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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own. If you have an opinion on a particular article, please comment by clicking the title of the article and scrolling to the box at the bottom on that page. Please keep the discussion about the issues, and keep it civil. The administrator reserves the right to remove any comment for any reason by anyone. Use the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Additionally we do not allow comments with advertising links in them for your products. When you post a comment, it is in the public domain. You have no copyright that can be enforced against any other individual who comments here! Do not attempt to copyright your comments. If that is not to your liking please do not comment. Any attempt to copyright a comment will be deleted. Copyright is a legal term that means the creator of original content. This does not include ideas. You are not an author of articles on this blog. Your comments are deemed donated to the public domain. They will be considered "fair use" on this blog. People donate to this blog because of what Anna writes and what Paul writes, not what the people commenting write. We are not using your comments. You are putting them in the public domain when you comment. What you write in the comments is your opinion only. This comment section is not a court of law. Do not attempt to publish any kind of "affidavit" in the comments. Any such attempt will also be summarily deleted. Comments containing foul language will be deleted no matter what is said in the comment.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Your Mission, Jim, If You Decide to Accept It.....

By Anna Von Reitz

Everyone --every American-- needs to stop a moment and focus on this one true thought: that thing that you have thought of all your life as your government, isn't your government.  

Say it over and over and over.  Write it down if you need to.  Really, truly, think about this fact and what it means: its not your government.  

Your government has been dormant, left on a shelf for 150 years. 

Repeat as many times as necessary.    

This circumstance was accomplished via fraud and deceit and illegal usurpation; as a result, you have a chance to restore your lawful and actual government. 

Repeat as many times as necessary.  

To restore your lawful government you have to decide to function as an American state national, for example, a Texan or a Wisconsinite,  not as a "United States citizen".  

You need to inform the federal authorities of your decision and retire from any presumption of federal service. The exact means to do this quickly and cleanly is being refined and will be made available. 

The next step is to form your local unincorporated jural assemblies.  

The jural assemblies then restore your local unincorporated land jurisdiction government, including your county courts.  

The counties then form your lawful land jurisdiction state.  

The states then send delegates to a Continental Congress, and whatever changes need to be made, get made.  

This is the mission.  All other missions are subordinate to and depend on this one. 

This is a lot of work, but it isn't insurmountable.  In the process of doing this work you will rediscover your history, restore your courts, fill your vacated public offices, and resume operation of your own lawful government.  

Because every county and state is unique and has its own history, this isn't a cookie-cutter proposition.  

The good news is that other counties have broken the trail for you and they stand ready to help you. 

The Michigan General Jural Assembly hosts a nationwide conference call every Thursday night beginning at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.  The call-in number is: 1-712-770-4160, Access Code: 226823#.  [Please note the change from "4170" to "4160". I had the wrong number posted in a couple places---typo.]

They also host a website at:

And from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Thursday, they have established a Hotline: 1-989-450-5522.   

Thanks to the Michigan General Jural Assembly, you won't have to recreate the wheel and won't have to face this daunting task alone.

See this article and over 500 others on Anna's website
 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.    


