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Thursday, September 12, 2019

Quick Primer

By Anna Von Reitz

In view of the history I have set in front of you via "The Unknown Past" and "The Unknown Past - Part 2", you now know that the Municipal PERSON was created to collect war reparations from the Municipal United States citizens as payback for them siding with the South in the Civil War.  

The Municipal Government graciously gifted you with all these Municipal PERSONS named after you, as an invitation to share in paying their debts. A freewill donation obligation, a pledge.  Where have you heard that before? 

The British Territorial Government declared these PERSONS to be outlaws and criminals and further declared all criminals to be slaves.  

So JOHN MICHAEL DOE is a runaway slave, already convicted of crime, and you are harboring HIM (aiding and abetting the ENEMY) until and unless you "surrender" HIM to a competent law enforcement authority.  

As you were never told that any of this was going on in the first place, you were not aware that you were harboring and associating with a criminal, an identity thief, no less. 

Finding a "competent law enforcement authority" can be rather difficult, since both sides of this scam against the American People want it to continue; however, both Steven T. Mnuchin and Michael Pompeo are Interpol Officers --- competent international law enforcement officers.  

That's why we lay the Form 56 Notice of Fiduciary Relationship and the BCs of the Municipal PERSONS on them.  Either one will do, depending on your purposes, but as Mnuchin is a Financial Officer, logic favors dumping financial criminals on him. 

We have surrendered these fugitives, they are no longer in our custody, but Mnuchin and Pompeo owe us Fiduciary Duty to make sure that no harm or loss comes to us as a result our courageous action. 

People who think that that THING named after them and appearing on the BC is theirs and who cling to it and think that it is worth a lot of money need to be brought up to speed.  That PERSON is the pickpocket letting the Pope and the Queen bleed everyone dry --- the Pope because he gets his debts paid by that PERSON and the Queen because she gets to collect against that PERSON. 

So do your duty and surrender the fugitive, but not to local law enforcement officers who will stare at you and think you are crazy, and not without enforcing Fiduciary responsibility on the Officers in receipt. 

Now look at the Territorial Government's Federal Title 15, Section 1.  All contracts with Municipal PERSONS are illegal.  So it is important that any Security Agreement or other interaction involving these entities not be presented as a contract, and also not involve any appreciable consideration. Read that -- less than $21 value. 

The Municipal PERSONS are all gifts, like Trojan horses.  They were donated to you, so have them donate back everything they took from you, as a gift, and then turn them over to the proper authorities. 

The same is true of the British Territorial "Persons" that the Federales named after you that appear to have the exact same name, but which are operating in the jurisdiction of the sea.  

This is why when we re-convey these presumed-to-be Territorial Persons back to the land and soil jurisdiction of the State where they were born, we accept and acknowledge them without consideration and declare their homes and permanent domiciles on the land and soil 

We dry dock them and change their nationality, the same way you re-flag a ship.

The international recording on the land serves the same function as international registration on the sea, with the important difference that upon the recording of the gift,  the "vessel" comes under the Law of the Land and is owed all the guarantees and protections of the Constitution(s) and all the land patents and titles accrue to the actual State (not the State of State) and to the Lawful Person reinstated on the land. 

As the Queen confirmed, these "disregarded entities" are unclaimed vessels set free after the bankruptcy of 1933 was settled in 1999.  So you owe no consideration for the return of your own vessel(s) as derelict prizes subject to your prior claim under Admiralty Law.  They are "lost" property that came back to you after being "at sea" for many years. 


The Brits would rather not discuss the fact that they acted as pirates and commandeered your "vessels" and used and abused them for decades without paying you a penny.  

Neither the Pope nor the Queen want to admit that you are an innocent American Third Party civilian who never had anything to do with their endless wars, their debts, or any of their legal chicanery, either, because that would mean that they committed genocide, piracy, kidnapping, press ganging, and a great many other truly odious crimes against their Treaty Allies and Employers. 

So put on your best shit-eating grin and accept all the gifts the Municipal PERSONS wish to return to you, and all the gifts "the sea" wants to cast up on your beach.  

Many of you have been taught that contracts are not valid without consideration, but all contracts with Municipal PERSONS are illegal under Territorial Law, so be sure to style everything merely as "Agreements" and either accept no consideration at all, or negligible (under $21) consideration for all the "gifts" donated (back) to you under your private Security Agreements with the Municipal PERSONS and Territorial Persons named after you.  

When all this started to be unraveled and recognized for what it is, all the Americans were left clueless and virtually unrepresented. Those Americans that did catch on were mostly concerned about dragging their own chestnuts out of the fire and didn't think any further than extracting their own property interests. Only one group --- ours --- took on the burden of claiming and returning the assets owed to the American States and People.  

