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Sunday, March 4, 2018

False Information About Continental Marshals

By Anna Von Reitz

Some parties who are just waking up and making false assumptions are spreading the idea that Lincoln put "America" under the Lieber Code and that all "Marshals" are military police.  WRONG.

Lincoln had no ability to place "America" under Martial Law or put us under the Lieber Code.  What he did was place the British Territorial United States government under martial law and the Lieber Code which has since morphed into the various Hague Conventions. 

None of that has anything to do with us.  The Territorial United States Government is a foreign government working under contract to provide governmental services for our states of the Union--- The United States of America (unincorporated). We are Third Parties with respect to them and we control the land and soil jurisdiction of this entire country.

So learn the jurisdictions and the nomenclature attached to those jurisdictions and stop spreading misinformation.

Our land jurisdiction is policed by Federal Marshals, not "US Marshals".

Federal Marshals = Continental Marshals = Land Jurisdiction Marshals.

US Marshals = Sea Jurisdiction Marshals.

It's time everyone woke to hell up.  We have a country to govern and rights and prerogatives to exercise, along with the responsibilities that attach to those rights and prerogatives. 

We are our own civil government with our own "United States" flag--- the one with vertical stripes, thank you, and our own Federal Marshals Service, also.

The idiots running the Territorial Government have been so corrupt, so ignorant, and so misled that they have placed themselves and this entire country in jeopardy.  Do not fall into any delusions concerning their "authority" or their competence with regard to their jurisdictional limits--- it's up to you to know who you are and what your lawful jurisdiction is and to know the difference between a Federal Marshal operating on the land (also known as a Continental Marshal) and a US Marshal operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea.

Get on your thinking caps and get educated or you will be part of the problem.

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:
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  1. I had a friend, about 9 years younger than me that wondered from job to job until his father had him enlist into the military as a last resort to straighten him out and be responsible for once in his life..!! He did make it through the entire 4 years to everyone's surprise. But his basic personality still haunted him constantly. So when he got out of the military he had trouble finding work again...his older brother went to West Point and is very successful. He spotted an ad that was advertising for positions for border patrol agents, and with his 4 years in the military, he was able to get a job with them, which is ironic because he had become a "true believer" in God and Christ..! In fact , I always thought if he ever became anything, he was being called by God repeatedly to be a pastor and told me many strange things about his experiences about.. I think that because he kept avoiding his calling, that God put him in the worst possible position to help people instead of helping them....a Border Patrol agent..!! Federal..And he was trained his whole life to accept that the Federal govt is supreme over all other forms of law enforcement..!! What I'm trying to say is I think that because he didn't answer his call by God , God decided to put him right into the lions den...the Federal Govt...and just like a person who accepts Jesus as his savior and become "reborn NEW " , the military does the same thing to people once they submit to the authority of the federal govt ....they become reborn again HARD..!! The military is good at teaching and brainwashing people into never question your orders...just carry them out...period!! Most all of law enforcement these days, have gone through one of the armed forces first..and their chain of command is set up the same way as our military industrial complex.. it didn't take long until the military replaced God as his main deity..!! It is almost impossible to break out of that training. So if someone is hired as a US Marshall, he will act like one..!! None of the Marshalls will thing that there was anything other than the Federal Corp STATE..SO, I have no clue as to how you plan on convincing any of them that their is anything else except Federal Authority, the way it is currently set up..the sooner someone decided to get married and start a family, all their energy and focus is about his immediate families security and nothing else..!! And that goes for all law enforcement and the politicians along with them...!! If they read this article, they would all think you are a lunatic who doesn't understand anything or even some sort of troll for the "fringe patriot movement".. And you will never get them to change, especially since they are so well paid..!!

    1. Great post sharing your friends story to point out the power of indoctrination has on most.
      This is exactly what the unConstitutional FedEd+NEA Progressive/Marxist training grounds called K-12 is doing.
      Tho YET there is rebellion to the disinformation which they disseminate in mindless rote by many like myself yearning to learn the deeper understandings.
      Those are the ones that may be awakened and choose true Patriotism as there is an openness to change the status quo.
      They are the anti-Tory's that made up OUR Founding peoples and wise Framers- willing to stand, share and pass along the truth and values they came to revere enough to stand and fight for "freedoms under Liberty" ie- Americanism.

