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Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Turkey Farming

 By Anna Von Reitz

When I was a kid I was Queen of the Poultry Yard. I learned up front, close, and personal about pecking orders and Geese Police and, most of all, about turkeys.
Turkeys are so stupid that they will stand under a rain gutter and drown.
They can fly, but they won't do so to save themselves.
If they do fly, they will land on the roof of a shed and sit there until you go get a ladder and risk your life and skin to scrabble around grabbing them and bringing them safely back down to the ground.
I never got the impression that they were scared of heights. Quite the opposite. I found one sitting on the ridgepole of a five story barn one summer afternoon.
I saw that and said to myself, "Forget it. I am not going up there and fighting with a thirty pound turkey."
This I repeated that night, the next day, the next night.... and there he was, still sitting there the next day, just taking in the breeze.
"Do you think that turkey is dead," my Father asked mildly, "or just daydreaming?"
I rigged a blanket sling along one side of the barn, used a bow and arrow to carry a nylon tie rope over the barn roof to the far side of the barn, secured it, climbed up to the ridgepole, skinned across, pushed the turkey off in the general direction of the blanket sling.... he landed, none the worse for wear.
Wish I could say the same thing for myself. There is something about an experience like that, that makes you who you are. To this day, when I remember some of the things that I have gone through for turkeys, I cringe.
They have a nasty habit of pecking at things indiscriminately, without bothering to even look at what they are pecking. Hands, tin cans, water pails, other birds, pieces of lint, plastic cups, sunglasses, it really doesn't matter. Turkeys peck just to peck.
I have stuffed saw dust into old socks, attached them to the wire fence, and watched turkeys peck at these things for hours. Just to peck.
I guess it exercises their necks. Stretches their wattles. Makes them feel real good like a long-necked goose.
But no goose would do anything so stupid and monotonous. Ever.
I have seen adult turkeys sit down on their own chicks and smother them to death, completely oblivious of what they were doing.
I've seen them get their heads caught in a large gauge wire fence and be too dumb to simply back out. And if you try to pull them back out of their dilemma, they will fight and squawk and flap and spread their wings and feathers and stomp their feet and try to gouge you with their spurs.
They are just too dim to grasp the situation they are in or understand that you are trying to help. I guess they think that they are going to get through that wire fence somehow, by leaning on it.
Raising a turkey from a chick to an adult is an endless, nasty challenge, akin to a military drill in peacetime.
They will stand motionless for hours, doing nothing observable, just staring out at nothing at all. And then, suddenly, for no reason, run out in front of a speeding car.
You, of course, have to make the good faith effort to rescue them from themselves at every step.
They drove me crazy. They drove my dog crazy. I could almost say I developed a hatred for turkeys, but they are somehow too vapid to raise that much emotion.
It's more like a bad smell, and by the way, turkeys stink. They really do. They have a peculiar, unforgettable, dusty, rancid butter stench as adults.
If you don't dust them and fluff them and risk your life in the cause of turkey health, they will find lice somewhere, even when none of the other birds have lice, and then you will have to catch them and dust them with noxious powders twice a day for a week.
Can life get better than this?
And then, for no apparent reason, they'll stop eating. Just quit. It's not a hunger strike or a boycott of Turkey Chow. They forget to eat. So they starve.
Then you have to entice them back into the habit of eating.
And that's not a pretty story, either.
Suffice it to say that there is an actual reason behind that old saying, "Don't let the turkeys get you down."
They will never realize how needy they are, or how helpless they are.
God knows, they will never say "thank you".
They will peck at you viciously at every opportunity.
They will attack the other birds for no reason at all.
They will get themselves into endless odd predicaments.
They won't agree with your solutions to their problems.
Still, they won't make it without you.
They'll just sit in the sun in 105 degree heat and die of sunstroke, because they are too dumb to walk ten feet and sit down in the shade.
Folks, don't let the turkeys of this world get you down. Realize that there are some people that are never going to grasp what you are trying to tell them. They aren't going to thank you. They aren't going to be grateful for all your work and effort. They are just going to keep on being exactly what they are and doing what they do.