There are plenty of other groups out there --- the World Bank, various phony philanthropists, OPPT, Kim Goguen, foreign governments --- all with their hands out ready to receive our assets either "for" us or for the world at large.  The Perpetrators planned to buy off all the "participating governments" using the profit from bilking us for a hundred and fifty years and from making false claims of abandonment against our property assets.  To get a cut of the American Pie, the "participants" would have to sign over their own national sovereignty to "Regional Government Authority".  

This is the problem for Britain right now with a No-Deal Brexit.  They got caught in their own bear trap for once, but they have grounds to get out.  After all, its all nothing but fraud, fraud, and more fraud.  The Lisbon Treaty can and should be repudiated as Bad Faith by all the National Governments involved, not just Britain. 

We have persisted and brought the claims full circle. establishing our standing and provenance, step after step after step, so that all the property belonging to the original States of States and the State Trusts has been preserved, all of our interests held "for" us by the British Territorial Government have been preserved, and everything owed to us by the Municipal Government has been claimed, and returned to The United States.  The United States has then assigned the international and global powers back to The United States of America --- the unincorporated Federation of Sovereign States formed September 9, 1776.  

As a result of all this work going on in the background, there are now various protections in place for people and the "legal presumptions" about all of this, are due to be resoundingly and permanently reversed.  Those of us who long ago noticed that "something was wrong" and that "the world was upside down" could not know at the beginning how right our gut-level reactions were. The world was upside down --- literally, with the tail wagging the dog, the servants bossing the employers, and political lobbyists in charge of the Public Purse. 

All of that is going to change.  It has to be done gradually to avoid gross disruption of life on this planet, but done it will be.  

I have not emphasized nor given a lot of instruction regarding Uniform Commercial Code, liens, etc., because its complex, foreign, and a venue where Americans can easily get into trouble--especially given the prohibitions against the Municipal PERSONS that have been issued "in their names". 

Our answer has been to lawfully convert everything in a reversal of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's action unlawfully converting our Persons: as a thing is bound, so it is unbound.  

By returning the property of the States and People to the safety of their own natural jurisdictions and restoring the Law of the Land, by assembling the actual States, and by finishing the Reconstruction that has been the excuse for all this fraud, violence, slush-funding, and theft,  we have laid down a pathway for Americans to safely and peacefully restore their own lawful government. We have also protected their assets, both public and private, from claims of abandonment.  

It remains for the people of this country to exercise their true sovereignty, reclaim their birthright political status, engage in the process of self-governance, and assist in restoring not just the "rule of law" but the actual Law itself. 


See this article and over 1900 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. " accept all the gifts the Municipal PERSONS wish to return to you, and all the gifts "the sea" wants to cast up on your beach."

    If this is so, why are they playing games with the land recording offices making it difficult to process this acceptance? It seems to me, the "wishes and wants" are another lie. It isn't what people say, rather what they do. The fruits of their labour tells all.

    1. Dan, I agree. I see so many holes in this ARticle, NOTHING will change, nothing is 'about to change' - - its the same ole, 'its up to the People'.

      Anna, this is just another one of your long winded, very long and winding road which will lead to the same Nowhere it has always led to. Please stop insulting our intelligence, and stop treating us as though we are hanging on Your every word. None of this holds any water.
      It is also useless for you to make the excuse 'but it has to be done gradually' still are blind to the fact that there is no longer any time left to do things your slow-ass-gradually way. Our country is already in a civil war and reving up; have you not noticed? Are you blind, or just stubborn?

      Back to the drawing board, Anna. Try again. We are not buying this nonsense.

    2. I am amazed that after all this time Abby, you are still clueless and now you want your hand held, oh and lets not forget how you are willing to throw rocks from the fence your fat-a$$ is siting on. She speaks the truth and your poor little head doesn't like it? She does the best she can dumb-ing it down for you, yet she can't seem to bend over far enough to make you happy. Go throw stones elsewhere TROLL.

    3. goodboots says, "I will stand up."September 13, 2019 at 9:41 AM

      Abby didn't ask for the info to be dumbed down turtle, she said she's not buying it.

      Why is Annamaria telling us to put on shit-eating grins and become complicit in the crimes perpetrated against us?
      Doesn't that seem wrong?
      Why would we lie for the criminals who have been harming us for over 150+ years?
      Lie? To relieve them of the punishments coming their way?