  1. Sure, we can form lawful govt again, using "jural assembles" , etc. But, we still have the same problem....who is going to keep them honest...?? Do you trust these "jural assembles" who are just going to be filled with imperfect people who no matter what, still have to earn a living by making money. In some ways, i can really understand the thinking about creating "fiat" money, because there are just to many theives and bad people in the world who are always out to steal real wealth. At least this way, the only thing they are stealing can easlily be printed up again. You have to realize the new reality of our situation. It took over 150 years of debaucing our currency, plus semantic deceite and barratry, to effectively corrupt the morals we once had here, affecting everyone everywhere on the planet. You thing those morals can just come back overnight. Thats like saying a person who has gained 300lbs in the last 20 years, can simply lose the weight in just one year....It just isnt possible. How many people can you honestly say you can trust. Would you trust one of your closest friends with giving them a loan for $10,000. It wasnt until i got an inheritance in 2002 when my dad died, that i really learned what people were like. People i have known since 6 years old. No one kept their promise to repay ANY MONEY. Not one penny. Any of them. When it comes to money, there isnt a single person who can be trusted or honest. This system only intensified it. Its because people have no faith in anything except money. None of the people i grew up with have never stepped into a church or even picked up the bible once. As one friend put it to me..."Why should i study something that wont make me rich. Thats his moranic mentality. He sees no benifit to knowledge whatsoever, unless it benefits him somehow....financially. Does he sound like a person who values truth , knowledge, or a govt we have been fighting for , that he will merely benifit from without so much as a minute of his prescious time as a small sacrifice toward a better society. All he thinks about is pleasing himself by any means possible whether it be 5 dogs, a brand new car, a boat, etc, etc. But does he care to give even $1 to someine on the street....NO. And everyone he grew up with is exactly the same....all of them. Give me one good reason to make his life better when all he deserves is US CITIZENSHIP(a corp. slave) . That is his true status. I never ever want him to be a state National. The way we all study law and history, is the same enery he puts into watching profession sports. How is that helping our cause??? I said it before and many times....i want our govt to recognize two separate and distinct statuses. Because some people ARE SLAVES. And their happy with it. So let them be SLAVES. Its a choice. He and millions just like him are happy with just the illusion of freedom. So let them have it along with the 100,000 statutes , codes, and regulations that go with it. The only people that actually deserve "true" freedom are the ones that have been fighting for it and above all have faith in God and his son, our savior, jesus christ . Without him , there is no moral compass to do the right thing. Or to run jural assembles and lawful govt. This people will always look at us as idiots and actually condem us right along with the Corp. State, because that is their God. Compiss...!!!

  2. Sure, we can form lawful govt again, using "jural assembles" , etc. But, we still have the same problem....who is going to keep them honest...?? Do you trust these "jural assembles" who are just going to be filled with imperfect people who no matter what, still have to earn a living by making money. In some ways, i can really understand the thinking about creating "fiat" money, because there are just to many theives and bad people in the world who are always out to steal real wealth. At least this way, the only thing they are stealing can easlily be printed up again. You have to realize the new reality of our situation. It took over 150 years of debaucing our currency, plus semantic deceite and barratry, to effectively corrupt the morals we once had here, affecting everyone everywhere on the planet. You thing those morals can just come back overnight. Thats like saying a person who has gained 300lbs in the last 20 years, can simply lose the weight in just one year....It just isnt possible. How many people can you honestly say you can trust. Would you trust one of your closest friends with giving them a loan for $10,000. It wasnt until i got an inheritance in 2002 when my dad died, that i really learned what people were like. People i have known since 6 years old. No one kept their promise to repay ANY MONEY. Not one penny. Any of them. When it comes to money, there isnt a single person who can be trusted or honest. This system only intensified it. Its because people have no faith in anything except money. None of the people i grew up with have never stepped into a church or even picked up the bible once. As one friend put it to me..."Why should i study something that wont make me rich. Thats his moranic mentality. He sees no benifit to knowledge whatsoever, unless it benefits him somehow....financially. Does he sound like a person who values truth , knowledge, or a govt we have been fighting for , that he will merely benifit from without so much as a minute of his prescious time as a small sacrifice toward a better society. All he thinks about is pleasing himself by any means possible whether it be 5 dogs, a brand new car, a boat, etc, etc. But does he care to give even $1 to someine on the street....NO. And everyone he grew up with is exactly the same....all of them. Give me one good reason to make his life better when all he deserves is US CITIZENSHIP(a corp. slave) . That is his true status. I never ever want him to be a state National. The way we all study law and history, is the same enery he puts into watching profession sports. How is that helping our cause??? I said it before and many times....i want our govt to recognize two separate and distinct statuses. Because some people ARE SLAVES. And their happy with it. So let them be SLAVES. Its a choice. He and millions just like him are happy with just the illusion of freedom. So let them have it along with the 100,000 statutes , codes, and regulations that go with it. The only people that actually deserve "true" freedom are the ones that have been fighting for it and above all have faith in God and his son, our savior, jesus christ . Without him , there is no moral compass to do the right thing. Or to run jural assembles and lawful govt. This people will always look at us as idiots and actually condem us right along with the Corp. State, because that is their God. Compiss...!!!


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