By Anna Von Reitz
I received this message today and am forwarding it on to everyone on my email lists and FB page.
Essentially, the information shared by Lord James in Parliament about the take over of British military and security services has now been corroborated by British military officials.
If not stopped, on November 1, 2019, the entire British military will be taken over and placed under the administration of Brussels --- the HQ of Evil responsible for the operations of the Vichy French UN Corp.
This is the result of "the UK" ---not the Queen, not the United Kingdom and not Great Britain--- signing treaties to this effect some years ago in Lisbon, but as we all know, the "UNITED KINGDOM" is bankrupt and we are the actual Priority Creditors--- not Germany, not Brussels.
This thus represents a matter of grave concern to the American Government as it attempts to usurp upon our fiscal position and also attempts to allow Secondaries to bring false claims in commerce against the UK "in our names".
None of these Secondary Creditors have any credible position and are not enabled to speak for us. That goes double for the IMF.
We hereby serve and publish Notice to Donald Trump in his Office as President of the United States, that we do not consent to this misrepresentation by Brussels and do not advise nor desire a foreclosure on the British military.
Once again, the Pope is on the wrong side of the issues, and is attempting to set up another fraud scheme in which the United Nations organization would be used as a storefront covering for the UN Corp, and the Vichy French and Swiss Nazi collaborators responsible for most of this Mess, in much the same way that the Roman Catholic Church has been used and abused as a storefront for these same crooks and flim-flam artists. .
It is more than past time that we all woke up and weighed in.
We have less than a month to save Britain, and though its sins be as scarlet, this is not the fault of the British People and should not be allowed to endanger or compromise their National Security.
See this article and over 2000 others on Anna's website here:
To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website.
Lagud Fortuyn @Lagud2 Sep 22
ReplyDeleteHow the EU is taking charge of the UK armed forces and intelligence services by stealth, even after Brexit.
And what do we do?????? You put this info out with out an inkling of what it is that we should do...............
ReplyDeleteTrump just activated the Marine reservists who take orders only from POTUS. This is a fairly large group of armed people sworn to protect POTUS.
DeleteIs America still not the "Sleeping Giant"? Despite Liberal gun control bullshit, Americans are stilled armed.
Do? I suppose that depends if the firepower just activated is pointed at us or there to back us up.
Unfortunately it seems as though some form of violence may be coming to our land no matter how hard many of us work to find a peaceful solution.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The plan to control all of humanity under a one world system has been in play for a long time. Do we bow to fear or stand together? It apears my questions will be answered soon.
Annie McShane
On Delaware
Vichy French collaborated with Germany mossuli saved Spain helped general Franko kick out the murderin Rothschild Army of communist they all wore armbands of Rothschild killing nuns and priest piticulary.
ReplyDeleteYou mean communist who took over all Europe Anna. Rothschild Jews.
A special thank you to Anna & Team for knowing more behind the wall, eyes open, having the knowledge, awareness, vigilance, courage to peel their rotten onion layers apart & stick a voodoo pin right in the Eye of Horus.
ReplyDeleteNow to pull them under water, shoot them in the eye with a laser & be done. thanks & stay sane
What If: Is it relevant to know that PM Boris Johnson is a JEW born in East Jew York City? Here from a JEW, no less,Steve Pieczenik:
ReplyDeleteOPUS 168 Boris Badenov Johnson 4:38 Boris is a FIGGIN LYING DECEIVING JEW,. Spent years on Israhelli kibbutz. Father taught at Columbia. Mother is a Lowe, daughter, granddaughter of orthodox Lithuanian jews.
Anyone notice today that the MSM reporting that ole 'JIMMY CARTER' has taken a fall???
ReplyDeleteBolsheviks JEWS & Polio Epidemic - As Brooklyn JEW Bolsheviks convened, 1916 Polio outbreak in BROOKLYN. JEWS Rockefellers attributed, of course JEWS then fake a VACCINE remedy. Voila. The JEW never ceases, as we have today JEWS forcing injections into OUR BABIES. And we let them.
ReplyDeleteWhere JEWS appear & are given haven DISEASES, POISONS, TERROR, DEATH, etc occur. This Polio Epidemic was BY JEW, in South Brooklyn, same time place as JEW BOLSHEVIKS. Off Bolsheviks go to destroy White Russians, their Polio epicemic keeps us busy here. DO WE SEE A PATTERN?