      Furthermore, it seems like perhaps they are notifying us that unless we DO agree to eat shit/lie for them that they plan to keep what they've stolen from us.
      Isnt that "extortion"?
      None of that is right.
      We shouldn't be being told to do it or even that it's an option.
      They are apparently trying to extort our complicity with their crimes by threatening to continue to hold our property hostage in their custody if we won't now lie to get them off the hook for their crimes!

      They're just criminals.
      We don't have to join them.
      Or eat shit.

  2. goodboots says, "I will stand up."September 13, 2019 at 9:03 AM

    Accept GIFTS?
    Those are slave documents/trappings not GIFTS.
    That is our stolen property, not a bargaining chip.

    What is being suggested in this article drags us into, and causes us to "agree" to participate in, their CRIMES and their FRAUD in order for them to agree to return our stolen property!!!!....and it is/could potentially be counted as our "consent".


    No consent.
    No "voluntary" involuntary/other participation.

    We didn't ever "give" our bodies, souls, children, homes, land, family members, work, "names," "estates", statuses, rights, autographs, consent or any other thing voluntarily, knowingly, or with intent to them. Ever... Unless they have an actual, physical lawful contract proving we intended to do that.

    They hid it all from us on purpose. For a reason. So we couldn't say NO.

    They abused us and our families.

    And oh, so NOW they are telling us to LIE???
    For *them*?
    Or they won't give us back what they stole?
    Hahahahaha haha haha hahahahaha hahahahaha:
    Here's apparently them:
    We stole from you.
    We abused you.
    We enjoyed it.
    We are trying to figure out how to do it again,
    But now we are requiring you, our intentional victims, to LIE FOR US so we don't have to take the punishments for our crimes against you.

    Don't make me laugh!

    Tell those special people telling us to LIE for them now to loosen their cumberbunds because it must be cutting off the oxygen to their brains.

    Hell no were not going to LIE for them! Were not getting attached to them and their crimes in any way whatsoever.
    Offer rejected!
    Consent denied!!

    Here's what is going to happen, in law:

    We, the living men and women, being the people, are going to be bringing our own handwritten claims forward against them for their crimes and damages and injuries to us, in our inherent creator-granted superior authority to their presumed delegated inferior authority: in our American traditional common law courts, and we will put them before OUR people for their trial on our land and soil where their crimes upon and against us were allegedly committed.

    They know this.
    They know this is how it works.
    Now we know it too.

    But as for us agreeing to put on a shit-eating grin knowingly accepting complicity in their crimes, WE WILL NOT!!

    We don't have to lie for them and were not going to.

    The ones who want to can.
    But nobody has to eat any shit to get their stolen property back, much less the shit of those criminals'.

    Maybe its time all those "men" got out of their dresses and put on a pair of trousers and sat down to a table like grownups not playing with fairy tales, and faced up to the fact that they have been thoroughly caught in their crimes and that very few of us are "volunteering" to eat shit for them, while grinning or otherwise, so they can get "off the hook".

    1. Great story, please explain in detail the LAW part once more, your words don't seem to have an actual usable remedy today, only what you EXPECT to happen? within their courts?...cuz we don't have any common law courts open today.
      Documented Americans Assemble!
      Anna is right on with this post.... We the People need to UNITE and open our common law courts.... not sure why everyone is bitching about what is not there. And why y'all are thinking they will just roll over out of the goodness of their black as night hearts. Its like asking a bird not to fly, a rock not to fall. Once we have a common law court open...THEN goodboots, you will have a place to be heard, sadly it is not today.

    2. goodboots, doncha wonder just what kind of bats are in their belfrey that they cant understand F R A U D? Just what does it take to understand such a short word as that? Or are the masses just afraid to admit they have been victims of all this fraud all their lives?
      If so then they also have a problem of Pride and Pride goeth before the fall.

    3. goodboots, I do believe Anna was implying that they eat shit, not us but we smile as though telling them. My interpretation anyway. My comment was that they are not willingly giving back the stolen assets by playing games with the land recording offices. I am still researching how to accomplish this in Canada.

    4. goodboots says, "I will stand up."September 13, 2019 at 10:07 AM

      Since you've already admitted that you are not going to listen (not a surprise) to my answers turtle:
      ["goodboots, you will have a place to be heard, sadly it is not today.",]
      I won't waste my time answering.

      But for anyone else, I've already said multiple times that as long as Annamaria is claiming to be the "Fiduciary" over other peoples/my property, I plan to be on this blog saying that I don't agree and so forth.

      You don't have any say in what I chose to express turtle. Nor do you have any business telling any other man or woman what they can and cannot post, in accord with your Highnesses' desires; or insulting them if their ideas don't happen to suit your particular tastes.
      Why not just skip their posts?
      And how would you know if Abby has a fat ass or not?

