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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Out of Shadows - The Movie


  1. THIS IS MAJOR on May 21st, 2020, points to a precursor to next month Eclipse. Why?

    The date is a Bad Omen for the WHO. Why bad for the WHO means Good for people?

    1) People would know the Truth, that the WHO is corrupt. Evidences online and by this hard aspects:

    Venus is now Retrograding at (Meaning There are issues with the WHO in people’s view)) at 11th house.

    Venus is the (Value-Performance analyzer, on the WHO’s works). Venue will be SQUARING (be in conflict) the WHO Mars (aggressive behavior) and its Apollon (Professional Gurus).

  2. This is my second time watching this video and each time I key in on different aspects of the entertainment industry presented. I'm so grateful the producers of this phenomenal documentary had the where with all resources to make this a reality and bring it forth to the public to bear witness. I've shared it numerous times and will continue to share until everyone has seen it. I commend every individual that contributed to and participated in this production!!! You are so much appreciated and applauded!!! Thank you


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