By Anna Von Reitz
Our State Assemblies, including The California Assembly, have been summoned to assemble for one purpose and one purpose only --- to restore the lawful government of this country to its full form and function.
We are not here to debate gay rights or historical Mexican claims or dibble about the definition of the word "California". We have a definition of "California" and what it means:
California is a State of the Union and a member of the Federation of States which is physically described by known State boundaries. Period.
That's the California that we are talking about and the only Californian populace that is guaranteed the right to assemble lives within those established and known State boundaries.
Our State of the Union called "California" is the only brand of "California" that our American Government is interested in restoring.
We could care less about any "New" California. Or Mexican California. Or Gay California. Those are all distinctly different versions and definitions of "California" that are not in any way related to our California. Ours is the Old California--- the way it's meant to be.
We are equally disinterested in any "District California" or "State of California" at this point. Our Employees will just have to muddle along with their own sets of problems while we convene our State Assemblies and decide what to do with our own assets.
Because we are busily in-the-process of assembling our California, and have made it abundantly clear who we are, advertised the capacity in which we are acting, and clearly stated our purpose in summoning The California Assembly, there is no excuse for any misunderstanding.
There is no valid reason for anyone who has any different version of "California" in mind to join our ranks.
We are doing something different than what they want to do. So be it.
They need to call their movement what it is and stand firm for what they believe in and advocate it all they want ---- without implicating us or using our names or our resources in any way.
I am calling upon everyone involved to return all property and assets that belong to The California Assembly to the California Coordinators ---- who are Californians working to restore "Old" California to its original form and function as a State of the Union and a member of the Federation of States.
At the very least, those in possession of these emblems and articles have cause to know that they do not belong to them and must either return the items or stand dishonored as thieves.
See this article and over 3300 others on Anna's website here:
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