by Anna Von Reitz
The problem as Arnie notes is very long-standing and began with a gross
over-reach and misrepresentation and fraud back in the 1860's. The fraud
occurring here was just part of the fraud occurring worldwide. As we have
learned, what happened here also happened in Canada, New Zealand, Australia,
India, Africa, Europe----- all using the same boilerplates.
So this was begun throughout the old British Empire like a virus infecting
the whole machinery of government and the relationship of all those governments
infected with the people that government is meant to serve.
Arnie's interpretation of reality is simplistic in my view and pre-supposes
that all these people did know (or do know) what they are doing and know that it
is wrong and are doing it anyway.
I take the more measured view that I didn't know what was going on and was
just a cog in the wheels during the years I worked for the STATE OF ALASKA and
Department of Labor and so on, so if I didn't know this---- who did? Maybe some
people many steps up the ladder, but nobody in my ranks which were still fairly
high in the overall structure.
My observation is that information is kept compartmentalized in such a
fashion that there is very little chance of anyone outside the core management
group ever getting a glimpse of the Big Picture and seeing that it is a crime
syndicate at work. This then allows the rats to trade on the good,
well-intentioned people they hire and use them as a smokescreen and as unwitting
tools to accomplish their fraud.
I have talked to many, many people in state and federal government and the
light is just now, very dimly, beginning to come on.
For someone who has worked as a Securities Trader on Wall Street it is
child's play to look at a "Birth Certificate" and recognize it as a bond. It's
on bond paper. It's signed by an officer of the probate court--- the
Registrar. It has the required form and numbers. But how many of us work as
Securities Traders on Wall Street---- ?
I rest my case. I didn't see it. Arnie didn't see it. I'd guess at least
95% of Americans and Brits and Canadians and Aussies didn't see it, because if
they did---- just like Henry Ford said---- there would be politicians hanging
from lampposts already and long ago. This was done by fraud and stealth. Our
ignorance was preyed upon and utilized and encouraged---- even enforced.
So unlike Arnie, who seems to have an amazing lack of introspection
regarding his own former ignorance, I am not big on the Blame Game. I figure if
it took me forty years to figure it out, what chance would Joe Schmoe, carpet
installer, ever have? None. Colonel House was right. Not one in a million
will have the interest and be in position to figure it out, and of the 400 who
do, half will be too old and tired to fight and another 25% will be sunk to
their gills sucking off the teats created by the fraud, and another 15% will be
technocrats with no communication skills who are frightened out of their minds
by what they have glimpsed, which leaves about 40 of us nationwide across all
the generations who MIGHT put it all together and who MIGHT raise their hands
and who MIGHT have the moxie and resources to bring it forward into the
political arena and who MIGHT succeed in raising the alarm and prodding public
Not big odds. Not at all. Which explains why the rats have been bold
enough to take their "inventions" down to the Patent Office and so obligingly
provide us all with irrefutable public records in their own words giving all the
details of their scheming and iniquity.
This also explains why the fraud has managed to succeed and thrive and
survive in our midst all these years. Nobody recognized it for what it was.
Now that we do correction is inevitable as rain falling. It's just a
matter of cluing in more and more and more people. Eventually those
participating will be shamed into correction and those being victimized will
raise enough rumpus to see it stopped.
That's another thing that I disagree with Arnie on. He has always wanted
to build a big, monolithic "machine"---like a political party to address this
situation. I have never wanted that. It has been my theory that doing that
would simply be a lot of time and energy spent on the machine and that such an
organized effort would give the perps something to aim at and label and target
as "opposition"---- when in fact giving the information to people and letting
them take 350 million different avenues forward is ultimately more taxing and
harder to define and confine and in the end more effective.
One must also remember that our abusers are also for the main, victims.
They pay the same taxes. They labor under the same threats. They eventually
realize which side of the fence they need to stand on. It doesn't take baseball
bats and screaming and ranting and accusations and insults a la Arnie. It takes
time---- time for people to take in the information and test it, time to see
one's own situation clearly, time to react, form a plan, and do something.
Which brings me to the answer---- not everyone can or will or should do the
name change, though I highly recommend it as an effective means of reclaiming
your basic identity and placing yourself outside the political presumptions of
Instead, we each have to consider what we CAN do and do that. If you don't
have the money or the understanding or the commitment to do a name change, well,
that's your choice. Maybe all you can do is share the information with your
next door neighbor or your best friend or your pastor.
Who knows what you can or "should do"---- but God and you?
