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Wednesday, July 31, 2024

International Public Notice: In the Absence of Other Evidence

 By Anna Von Reitz

We described the dual crimes of impersonating an office in our IPN yesterday; in the absence of credible evidence that the American Armed Forces are acting as Americans and not U.S. Citizens, we must conclude that they are still acting as British Crown Mercenaries and are still impersonating American Armed Forces. 

This is because we know how they were unlawfully converted into mercenary status but there is nothing to suggest when, if, or how they were ever lawfully converted back into an honorable national military.  

The fact that Lincoln substituted himself, the "President" of the United States of America, Incorporated, for the President of The United States of America, Unincorporated, speaks for itself. 

Having found no evidence that the American Armed Forces as a whole were ever returned to lawful status, we must assume that Donald Trump is also acting as a British Territorial U.S. President of the same offending corporation, and that he is engaged in the same Substitution Fraud as Lincoln --- that is, substituting a private corporation's "President" for our unlawfully converted Public Office. 

This unlawful conversion and carefully undisclosed substitution fraud means that yes, they have acted in Gross Breach of Trust and Violation of their Service Contracts.  

Since Lincoln, they've committed vast crimes "in our names" and ruled over us like the Raj in India, but that does not mean that they have any right or authority to do so.  

Remember, there is no Law of War or Law of Conquest for them to take advantage of. 

There was no war--- just a long string of Mercenary Conflicts. 

What they have done is simply criminal, but the vast majority of those who have served didn't even know they were serving as mercenaries.  

That's why they deserve amnesty.  

As such, Trump may be the Commander in Chief of a British Crown Mercenary Force, but he isn't our American Commander in Chief.   

We understand that Mr. Trump made a solemn personal declaration affirming the Unanimous Declaration of Independence on one of his trips to Philadelphia.  

If so, we are left wondering what this could possibly mean?  

A bunch of British Territorial U.S. Citizens are declaring their independence from what? The British Crown? The "King"? 

That is, the people who are acting as their paymasters? 

Just for the record, when we, Americans, declared our independence, it was independence from the King of England, all his works and all his ways, his corrupt bureaucracy included. 

They, the U.S. Citizens, have been taking their pay from the King and British Crown. 

They've been swearing their allegiance to the King and Crown and a flag "representing" our vanished Republic, and yet, stabbing the Federation of States that gave all these federal Subcontractors their delegated powers-- in the back.  

They have subjected themselves to British law. Some of them have even been knighted by the Queen.  

Are the British Territorials declaring their independence, too?  More than 200 years after the rest of us boiled our shoes at Valley Forge? 

If so, that's just fine. Better late than never.   

But don't forget there were other soldiers and sailors long before this, and their sons and daughters are still here.  

All those who have fought for America should enjoy their place in the sun and their children should run free and be joyous.  That includes all the sons and daughters of the Revolution and all their progeny and families forever. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

July 30th 2024


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