Let us be aware of the JEW presence & what evil it emits. Its taking us a long time to gather info, as we want to know HOW MANY JEW & Gentile CHILDREN WERE INFECTED ON PURPOSE by JEWS, which spread by JEWS. We're also interested to see what land, assets the JEWS sought to acquire & thus disseminated the Polio to those families. This is a JEW business model.
"Combating the 1916 Polio Epidemic in Roslyn From the Bryant Library Archives Endnote: There is still no cure for polio. It was eventually determined to be a virus with three types, and it was not until the 1950’s and 1960’s that the Salk and Sabin vaccines were effectively developed to prevent the disease. The virulence of the 1916 epidemic has continued to fascinate scientists and historians, and many books and articles have been written about it. For a recent perspective, I highly recommend an article by H.V. Wyatt of Leeds University, entitled, “The 1916 New York City Epidemic of Poliomyelitis: Where did the Virus Come From?” ( Dr. Wyatt proposes that the virus escaped from the lab at the Rockefeller Institute in Manhattan, where experiments on polio were being performed. In light of the role George Draper and the Rockefeller Institute played in combating the epidemic in Roslyn, I found this article particularly relevant. "
Have a look at who Mattis handed USNORTH Command too
The 'kennedy' connection
Just read this comment in another video
UN heavy occupation in Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska. They designed Fort Collins as the new DC. So when they take out DC, Fort Collins will be the new DC. A democratic state
Colorado Rockies and Iron Mountain is NOT AN ACCIDENT FOLKS
ReplyDelete Benjamin Netanyahu was meeting in at Finks bar in Jerusalem, a well-known Mossad watering-hole. Here is what he said as taken directly from the transcript of the recording which was witnessed and has been 100% fully authenticated:
“If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it doesn’t matter what you do, America is a Golden Calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the World’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it’s god’s will and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again, again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”
This world has more money than god...where is all of the money that made past people sweat equity and governments so rich. They cant state bankruptcy without first naming where is all the money form past generations accrued and located at. This is a condition of the terms of filing bankruptcy. I suppose many people are not truly thinking about it.
ReplyDeletedaystar - Excellent point. Its the thieves themselves who don't want this accounting. However, Anna & Team have found much of their sewer lines. Recently in a vid, Anna spoke of their having loaded trains, upon trains of European loot, as WW2, into Switzerland (we say Swiss Octogon Pharisee JEWs) then sent to various locations, dispersed, dolled out to their cadre.
DeleteEarlier a description of Muslim bankers holding [jew] accounts as Muslim bankers don't charge interest & who would think they'd [jews] be so cozy w their claimed enemies? We also think they [jews] are friendly w their "Arab Dönmeh' cryptos [jews], as the Saudi royals are Dönmeh, not Muslim at all, who manage such [jew] ratlines.
So, maybe we're not yet privy to the details until its sorted out?? Good question & one that needs to be hung high above their bankruptcy courts. This will tell them WE KNOW.
"JEW'hadi" is what it is.
DeleteThe Imam Celebrated by the Church of Sweden: "The Jews are ... The Imam Celebrated by the Church of Sweden: "The Jews are Behind the Islamic State!" ... showing that the Saudi royal family is really a Jewish family that came from Iraq to the Arabian Peninsula ... JEWS behind Islam
Islam Does Not Mean Peace: "Fight and slay the Christians ... Islam Does Not Mean Peace Islam only means peace to Muslims who blindly submit. To Christians Islam means war, persecution and death. The Qur'an says: "Fight and slay the pagans [Christians] wherever ye find them and seize them, confine them, and lie in wait for them in every place of ambush" (Surah 9:5)
I said this the other day that the saudi's are not saudi's and they are buying up all kinds of land in California while the entire state is being sanctioned for water usage, Saudi buys up land for water
They are also front and center with deals with the Rocky boys in the gulf as well, selling natual gas and other resources to them
Nola also goes along with their erasure of the state boundries as LA would now be considered part of FEMA Region IV
Public private deals made behind the scenes like the one Bush made with the SPP
They have now rebranded NAFTA as USMCA deal to conceal that it's actually NAFTA and part of the North American Union
And you bet your a$$ that ole humty dumpty knows full well what's going on
Check out who the PALLAVICINI family is
Tied to UNESCO as well
Zeus has a write up about this family as well
Be sure and read the comment in the video by Return of Zeus
DeleteShelby - ain't that the JEW'hadi, a friggin IMAM PALLAVICINI. So an Islamic JEW tied to Rome right there. Hope folks sense by now, that Rome wasn't so great after all, its felonious reign is concocted baalsh*t. These entities occupy previously constructed buildings & claim them, too. All that "Roman architecture" ain't Roman aka Phoenician 'Phony' jew. Its all lies, good folks, all lies. Antiquity is really Middle Ages. All lies by jew Protestant jewsuit Scaliger, who rubber-stamped characters & events into a fake timeline, renaming them & added 1000 years, even wrote himself in as Josephus Flavius the traitor jew, or visa versa.
