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Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Public International Alert -- Order to Cease and Desist: 25 May 2022

 By Anna Von Reitz

The Queen's Government, working in concert with the Lord Mayor of London (Inner City) and the British Crown Corporation,  is actively engaged in a new illegal, unlawful, and immoral scheme to reward collaborators and conspirators who have sought to undermine the lawful American Government, defraud the American people, and wreak havoc on the rest of the world. 

This is yet another attack in Breach of Trust and violation of commercial service contracts owed by these Principals to us, and it is undertaken under convenient False Presumptions of perpetual wars that do not in fact exist. Such illegal and undeclared mercenary war is merely being used as an excuse to evade performance of contractual duties and treaty obligations.  

The Queen's Undeclared Agents are presently making the rounds in our country promoting the idea of a "Second Declaration of Independence" which would mean the loss of all we gained from The Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson. 

These Undeclared Foreign Agents, who appear to be as American as apple pie, are teaching the ignorant and unwary members of the General Public that there exists in the present world a political status called "national of the United States" per 8 USC Chapter 12 of the Federal Code, when in fact, that political status is forever attached to our own inoperative American Federal Republic. 

These Undeclared British Agents are trying for another Substitution Scheme. 

This time they are trying to substitute Trump, the "President" of their British Crown Corporation doing business as "the" United States of America, Inc., for our American President holding The Office of The President of The United States of America. 

And they are trying to gin up their own version of our Federal Republic -- a British Territorial "Federal" Republic, instead of an American Federal Republic. 

This is treasonous as well as being dishonest and deceitful. It is utterly inappropriate for our British-based Subcontractors to "offer" to replace any part of our lawful American Government with a British substitute.  

Our States of the Union are now in Session and preparing to address the long overdue Reconstruction.  The resurrection of the only Federal Republic that has ever existed is in our hands, not theirs. 

The entire so-called Operation Phoenix is a confidence racket scheme against the interests of this country and its people.  

I will also note that the Queen's Government is now giving away tons of fiat USD in an effort to say that they have paid their debts and rewarded their loyal British Territorial U.S. Citizens by "paying" them paper I.O.U.'s based on their own credit, in "equitable exchange" for their land and soil, businesses, and other material asset interests. 

Thus, the Queen's Government pays out paper based on the American's own credit in exchange for their substance (their land and soil, body, home, gold and silver, etc.) and devalues the fiat USD at the same time --- and all in purportedly "equitable consideration" for their assets.  The assets these British henchmen obtain using this deceit are then cashiered in a Territorial National Trust, and America is transformed into a British Territory (aka, Colony) again. 

These unlawful and illegal pretenses are unwelcome on our shores and should be universally recognized as crimes against us, against any moral world community, and against the Public Law which requires registration and identification of Foreign Agents. 

To date, there has been no full disclosure made to the American people concerning their birthright political status and the consequences of adopting British Territorial U.S. Citizenship.  There has equally been no disclosure concerning the bankruptcy of the United States, Inc., and the silliness of setting up "the" White House Office, Inc., with Joseph R. Biden acting as the Registered Agent.  

Exactly what office attaches to the White House or any other house?  And while we are at it, what flag can any of these scoundrels legitimately fly?  

We loaned them the use of our Title IV flag during their exercise of delegated duties and as anyone can see, they have trespassed against us and against other nations of the world by engaging in mercenary wars and activities never authorized under their contracts, while also failing to perform their actual duties. 

They've allowed their contract to lapse via repeated bankruptcies and unauthorized and unrecognized claims of succession, with the result that all delegated powers have returned by Operation of Law to the Federation of States that granted those delegations of power in the first place. 

If the British Territorial citizenry are to have any role or standing going forward it must be in terms of being allowed to retrieve their State National political status and in flying the peace flag.  

The craziness needs to stop, and with it, the insane promotion of perpetual war which has done nothing but enrich defense contractors and empower crooked politicians at the expense of the entire rest of this planet. 

The ruse that the British-backed Territorial U.S. Government hit upon at the end of the so-called American Civil War --- to keep the "war" going in the jurisdiction of the sea and the air, even long after it was ended on the land --- has been copied again and again to the detriment of law, order, and decency. 