    2. Great post sharing your friends story to point out the power of indoctrination has on most.
      This is exactly what the unConstitutional FedEd+NEA Progressive/Marxist training grounds called K-12 is doing.
      Tho YET there is rebellion to the disinformation which they disseminate in mindless rote by many like myself yearning to learn the deeper understandings.
      Those are the ones that may be awakened and choose true Patriotism as there is an openness to change the status quo.
      They are the anti-Tory's that made up OUR Founding peoples and wise Framers- willing to stand, share and pass along the truth and values they came to revere enough to stand and fight for "freedoms under Liberty" ie- Americanism.

  2. Unless we do something about our current justice system, especially the judges, all we are doing is learning a good history lesson.. It's time to "laser focus" all our attention at getting rid of all our current judges and I don't ever see that ever happening..!!

    1. James, you had said you closed your bank account and then your SS check was no longer being ''attached'. I want to ask you about that; how then do you receive SS payments?

    2. Here is a link to a you tube video that will solve all our problems. Getting rid of the Federal Reserve once and for all and its going to take place this month in March 2018. If this is true, it will take care of the Judiciary and the legislative all in one shot. As Ive said many times on this site, in order to change our our 3 branches of government it must start with the central bankers.
      We will no longer be on Trading with the enemy act as we will be on the land once again. The Judges will no longer have to protect the International bankruptcy of the Incorporated United States created by the Federal Reserve. The agencies that protected this fraud are going to be gone along with them, the CIA and FBI.

      Here's the link:

    3. security offers two ways to get paid....Of course, the first one, and the one everyone seems to want is "direct deposit" into your bank account.. But we started two bank accounts and closed both because once you have a bank account the FTB was relentless at leving our accounts, and they will wipe out your entire account if you have enough money in it and they think you owe it...So the SS office offers an alternative, but we asked for it....they will issue you a M/C for debit only and automatically add money every month instead of of a bank account..once we did that the FTB was history because they can't touch your SS payments at all without a bank account...but apparently the IRS can still levy your SS credit card but only by 15% and that means they have to file paperwork to the treasury every month just to get 15% of your becomes a pain in the ads for them to collect this way for such small amounts of money every single month.. I just assume that it is too big a mess for them to do this, especially when the are saying we owe $100,000. So after two months, they just stopped. But that doesn't mean they have forgotten about us.. they will just wait until we receive a large amount of money or approved for a loan and all of a sudden they will show up again..In fact, they did this to me years ago when we took out a large home loan and before we could even receive the loan, the IRS immediately tells the bank that I owed $30,000 for back taxes which I didn't. But we needed the loan so bad that I had to give in. I Swore that would never happen again, so I never kept a lot of money in a bank...and don't think a credit union is any better.. Everyone thinks or convinced that credit unions are better than banks...i would like to know how. They will obey a levy just as easy as any other bank. The reason we got the credit card was for two reasons..1) You always need a credit card for something , like a second ID or buying something online, and 2) we thought that by having a credit card from SS, that they couldn't levy it.. But the IRS is way ahead of that.. They take out the money right from the treasury before SS even gets it. SS says they had nothing to do with it..around this same time Trump fired the commissioner of the IRS and the Director was being grilled by Congress and trying to work out a deal like the commissioner to walk out without going to jail..I think she is still working on it or already cut a deal..anyway, from what I understand is that Trump is just about ready to introduce a gold back currency, but this time he wants all countries on the same page, so it is fair to everyone and then it's good by to the Federal Reserve and they know it. This is supposedly the month he plans to do it...!!

    4. And the really good news is that Trump is also realizing that even he can't get anything done as long as these judges come up with thinks to stop him or slow him down..They actually openly defy him on certain issues if they don't agree with his orders..!! The President is starting to realize that he isn t the highest position in this Corp govt. It's the US Attorney General. The courts have been his problem too, and he is vowing to do something about it once and for all..Sessions is finally facing the chopping block and being replaced with Trey Goudy. In fact Trump is so fed up with the court system, that he openly defied a court ordered summons by Muller and his special prosecution team to even show up for it...he told them I'm not wasting 5 hours of my time answering questions by Congress. If they want me they can "arrest" me..!! If they try actually arresting him with a court order, I'm sure the Marines have already been instructed by him and seem to be faithful to him, that they will litterally surround wherever they have him locked up to surround the building and force all law enforcement to stand down or face the consequences...!! He also wants to get rid of the FBI and the CIA. I can't wait until he arrest all these judges and sends them to GITMO..He just recently made a new executive order clearing the way for "MILITARY VENUE COURTS" for all the court marshalls that are going to take place soon. He is not going to tie up the courts or risk the chance that one of their friends come to their rescue....military court marshalls offer no constitutional rights and really don't have to be charged either.. feels like the courts we have all been using all this time... He has to do this delicately, without much fanfare, because his actions could be challenged as being characterized as a "dictatorship"..But I told you guys, it is going to take a dictatorship to change 150 years of fraud and so many lies....!! Personally, I think that is what God wants him to be for awhile, because we came within the 11th hour before Hillary became a dictator...!!