DeleteFake Romans, Venetian, Swissy Octogon, tied to fake Belgium, EU etc.
To us there's missing pieces to their familial timelines. They've also captured & reassigned symbols. These are the bloodline families enriched by Swiss Octogon Haus Juden, their Phony Master-Baiters. They've probably even stolen familial images claiming its them.
Now, this is the clincher, their capture of it is much sooner - I don't think their history goes that far back - just conjecture here - but their familial timeline claims just aren't working. Am going to boldly posit What if they came into 'existence' in 1800's, just as the entire jew history was concocted? We keep pushing it back, but it pops forward 1800's. IF its the case, all of a sudden the aggressive capture of assets via war, European & USA, has been very quick plan of attack. Need to find 1700's scenario puzzle pieces, as 1800's is so quick, its hard to comprehend.
ALL FAKE. This is NOT how OUR WORLD WAS RUN at all, its only how their world is run.
In America the old buildings are OLDER built prior, entire cities laid out, functioning, massive beautiful structures, & they keep tearing them down before our very eyes. Star Forts all over, not for war. Those estates don't belong to them at all. Maybe they've even taken their names, having killed them off. thanks & stay sane
Just some notes here, not to send folks down rabbit holes:
DeleteReturn of Zeus: The Roman nobility all have Swiss bank accounts so it is not surprising that the Swiss Guard protects the Vatican today or that UBS bank uses the papal keys as their logo or that the papal keys are also on the flag of Geneva....
The Este family now House of Austria-Este descend from the ancient Atti family of Rome and they currently oversee the Bank for International Settlement through Prince Lorenz of Belgium from his private Gutzwiller bank in Basel Switzerland. The Massimo family claims to be the ancient Maximi family of Rome and are considered the oldest nobility in Europe which also produced 2 popes..."
Mirrors of Truth: Habsburgs and Zionism The Lucchesi-Palli princes currently reside in Austria and the Pallavicini family have an Austrian branch and have been managing the House of Habsburg as their proxy. Today Eduard Habsburg-Lorraine is a Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece and Hungarian Ambassador to the Holy See and Sovereign Military Order of Malta.
Habsburgs and Zionism : Holy Roman Nazism The House of Habsburg is a massive family with the Habsburg-Lorraine and Austria-Este branches. There are currently dozens of members of the House of Habsburg. Archduke Simeon of Austria is a current member and married to Princess Maria of Bourbon-Two Sicilies.
In Profile : The Aldobrandini, Lucifer and its servants The Pallavicini family married with the Rospigliosi Papal Nobility and also have a branch in London through the Cromwell family. Horatio Pallavicino was a financier for the British Crown and his family merged with the Cromwells through several marriages creating the variant name Paravicini.
Have a view of this one
In the below link as you scroll around you will find that they have added thousands of years to the timeline
Some believe that the i800 has meaning and they made this 1800 instead?
The below is very intersting as well
And get a load of this
And this
Tell lie vision folks
Not sure if you have seen this video, I hate the computer talking crap but good video non the less
Check out these schools and their designs
Shelby - ha ha - we're referencing closely related stuff. You're good.
ReplyDeleteText here for your above vid link: Top Houses and Papal Bloodlines of The Black Nobility:
JEWS are global poisoners:The Poisoners
The ph of our world planet is turning caustic to accommodate the JEW who needs caustic ph. Is our silicon planet is being killed?
Is Silicon-Based Life Possible? | Daily Planet | Air & Space ... On Earth, silicon and oxygen are the main building blocks of Earth's crust and mantle. Most rocks, particularly volcanic and igneous rocks, are built from silicate minerals, which are based on a silicon and oxygen framework.
