By Anna Von Reitz
Now, if you don't believe me, you can easily confirm this by looking the word "citizen" up in any legal dictionary you choose.
You will find that the word "citizen" implies an obligation to serve the government, as in being a public employee or a member of the military services.
If you are not under obligation to serve the government, you are not a citizen.
Read that again --- if you are not under obligation to serve the government, you are not a citizen.
Citizens of all stripes are government employees, voluntarily owing service to the government --- and it is an open question which government they serve.
We Americans serve our States of the Union as State Citizens. We are unpaid volunteers, but we accept the Public Duty to assemble and conduct business for our States.
In this same country, there are also paid U.S. Citizens who are largely military service members, defense contractors, and their dependents, who owe their allegiance to our government while they are on the land and to the British Monarch while on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways.
There are also Municipal citizens of the United States, who are paid Federal Civil Service and Agency employees and their dependents --- including foreigners seeking political asylum.
Both U.S. Citizens and Municipal citizens of the United States work for foreign commercial corporations in the business of providing governmental services.
Many Americans work for these foreign corporations and when they do, they voluntarily adopt the political status of foreign citizens as a condition of employment.
It used to be that when people got out of the military service they were assumed to return home to the States, but since WWII the opposite presumption has prevailed, and it has been presumed that they stay forever in British Territorial jurisdiction until and unless they inform their Branch Commanders otherwise.
That is, their temporary status as British Territorial U.S. Citizens continues forever until they tell their Branch Commander that they are returning home to the States of the Union. They are subjects of the Queen, not Americans any longer. This is the political status David Straight holds.
But he doesn't explain any of this to you.
He doesn't tell you the downsides of being a U.S. Citizen and Subject of Her Royal Majesty.
And he certainly doesn't tell you that you are under no obligation to serve as a citizen at all, does he?
Municipal citizens of the United States have an even worse deal, as they are impersonated as Municipal CORPORATIONS and considered slaves.
My bone to pick with David is that he isn't providing full disclosure. He is scooping up uninformed Americans who have been brainwashed all their lives into thinking that they are "citizens" and owe service to the government, when most of them are non-citizens and are owed government services, instead.
That is, most Americans are Employers, not Public Employees. Most Americans are non-citizens.
Everyone has a free choice, but the choice isn't free when it's made without the benefit of full disclosure. David has a right to be a U.S. Citizen, but he shouldn't be encouraging others to adopt that status without them knowing what it means, and what they lose by adopting it.
Are you interested in knowing what you lose when you adopt U.S. Citizenship?
You lose your land and soil assets. The Queen seized title to those and issues a "title" to you as her loyal tenant, subject to paying her mortgages and property taxes.
You lose your Constitutional Guarantees and exchange your Natural and Unalienable Rights for Civil Rights --- unless the Queen or her Officers suspend Civil Rights, which aren't actually rights, but are privileges being called "rights".
You become Subject to the Queen's Laws and Courts, which are all foreign with respect to Americans. You are assumed to be guilty until proven innocent.
The failure to disclose these things is a very, very serious lack of disclosure, amounting to entrapment, and David is knowledgeable and responsible for making this disclosure, but he isn't doing it.
Instead, he is trying to sell you on the idea that yet another kind of citizenship option exists, which he is calling "National Citizenship" and he is also pretending that the old Federal Republic is being rebooted to allow this.
Both of these statements are lies, whether he knows they are lies or not.
Our States are our Nations. There is no overarching American "National Citizenship" called "United States Citizenship" and the American Federal Republic can't be reconstructed by British Territorial U.S. Citizens.
Even if the American Federal Republic were reconstructed and ready for business today, it would still not offer a "National Citizenship".
Mr. Straight and Mr. Trump and other Americans who have adopted the foreign British Territorial U.S. Citizenship status could construct "a" Federal Republic, but it would be British, not American.
And that is something else they are not disclosing.
Once again, we have many Americans ignorantly assuming that they are "citizens" when they aren't, accepting Donald Trump as "their" President, when he is the President of a British Corporation and not acting in his capacity as an American at all, and finally, believing that British citizenry can restore an American Federal Republic.
No dears, all that a British Territorial Citizenry can do is to build a British Territorial Federal Republic substituting itself for our American Federal Republic.
And that is not something we can accept.
No, we aren't putting up with any more British Flim-Flam.
No, we aren't allowing the British Territorial citizenry to usurp upon our identity anymore nor to impose their identity on us, either.
No, we aren't allowing the British Territorial citizenry to substitute their proposed "Federal Republic" for our American Federal Republic and act as if they were one-in-the-same when they are not.
We are calling the British Territorial U.S. Citizens back to work doing what they should have always been doing --- honoring their constitutional obligations and protecting our States, our people, and our assets.
That's what U.S. Citizens have been hired and instructed to do since 1789.
They have not been hired and instructed to act as foreign mercenaries engaging in wars for profit. They have not been hired to manage or administer our gold and silver and land and other assets. They have not been hired to substitute their private corporation for our Public Government. And they are not supposed to be roaming around like David Straight, press-ganging Americans into a foreign political status without full disclosure.
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I came across David's lectures about a month ago. What I like about him are the lessons and topics he covers in terms of history. However, his process seemed off, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I then discovered Roger Sayne, and came to the following conclusion: David is great to be introduced in the American State National (ASN) movement, Roger is good on the legal/lawful info, but Anna is the authority for all aspects of being an ASN. David is downright entertaining, and I believe he has a good heart. As a marketing/branding professional, I see a need to polish the messaging for the ASN movement to make it more accessible to a general audience. I don't suggest dumbing things down, but it would be beneficial to tighten up informative content to keep it to the basics and/or create content spread over multiple media to help folks digest complexities otherwise missed.
ReplyDelete"Mr." Anonymous...
ReplyDeleteWhere in the scriptures does it name those gifts you claim to excercise that makes you so narcistically above the abilities of the rest of us and lower in your eyes, and you
think so very highly of your'SELF' above others using the "title of nobility -- MASTER -- and a "GRAND" one at that, however self proclaimed {but none-the-less unlawful} MASTER, which is why l added "Mr." to your "un-name"-> Anonymous" that you were asked not to use in the 1st place, but against another's wishes,
showing your disrespect by rebellion of another's intellectual property & possessions such as Paul's administration, cost, and energy to maintain this site and besides that you are using the more modern term for "peeper," sorcerer, trickery of the mind, {see the Witch of Endor bring up a fake Samual for King Saul after God wouldn't speak to him anymore, he called on the devil}...the ACRONYMS which is commonly known as extra-sensory-perception "ESP" which is relative to the "carnal senses" making you highly "carnal" by your own admission and to be "carnally minded" is death, Rom. 8:6..."For to be carnally minded
"IS" death." By what authority do you come judging another's servants, AVR & DS?
You are working in darkness as the Grand Masters of Masonry and secret societies, using their titles and wizardry which is punishable by death.