There's no cure for turkeys. All we can offer them is grace.


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  1. I learned a great deal from your turkey story and I could not help but laugh and a good entertainment of reality. Thanks Anna.

  2. If I recall correctly, Benjamin Franklin wanted the "Turkey" to be the National Bird. Interesting how the majority of the US all give thanks on "Thanksgiving Day" by sacrificing then eating a "Turkey". Enjoy.

  3. If I recall correctly, Benjamin Franklin wanted the "Turkey" to be the National Bird. Interesting how the majority of the US all give thanks on "Thanksgiving Day" by sacrificing then eating a "Turkey". Enjoy.

  4. Thank you, Anna. Exactly the words I needed to see. Hope you get some use out of the book!

  5. I dont hear anyone offer a different solution to this vial evil globalist takeover. I may not agree with everything Anna suggests and I have a hard time understanding why I would have to get 2 witness to prove i am who the "bith certificate " says i am . That would be like having my car stolen and the judge saying the title that is in my name isnt enough to prove its mine. Besides the burden of proof should lay with the perpetrators not the victum. This birth certificate is used to get a social security card, to enroll in school, to get a drivers license, to do just about anything that requires proof of idenity. I fail to understand why it is neccessary after 60 yrs. To now have eye witnesses to prove this. I also do not understand why the perpetrators are not being brought forward and into the light.
    If all that Anna is claiming is true. Then why isnt it being screamed from the roof tops.

    1. I have it straight from the Summit County Registrar herself that the Birth Certificate is not to be used for Identification purposes. On the Social Security Card that my parents acquired (over 50 yrs. ago)with the "ALL CAPITOL NAME" actually states not to be used for identification purposes. This is is the "STATE's CHILD" the STATE's creation(US CITIZENS). The true living creations can not be registered. we are considered in legal terminology "non resident aliens".

    2. When a Man, or Woman is able to learn the convoluted language of "Legalese", and comprehend what this system has jurisdiction over, one will come to the realization of what is meant by "Human Trafficking", Child Trafficking", and why the living are required by this system to possess "Licenses". Once again read Chapter 14 from the book of Jasher it lays the scheme all out.

    3. This scheme was so ingenious, and lucrative that it even enticed all the great Kings, Queens, Rulers...This scheme was so monumental that in time it even deposed them. This is what Jesus exposed, and why he was crucified. This is life, and death consequences. This is where the rubber meets the road. This is where the Men are separated from the boys.

    4. Read Joe Roberts comments at the end of the article that Paul just posted regarding "Nuremberg Trials" Basically an acting US Citizen can't sue their own Government.

    5. I haven't followed what has been happening up in Canada for month now, but moments ago I pulled up the website "A Warrior Calls", and he just put out a video a few days ago that might be of interest
      February 22 2021 Live Stream Powerful Truths and Nuremberg Trials Commeth
      At the 50:00 minute mark to the end is poignant.

    6. Birth Certificate identifies a LEGAL FICTION. Is not supposed to be used for Identification. If you use if for Identification for yourself well don't blame them for your voluntary servitude. Slavery is Abolished to that certificate of Title for a "Thing" is the State Slave.

      Annie McShane©

    7. Ironically, from our perspective, the BC is used because it provides two things— proof of an event — the physical arrival of a man or woman at a specific place and given a specific name, and second, evidence of unconscionable contracting processes. From their perspective, your Birth Certificate is actually your death certificate. You die to being an American (become an infant decedent) at the same time the Municipal CITIZEN is “born”—-but the dates reveal that they established an unconscionable illegal contract with a minor to do this, so it becomes evidence of a crime, too. So our government needs proof of WHERE you were born which is all we need from the BC, then your Witnesses identify you as the man or woman (that’s your identification not the BC) as being born at the place and time and parents, etc

    8. Exactly Annie, and Anna. What was stated by these two is the condensed version. I hope that everyone reads what these two wrote, and memorize all of it word for word. I thank both Paul, and Anna for their commitment, and unparalleled perseverance to bringing forth all that they have to the public on this platform.

