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Friday, December 15, 2017

Something in the Air

By Anna Von Reitz

Get out your Easy Rider Soundtracks and your grainy old audio files of Thunderclap Newman singing "Something in the Air", sit back on your heels and howl:  "We've got to get together sooner or later, because the Revolution is here.....and you know that it's right!" 

This is our country.  We are the employers.  We aren't going to sit here like sheep.  We aren't going to let our employees feed on us like parasites and run extortion rackets against us under color of law. We won't let them embezzle us blind at the behest of foreign banking interests, either.    

We aren't going to be silent.  We aren't going to be afraid in our own houses anymore.  We aren't going to listen to biased foreign-owned media anymore.  We aren't going to let our enemies educate our children anymore.  We aren't going to be ear-tagged and vaccinated like cattle anymore.  We aren't going to be "registered". 

We are not accepting any "title"----Mister, Miss, Missus, Esquire--- none of it.  

We are not residents, not citizens, not "Withholding Agents", not "persons", and we are not putting up with this crap anymore. 

If the "United States Army" wants to eat, it had better start doing its job and ride herd on the operations of the Bar Associations.  It better honor its actual duty to protect us, our assets, our money, and our borders.  

Or guess what? There isn't going to be a "United States Army" anymore.  No misnamed "Department of Defense" either.  

We will roll it all over--- every jeep, every tank, every airfield, hammer, and drum of oil-- to the the "American Armed Forces" and tell the vermin among us to do what damage they may with the Puerto Rican Navy and the Home Guard on Guam. 

It's our Army. Our money. Our sons and daughters.  Nobody else's.  

Any banks don't like it?  Nationalize them and their assets.  Now.  Every penny and franc goes back to the rightful owners.  All the stock portfolios and bonds, too. 

Congress? Wants to run its little Municipal Government as a Ponzi Scheme against us? Run up all sorts of unauthorized expenses,claim bankruptcy for themselves, and leave us holding the bag?  Oh, yeah?  

Quarantine the rats to their ten square miles. After a couple of months of embargo, all the people left in Washington, DC will take a democratic 51% vote and eat each other; the rest of us will be rid of them and all the things they have done "for" us and to us and "in our names" at last.  

Nationalize all 185,000 municipal corporations that have been chartered under our delegated authority.  Nationalize all territorial corporations that have been chartered under our delegated authority. Nationalize every corporate patent, trademark, service mark, font, style, land description and time marker created under our delegated authority. 

Fly your United States Civil Flag and stand there and smile--- because guess what?  You are an American civilian and you are owed the Law of Peace and this really is your country and you are the only reason any government exists at all. 

You are the ones that the government--at all levels--is supposed to serve.  

Buy the flags on our order page here:  

For more information on the flag Go to or email or call 307-200-4503.

Declare the peace this Christmas.  Do it now.  

Everyone on my Christmas list this year is getting a US Civil Flag.  Get yours now and share the joy while supplies last.  

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:
 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.


  1. I've been saying for the past 20 years we needed to wall off D.C. and let them eat each other. Imagine what they would do to each other if they can't get a hold of anyone else. I shiver to think of it, and enjoy thinking of it all at the same time.

    1. Yes!!! My thoughts were put them all in their own fema camps, lock them up, give them GMO seeds and leave them to rehabilitate and learn to cooperate and work the land to feed themselves or perish! And we must NOT forget to charge them for "rehabilitation services" and keep honest accounting of their daily rent, AlL utilities that they will be billed in lawful money to pay in a timely manner after completion of their much needed rehab of their mind/behavior de-programming. Honest work builds true character and most of these men and women have never labored honestly or produced anything of real value a day in their life for their very survival.
      Like I mentioned before, its way more human treatment than any of these rats and pirates have shown to all the million of families that were fraudulently kicked out of their homes, and left homeless.

    2. Don't forget to fill them with fluoride and all the other chemicals they put in out food and water.
      I'm sure they manage to somehow get it in my well also

    3. Holly, I hope you use water filtration. There are several good ones on the market today that remove 99% of all the bad stuff. Even if you have well water, you can still run it thru filtration. We have used one on our kitchen tap for at least a couple decades and filter all water except for washing dishes and hands.
      I never really liked water until we got filtration; now I crave water, actually love it.

