”

      - The Constitutions of the Society of Jesus and Their Complementary Norms, 1996, Preface of Very Reverend Peter-Hans Kolvenbach Superior General of the Society of Jesus, p. xix.

    6. 1FreeMan, your advice was very concise and complete. Very rare around here. But nothing has ever been said about the u.s. federal court of claims. How does that work; probably takes being able to be your own 'lawyer', right?

    7. So, Kerubale, please explain how your quotes, Constitution and the fruit that comes out of your mouth, all line up with this:
      Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Matthew 7:16-20

    8. Abby, I have mentioned it a few times but have never really gone into detail. Yes, you may want to hire a LLF lawyer to assist you in this process. Never a BAR card traitor who will just try to sell you out by making private deals with the court behind your back. Ex parte is not allowed but all attorneys have their favorite judge on speed dial. You could do it yourself if you are proficient but why bother when the award could be so great? Once you have exhausted your administrative process, you would bundle up all your evidence and file a claim in USFCF. Now you would pay their $400 filing fee because you do want to give this court jurisdiction to be able to rule on your case. You would file for all back taxes paid plus interest plus damages for all lost opportunities as well as pain and suffering at thier hands for stress and duress, emotional trauma, etc. This is the court with the checkbook that has already paid out over $3.5 Billion in vaccine damage claims, you know, for those vaccines that don't harm anyone [TIC!]]. I have already heard of one individual that was awarded $2.5 million for tax related claims.

    9. 1FreeMan,

      I have never had a passport, however, having the right passport may prove useful. Do you have a resource for me to look at into getting the right one? I might look into hiring LLF for a few things as well as I have not studied the technical side of the court.

    10. Cube, check If you post your email I can send you the LLF referral. They may also be able to assist you with your passport.

    11. 1FreeMan,

      That would be most helpful, thank you.

    12. 1FreeMan, I think it is important to understand that part of the reason you are having success is because of Trump being elected and not Hillary...!! We didn t even have to do one thing to clear everyone's TRW reports...All liens simply all dropped off, because Trump had the commissioner and director come in front of Congress to be desposed..!! The commissioner resigned immediately and the Director was facing jail....
      Your timing just happened to be right...!! 10 years ago if you tried this , you would have never won....!! Still, I'm not trying to discount your successes, because they are still impressive if they are true...!! I just have never witnessed it for myself...!! Trump has weakened the "deep state" significantly...!! And all this fraud is about to be exposed very soon.....lile Trump said...the "Storm" is coming....!! I'd say next month or Sept....!!

  35. "on the left, by . . . dishonor, by evil report and . . . by good success . . . . press forward with great strides to their heavenly country. This is the sum and aim of our institute.”


    1. An an evil institution no doubt.

    2. :-*

    3. Do you like evil jokes?


    5. "Anyone here acting as an undisclosed federal agent or provocateur, anyone seeking to collect information for Third Parties, anyone working for some other agenda such as entrapment or solicitation or redirection of our group is now invited to declare themselves or leave."



    8. More rotten fruit from your poisonous tree? You must be awfully lonely to waste your time like this on people who have already dismissed you as evil. You are proving that some people thrive on negative attention because they simply cannot get any other kind.


  36. That's it, you filthy monkeys
    Keep your eyes on the bright and shiny
    Just for you
    A brand new
    And Improved Catastrophe

  37. Paul please censor this "unknown ' individual who cannot stop his foul mouth rants when trying to influence others. NOT ACCEPTABLE!

  38. No, correction KeruBaal, you are possessed. Since you claim that we are in error, then how can you learn anything from us? Therefore you are not here to learn but to incite and to expose yourself as a liar and an enemy to mankind and an agent provocateur. Unless you repent, there will be no redemption for you. Your so called redemption process on your UCADIA website is a total fraud and does not redeem anyone, neither physically nor spiritually. You are merely leading people astray and into eternal bondage and damnation and rest assured, you will be held accountable for it.

  39. Which also means that you do not abide by the original organic Constitution for the united States of America to which the 14th amendment is juxtaposed. You cannot have both.

  40. Unknown....this is an open forum as you can see...!! So if you have any REMEDIES" that are successful , we would all like to hear it....from you..!! We don't want a link..!! You say we are doing things wrong, but that's all you ever say...You never tell us how to correct it, or give us a roadmap to freedom..!! It's ok to think we aren't doing things properly, but not if you aren t going to offer an alternative to a better method...arent we all looking for the same thing here...!!!?????

  41. @1freenan,look around you. You are surrounded by hundreds of millions of 14th amendment citizens lol! This magnificent sovereign government (federal, state, and local) has been established in their interests and viceversa.

