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Monday, March 7, 2022

The Nazis Among Us — The Nuclear War Threat Isn’t Coming from Russia

Euromaidan in Kiev, 19 February 2014. Labor Unions' House on fire. It was reportedly set afire by policemen as it was a protesters' headquarters. Photo: Amakuha / Wikipedia

Russia, China, and India blocked immediate implementation of the globalist Great Reset scheduled to take place as the result of the 2021 Glasgow Climate Conference. Donald Trump also withdrew the United States from this satanic agenda. He was driven from office and demonized in a fashion now only eclipsed by that enveloping Vladimir Putin.  

Read the entire article here:


  1. Eggs “Hatching By The Millions”, Evidence: Bioweapon Shots Contain Living Parasite Eggs - Video

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    "Dr. Jane Ruby is back with her latest takes on the Covid-19 virus and the vaccines against it. Today, Dr. Jane says she has evidence that Pfizer vaccines contain parasite eggs that are now “hatching by the millions.” She says they could be bioengineered part animal, part-technological hybrids."

  2. No comment from Pfizer on these findings....Dr. Jane Ruby Show
    Pfizer Exposed: Worldwide Evidence Of Big Pharma Parasites

    "On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr.Jane will shows you in the first two segments some shocking video evidence of hatching parasite eggs from Pfizer BionTech vials, filmed by a group of German parasitologists, specialists in recognizing the anatomy and behavior of parasites; and raises the question, are these bioengineered to be trans-animal parasites with a mission inside the human body?"

  3. Harry Vox: The truth about the Ukraine war

    Cardinal Carlo Maria Vigano comes out solidly on Russia's Side

    ​"​Abp. Vigano: Globalists have fomented war in Ukraine to establish the tyranny of the New World Order And Vigano called out the Jews as well! "Ukrainian oligarchs wearing kippahs"
