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Friday, December 15, 2017

Please Note -- The State Chartered Credit Unions Are Ours

By Anna Von Reitz

The State Chartered Credit Unions are held under the charter of The United States of America (Unincorporated).   They are specifically designed to serve living people and unincorporated businesses.  

As such, they don't offer all the services of commercial banks, but they do offer all the advantages of private banking---- meaning security from bail-outs and bail-ins, relative freedom from government snooping, the ability to deal in actual assets and money, and many other advantages.

By the time we realized this most of the state chartered credit unions were long dead and gone, but since we realized it there has been a remarkable resurgence and proliferation of groups getting organized under state charters and, more importantly, established "federal credit unions"  converting their federal and "state of state" charters over to actual state charters.  

Here in Alaska we were down to just one state chartered credit union, Credit Union One, a small, down-at-heels institution for sure, with nothing very impressive to recommend it, except that it is private and safe and secure in a way that other institutions are not.  Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder, and according to one's purposes.  

If you want a safer, more private, more people-oriented banking experience and the ability to deal in actual assets and lawful money, look for a state chartered credit union.  It may take a little research to find one and you will need to ask questions to make sure that what you are dealing with is not "state of state" or federal credit union simply using the word "state" or a state's name as part of their business name. 

The people at our local state credit union were pleasantly surprised that we knew the difference and had come looking for them. It was almost like Old Home Week, with smiles and knowing nods and evident gratification on their faces that somebody, somewhere, finally woke up and realized that living people need to do their banking with institutions specifically chartered to serve and protect them and their assets. 

Among all the other things that you never knew and which nobody told you and which you are learning here, write this one down:  state chartered credit unions have the correct charter to serve the living people and their unincorporated businesses.  Such credit unions can interface with the commercial banking world and be "in it, but not of it" --- certainly an important point for Christians and anyone else who doesn't care to be part of the current commercial system. 

So--- look around and start making changes and conscious decisions.  One bank isn't just like another.  Seriously review the services that a state chartered credit union provides and see if those services are sufficient for your needs.  In most cases, the answer will be yes, and you will be better off in terms of privacy, security, and service to make the switch to a state chartered credit union.  

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:
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  1. Yea, and if the IRS comes calling and hands the bank a levy on their account, they will simply tell them we cant comply with that order..Do you think that credit union will be open the next day....dream on..!!Credit Unions have more rules than a normal bank. They have a hard time cashing a check from other banks, without a lot of red tape..!!

    1. Sorry, the Credit Union COULD challenge the IRS on several grounds... 1. Jurisdiction in the State, 2. the validity of the debt claims against their customer, 3. validity of the levy itself. No one challenges them so they get away with their scam agenda under color of law.

  2. Dont forget, they are still corporations and they still deal with "FRN"..Or does yours accept "lawful money"..!! Dont kid yourself, Credit Unions are every bit as bad as any other bank. They just take care of their customers a little better....thats all..!!

    1. James, this is intended to assist. Not antagonize!
      Try taking a long walk. 1/2 an hour away from home in 1 direction & then back. (Go a different direction each day if possible) As you walk, keep looking at things in the environment further & further away from you. While spotting specific items, notice something about them you have never noticed before.
      When you feel greatly relieved, start looking for & finding objects in the environment that are not dangerous to you. Keep doing that until you are laughing uproariously & cannot stop grinning from ear to ear.
      If you aren't feeling great after an hour, add appreciable quantities of food sourced B vitamins from low on the food chain. Like low-temp dehydrated, powdered micro-algaes'. Fresh water blue-green, spirulina, chlorella, & marine plankton. Very easy to digest & assimilate. But, don't stop the walks. Do them daily. Dawn is best!
      Very therapeutic and, It Works!
      All The Best, Wirkin

    2. James, oh I bet you are soooo grateful to get such advice from someone probably half your age, lol. When will some of these generation X'ers realize we 'old timers' have learned more over our numerous decades than they care to stop and realize, lol.

      I remember back when my son was 19 and would mention to me what it was like back in the Great Depression. I would ask him how do you know that. Come to find out he was frequenting a nice little coffee shop where he would go sit and talk to an 'old guy' who lived during that time, and tell him all about it. The result was, that my son has applied that knowledge and lived his life with that in mind, having much appreciation for what he has had.
      Today, the younger generations have almost no idea about real life, but think they have something to teach us...even thought they don't know how much change to give you from a $10 bill.

    3. Thats true...we were all happy back then because life was a lot more simple and honest, not to mention we were eating healthier because they werent poisoning all our food back then. If people knew me back 30 years ago they would have seen the exact person that guy was talking about..!! I totally agree with him though that i should be eating better, and talking walks just to keep me healthy and my mind active, since im retired now and not working anymore at 64. My dad didnt retire until 70 and he couldnt stay still. He got involved with all kinds of things. My problem hasnt just been the govt...its been all the dumb ass friends that hung around me my whole live and stupid and lazy, but always want money they never honor to pay back...thats the real reason im pissed at everyone. I expect a little harrassment from govt but not liers and cheaters and uneducated people who insist on being my friend that dont deserve to be...!! So to working dawg, i say i am happier than ive ever been because i finally cut the anchors that were eating away my substance....loser friends that cant possibly relate to me because of my education and superior knowledge. And everyone of them have no desire to even learn anything. All they care about is sports...!! Real Eisteins.!! Your son was lucky to have a mom like you ABBY.!! He sees it now..!! Plus all my friends are lazy , know nothing about health, and have negative vibrations from a mile away.. now they are making other people misserable plus their own family. They cant even go into small claims court without their younger sisters help....but they all think they are smart...good luck to trash...!! So this is my whole world now, because no. one, most people on the sites i go on are intelligent because they are patriot oriented, and because it does relieve some stress ive been holding back for years now...while offering I hope is some valueable info gathered at much expense..!! But i am eating better and no more stress. The only thing i need to do now is get motivated enough to walk everyday..!! But just to let working Dawg know, i have a pre med degree and i know all about the anatomy and physiology of the human body...!!