    You cannot move this monumental and glorious secular apparatus. You can either respect it or get crushed by it. Lol!

    God bless the United States of America!!!!

  42. James, i go through great lengths in a "case to support" documedocument that is currently being developed. It is still a rough draft.

    To be quite honest, I have discovered that the only solution is for me to mold a fresh mind (a child of mine) because of how badly things have deteriorated and will deteriorate in the coming years.

    There are strong narratives in place by higher powers which are incredibly difficult break. It simply is what it is. Therefore fresh young minfs are required to effect needed neededs at a micro level.

    The only thing I can do is offer others an opportunity to follow the same blueprint (i.e., be heads of religious households) and join me in fellowship. It is a tough road.


  43. James, I'd suggest that anyone simply read the entire constitutions of the society of jesus to know exactly what they are up against.

    20k males embedded in all facets of life who willfully chose to comply by their superior's commands as if he is "in the place of christ."

    20k men who have sworn to hate their parents, siblings, cousins, uncles, etc. To hate everything worldly.

    Once you understand what you are up against you may realize that you are on the losing side of the battle simply because there is no cohesion on your side relative to their's. They are organized and have been organized since the 16th century. Organized right down to how their membership should think. Right down to daily accounts of conscience they willfully give to their superiors. They ask their suprriors "how should I think about this and that" hours or even minutes after they are confronted with circumstances. Their superior then reports the matter to their superior's superior. Absolutely no will or conscience of their own what-so-ever.

    What a magnificent way to raise a household. Constitutions can be and will be used as blueprint on raising my children.

    Instructions on how to eat meals. How to sleep. How to step foot out the household (permission must be requested to step out alone as a pair of jesuits are required at all times so that either of the pair may report on the conduct of the other while outside of the religious house hold).

    Did I mention they have no personal property of their own? Everything belongs to the society.

    Anna won't tell you what you are up against. She'd rather distract you with nonsense and get you to donate your money to her for something that may land you in federal pprison.

  44. @1FreeMan, mwuahahahaha!

  45. Forged from fire
    I declare this war
    A war against Heaven
    I bring upon my scourge
    Filled with hubris
    A declaration of war

  46. I'm learning how there is an underlying "thing" that inflicts not only you people but people that you guys are against as well. It's called original sin. Man's propensity to avoid responsibility for his own actions when confronted about them. Man's propensity to blame someone else.

    You do not realize it but they philosophy you adhere to has original sin engineered into it.

    Here's an instance:
    You get pulled over for violating a traffic rule but the philosophy you subscribe to gives you the conviction that you are guilty as charged even though in reality that ticket is merely an accusation.

    Further, the philosophy you subscribe to tricks you into believing that the street is a venue to argue your position instead of the court. So then in futility you debate with the police officer for simply doing his job.

    There is no room for due process when you do this. You have completely ruled out the notion of due process simply because you were educated on the internet by god knows who. Now, you think that you are more learned in law than people who have Juris Doctorates in it, people who have passed a bar examination to practice it, and even Judges who have been ELECTED to hear matters of law.

    I hope you can catch my drift as it begins to form somewhat of a downward spiral all because of an idea that you have latched on to with very little skeptical effort.

  47. This all makes you no different than the most staunch liberals who try to rationalize the death by cop of an armed or even unarmed black teen who gave a police officer the reasonable belief that the police officer's life or others' lives were in danger.

    Instead of educating the people they claim to advocate for on WHAT NOT TO DO when approached by police, said staunch liberals will distract their constituency with emotional premises that have absolutely nothing to do with WHY a prosecutor will have a very difficult time proving beyond the reasonable doubt that that cop committed a crime when that cop killed the suspect.

    Original Sin is engineered into that narrative so that when that Police officer does get acquitted of charges or when that police officer doesn't get charged at all, then there is a perfect scapegoat - the court system.

    So when people who don't know any better see all of this happen it becomes embedded in their minds that they are damned if they do and damned if they don't. Hell, why not run away from a police officer that suspects you of committing a felony? Why not reach for your cell phone that is in your pocket as you are running away? Cops are criminals as far the public opinion echo chamber is concerned. Maybe the cop that is chasing you down would be afraid of the public opinion consequences of shooting down an unarmed black person. Maybe it's ok to underestimate that cop's ability to use just about any REASONABLE excuse to use deadly force.

  48. KeruBaal, you are the house that is divided against itself and therefore you cannot stand. Nor any of your convoluted theories. You have already been defeated and imprisoned in your own mind, the ultimate prison, by surrendering yourself body, soul and spirit to the powers that have enslaved you and submitting to them w/o question. You are not not free and never will be unless you confess your sin, seek forgiveness and let the Son set you free. Only then shall you be free indeed.

