By Anna Von Reitz
As you can see from the linked Muckraker article, the Club of Rome pundits have been granted a totally unearned esteem based on sheep-like support of failed ideas originally promoted by the infamous authors of "The Population Bomb", Paul R. and Anne Ehrlich, two Stanford University professors who can't do math, and like the more recent Snopes, were bought-and-paid-for panderers to commercial corporation interests even back in 1968.
Their Club of Rome Sycophants followed up four years later, in 1972.
Here we are, fifty years later, still groping our way through ideas as outdated as sky blue polyester leisure suits and white patent leather loafers with gold buckles. Let's dab some patchouli and musk oil behind our ears and keep on surfing.
As usual, the flow of crap came from the U.S. and downhill to Europe, only to be regurgitated much later as Political Dogma in the Church of Politicized Science, also known as "Scientism".
Faith in Scientism is even more difficult to fathom now than ever: according to the completely incompetent extrapolations published by the Ehrlichs, we should have all perished more than forty years ago, after a brief and miserable life spent licking the undersides of rocks.
That didn't happen. And won't happen. Unless we are stupid enough to commit biological suicide.... but, oh, wait, two-thirds of us just did that, during a phony pandemic generated by the Church of Scientism.
That Mass Insanity, akin to the Great Cat Massacre, was brought to us by Scientism, only this time, we've been lied to and led to kill each other en masse by the same Pied Pipers.
And they are sitting there, in London, in Rome, in Geneva, in NYC, wondering when and if we are ever going to catch on?
Is the day coming when we show up in defense of our own lives?
Like any snake-oil, Scientism is gadded up in the trappings of science, but it's driven by politics and greed.
The Pharmaceutical Corporations, thinking that they couldn't be sued no matter what crud they put in vaccines, cut deals with DARPA and Bill Gates and various other Nogoodnicks to create carrier adjuvants for delivery of their co-conspirator's "products" into the blood streams and cellular genetic codes of the trusting victims.
Together, the Pharma Giants and their accomplices, the now-bankrupt and gone UNITED STATES, INC. and United States of America, Incorporated, the CDC, the FDA, the NIH, and all the "support system" collaborators --- the hospitals and Uniformed Officers, rolled in the profits like pigs in slop.
Our illness and death just promised more profit for them, so they were all happy as ticks, and busy occupying the same ecological niche, too.
For its part, The Population Bomb Doctrine was a set up for the Green New Deal, wherein the Church Fathers have proposed to tax us for breathing, not to mention, for our unseemly farting cows.
Any excuse to tax us will do, especially as their scheme to allow private banks to directly tax us for their bad spending habits, is failing.
The Perpetrators have been forced to close down IRS Offices all over the country and the writing is on the wall, not only for the present Internal Revenue Service, but for any future iterations.
Payroll kickback taxes are in the sewer, where they always should have been. The movement for restitution is no longer a dull grumble, but an open and outraged demand.
The much-hyped Paris meetings devoted to self-inflicted taxation plans, didn't quite turn out as billed, but fear not! The Perpetrators are ready, willing, and able to turn every volcanic eruption, every monsoon season storm, every earthquake, into more proof that we are angering the unseen gods and must be punished.
Here for your grim amusement is the latest run down in outdated theories served up on a half-shell, complete with tragic and arbitrary results for the whole of humanity:
We are immediately taken back to 1968, and yes, we need a JAG-o-matic with a free Cap Snaffler to deal with this.
Please join us in putting these ancient sold-out quasi-scientists out of business once and for all. Normal lies and slanders are bad enough without having to put up with fake science whoppers, too.
This particular overpopulation disinformation has plagued humanity for over fifty years, cost trillions of dollars, ruined innumerable lives and businesses, and caused reckless and irresponsible harm.
It's beyond past time for scientists everywhere to kick the running dogs of corporate self-interest right where it hurts, and for the rest of us to take the dangers of lying to heart -- whether lies in our private lives or lies in our professional lives, the promotion of any kind of falsehood has a cost.
Right now, any science coming out of this country is discounted and not considered very credible -- that is one cost of allowing this "science for hire" to go on. It profoundly harms every honest scientist and doctor in the country.
The far more palpable cost of bought-and-paid-for science is in the lives lost, the money wasted, and the drama caused by these hucksters. Consider them criminals no less than the men who do the deeds, the politicians who profit, and the corporations that collude.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
September 26th 2024
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