    4. James, well his acquaintance with that 'old man' paid off. And having watched me space out my paychecks so we wouldn't be broke before the end of the month.
      Now, you wouldn't believe how he bargain shops, buying high quality at rock bottom prices; is careful with his money, a generous soul, but nobody's fool. He's also 'mr. clean' and the neighbors all refer to him as 'that guy that is always waxing his car.'
      The sad part is, with all the stuff that is going on out there in the world, we always keep in touch, he still calls mom and visa versa, and we always know where each other is, pretty much. What a time we are living in, that we have to do that.

  3. Thank You, Anna, for pointing us in the right direction!
    Merry Christmas! Jesus is the reason for every season!!!

    1. bebop, may I offer this to you? Jesus has nothing to do with any 'season'. It is not his birthday, he was not born at any time during December, and he certainly wants no part of it.
      I am saddened when I see so many people repeating your phrase which they got from other people. In reality, his Name should be removed from it, that's why I spell it Xmas. So there really is not a single reason for anyone buying so-called Xmas presents for anyone. Yet, on 'black friday' 5 billion dollars was spent on just internet sales.
      If you do some research, you will find that Dec. 25 is totally a pagan 'holiday' and since I am not a pagan, I treat it as just another day. If nothing else, simply go to your library and ask for an old Encyclopedia Britanica and look up 'christmas'.
      If you are appreciative of someone in your life, then buy them a gift sometime during the year and just give it to them, just for that reason alone. But ask yourself, would it make sense to give your neighbor a gift because it was your mothers birthday? Then why would anyone who 'claims it is Jesus' birthday' give a gift to your grandchild or anyone else??

      Lastly, if you know your bible, why is His birthday never mentioned or celebrated by any of the Apostles, who were the preachers of His Word? And why is his birth date never given?
      Don't you suppose its because it is not to be celebrated?

      bebop, I don't say this to be critical of you, but I say it to give you pause to really think about what is truth vs. what is pure bullshit.

    2. Simply put it is a purely commercial ploy to make the books look good for the end of the year. For most companies, Christmas will either make or break them...!!

    3. I often wonder if it's designed to.profit the business owners making a yearly profit. Hmmm

  4. i appreciate the tip Anna!
    Have peaceful, safe Holiday season! Pass the message along to your team, please.
    If anybody finds such a CU in Michigan, please post it here.
    When i find one, i'll do the same.

  5. wheat grass changes lives ,heals ,detoxifies ,puts your body on notice and takes care of all business to heal .

    1. you buy raw wheat grass and use a blender or do you just buy wheat grass juice by itself....!! The trouble with all the holistic stuff is it is all expensive... i told one company that sells a very good product with all 90 essential minerals. But it cost like $80 for only a months supply. I called the company and asked them if they had a senior discount...She told me that they are selling it about as cheap as the govt.will allow us to....WHAT!!! You mean to tell me the govt sets the price that you cant sell for under that...this govt is dead set on killing as many people as possible.

  6. I do know all the deep at ate banks Bank of America ,Chase, Wells Fargo . Ect.are all owned by the globalist . And under the federal Reserve system.and own our courts, prison systems,IRS. via.northern trust inc.
    They rat on you ! and sick.the IRS.on you.they know what you owne any were in the world. You don't need big brother.
    Any break from the network the better.
    My friend was ratted on for income of selling junk cars the IRS collected 60%
    1.2 mil.

  7. Paul and Anna are an extremely long breath of --100 percent---non chem refreshing air. The work that all those --dedicated aids--are doing, will not be forgotten, by thousands of us. Their efforts will be recognized and one day be--greatly rewarded. GOD BLESS each and every one of you. PJ

  8. Likewise, very helpful, practical advice. Thanks Anna.

  9. If a credit union is owned by the depositors and chartered by the unincorporated state, are they required to have the IRS tax exemption 501(c)(14) or is that a red flag? From my point of view that is an nontaxable entity trading its nontaxable and free status for tax exemption under a corporate master. I am a student, am I missing something?

  10. For those who do not know, that is what churches do. They give away godly control of the nontaxable church to the new master for 501 (c)(3) exemption and the master limits topics of teaching and discussion. One cannot serve two masters

    1. Yep, old Lyndon Johnson got the 501c3;on to shut up the preachers in 1964, as I recall.
      Seems many of his political.opponants mysteriously wound up dead and the ministered questioned this. So if they discuss 'politics,' they lose their tax exemption status.

  11. I do not want to deter from the questions asked. If a credit union is owned by the depositors and chartered by the unincorporated state, are they required to have the IRS tax exemption 501(c)(14) or is that a red flag?

    1. There is no way they are anything other than a 501c(3) tax exempt corporation...thats why i say they arent that much different. If you dont believe me, try leaving your money in the Credit Union, after getting a notice of tax lein filed at the county recorders office and watch how fast they give your money to the IRS without notifing you they are doing it...!!

  12. I believe even the state credit unions will require a SS# to open an account. How do we deal with this issue?

    1. They most certainly do. And they will take your house just as fast as B of A...i hope that puts Credit Unions to rest..!!

    2. how do you find out for sure if this is true or not! and whats the status on Anna's bank project? that's where i would like to put my money when this reset hits! providing i can get an account set up prior to this thing hitting!!

  13. Found them here in texas.

    1. I also live in Texas and would like to find more like minded people. Thank you for posting this information.


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