  49. KeruBaal, what you cannot see or discern is the army of angels that encamps around those who do His bidding. Nor the power of the Holy Spirit resident in those who are called according to His purpose. As believers we are commissioned to do the same works Jesus did (John 14:12) and to move mountains and cast them into the sea with just a mustard seed of faith as Jesus Himself instructed us to do and which is referenced many times in the gospels. He not only gives us the authority to o so by His name but also by the power by His Holy Spirit. Jesus was manifested to destroy the works of the enemy and we are commanded to do the same. Your "monumental and glorious secular apparatus" is nothing more than a secular demonic construct created by the enemy to subvert the nations into submission and for the worldly enrichment of the less than 1% at the top of the power structure. So who do you serve? If you want to talk numbers, there is only 1 purported authority figure for every 900 sovereigns. They are far outnumbered and they know it and are scared to death that sovereigns will one day wake up and figure this out as they are starting to do in droves. That is why they wage their false flags, fear mongering and constant propaganda non-stop to make people believe as you claim that they are outnumbered when they are the ones who are far outnumbered themselves. Besides, all the enemy has are natural weapons and not spiritual.
    BTW: you are wasting your time posting links to YouTube videos because nobody is making the effort to click on them oor watch them since they are all just a bunch of nonsense.

  50. So, KeruBaal, are you admitting to being a swine who tramples on pearls?
    Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. Matthew 7:6

  51. I'd rather be a foul mouthed pig than be a fuck shit Sovereign citizen domestic terrorist.

    So tell me, is trampling over what you folks consider pearls illegal?

    Do you know the difference between morals and legality? I hope you know that the former is subjective while the latter is objective.

  52. ^Everything you typed above is the reason for the Counter Reformation haha!

    You are not worthy of reading nor interpreting the bible. Not qualified. And it shows.

  53. The son who did the same exact thing the day he was crucified? Did he not submit without question. You protestants are ridiculous.

  54. Yes, RCC and the Jesuits believe that no one can interpret the bible except them and their priests. That is because they are only naturally discerned and not spiritually and do not have the mind of Christ.
    But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:16
    John said that true believers have no need that any man teach them because they have the anointing of Christ which teaches them.
    But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him. 1 John 2:27
    But it is very apparent that He and His anointing do not abide in you, now do they? Will you surrender to Him and be saved or stand your ground and be lost? Your call.

  55. Good point. He did. And willingly. Was it lawful for them to put him to death. Absolutely not. But He was the sheep led to the slaughter to pay for the sins of all mankind with His blood. You cannot claim that. But He did not submit to Satan's authority during His earthly ministry and was manifested to destroy the works of the devil.
    He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. 1 John 3:8
    He has commissioned us to do the same works that he did in John 14:12 to destroy the works of the devil. He conquered over the devil with His resurrection and now commands us to overcome the devil in His name. How are you doing that?

  56. Satan, lucifer, devil whatever you want to call it is redeemed. 100% fogiven. It is not my place to fight evil. Its my place to administer my society, ordain ministers, and conduct research and development on how to deliver good works to the general public.

  57. I'm not supposed to abide by the constitution. Those (bill of rights) are constraints against the federal government. And even so, it is interpreted via spirit not letter of the law. We legitimately must abide by federal and state statutes and local laws only.

  58. Where did you ever pick up such nonsense? Prove it from scripture. You cannot. Exactly the opposite. He is condemned forever for his rebellion against God and will spend the rest of eternity in the lake of fire which is prepared for the devil and his angels and all those who choose to follow him to their own perdition. You are believing the lie that he wants you to believe and you will be judged and condemned for it. Did you know that whoever owns you, will claim you at your death? If Jesus does not claim you, Satan will and you will be lost forever in eternal darkness separated from God forever. Repent now and be free while there is still time. Confess your sins and seek His forgiveness and you will be saved by the blood of Jesus. There is no other way or name under heaven by which we must be saved.
    Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12

  59. Look there is nothing wrong with having religious convictions. But why use it as a basis to promote ideas that discredit secular institutions? Don't you know that churches are considered 501c(3) nonprofits in the U.S. and aren't even required to file with the I.R.S.? Nonprofit because a church is supposedto lift some of the burden off government social net programs.

    If you preach than why not start your own church. Why preach hatred for the government and advice people to potentially commit paper terrorism against government officials who are simply doing their jobs?

  60. Yes, I agree that the Constitution is a constraint against the government to preserve our rights. You are correct. However, have you ever heard of Marbury v. Madison a supreme court ruling which stats that any law that is repugnant to the Constitution is null and void?


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