    9. Greetings Earthly Mortals,

      What does any of this "BC" matter if divinity has planned the planetary extermination of the globalists and humanity as soon as January 1, 2025 and latest as January 1, 2035???!!! The "BC" is the least of the globalist's and humanity's worries!!! "The peacemakers shall inherit the Earth" said our Father (Yahweh) from Paradise/Heaven!!! Are you personally a peacemaker or not???!!! Amen, so be it said our divine Father (Yahweh) from Paradise/Heaven!!!

      Sincerely by,

      Divine-Earth-Citizen ©*
      Divine-Earth-Agent ©*
      Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Creation ©*
      Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Humanity ©*
      Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Peace ©*
      Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Divine-Intelligence ©*
      Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Mortal-Intelligence ©*
      Divine-Earth-President-of-Presidents ©*
      Divine-Earth-Commander-in-Chief-of-Commander-in-Chiefs ©*
      Divine-Earth-Military-General-of-Military-Generals ©*
      Divine-Earth-Director-of-Divine-Lawful-Jurisdiction ©*
      Divine-Earth-Director-of-Paradise/Heaven-On-Earth ©*

      *Exclusive copyright by the owner of "Make it happen", February 26, 2021. ©

    10. “Make it Happen”, Far be it from me to question Holy Divine Inspiration, and Revelation; ewe posted: “What does any of this "BC" matter if divinity has planned the planetary extermination of the globalists and humanity as soon as January 1, 2025 and latest as January 1, 2035???!!! The "BC" is the least of the globalist's and humanity's worries!!! "The peacemakers shall inherit the Earth" said our Father (Yahweh) from Paradise/Heaven!!! Are you personally a peacemaker or not???!!! Amen, so be it said our divine Father (Yahweh) from Paradise/Heaven!!!”
      I have a few questions that should only be answered from ewe if ewe can;
      1: Are these Human Beings/Humanity that are going to suffer “extermination”, to be the living or the dead?
      2: Is Our Creator God’s name actually Yahweh?
      3: Do you know what the definition of “human” is? (Hint) look in the Ballentines’ Law dictionary under “Monster”
      4: Can you give a true definition of “Man”
      5. Is the term Globalist one who resides on a Globe, and rules said Globe?
      6. In what rendition of the Bible along with the Chapter and verse are you quoting that “The Peacemakers shall inherit the Earth"?
      7. Where in the Bible does it state that the Earth is a Globe?
      8. Lastly, what is a "person"?
      I do hope that this prophecy does comes true that has been given to you with all my heart, because that will mean all fictions will be destroyed, no longer in existence. Alleluia !

    11. Greetings Foscolos00,

      Thanks for your response!!!

      You asked "1: Are these Human Beings/Humanity that are going to suffer “extermination”, to be the living or the dead?"(!!! [sic]) The globalists and rest of humanity (with exception of few chosen Earthly mortals) are currently on "Divine-Lawful-Death-Row-Judgement ©*" unless absolutely the globalists and rest of humanity become peacemakers (with my personal divine/mortal intellectual guidance) before January 1, 2025 to be given a "Divine-Lawful-Stay-of-Planetary-Extermination ©*")!!! All planetary mortals still alive (including the globalists [anti-creation, anti-humanity {people} and anti-divinity]) will be divinely exterminated as soon as January 1, 2025 and latest as January 1, 2035!!! All Earthly mortals who die before that deadline is already per-exterminated (Divine-Lawful-Eternal-Death-Judgement ©*)!!! There will be no "suffering" from the planned divine planetary extermination, it will be quick, swift, and painless!!! The globalists and rest of humanity absolutely will not be able to counter-attack!!!

      You asked "2: Is Our Creator God’s name actually Yahweh?"(!!! [sic]) Yes, that is our divine Father's actual name just like your personal name that your biological parents gave you at birth!!! The only reason I personally use His personal name is so no Earthly mortal is confused about who I am personally mentioning and serving!!!