    4. Abby, that kind of filtration only removes the chlorine out of the water which does make it taste better, but it does absoluty nothing for the DS(dissolved solids) which depending on where you live can be anywhere from 200ppm(parts per million) to 600ppm where i live in Calif. Just like everything else in this country, the chlorine manufactures have a total monopoly on the water companies and the environmental govt agencies...I have a grade 4 in wastewater treatment and a grade 2 in water treatment.. Chlorine was developed during WW2 and used as an agent for agent orange in the vietnam war. Once the wars were over chlorine co. were huge and didnt want to go under, so they sold the state on chlorine which is just the liquid form of "bleach" (sodium hypochlorite). Well we all know bleach is an excellent killer of pathogenic backteria and viruses, but unfortunately, it is a negatively charged ion, meaning it looks to bind with just about anything it can, and it does when the water from up north gets here as it goes through the farming industries before arriving here..!! That means the water isnt just carrying pathogens, its carrying farming organics...boron, and a ton of other things that when combined with the negatively charged chlorine moleclue, converts those chemicals into "trihalomethanes" which are extemely bad for ingesting. Its the #1 reason that plaque starts forming in the arteries(harding of the arteries). Your filter only has "carbon filtration" which only removes the chlorine back out of the water, but everything else gets through.. there are much better ways of treating water than chlorine like ozonation and UV Light, and even hydrogen peroxide(H2O2), But the water co. are locked into chlorine. The best system for completely cleaning the water is "reverse osmosis" which takes everything out of the water, and can be installed for free by "Culligan" and only charge you $15/mo and they do all the matainence changing the filters(3 of them) , because its a 3 stage filtration system. But if you were to buy the unit , you would be spending about $1500 and you would have to do all the maintainance and buy the filters yourself too. It is an excellent service for only $15/mo. And you can really see the difference in your plants. Especially if your using hydroponics. Chlorine can also enter through the skin because the skin is semi permeable. In fact in some instantces, more chlorine enters the body through the skin than drinking it. And it lowers the DS from 600ppm to zero. And more importanly it changes the Ph to almost neutral...7..!! We have a water purification company right across the street from us, that is always kept in good working order and clean because someone is always there...Abby you should see if you have a company like that around you and take a sample of you water to them to check. They will anylyse it right there. The DS in the water is usually filled with calcium and magnesium which people think is good for them. But the ca and mg in the water is all non organic which the body cant use. All elements and vitamins that are good for the body has to be plant based only..!! And one other way you can check your health is to buy ph paper strips from a labratory suppy house..! They will tell you the ph of your body just by touching your tongue to the paper and comparing the color to the color chart on the container...if it shows acidity your body is already under stress and breaking down. It has to show that your body is slightly alkaline, about a ph of 7.2 to 7.4.If you are below 7.0 you are not in the best health. Everyone should get those ph paper strips to monitor their should never be acidic...!! Those strips are cheap. I think you can actually get them on amazon..!! Look for ph paper strips....!!

  2. It was mentioned several articles ago that there was an 11 month time limit for filing our return to the land. Can you tell us why that limit exists?

  3. Im with you Anna but enlightening others is like talking to the walking dead?

    1. Everyone who isnt a patriot is the "walking dead". And hollywood constantly loves to poke fun at them constantly..!!

  4. Wow, as usual great article! Thank you :-)

  5. It looks like the discovery of the Law of Peace has opened up a whole new active ballgame. That seems to be the golden nugget. As I stated some time ago, we need something in black and white to prove our Standing and the LoP seems to be IT.
    Big Kudos to Anna's research team !

  6. Its not enough to just wall them off. They are the cleverest theives and cons this country ever produced...Besides, it involves more than just DC. It involves all our governors, the entire judiciary, all law enforcement, and a hell of a lot of evil citizens...Its time to get them off the LAND completely and put them on an abandond island somewhere in the middle of the Pacific ocean. And leave them there. They are never allowed to come back on land. They all have to have a MARK so we know who they serve...preferrerably a "watermark" to prove where they "reside"..!! That should empty half of America. Only nice giving people here. No selfesh, self serving assholes, who only think about themselves, and love controlling others...!!

    1. James, I've never been able to even comprehend why anyone want to control the whole world, a whole nation, locale, or other people. I'm sick of all the 'one upping others'. It seems to be everywhere, and especially when one is given a uniform or a Title plate on their door or desk.
      Ship them all to a deserted island? Well, I see now where Denmark wants rid of all the muslim/islamist refugees so they are shipping them all to a deserted island. For real !

    2. James, lol, we know the Media doesn't want to give people any such brilliant ideas. We even see where Germany now wants to pay the filthy neanderthals to leave.
      Gee, all they ever had to do was simply ask us 'older folks' if it was a good idea to open the doors to them in the first place, and we could have saved them a whole lot of trouble.
      Very simply: NO. But between the lunatics running things, and all the commy snowflakes with their bleeding hearts, what else did they expect?

