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Sunday, January 7, 2024

International Public Notice: The Recap 1:

 By Anna Von Reitz

This week we have exposed and revisited some of the principle fraud schemes that have been used to enslave people and to otherwise subject them to abject peonage in violation of global, international, and national law. 

King Henry the VIII, who was having "personal problems" with the Pope, and who was working for the Pope and receiving his crown from the Pope at the same time, not only agreed to return to the fold during the First Convocation (what else could he do?) but also agreed to become the official Pope-sanctioned head of the Protestant Church in England. 

Let's repeat that so everyone is forced to think about it a second time: while working as the Overseer of the Pope's Commonwealth lands (and people) in England and receiving his Crown -- literally -- from the Pope, King Henry the Eighth agreed to also act as the head of the Protestant Church in England.

Can anyone in the audience say, "Conflict of interest!" 

Quite so.  The deal that Henry the Eighth, head of the Protestant Church in England, worked out with the then-Pope was diabolical, but simple enough.  

Henry, as the leader of the Anglican Church, would be able to identify ("enroll") every Protestant in the country and would use his position as King to force most of the population to adopt Protestantism and join his Church.  

The Pope was fed up with the Brits and more than willing to condemn them all, so long as he got his cut. 

Upon their receiving Protestant baptism, King Henry VIII, would seize upon the Nephesh portion of the victim's soul and issue bonds based on the value of his lifetime labor (peonage) and would also list him as "lost at sea, presumed dead" --- so far as the Roman Catholic Church was concerned. 

The phony King and head of the Protestant Anglican Church would then betray his Congregants further, by creating an "intestate estate" held by the Crown in their NAMES, and use this to seize-upon and salvage the value of their lands and homes, businesses, and anything else of value they had, to be used as collateral that the Pope and King Henry could borrow against or confiscate. 

The "split" on this arrangement was 60% for the Pope and 40% for the phony Papist-Anglican King. 

They are still doing the exact same thing today, only they've made the mistake of trying to entrap Americans in their mess --- Americans who never voluntarily, knowingly, or willingly agreed to adopt British Territorial U.S. Citizenship --- and who were nonetheless registered as such and without disclosure, when they were still babies in their cradles. 

This results in a crime known as "unlawful conversion" and it is a capital crime when applied to a man or woman's political status.  

Because this was being done via the exercise of a private religious contract and slipped under the rug, none of the usual authorities could stop it, without a complaint. 

It wouldn't do the Brits any good, even if they woke up, so long as they subscribe to such a "Monarch"; they'd still be subjected to the same treatment and have no escape other than re-converting to Roman Catholicism, where they would once again become both slaves and bondsmen of the Pope.  

This is where all this talk about "redeeming" your estate comes from.  

The victims are robbed and battered silly either way.  

Let's sum it up -- the British Subject's only choice is to give 100% to the Pope, or 60% to the Pope and 40% to the Pope's Overseer. Upon demand. 

To this day, funds derived from the Birth Certificates maintain the 60-40 Split and are laundered through specific banks, which we have been able to trace in a Circle of Payola. 

At the time we investigated, the Clearinghouses were paying the Bank of Mellon in America, which was delivering the Pope's cut to a designated Archbishopric, and from there, the Vatican Bank was paying the Roman Pontiff's cut, and from there, back to the Bank of Canada, where the late Queen collected her cut.  

30% to the Pope's Office, 30% to the Roman Pontiff's Office, and 40% to the Pope's Overseer of the Commonwealth Lands totals 60% to the Roman Catholic Church, 40% to the closet-Catholic King acting as the Pope's Overseer of the Commonwealth Lands.

All the "dead" Protestant Brits and people unfortunate enough to live in the former Commonwealth, who have been mercilessly reamed through this flume of commercial fraud leave behind their estates --- while they are still living --- and this gives rise to the Chair of the Estates, which Queen Elizabeth II was sitting upon and administering as the Roman Pontiff's Vassal, instead of occupying the Christian English Throne.

The same grotesque fraud scheme has impacted the Brit's Torey (Territorial) cohorts living in America.  

The actual Americans have a different standing and the absolute right to object to being "listed" = "enlisted" and registered as British Territorial U.S. Citizens while still babies in their cradles, and decidedly without their fully disclosed, knowing, willing, and voluntary participation in this "damned if you do and damned if you don't" Catholic-Anglican Détente. 

Because the Americans, and in particular, Protestant Americans, Muslims, and Jews, have the standing to object and to repudiate these claims, it was essential to the Papist-British scheme to operate under a "cloak of secrecy" and to enroll the rest of us with no disclosure whatsoever. 

Which they did -- and which we have finally discovered and overcome. 

Our Mothers were given no disclosure when signing "routine paperwork" misidentifying us as British Territorial U.S. Citizens and citizens of the United States at the various hospitals where we were born, -- and the Doctors in attendance were occupying undisclosed offices as "Uniformed Officers" of the King -- acting as Undeclared Foreign Agents, when they signed this paperwork as Witnesses.  

Most of them didn't know that, either, but the malice and malfeasance with which Medical Doctors were presumed upon to administer the injections during the recent pandemic reveals that they were once again "weaponized" as Uniformed Officers in the service of the phony King. 

Phony, we say, for a multitude of reasons.  Phony because he is a German ruling over the English. Phony because he is supposed to be the "King of England" and has never sat on the English Throne. Phony because he is supposed to a Christian and a Protestant Christian at that, but he isn't, and hasn't taken the vows nor completed the consecration contract to wear the Christian Crown of England.  

We here and now, again, in public, disavow any relationship with or valid contract between ourselves and any Church or religious organization or institution of any kind. 

It is well-known that we are Americans, and that we do not knowingly, willingly, nor voluntarily adopt British Territorial U.S. Citizenship nor any Municipal citizenship of the United States. 

It is also well-known that the American Government separates church and state, and does not operate as a theocracy, though one of its Federal Subcontractors, the so-called Municipal United States Government, does. 

We cannot imagine a more venal betrayal of the Public Trust than that exercised by King Henry the Eighth, nor a more immoral arrangement than that entered into by Henry and the Pope. Or was it the Roman Pontiff? 

Either way, it is apparent that religion has served a most corrupt and corrupting function in all of this, and that the British are, once again, at the bottom of the dogpile -- with the Pope/Roman Pontiff playing the Silent Partner to these crimes against humanity. 

As a first step, we are recommending that for purposes of jurisprudence, all Legal Presumptions depending on the political status of the Defendants be vacated and that all Americans born on the soil of this country or to American parents abroad, be afforded the protections of the Constitutional limitations and guarantees. Immediately. 

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

January 7th 2024


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