We find that not only was the American Civil War purportedly never resolved (until 2020) but neither was the First World War, the Second World War, and the infamous Korean War / Conflict.  All these wars were left in an active status at sea and in the air, which allowed the Perpetrators to continue to assess and collect "war reparations" even 160 years after the end of actual physical hostilities. 

World War I ended in an Armistice and a singular Treaty of Versailles that encompassed peace on the land jurisdiction only.  World War II was similarly denied any complete ending; although hostilities in fact ended in September of 1945.  In this case, an impossible to satisfy United Nations accord stands in the way of peace -- an accord that requires all Parties to the Second World War to sign off on the peace treaties ending it, which is impossible because numerous Parties to the Second World War no longer exist as political entities. 

Like the American Civil War, the Korean War was in fact the Korean Conflict -- an undeclared, unauthorized, and entirely dubious struggle that never actually ended with any trilateral peace treaties on air, land, and sea. 

This is our Order to Cease and Desist all pretensions of war related to these and any other prior wars and conflicts,  and also our Order to Cease and Desist all British-affiliated attempts to press-gang and buy off Americans adopting U.S. Citizen political status without the benefit of full disclosure. 

All British-affiliated and Papist-affiliated and UN CORPORATION -affiliated Foreign Agents are directed to immediately Cease and Desist all presumptions of war and to comply with the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). 

For all practical and administrative purposes:

The American Civil War has been officially and permanently ended as of the first of August 2021:

The First World War, also abbreviated as WWI, ended on November the Eleventh 1918;  any Party having cause to claim otherwise has thirty days to object to our Office of Reconciliation or forever hold their peace.  

The Second World War, also abbreviated as WWII, ended on the second of September 1945; any Party having cause to claim otherwise has thirty (30) days to object to our Office of Reconciliation or forever hold their peace.  

The Korean War / Conflict ended on the 27th of July 1953; any Party having cause to claim otherwise has thirty (30) days to object to our Office of Reconciliation or forever hold their peace. 

The Vietnam War / Conflict ended on the 27th of January 1973; any Party having cause to claim otherwise has thirty (30) days to object to our Office of Reconciliation or forever hold their peace. 

The War on Iraq, variously named the Gulf War, Desert Shield, Desert Storm, etc. began the 19th of March in 2003 and was formally ended December the 15th in 2011; any Party having cause to claim otherwise has thirty (30) days to object to our Office of Reconciliation for forever hold their peace. 

Anyone having any cause to object to the end of these or any other mercenary conflicts or actual declared wars is hereby given Notice that they have thirty (30) days to object to us closing the books and declaring a final, official, and permanent end to these wars and conflicts. 

Otherwise, on the 25th of June in the year 2022, an automatic and unassailable Lawful and Legal Assumption of Peace will be established precluding and prohibiting any continuance of hostilities in any jurisdiction related to these wars and conflicts; all expenses and charges related to any war reparations or ongoing costs or claims must cease as of that date.  

All settlements must be in kind. Physical assets must be paid for with physical gold and silver or the certificated equivalent.  

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals.  Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

By: James Clinton Belcher, Head of State
The United States of America

By: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America

Office of Reconciliation
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652 


See this article and over 3600 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. I’m sharing this far and wide to all my social media groups

  2. It is about time these Son's of Lucifer were put on notice.

  3. Postings on this website, among others worldwide, are the equivalent of posting on a Notice board at a local courthouse, county board, etc. AS WELL AS any 'newspapers of record', i.e. the New York Times. They ARE 'Public Notice' - about as public as you can get, available to anyone with a computer or cell phone, worldwide.

    1. no it isnt jake.

      whats posted online is not available to all man.
      also, whats posted online is not *substance*God-created, like mans voice or inscribed wood, stone, paper is, so it cannot (NECESSARILY) be held to apply to God-created substance:man.
      see what i mean? see the difference?

      that be-ing said though:
      when *(a) man* stands and says:records before man that *he:(a) man* did, in fact, post something online, then that *may* be used to show (the) man's intent/ "Good Faith" especially if he follows up [by] doing the actual 3-steps necessary to establish his (own) law that concerns him using American common law afterwards.

      (a) man lives by (his) *intent*... --American common law.
      and right(eous) judges judge facts AND (a) mans *intent*.

      *******listen you guys! :):):) *******
      This is our American common law!
      This is GOOD NEWS!!

      and it is so,

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
