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Friday, September 27, 2024

International Public Notice: What We Are Owed

 By Anna Von Reitz

Let us begin by saying that we, Americans, are owed our land and soil and there is no agreement or treaty or contract otherwise binding us.  

No matter how people try to weasel around it, any Treaties owed by King George II are owed by the British Government -- not us.  Any losses suffered by the British Territorial Government, like the loss of the Battle at Little Big Horn, and their symbolic but otherwise unimportant loss of their British Territorial Title IV Flag, is their problem, not ours. 

Any problem resulting from the British Territorial U.S. Citizens misrepresenting themselves as our representatives and illegally and immorally registering American babies as U.S. Citizens, is their problem, not ours. 

Any claim that our American Government doesn't exist simply because our erstwhile foreign Subcontractors operating as "governmental services corporations" are fictitious, is a gross miscalculation and misrepresentation of the facts. 

Our Armorican Government was on the record with the Holy See more than 1400 years ago and records of our fur trade in Europe go back further than that.  The Armorican nation which is part of the Norman French population has existed under the protection of the Kingdom of Normandy and the Kingdom of Gall since Classical times.  Our partnership with the Iroquois League, MikMaks, and other Native Nations in this country to create nation-states and maintain an Armorican Government here goes back hundreds of years. It was all Norman French, a circumstance which was not altered by the so-called French and Indian War --- which was just another Territorial mercenary skirmish being deceptively called a "war". 

Our Armorican Government has stood throughout all the British Bunko and became truly sovereign and independent as the American Government in this country following The War of Independence; it's structure remains that of the nation-states inherited from the Iroquois League and our partnership and Blood Treaties with Indian Nations from the Arctic Circle to Patagonia stands on the DNA record as well as being recorded in the records of the Holy See which has copies of European Trade Treaties referencing our fur trade going back at least to Charlemagne.  

Even with respect to the most recent changes occasioned by The War of Independence, our French and Indian based government predates the service contracts (Constitutions) of all Federal Subcontractors by over a decade, and has controlling interest over all jurisdictions except for those few enumerated powers delegated to our Federal Subcontractors. 

Upon the "death", disability, or failure to perform on the part of any Federal Subcontractor, the delegated powers return to our unincorporated Federation of States by Operation of Law.  We don't have to say anything or do anything to inherit back the delegated powers.  We only need to object to the presumptions of any would-be Successors to Contract --- and we have done that. 

It is important for everyone involved to know that many nations can peaceably inhabit the same land and soil, and this has been our long-term arrangement with the Native Nations in this country.  We, unlike the British, never took anything from anyone, never engaged in wars of oppression.  

This is how we have a minimum of 248 Native Nations and fifty State Nations all living together in relative harmony and to the extent that that harmony has been ruined, it has been at the hands of our rogue British Territorial Subcontractors running roughshod over everyone. 

In this country, a Winnebago is born as a dual national -- both a member of the Ho-Chunka Nation and a Wisconsin State National, thus creating our traditional and customary government of nation-states.  It's the same with all the other Indian Nations.  

It stands on the records that none of the Federal Subcontractors were ever allowed to tax the Indian Nations and that our American Government never taxed them, either.  

Because they were never taxed, neither by us nor by the Federal Subcontractors, the Native Nations are not owed Restitution and Recoupment funds --- but anyone who individually paid property taxes, mortgages, federal income taxes (without a federal job), and similar taxes, whether Native or not, is owed Restitution and Recoupment payment as prepaid credit. 

For example, if a member of the Shoshone Tribe worked as a lineman for the IBEW and had "federal income taxes" extracted from his earnings under the same False Pretenses used to extract income taxes from other Americans, he would be eligible for Restitution and Recoupment of the credit he paid in, plus interest, but the Shoshone Tribe as a whole was not taxed and is therefore not eligible for this kind of recoupment based on having been charged for and having paid for debts that were never owed in the first place. 

So that is why the Native Nations are not eligible for "R and R" payments, but individual tribal members are. 

Restitution and Recoupment is just a matter of getting back what is rightfully ours -- the return of money and credit that we shouldn't have paid in to begin with.  

In the same token, land, which is international in nature, does not and cannot belong to the Native Nations exclusively, because the land is held by our States as a whole and belongs to all Americans. 
This is why we have nation-states, so that all Americans are equally endowed and can live in peace with each other on that basis. 

It is traditional and customary for our government to operate under the dual national system described here; each man and woman has their say in national government (County level) and in international government (State level) as well as maintaining their tribal nationality.  

Thus, anyone living in Wisconsin on a permanent basis can function as a Wisconsinite and vote in public elections at the County or State level, and so can a Winnebago Tribal member living within the borders of Wisconsin.  At the same time, we maintain our local governments to serve our people -- the Tribal Government and the City Government, respectively. 

This isn't really rocket science.  It is fair to everyone concerned. 
This is what we worked out with the Iroquois League generations ago, to share the land and live at peace.  We all share the ownership and accept the responsibility and the benefit of caring for the Earth. 

This is the way our actual American Government has always been, up until the British Territorial Government illegally usurped against our peaceable American Government and wrecked all this havoc on everyone.  

So every American born in this country is owed land and soil, as Nature and Nature's God ordained, and not just Natives, who are here with us as equals.  

We didn't drive them from their ancestral homelands.  That was the British Territorial U.S. Government.  We didn't distribute smallpox-infested blankets during Prince Philip's War or at any other time.  That was the Brits, too.  We didn't treat the Native Nations as "Enemies" and round them up in open air internment camps called "Reservations" -- that was the Brits, also.  Trail of Tears, Little Big Horn, Wounded Knee, Battle of New Ulm, Residential Schools, Reservations, all that was done by the British Territorial Federal Subcontractors who defrauded all of us. 

So let's not promote more wrong-headed wrong-doing in trying to fix a problem that was visited upon us by the same criminals --- the Native Nations and State Nations have all suffered and all are owed peace and abundance. 

The American Nation States have been wronged in the same way as the Native Nations have been wronged.  Our families and leaders were persecuted and slandered.  Our homes were stolen and burned. Our land was taken from us under force.  We suffered all the same things any of the Native Nations suffered, except the Reservation System and Residential Schools.  

We endured taxation and "public schools" instead. 

The people who make up the actual American Government have spent our lives on the run, always looking over our shoulders, like criminals in our own country, having done nothing wrong to anyone. We have suffered every kind of slander, accusation, and intrigue. Many of us have spent time in "Federal" prisons and "State" penitentiaries and "County" jails --- and been aware that these facilities are all being run under False Pretenses by foreign for-profit commercial interests. 

Most of us are in our Eighties.  We aren't here for ourselves. We are here to tell the truth and see justice done.  

It's only now that people are beginning to realize how much everyone else was suffering from the same cause --- British Bullies and Bunko Artists, all foreign interests that came in here, and pulled this gigantic fraud on Americans --- all Americans.  And most of the rest of the world, too. 

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

September 26th 2024


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