    5. James, thanks for your response. What SS gave you is a Debit Card which today pretty much takes the place of them sending you a personal check for monthly payments.
      I think the Account it is linked up to is owned by the Fed. Government, so it seems to me it would be a whole lot harder
      for any entity to garnish such accounts.

      It also seems to me that a collector would have to try to find out the number of that 'bank account' or else know the Debit Card number........neither of which would be easy to obtain. Those numbers are each different one from another.

      I don't know if rules and laws have changed, but it has always been known that federal entities/monies cannot be garnished; fed gov. will not mess with that stuff. THAT
      is why govt. money is snatched at the Bank Site because then
      it comes from the people's accounts, not federal govt. accounts.

  3. Can someone explain why we are trying to place our selves under the East/West India trading Co.and why we are using their Armorial Bearing known as the thirteen stripe flag rather then using our own star spangle banner which has 15 stripes for the 15 land grants instead of the thirteen West India trading Co aka wall street.You may view our flag at the Smithsonian Institute as once again it has been placed on display or you may see it here.

  4. Territorial military conquest we beat Spain in the head and sold Porta Rico , Philippines , guam,and for good measure Hawaii was taken against that will.
    Be surprised that PhD 's don't have a clue what the U.S.territory are!

  5. Problem is none of this matters until there is ENFORCEMENT of the "facts"!!! Until THAT happens, everything is stated here is moot. Still haven't seen any proof that this touted Michigan Jural Assembly is changing anything, nor has proof been provided that we have a "hereditary" Secretary of State, nor has proof been provided that our gov't is a "trust" as has been stated in one article posted here, no wait, it's a "foreign gov't" no, it's a "corporation" no, it's a foreign corporation" no its, its ,its, WHAT is "IT" and no wonder people are confused about what is posted here!!! And then we are fed "special definitions" where no SOURCE is quoted, we are led to believe that whatever is stated here is "gospel Truth" no matter how outlandish the statement, but again, if there is any "confusion" here, maybe the one blaming everyone else for being "confused" might take a good long look at all of the "confusing" statements that have been posted here.

    1. Agee. She said there was ONE post office to send things to and Ive yet gotten that address, I get attitude instead!!

    2. Unknown, why don't you enforce yourself off of this blog. You are a shill and have no business here. And take your confusion with you.

  6. tell then Mrs Anna The Truth Will Set Us Free All In Jesus Emmanuel So Be It!

  7. we are led to believe that whatever is stated here is "gospel Truth"
    Hey unknown just what proof do you have that the gospel is truth?
    Anna is giving knowledge, if you do not agree, prove her wrong. You are acting like a democrat. You know, those who do not believe in God and are going crazy in the USA because Trump's biggest hammer is his belief in God. You and Abby are both so pessimistic. You are like two peas in a pod. Abby claims to have studied the bible for 50 years Should not take that long but she has very little faith after all that studying. Anna said recently in a post to Cheney that the kingdom of Heaven has arrived. she is right those of us who have not been confused into worshiping strange gods know this. So once again, what proof do you have that the gospel is truth?

    1. This is for you Abby...Jesus own words calls himself the son of man. How did you miss this ? You ever hear of a strange god? Read the first commandment closely...there is a reason why it is first and why Allah warned us. Do not consider this as me teaching as you already pointed out I am not qualified. Just an observation and revelation.

