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Saturday, July 25, 2020

The Actual China Ultimatum

By Anna Von Reitz

CHINA, INC. manufactures goods and sends them to the United States.
Once there, goods are paid for using Federal Reserve Notes.
This creates debt for THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Actual cash payment in Federal Reserve Notes has been sent to China ever since the Bush Administration. Obama gave them printing presses and engraving plates and everything else needed to print Federal Reserve Notes in China and other locations and let ‘er rip.  
Obummer, a British Territorial Government Operative, unleashed the biggest counterfeiting fraud in human history and the CIA and the FBI and DOJ and MI6 and all the rest of the totally worthless Intelligence Agencies sat on their rumps and grinned.  
And where was our military?  Good question.  
They were taking advantage of it, too, right along with the so-called Secret Space Program and their Chinese counterparts.   
There is, as a result, no direct banking transaction record that China received payment from the American consumers, because payment has been in cash.  
And no direct record that CHINA, INC., received payment, either.
The Chinese Government accepted the cash payment and used the Federal Reserve Notes to buy property and make investments all over the world, including sweetheart deals involving US Politicians and kickbacks to them and their supporters and many, many corporations worldwide were acquired by China as a result of this under-the-counter direct cash payment system.
Now the Chinese Government is coming forward and claiming that “the” United States of America never paid them and wants payment in gold.
But it is apparent from other records what really went on and this shell game of China, Inc. getting the cash payments and not paying CHINA, INC. is just a gigantic siphoning fraud involving both Chinese and US Politicians and lots of corporate bosses who were on the take.
Now the Chinese Government is trying to Double-Dip on the American Public and is demanding payment in gold when there was never any arrangement for payment in gold ----and when they have already been paid in cash and spent it.
So, no, Virginia, this is not about any coronavirus. It’s not about Hong Kong. Or the South China Sea.  
This is about corruption on an unimaginable scale. This is about British and Vatican and Israeli bankers acting as parasites to gut America and set China up as their new host. 
This is about members of Congress and “American” corporate bosses selling this country down the drain and their Chinese counterparts glutting like pigs at a trough while letting the Chinese people starve and breathe filthy air and drink dirty water.
And just so the Vermin on both sides of the table know, we, the actual Americans, have the proof of their collusion and what actually went on  --- dead in the water.  And we've shared it with everyone else. 
So there isn’t going to be any extra payment in gold, and no cash payments, either, until this corruption is cleaned up.  And we do mean spic-and-span, white glove, spit polish. 
And there's not going to be any slave market in so-called "dependents" either.  We will shut down as many corporations as want to be folded up like so much paper and sold.


See this article and over 2600 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Let's be real clear about things. The sell out of America to China started with Nixon, Kissinger, Clinton and THEN Obama. We were hung out to dry long before Obama got into office. US Gives China Eminent
    Domain Over US Property
    Beyond High Treason

  2. .

    The real sell out started in 1775 and 1783!!

    Get to know the real truth and history if you can find it !

    Gratitude - keep moving forward

  3. Under FDR the detestable Henry Morganthau. And his #2 Stalin’s intelligence the military tried to rat on the communist but Truman made him head of IMF.
    According to book”Fruit from a poisonous tree” treasury Jews sent 5 and 10 thousand dollar printing plates to uncle Joe murdering savage .
    So obummer did it also all need adjudicate for treason and shot.!

    1. bubbapatric - wanted to add this about jew bastard born of satans backside Morganthau:
      ~~ 1968 Club of Rome - Conspiracy Wiki - In April, 1968, the Club of Rome was founded by members of the original Morgenthau group during a meeting at Rockefeller's private house in Bellagio, Italy. The meeting was organized by Aurelio Peccei, an Italian industrialist who had close relations to the Olivetti Corporation and Fiat. ~~ Another group representative at the December 1980 Washington meetings with "observer status" was John Graham, also known as "Irwin Suall," head of the fact-finding committee of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). The ADL is an outright British intelligence operation run by all three branches of British intelligence, that is, M16 and the JIO. Suall's extensive bag of dirty tricks was garnered from the sewers of the East End of London. Suall is still a member of the super-secret SIS, an elite James Bond type of operation. Let nobody underestimate the power of the ADL, nor its long reach.
      ~~ jew Club of Rome The Club of Rome describes itself as "an organisation of individuals who share a common concern for the future of humanity and strive to make a difference. Wikipedia Type: Non-profit, NGO ~ Location: Winterthur, Canton Zurich, Switzerland ~ Fields: Global warming, Well-being, Humanitarian challenges

  4. I can't wait till we put China back in their place which is sanctions until we get everything back which they stole from us all. I watched their military parade processions and was shocked that they had the exact same military weapons hardware as US Inc. This is going to take total commitment, discipline and logistics from everyone who wants a future starting today to reverse this China Syndrome world tragedy. Sooner the better to stop the bleeding!

  5. Have a read - interesting information

  6. Oh Lookie!!: Trump says White for 2nd time. First being in reference to White African genocide.
    In Case of White Emergency Break Glass for Based Rhetoric

    Yeah, guess the Great White's aren't totally totally totally forgotten & disregarded. How timely, just in a few short months time for re-election.
    I can't say enough! Gosh, White has passed his tongue TWO WHOLE TIMES.