      You asked "3: Do you know what the definition of “human” is? (Hint) look in the Ballentines’ Law dictionary under “Monster”"(!!! [sic]) When I mention "humanity/human" it refers to our divine Father's (Yahweh) mortal children also known by divinity as "people"!!! According to divinity humans are only considered "monsters" who do not follow "The Original Divine Lawful 10 Commandments ©*" such as the globalists and any other Earthly mortals who commit crimes against "Original-Divine-Creation ©*"!!!

      Continued in Following post (too many characters):

    12. Continued from previous post:

      You asked "4: Can you give a true definition of “Man”"(!!! [sic]) Man as in manual (as in automatic, autonomous, free of divine and mortal influence [in the world but not of the world]), free will of the consciousness, mental and emotional ability to comprehend cause and effect (absolutely aware of the consequences of thoughts, words and actions which result in "Divine-Eternal-Judgement ©")!!!

      You asked "5. Is the term Globalist one who resides on a Globe, and rules said Globe?"(!!! [sic]) Globalists are considered "Divine-Earth-Criminals ©*" who hijacked (stolen) "Original-Divine-Creation ©*" from its original creator which is our divine Father (Yahweh) from The Kingdom of Paradise/Heaven!!! And, my personal duty (voluntary), command and mission is to absolutely return what was stolen ("Original-Divine-Creation ©*" and "Original-Divine-Lawful-Rights ©*") back to our divine Father (Yahweh) personally (sounds familiar???) as soon as possible hence to avoid the planned divine planetary extermination as soon as January 1, 2025 and latest as January 1, 2035 of the globalists and rest of humanity!!!

      You asked "6. In what rendition of the Bible along with the Chapter and verse are you quoting that “The Peacemakers shall inherit the Earth"?(!!! [sic]) "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons (daughters [sic]) of God (our divine Father [Yahweh] from The Kingdom of Paradise/Heaven)"- Matthew 5:9 (New International Version), "Blessed are the meek (peacemakers [sic]), for they will inherit the earth"- Matthew 5:5 (New International Version), "Happy are those who claim nothing, for the whole earth will belong to them (inherit [sic])"- Matthew 5:3 (J. B. Phillips New Testament), "Happy are those who work for peace; God (our divine Father [Yahweh] from The Kingdom of Paradise/Heaven [sic]) will call them his children (divine beings [Lucifer calls his children "Kids/Goats"] [sic])"- Matthew 5:9 (Good News Translation), "Happy are those (peacemakers [sic]) who are persecuted because they do what God (our divine Father [Yahweh] from The Kingdom of Paradise/Heaven [sic]) requires; the Kingdom of heaven (Heaven on Earth [sic]) belongs to them"- Matthew 5:10 (Good News Translation), I could personally go on for eternity quoting bible verses!!!

      Continued in following post (too many characters):

    13. Continued from previous post:

      You asked "7. Where in the Bible does it state that the Earth is a Globe?"(!!! [sic]) Earth was once covered in 100% water and methane after completely formed!!! For an object to be covered 100% in water and methane by physics is a globe in zero gravity (absolute space)!!!

      8. You asked "Lastly, what is a "person"?"(!!! [sic]) A "person" in divinity is an biological being (Earthly mortal) who consciously accepts bribes/shekels (also known as fiat [illusion] money) to survive at another biological being's expense!!!

      You said "I do hope that this prophecy does comes true that has been given to you with all my heart, because that will mean all fictions will be destroyed, no longer in existence. Alleluia !"(!!! [sic]) I am personally honored and humble that you have personally recognized my personal agenda of "The-Mortal-Savior-of-Earthly-Mortals ©*" to bring dignity (self-respect, self-love, divine/mortal peace on earth) and survival (enjoyment of "Original-Divine-Creation ©*") for millenniums to come for the globalists and rest of humanity!!! The absolute divine will, authority and command of our divine Father (Yahweh) will be divinely and mortally executed to perfection for divinity and mortal life itself, I will personally make sure of that, guaranteed, if I personally do not die before!!! Amen, so be it said our divine Father (Yahweh) from The Kingdom of Paradise/Heaven!!!