I am perfectly willing to admit and even to suspect that there are people
out there right now who don't have a nickel to spare, yet have the means to make
a greater contribution than I have. That's just the nature of things. God
delights in sending stripling boys to face giants and mild-mannered carpenters
to defeat death and stuttering men to serve as prophets. It pleases him to
raise up a Great-Grandma from Big Lake, Alaska. And I have no doubt that he
will raise up many, many even less likely people to do greater services and find
their own ways to end this fraud.
See this article and over 300 others on Anna's website
To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.
In the county where I reside, the cost for Adult Name Change is $160. Would this amount do more in advancing the work of the non-BAR lawyers or is there a greater potential in giving it to the fraudsters?
ReplyDeleteIf you 'reside' the name change will do you no good. It will only benefit those who are free, sovereign and independent people and who know who they are.
DeletePassion is the ignitor it's contagious .
ReplyDeleteHow many want to be considered zombies, the walking dead? Is not joinder of the living with the dead, in deed repugnant to honorable people?
DeleteEphesians 5:14 "Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”
dead corpse NAME change complies with awakening & arising, does it not?
KNOWing who (& Whose!) one is and is not (dead corpse fictional NAME) is key component of awakening and arising in unity, imo.
Excellent observation James Allen and funny funny picture too.
ReplyDeleteRemember ALWAYS that ALL Remedy is found in the Holy Hebrew scriptures. In this case look what YHVH said to Eliyah "Berean Literal Bible
But what was the divine answer spoken to him? "I have left to Myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to Baal." Romans 11:4
1 Kings 19:18 (King James Bible)
Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him.
This message in the Scriptures IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to ALL who want to walk in the spirit(as sovereigns)
I am surprised by your use of the tetra gram in the Fathers name...Thank you for that. You did it right. Wow. Alright, let's help each other. I'm an Outlaw you need something, let me know. You have my attention. I don't exactly conform to legal "e" s if you follow me😜
DeleteYou state that 95% don't see it (the fraud) meaning 5% do see it. I believe that percentage of people that "see it" is actually closer to .05%. The fraudster controlled main stream media and public schooling has indoctrinated the masses to accept their enslavement as freedom. The private contractor fraudsters (foreign owned Corporations), posing as government have complete control of the Courts and militarized police to enforce their "Codes and Statutes". Where can we go for remedy when our rights are violated? It won't be in the Administrative Courts.
ReplyDeleteHow can we wake up the masses that are intentionally keep busy with obligations to pay ever increasing taxes, numerous fees, cost of living expenses and well-planned distractions such as meaningless sports, Hollywood entertainment and video games. Poison in our air, water and food anesthetizes our intuition and reasoning. Common sense is not any more common than those that are "awake" and see the fraud.
The fraud goes way back before this county was established. The few that fought to escape tyranny, wrote the Declaration of Independence and Constitution, were soon betrayed and the fraudsters took over. For thousands of years mankind has been enslaved by the elite few. Will we ever overcome the bondage?
Volumes of information about most anything is available through the miracle of the Internet. If it wasn't for the Internet people would never know what has and will happen if this fraud is allowed to continue until it's too late. False flags, phony news, paid trolls and shills that intimidate seem to be everywhere now. Censorship is getting worse and access to free and truthful information may disappear. If that ever happens, history and truth will die on the vine.
As for the name, I have done something completely different to privatize it and separate my sovereignty from the trust(NAME IN CAPITALS).
Thank you Anna for all that you are doing. I pray that more will rise up to end this fraud upon humanity.
Your comment, "The few that fought to escape tyranny, wrote the Declaration of Independence and Constitution", reminds me of something I read some years ago. It seems that After a few generations on the North American continent with no monuments (church buildings, temples, court houses, etc.), people awakened from their trance. It has been reported that the ancient monuments on the earth were built on the ley lines to transmit energy and thoughts and possibly control life around the planet. The ancient temples were built on vortex points and it has been written that words spoken or whispered on one temple could be heard in others on the grid.
DeleteDavid Icke and others have written about control vibrations emanating from Saturn (aka Satan) and possibly enhanced from the moon beaming at the earth to put us all in a trance. Even the Apostle Paul wrote that Satan is the Prince of the Power of the Air (think in terms of a radio broadcast).
Why did the ancients build pyramids? Why do the powers that be build domed churches and temples? Why are the federal and state capitols all build according to a similar design? The Wisconsin Capitol building was built in 1837-38, ten years before statehood! Why did the Territorial legislature focus on the Capitol building and its location rather than on seemingly more pressing issues? Madison, Wisconsin did not even exist in 1837. The city wasn't established until 1855.
The question might be posed, why are 99.95% of the people in a trance while a few of us have managed to wake out of it? Maybe the key is in simplifying one's life and turning off the distractions (TV, radio, movies, sports, etc.). I think the day may come when we work to tear these buildings down!