      Mark 10:45 45For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

    2. Jesus is the bridge between God and man. His blood is the cover (sacrifice) for all of man's sins from beginning to end, since man, himself, was powerless to make himself spotless, as required to have communion with God. As God provided the sacrifice for Abraham in place of Isaac, so God provided the sacrifice to redeem man from the power of sin. And Jesus, himself said, "before Abraham was, I Am." And every priest, elder, scribe, Pharisee, Sadducee and other religious Jew who was there, knew exactly who Jesus was saying he is: The I Am Who I Am, that is, the timeless One, the Self-existing One, and if that fails you, the Eternal God.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. If I tell Judge Coughnouer to resend my summons to the Pope by way of Federal Marshals = Continental Marshals = Land Jurisdiction Marshals, instead of "US Marshals" do you think he will reconsider? Today is the day Judge Anna for the Living Law Firm to take Gloria's case on land jurisdiction to the U.S. Supreme Court to challenge them on their failure to enforce laws against murder of western civilization by nation states, and modern bureaucratic society, as well as by human nature, today its premeditated mass murder of millions of innocent civilians by doctors, nurses, emergency responders under color of law with death education teaching DNR, Comfort Care, doctor assisted suicide, involuntary euthanasia, death with dignity statutes, basically same idealogy used in Germany's holocaust eugenics recruiting it's own people to kill under color of man's law, today disguised by false foreign corporations and Queen, Pope uniting masses to divide their sheep with lies.

    Please sign Gloria's petition, Thank you. bobby brown Hastening Death is Murder

    1. hey bubba, you brought up genocide, germans were no different from us, pawns, you don't see that good german people were just like us today who don't understand "eugenics", was just a word with the same purpose as "death with dignity" today, genocide. Awakened is right on with his link on what our president is doing to avoid the mass genocide, we may be sooner than we think.

    2. We're considered priority creditors that can be killed by doctors, nurses and hospital employees acting as "uniformed officers" of foreign corporations, this will become evident when the actual accounting begins, which won't happen until we get our land jurisdictions up and running and get rid of those working for foreign corporations in our counties, only then will people wake up and stop accusing others of bashing. Germans were astonished that genocide could go on in their own backyards, why not realize history is repeating itself right here in our backyard county hospitals. Claiming I'm bashing germans is pretty stupid, when I was a kid, our uncles died fighting germans, you call that bashing, it's reality, your enemies are the ones who divided german and american citizens in the first place. Why is Bayer still pumping out fluorides that cripple and kill under "comfort care" which is code for involuntary euthanasia and prescribed like candy for children's earaches to tennis elbow and doled out to our returning military. bobby brown

  10. Has anybody even looked at the link I posted on this site? There's not one comment on it. It seems like you guys like to argue instead of learn from someone else who has different information.

    1. so it must drop be for a change
      Let the rats pull out Thair funds .Karen Hudes.pushes that line let me go .they always get away clean having bribed everybody .

    2. bubbapatric: I luv ya, man, but what the heck did you just say?

    3. So much for being "AWAKEND"... here it is April, and your link has proven ineffective as a guide to the direction of "things". Now what?

  11. Abby..yes that's true but don't forget the IRS is a private Corp and not govt. But like I said SS had nothing to do with it. I had to go to the SS office was and asked them what was going on because she didn t even know until I shows up on their computer as a deduction for something. And it's levied right at the treasury first, where obviously our accounts are. And it's all because the IRS(and FTB) are the only agencies that can file "notices of leins" as a court ordered Lein at the county recorders office... that's another office that needs remodeling or overhauled completely..!! It starts with there excused stupidity of the forms and how to register something lawfully , which they defer to the DA'S OFFICE if there is suspected fraud going on....where was the DA when everyone was and still is losing their homes through foreclosure....there is so many filings on your homes, after you sign the promissory note and agreement that you woul dnt believe it...bought, sold, assigned, transferred and more.. the DA's office needs to be sued for negligence and refusal to indict anyone . But now if you start a new Corp, that Corp must identify who the owner or CEO of the comp is, and his address and full name, so he has to take person liability for the intentional fraud of the comp when someone finds it..

    1. So James, then how do you explain the fact that they stopped ''liening' on your SS income........just by receiving payment by debit card? What do you think actually stopped their 'stealing'?

  12. Being new to this blog,and wanting to respond to all,"He said I put my word in your heart"his word is absolute truth.You are born with it if you understand what that means.He said my people will Parrish for lack of knowledge.But at the last He said "My Father in heaven,why hath though forsaken me.That was after his own people ànd family had decided to abandon him for telling them their government and church was corrup.He should should have proved it before telling them.They killed the profit just like some will do Ms Anna.


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