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Sunday, January 7, 2024

International Public Notice -- Insurrection by Usurpation

 By Anna Von Reitz

Mr. Trump has been arrested and accused of various things, some of which could conceivably amount to insurrection --- but, insurrection against what?  

The unlawfully and illegally constructed "independent international city-state" known as the Municipality of Washington, DC, is the purported object of this "insurrection", but this independent, international city-state has no solid right to exist, and even if it did, Mr. Trump would owe it no duty, except perhaps to protect it as a Possession of The United States.   

This entity, the independent, international city-state of Washington, DC, sits  in the middle of the District of Columbia as a foreign country plopped down in the middle of a foreign territory known as the District of Columbia, which is itself situated in the middle of our Eastern Seaboard on land actually owned by our States, Virginia and Maryland.  

So we have two problem tenants, one of which was never intended to exist.  

The independent international city-state was created by members of Congress who exercised their supposed "plenary" control over the Federal Capitol City, the City of Washington, DC, and turned it into their very own little foreign country -- the independent international city-state of Washington, DC, which, obviously, as a city-state, operates under its own Municipal Law. 

This independent international city-state is exactly like Vatican City and the Inner City of London in its construction.  It has its own flag.  It claims to sit on its own ground and to have its own government.  It also claims to have a service contract called The Constitution of the United States, which allows its personnel to be here under the terms of The Residence Act.  

We don't agree with this interpretation of the circumstance, and we are in a position to know. 

It's true that the Federal Constitution granted the members of Congress "plenary control" over the Federal Capitol (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17). 

However -- which Federal Congress was this plenary power granted to?  

It was granted to the American Federal Congress created in 1787. 

---Not the British Territorial Congress created in 1789. 

---Not the Papist Municipal Government Congress created in 1790. 

The actual Federal Constitution adopted in 1787 granted the American Federal Congress plenary control over the Federal Capitol --- and that's not the same as the British Territorial Congress (created in 1789) or the Papist Municipal Congress (created in 1790) that messed around and decided to create an extra little country for itself. 

Think about it. 

Would our States give plenary control of our Federal Capitol to a foreign subcontractor?  Or to their own American subcontractor? 

Members of a different and unintended "Congress" exercised a delegated power never intended for it, and used this purloined delegated power to create a separate country -- a self-proclaimed "independent, international city-state" in our midst. 

The men and women who did this were acting in insurrection and usurpation against our country in violation of their intended constitutional limitations -- and they knew it when they did it. Since then, these same criminals and miscreants have embarked on a world-spanning rampage of war-for-profit abroad, and ever-increasing criminality on our shores. 

It was, and is, blatant treason and insurrection against the actual government of this country and the account holder that has been paying for all their "services".

Taking action against an illegally constructed foreign government -- an independent, international city-state run by members of Congress --  that is usurping against the actual government of this country and using purloined authority to do so, is the duty of the "President" of the United States of America, our British Territorial Subcontractor.  

Not only is Mr. Trump right to take action against it, but every American has the same right and duty. 

The people who should, under this circumstance, be tried for both treason and insurrection, are the members of the Congress who committed this gross overreach.

The then-Pope and the former Queen both had ample opportunity to contemplate this gross malfeasance of their operatives in this country and the extremely questionable standing of this foreign city-state, but they did not repent these errors.

Their attitude appeared to be, well, we got away with it, and until someone forces us back in our box, tough titties. Most Americans are too stupid to realize what we've done, so.... 

Still, a fraud is a fraud and an usurpation is an usurpation; exercise of purloined delegated power is unlawful, illegal, and immoral and none of the actions taken to create the independent, international city-state of Washington, DC, can bear examination.  

The fact that this "independent, international city-state" exists is proof of actual insurrection against both our American Government and the British Territorial United States Government, too. 

It's an international issue that must be dealt with, but it hardly deserves blood in the streets.  It was done on paper and it can be erased on paper.  The current members of Congress need to be pressed to do so or face arrest and charges of both Treason and Insurrection. 

This is a separate, underlying elephant in the dining room, and there are plenty more to come.  

Let's turn now to Mr. Trump's arrest and  accusations of  "insurrection" against this unauthorized independent, international city-state and its Municipal Government.   

He has been arrested by members of this foreign Municipal Government, and unless he and his Legal Team wake up, he will be tried under their foreign Municipal Law, and he will be convicted under the presumption that he knowingly and voluntarily accepted their Municipal United States citizenship -- that is, Fourteenth Amendment citizenship. 