And IF British, Germans, Europeans, French, Scotts, etc are going to be blamed then add ITALIANS - Seems Phoenician Italians ARE the vermin.
Hey wink wink, you remember the tell lie vision show Beretta with Robert Blake?
DeleteRobert Blake supposedly killed his wife, big STORY about it for months on end.
Well in this video
Notice how they say vatican is largest shareholder in Baretta Arms Company
That Pope Ratszinger some have said is actually the host actor Robert Blake like the current popeye is jonathan pryce
People may not believe this stuff but like I said they can do just about anything when it comes to hollywood and their magic kingdom
Now these so called owners of the earth, air and sky are moving to charge us to breathe the air with their climate change baalshit - people need to wake the hell up
Their edJUcation system is brainwashing your kids to be their good little green global serfs living in human settlements
You wonder why hollywood is so engulfed in politics, because they are the ju actwhores playing the roles that's why
You can take or leave my comments, your choice
Shelby - good one. yeah Blake looks like Ratzinger but not enough. Blake's daughters life was threated by her mom, his gold-digger (acts like a JEW) wife Bonny Lee Bakley, married 10 times, who tried to extort him, kidnap his daughter from him.
DeleteWho killed Bonny Lee Bakley? Murder of actor Robert Blake's ...
Murder of actor Robert Blake's wife features on Vanity Fair Confidential. It is her Hollywood dream, a fairytale romance. Bonny Lee Bakley, a small-town New Jersey woman, has to choose between two famous leading men - television tough guy Robert Blake and the son of the world famous acting legend Marlon Brando.
((Incest included)) :
Bakley had four children: a son named Glenn and a daughter named Holly with her first cousin and second ex-husband Paul Gawron; a daughter named Jeri Lee Lewis (born July 28, 1993) with an unspecified man, after DNA tests disproved her claim that the child was fathered by Jerry Lee Lewis;[7] and daughter Rose Lenore Sophia Blake (born in June 2000 and initially named Shannon Christian Brando) with actor Robert Blake.
Robert Blake (born Michael James Gubitosi;...Blake had an unhappy childhood and was allegedly abused by his alcoholic father. When he entered public school at age 10, he was bullied and had fights with other students, which led to his expulsion. Blake states that he was physically and sexually abused by both of his parents while growing up and was frequently locked in a closet and forced to eat off the floor as punishment.... father committed suicide...
Always curiously how fame, infamy & abuse/sexual abuse are related, as tho on purpose.. as a satanic construct isn't about art, but of a darkest insanity.
wink wink have a look
Read the information under the authors name and see how they stealing people's property using covert methods
Telling you they all liars not to mention these are the very same crooks who are writing these 'acts' in CONgress and also pushing this stuff out to the local levels to steal everything
Forced relocation after hurricane sandy, and the tornadoes that hit joplin
Forced relocation out of California
IMO, the entire story was fabricated
DeleteShelby - IF this is true, Hanks as Christy, then its quite the simulation coup upon us all! Thus far, not convinced. but.. makes ya think... when all else is a lie... ??
DeleteJust putting it out there
DeleteI have said about the site INCOGMAN - sure looks like Nicholson to me? If that is the picture of him on his sight it is spot on for Nicholson?
And this Hudok guy
Check out the artwork on his page INGSOG - that is the artwork from 1984??
Something not right here folks about any of it, IMO
You may also want to check out the commercial with David Quaid where he says that everything they are doing is scripted which by the way goes along with the link I have been posting for a long time that says they are all actwhores led by their grand master
DeleteSimualated and fake reality is what the blogger refers to it as
Well I'm not part of their audience that they feel they have reduced to be slaughtered as the blogger indicates
Some of us see what the fraud is and that includes the entire set of actwhores playing their roles on the set in washington dc
And the below link Illuminati Hell or the Aquarian Age?