      If you need any more clarifications of my answers please let me personally know!!! Thank you!!!

      Sincerely by,

      Divine-Earth-Citizen ©*
      Divine-Earth-Agent ©*
      Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Creation ©*
      Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Humanity ©*
      Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Preservation-of-Peace ©*
      Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Divine-Intelligence ©*
      Divine-Earth-Chief-of-Mortal-Intelligence ©*
      Divine-Earth-President-of-Presidents ©*
      Divine-Earth-Commander-in-Chief-of-Commander-in-Chiefs ©*
      Divine-Earth-Military-General-of-Military-Generals ©*
      Divine-Earth-Director-of-Divine-Lawful-Jurisdiction ©*
      Divine-Earth-Director-of-Paradise/Heaven-On-Earth ©*

      *Exclusive copyright by the owner of "Make it happen", May 1, 2021. All "Divine-Lawful-Eternal-Rights ©*" reserved without prejudice, under the "Divine-Lawful-Authority-of-Command ©*" and "Divine-Lawful-Eternal-Protection-Order ©*". ©

  6. My turkeys are a pain, but they redeem themselves when they surround and alert us of a snake. They have found many copperheads and Pygmy rattlers.

  7. Absolutely brilliant this story and absolutely fitting for the situation we are in.....

  8. Can’t fix stupid that’s inherent however we’re dealing with mind control on a grand scale. Something in the order of Rodney Pipers glasses were he can now see the enemy among us.
    They live .

  9. I had 10 turkeys the domestic kind and they had to cross over the road twice a day on their long bug and food route and return to coop up at night. People often got mad and honked cursing the turkey who just walked right out and stopped cars for 2 minutes on the country paved road. Then on day in the coop I noticed on pecked another on the head, then another saw it and pecked too, then all of them tried it and killed the one in a minute of pecking with look of confusion and stupidity. Finally chased em all down and froze em then found one day that someone unplugged the freezer and forgot about it so they wound up as soil builder. Banty hens a lot smarter as they escaped then lived in trees closeby so still got eggs and stayed out of road

  10. Hello Ana,

    I just want to cancel and collapse the public All Caps trust Get my passport and leave this country and never come back. Any help for someone like me who is not wanting to fight for this corrupted soil?

    1. Private Thinker, get baptized in the name of Jesus Christ keep that original recorded document with you, and only use it as your sole identification, and become the sojourner you wish to be.
      It worked for a lady named "Sojourner Truth". That, just by all rights should be the only passport one should ever need.

  11. On Feb. 26, 2021 at 7:33 PM
 I gave this reply to a commenter whom expressed her concerns about this "issue". Her comments and this reply were removed from the article-"Papers, Please': Vaccine Passports Have Officially Arrived". I have removed her name in case algorithms are now being employed on this site as well, and her name has become an anathema:
    Yes S*****, verification even with two witnesses is a major point when liars, and frauds abound. Even Anna, who replied to one of my comments in her article "Turkey Farming", used the term "Ironically...", this suggests to me that there isn't any other option available to expedite this correction. I have posted previously, that this "issue" is the most monumental foundational fraud/scheme ever perpetrated on mankind. However, in the perpetrators mindset they only did this to the afterbirth/humankind. We the living actually came into being 9 months prior to the date that is on that "BIRTH CERTIFICATE". Then we can also talk about that made up CALENDAR DATE. Romley Stewart seems to be the only one that has acquired his Live Birth Record, maybe Kurt Kallenbach may have as well. This "issue" is fraught with great turmoil. I have hit many a brick wall, and those that have been employed to engage in usufruct will go to all costs not to relinquish the true record. Anna is offering the only avenue that can be utilized by the masses in order to give some semblance of correcting the record. Thereby establishing a sobering cognizance amongst the "Actors" that we are aware of the fraud that has been perpetrated upon US. This "issue" is the most heinous, and those that are aware of it, and have been profiting from it had better repent. There, I told them. May I find Mercy in our Creator's sight for not telling Ninevah sooner. 


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