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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

To Everyone in All Our Assemblies

 By Anna Von Reitz

The depth and duration of The Great Fraud is being uncovered on an almost daily basis, and if you are following the International Public Notices, you are being kept in the loop and following the general outlines of this discovery phase and the various issues and arguments that are current. 

No doubt many people are astonished to learn that the British System is just as messed up, fraudulent, corrupt, and criminal as our own, and that it has been so for approximately twice as long. 

And no doubt there is a lot of dismay and confusion and even fear in some quarters as many are contemplating the immensity of the fraud and the implications of the fraud for the first time. 

What does this mean for our government?  

Our actual government isn't involved. 

Our foreign subcontractors are the ones up to their necks in it. 

Another aspect of this which has to be taken in, is that their National Debt is our National Credit. 

As a result, Donald Trump is pulling the long face and talking about a Great Depression predicted to fall upon Federal Citizens, Janet Yellen is pulling every dollar of cash out of the system possible,  and the Federal Reserve is rolling up like a carpet.  

But in tandem with this gloom and doom, we are preparing for a very different future.  

Their "National Debt" is our "National Credit".  

Say that as often as necessary until it sinks in.  

On top of that, we are the legitimate inheritors not only of our own form of government and contracts and treaties, but all the cashiered wealth --- the land held in trust, the gold and silver, the cash, the beneficial bonds and stock certificates.  

Even if we forgive all the British Territorial and Municipal Debt, which we can easily do, the American people and living people worldwide, will be relieved of phony debts and mortgages and taxes and stand to inherit the assets and credit they have been owed for six generations. 

We, the living people, are not looking at any Great Depression. 

We are looking at the opposite side of the ledger --- the positive side. 

In trade and commerce, there is always an equitable exchange envisioned, but in our case, thanks to the Great Fraud and our public employees purloining and using our assets without our knowledge or consent, their corporate debt has been palmed off onto the living men and women, who have already paid for everything with actual goods and services. 

So we are doubly the creditors of all the corporations and trusts and public bonds that have been issued--- for six generations back.  

The transfer of wealth that has to occur to "balance the books" will radically rewrite not only the economic and financial world, but the infrastructure of the government subcontractors and bureaucracy associated with them. 

It's all okay. 

Nobody has to suffer, except for those who went mad with power, and knowingly committed criminal acts under color of law.  

Your wealth is coming home.  Your banks and prosperity centers are opening.  Your American Federation Treasury is open. Everything necessary is being prepared for you.  

So, be comforted. The world we have known in the past is fading away and that's a good thing.  The world of the future is being built on a firm foundation and it is right on time and on track to rescue the living people, the animals, and the Earth.  

Let all those of goodwill join with us in affirming our fair and peaceable solution to the problems that have been visited upon us and join together to share the true abundance that is naturally ours. 

Spread the word and the safety net.  

Remember that I told you that this is a rescue operation?  It is.  
The more people you can reach, the more people you can rescue. 
Each one who is rescued becomes an anchoring point to rescue others, and so, the work of restoration and compassion grows. 

Get ready.  There's rough water ahead, but our Old Boat has weathered many storms and the hand of Divine Providence has carried us through and brought us to the present moment. 

May all the living people and innocent souls be blessed.  May Nature's God be with us and all good things come to us in the New Year. 



See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here:

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