  7. For you to hear, see the words & enjoy:
    Thunderclap Newman singing "Something in the Air"

    Call out the instigators
    Because there's something in the air
    We've got to get together sooner or later
    Because the revolution's here, and you know it's right
    And you know that it's right

    We have got to get it together
    We have got to get it together now

    Lock up the streets and houses
    Because there's something in the air
    We've got to get together sooner or later
    Because the revolution's here, and you know it's right
    And you know that it's right

    We have got to get it together
    We have got to get it together now

    Hand out the arms and ammo
    We're going to blast our way through here
    We've got to get together sooner or later
    Because the revolution's here, and you know it's right
    And you know that it's right

    We have got to get it together
    We have got to get it together Now

    "Something in the Air" was a number one hit for The Who's Pete Townshend's other band Thunderclap Newman in 1969. Townshend created the band to showcase songs written by former The Who chauffeur, also a drummer/singer/guitarist/songwriter, John "Speedy" Keen.

  8. The 80's where truely the golden years of music. We will never get them back. Many of the songs back then had good messages of truth and hope. Now all we have is RAP and HIP HOP where hope has been replaced with "crude reality" using equally crude, violence, greed, black brothers filling jails, no love only hate, etc.

    Unfortunately, most of those songs were not for dancing and thats why rap and hip hop took over..!!

    1. James, well I could 'argue' with you that the 50's were the best music years, as well as for everything else. Did you ever hear of Dick Clark's ''Bandstand' tv show; on every saturday afternoon. And all those wonderful quartets from that era? Did you know that they are all quite elderly today but still perform, and they sound just about as good as they did then.
      Now THAT is well worth the money to see. They are often gathered together and on PBS, called the Do-Wop. They sing all those real love songs, etc.
      But I also love classical, chamber music, and soft jazz.
      I watch 'In the Heat of the Night' just to hear the opening song, and I love that silly old time show, with Andy Griffith.

    2. Yes Abby i know all the classics , plus todays music and everything in fact Elvis were the only records i bought all the way up to the 80's.. I even liked David Cassidy..I always though i was older than him. Now its sad that he died at 67. Its too bad he went from nothing to superstardom almost overnight... thats too much fame to fast. Very few people can handle fame, especcially that quick..!! But i used to watch dick clacks bandstand religiously..!! I bet you dont remember a black guy on his show that was demonstrating his dance moves.....he was the one that i first saw the moon walk that michael jackson later used, and thought to invent...Not so. It was this guy, but no one knew him. Not only did he moon walk backward, but foreward to and sideways. He used an umbrella to show how the wind was blowing him.. he totally blew away michael jackson...then years later michael jackson used it in his now famous "billy jean" awards show. But i never forgot that guy on dick clark, years before. And i knewn that michael didnt invent it. But he probably knew it, so he was honored with creating it. The other dancer faded into obsecurity..!! We grew up in a good era, filled with hope and dreams, without the heavy burdens we have today...the violence, guns, gangs, political correctness, the all consuming fraud, the evil courts amd banks, etc.. All the songs we grew up with were about "love" or breaking up.. Now they reflect the moral decay of our once great country..and its all rap....they call it art, i call it "SHIT"..!!

    3. James, what is the underlying significance of the different generations of music, is the 'heart' that they are coming from. Those old songs and heart tugging words and melodies showed the true emotion of those days - - when you compare that with what is called 'music and songs' today, they absolutely show the coldheartedness and violent mentality, not to mention the total lack of talent, which is masked electronically.

  9. Didn't take me over, I play country blues, folk, electric blues and generally people seem to really like it. Some original old songs do or did have expressions of those things your not supposed to talk or sing about I guess but rather tame and the intention was enjoyment not wordship of dark forces. There is more than meets the eye in just how the "new and everyone is taken over by it" music seems to take hold on a least enough folks to buy records and make up newsy articles about the alleged heros. More to my liking is playing around the house. Who cares about being a star other than those parasites who make slaves out of talented people.

    1. AC, I totally agree with you on that. I also love country blues. See, I'm a well rounded individual and I am bold enough to just shut out all bullshit. Most importantly, I never jumped on that stupid 'political correct' bandwagon.
      Yes, AC, we do love those old songs. The house is always packed for all the Do-Wop shows.
      Note: Everyone who is a 'star' today, only got there by selling their soul to the devil. So be happy if you are not a 'star'.

    2. Yea, thank God Elvis came before all that.....he really was a good role model, hips and all.. everyone thought he was to sexual back then..!! Now all the women, Beonce , Mily Cyrus, and even the older ones like CHER, all try and outdo everyone on seeing how little they wear.. ive seen as little as patches in 3 places...real fair to male artist..!! What happened to sexual harrassment cant have it both ways...!! Our laws SUCK..!!


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