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Saturday, January 6, 2024

Answer to Australia and Everyone Else

 By Anna Von Reitz

We recorded our UCC claims against the parent companies and the franchises and against FRANCISCUS and QUEEN ELIZABETH II, etc., which includes all the Australia, Inc and AUSTRALIA, INC. franchises, which were all set up under our "vacated" government --- a nice hole for swamp rats and swindlers and squatters to inhabit, but not populate, which is the crucial understanding.  

All you have to do, is get your own people declared, recorded, and published on the land and soil --- and you can do that via the Global Family Land Recording and Publishing System or via publication in local newspapers and bulletin boards --- any means by which you can reasonably serve Public Notice of your chosen political status --- and boot up your customary Assemblies to take charge of things. 

As soon as we have a lawful government operated by the living people and their Lawful Persons in Australia, we are more than willing and ready to bequeath the assets of these corporations to you and in the meantime, are setting up the Global Family accounts for everyone individually, which should help a great deal in getting the Assemblies settled. 

Each one of you has a dual interest in assets there in Australia -- there is all your private stuff, your land and homes and businesses, and all your public stuff -- parks, roads, docks, arsenals, etc., that actually belong to you.  

Whether you know it or not, you operate under your own Lawful Name when it comes to claiming these private and public assets for your benefit--- and this Lawful Name looks exactly like the British Territorial Legal Name.  

The Lawful Name Andrew Wilfred Right looks exactly the same as the Legal Name Andrew Wilfred Right. 

This is how they have confused things and made it appear that you were choosing to live as a British Territorial and be subject to all their demands, versus choosing to live as Australian Nationals with no such obligations. 

They can only get away with it as long as you remain asleep and fail to declare and record and publish your actual choice of political status. 

When you make it clear that you are operating in your Lawful capacity, it's game over. 

The only reason we claimed everything is that the rats are our debtors and so, we claimed their assets and the assets of their franchises, too, which includes those corporations that had stolen title to all your assets, also.  

We haven't done this to steal anything from anyone at all.  We've done it to get our own nuggies out of the wringer and claiming everything was all we could do at the time --- so, get everyone up to date on what has happened, have everyone claim their birthright estate as Australians, inheritors of the land and soil of Australia and all other derivative interests on sea and in the air as well. 

No need to do anything with UCC, because we already claimed everything and threw it into two trusts, one public, one private --- and so, it's just a matter of dealing with us to get your assets assigned back to you and your lawful government. 

The same applies to all other impacted countries, peoples, and lawful governments. 

Please note: most of the people on this planet have been reduced to being defined as "humans" and when that wasn't enough, have been further denigrated and redefined as Genetically Modified Organisms upon being "vaccinated" and are deemed to be owned by corporate patent holders.  

This gross enslavement scheme has impacted most of the countries and the living people, who are in fact the owners and underwriters of all these renegade corporations.  

Anyway, no need to worry and fret about all the legalistic nonsense.  We did the work and have your backs and are just waiting for the rest of you to wake  up and declare your proper political status as living people and Lawful Persons known as Australians, Japanese, Italians, Germans, Poles, and so on. 

As soon as you get yourselves properly declared you can enjoy the return of your seized-upon assets and credit --- and as soon as you boot up your traditional and customary government for the land and soil jurisdiction, you can get back control of your public assets, too.  

So don't let the screen door hit your rump on the way out to let the phony British Territorial "government" corporation know that you are home again and in your right mind and ready to receive back everything they stole from you, plus interest. 

Anna Maria


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