Unfortunately for Mr. Trump's opponents, there is no viable "Fourteenth Amendment" to stand on, and therefore, no presumptive "citizenship of the United States" to use as the basis for prosecution against Trump or anyone else. 

There is no way to put this politely: the "Constitution" published in 1868 as "The Constitution of the United States of America" was a Scottish con game. A sting.

The so-called "Corporate Constitution" was an attempt to enclose (a venal legal maneuver) the actual Territorial Constitution known as The Constitution of the United States of America, and convert it into a commercial "constitution" for a foreign corporation that was registered in Scotland in 1868, calling itself "The United States of America, Incorporated".  

This corporate "constitution" adopted by and pertaining to this Scottish Corporation calling itself "The United States of America, Incorporated"  is where the infamous "Fourteenth Amendment" was published -- as a By-Law "Amendment" never ratified by the States of the Union.  

Nowhere else does this Amendment appear.

This same Scottish Corporation went bankrupt in 1907. 

How much authority does a By-Law Amendment made to a foreign corporation's "constitution" have, more than a hundred years after that corporation went defunct?

All this continuing talk about the "Fourteenth Amendment" is droll, but ignorant.  

The Corporation doesn't exist anymore and its so-called "constitution" never existed except as a private corporation's articles and by-laws. 

Both this foreign Corporation and its Constitution are dead as door nails, and have been for more than a hundred years, so there is no basis for prosecuting anyone under its Fourteenth [unratified By-Law] Amendment. 

Mr. Trump is no more subject to any such Fourteenth Amendment than the ducks in Slumberland Park -- and neither is anyone else. 

It has been more than thirty years since we first brought this matter to the attention of Queen Elizabeth II, and her response was that it was "ancient history".  

Which it is.  We agreed on that part.  

However, our objection is that this phony, unratified, corporate 14th  Amendment, like the similar phony, unratified,  corporate 16th By-Law Amendment is still being unlawfully, illegally, and immorally enforced on living people in this country more than a hundred years after it ceased to have any basis in reality. 

The corporation is gone and so are its by-laws and its by-law amendments. 

To the extent that such a Fourteenth Amendment ever existed, it is not and never was any legitimate part of the actual Territorial Constitution adopted in 1789 --- which would have required ratification by our States. 

And the public records prove that no such 14th Amendment has ever been ratified by our States. 

This is another egregious example of deliberate  Municipal and Commercial Corporation fraud, based on self-interested misrepresentations, impersonations, deliberate confusion of similar documents and similar names, and as always, substitution schemes. 

We call for the immediate dissolution of the independent, international city-state of Washington, DC, which leaves the City of Washington, DC, in its proper place as the intended and agreed upon Federal Capital.

We also call for the immediate exoneration and release of Donald Trump from any criminal charges of insurrection against this aforementioned illegally constructed government entity, and insist on a diplomatic level that all legal presumptions related to so-called Fourteenth Amendment citizenship obligations be permanently released from Donald Trump and all other Americans. 

All this fraudulent nonsense being enforced by foreign Municipal and Commercial Corporations in their very own corporate tribunal "non-judicial" courts is a scandalous travesty that has to come to an end, along with all the oxymorons ("non-judicial courts" and "sovereign citizens") which have infested the English language because of this abject criminality and self-service on the part of these foreign corporations and their Principals. 

We have foreclosed upon these Municipal and Commercial Corporations and their Principals and Parent Corporations for three reasons: (1) the insupportable nature and scope of their debts; (2) the abundant examples of bankruptcy fraud and substitution schemes these corporations have indulged in; (3) our disrespected service contracts and the damage this disrespect has caused, as in the current instance. 

It is incumbent on every government and corporation, every institution of any kind, having contracts with our country, to take Notice and appropriate action to immediately and permanently correct their operations on our shores so as to bring them into compliance with our actual Constitutions and pay attention to which Amendments and what kind of Amendments applying to which documents, have been ratified by our States prior to bringing any charges against our people. 

Specifically, there is no operable Fourteenth Amendment nor any subsequent such By-Law Amendments of defunct commercial corporations to rely upon for purposes of prosecution.   

Cease and desist all and any prosecutions of Americans and all legal presumptions against them based on unratified corporate By-Law Amendments
espoused by defunct foreign corporations, or stand as pirates in the dock.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

January 6th 2024


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