      Why not just post your own helpful information and quit calling the other guests on pauls blog nasty names?

    5. goodboots says, "I will stand up."September 13, 2019 at 10:14 AM

      "My comment was that they are not willingly giving back the stolen assets by playing games with the land recording offices. I am still researching how to accomplish this in Canada."

      I agree Dan. It's all smoke and mirrors with them: jump through this hoop; now that one; and on and on. False hopes. Delay, delay, intimidate, delay.
      Will be interested in hearing about your research in Canada.

    6. Your right I don't get.... you, to be precise.
      Annas efforts as the fiduciary has given you a chance to take your property back.
      Now go get it back. Oh wait you can't just get it back from them, cuz they lie, hmmm.
      So instead, you have made the choice to bite the hand that feeds you, so to speak? Interesting.
      The only real way to get your property back is by working together in your county assemblies as the people we all are. ANYTHING ELSE IS A DISTRACTION. about calling the kettle black.
      Listen to you? like a queen or something like a know-it-all?
      It is great to have a place to voice one's own opinion. right?
      Your evidence will EARN my respect not your banter.
      Me being here is helping, negativity should be questioned openly.
      Have a great day snowflake.

    7. Thank you Dan
      Washington is reviewing the options of a common law recording office. Anna mentioned that *they* are holding our offices open... we just can't readily see how to... what share? No matter, we will be ignored until we can at the least stand up united to claim Washington.

    8. goodboots says, "I will stand up."September 13, 2019 at 2:08 PM

      Turtle, who said I want your respect?
      Your imaginary Highness's imagination is running away with her again perhaps?

      At this point it looks like you are limited to:
      1. blindly following someone else and
      2. calling people names.
      If that's the best you've got to offer for our eyetime, then, "Thanks but no, thanks, I'm not the least bit interested."

  3. I suggest you all read
    All of it

    1. The Kennedy clan
      Now mind you one of these Kennedys is the one 'saying' he is fighting for our 'rights' to not vaccinate our children with poison

  4. Oh dear slow little Turtle; the name suits you, so at least you did one thing right.
    The more you post the more you show your a$$ and I dont care whether it is fat or not, you are still showing your gross ignorance, and a desperate need to just plain grow the hell up. You are childish, and you have not yet learned to stick with WHAT a person says and does, and set aside your petty little defense of People just because You think they are so damned important..........when there are Some of us that look a whole lot deeper and way past the exterior and willingly look past their facade and bullshit, and see them for what they are really all about. Its all encompassing, NOT about 'playing favorites'.......DUH.

    First of all I would not personally want to join together with You and you shitty attitude and nitpicking, to do anything.
    Secondly, not that it is any of your damned business, but I happen to be a trim size 6 or 8 at most, and about 110 lbs. Now, we await your Stats be made public since 'how fat ones a$$ is' seems to be of such importance. Oh, and please include your age, so we will know not to bother you during school hours or on school days.

    1. more negative replies, no surprise
      let me answer this way, it might be faster for ya.

      "The more you post the more you show your a$$ and I dont care whether it is fat or not, you are still showing your gross ignorance, and a desperate need to just plain grow the hell up. You are childish, and you have not yet learned to stick with WHAT a person says and does, and set aside your petty little defense of People just because You think they are so damned important........."

      Back at cha! And We the People are the most important, weird you would say you are not one? We the People are the only change that can happen for the benefit of We the People! You No comprehend?

      "when there are Some of us that look a whole lot deeper and way past the exterior and willingly look past their facade and bullshit, and see them for what they are really all about."

      Might I ask where it is you look for your truth? Social Media? Main Stream Media? Google? You post often and frequent, ever heard of books? Turtles like the slow pace of reading. Please cite the reference to your truth, please not the bible. This is a Legal Matter, the deepest each of us will go through.

      "First of all I would not personally want to join together with You and you shitty attitude and nitpicking, to do anything."

      Well, I would be willing if it meant the end to all of THEIR lies.

      "Secondly, not that it is any of your damned business, but I happen to be a trim size 6 or 8 at most, and about 110 lbs. Now, we await your Stats be made public since 'how fat ones a$$ is' seems to be of such importance. Oh, and please include your age, so we will know not to bother you during school hours or on school days."

      AWE, I thought you didn't care? You started off good because at the end of the day, its irrelevant.

      Have a great day citizen

  5. The Trump connections

    1. How about some Kardashians - not what they appear to be

  6. goodboots says, "I will stand up."September 13, 2019 at 2:38 PM

    So very true baspreena! :):):)


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