I don't happen to think their show(s) or anything else is funny, period - bunch of psychopaths
Remember Dennis Quaid who went on the run saying they were out to get him in hollywood because he exposed them
DeleteWell go take a look at the tall goofy guy on big bang theory
New life as a different actor in plain sight
He was doing you tube videos too about being on the run and collecting donations from people because he had to abandon his life in hollywood - my a$$
Same with the faker Cory Feldman (AKA Charlie Sheen) who bilked the people for money to expose the pedophiles in hollywood and people actually sent him money
Bunch of damned crooks and psychopaths that put on one sham after the other so they can write 'ACTS' to disarm the populace
Brainwashed police and soldiers that they have built up in plain sight and everyone just goes along
Wake the hell up people
Hey Bodhi, wink wink, others, check out this link
Scroll down and see the link godlike productions and the upside down flag that was on Sheldons computer in an episode of big bang
Now I didn't go on the site but if anyone wants to venture there I am sure there is quite a bit of information there
It is my belief that the person playing the role of Jared Kushner is the guy that played Sheldon from big bang? Could be wrong but sure has all the characteristics of him
Again this is my belief I have not the cgi capability to prove it one way or another but I find it odd that this series is tied to this blogger referring to the big bang and 'sheldon' has an upside down american flag on his computer??
The site requires you agree to a membership CONTRACT to a private virtual country club??
Funny too it is called Godlike Productions?
And the site also refers to the country of Jersey? And in one spot they refer to country of Jersey then in another spot Country of Jersey? Small 'c' then capital 'C' Hmmm
Looked it up and it says it is a self governing island in France under the protection of the UK???
Shelby - on Big Bang I don't see it as strong enough. Similar type faces, tho not the same. Cooper is 6'1, Kush 6'3 - yeah shoe lifts. but are similar.
DeleteAlso, for some reason getting emails at wrong times for timestamp. Weird. Where are they going? Israhell & back?
The magic of hollywood they alter the faces using CGI and write ups about their histories, characteristics and other stuff are all fabricated, IMO
DeleteAlso of interest I think is his name on Big Bang, Sheldon, as in maybe Sheldon Aldelson? I find it interesting that his 'character' is also from Texas
If you remember Sheldon did whole bunch of commercials for AI and how we were all going to just love it - also did commercials for Intel I believe
It's like playing the game of Clue?
Microsoft 10 was written in israhell so I've read and they have a huge complex there
Intel chips all have access via back doors and they are being manufactured in israhell
Just to point out something else here, anything broadcast LIVE on tell lie vision, reverse LIVE and you get EVIL
They say it is live but is it?
I know Bodhi follows Santos and I found this video where he describes when Swissy land was founded
The illuminazi matrix
And Bodhi check this out, godlike productions and some information from there
John Kerry or Ted Danson?
Mockery of Hollywood and Politics: John Kerry's family
There was a reason for "John Kerry" being the first presidential candidate ever to publicly admit to be part of the same secret society as his "rival" "GW Bush".
Skull & Bones Kerry, wife ketchup millionaire Teresa Heinz and daughter "Alexandra Kerry" are played by Hollywood actors Ted Danson, wife Mary Steenburgen and daughter Kate Danson.
Have human cattle perceive nothing but simulated reality???
tell aviv zion, tal mud vision
Just some things to look at
Nine lives comes to mind here
DeleteThey live multiple lives in plain sight and no one notices
Not to mention they have to be using multiple social security numbers like say Ted Danson DBA John Kerry or maybe because they in the club they require no social security number at all, pay no taxes, etc etc
Only the sheep are marked with social security numbers as per their GODvernement set up and all their 'ACTS'
It's all in the acting families and we aren't party to it
Bodhi - yeah know of Ruhe, fighting the good fight, that one. Will check on Sri Pradhupada Swamiji. We've been introduced to Sri Satchidananda Swamiji Integral Yoga few decades ago. Good stuff.
DeleteBodhi - yep, yep, yep, yep YEP! As we come out of this, we'll be shocked, as Stockholm Syndrome abductees. Finding out about our political status capture & all else done by ((it)) is too hard for too many to endure. This is the deal, we're willing to send out 'future shocks', so to speak. So we're looking to pull some frayed threads together, & they can, like tiny magnets snap together.
DeleteLike my bestie says, we're in the matrix-jungle w machete's chopping away, the pretty paths can be built by others. And hey, we're guided by the real choppers far ahead of us.
Looking outside now, cloud & sky blue camouflaged triangle sky craft or something. One massive, massive. Are these ours, or from afar, possibly after having won the War in Heaven?
Whatever, its time for Peace, not pieces, eh. We each have great things to do!
I've posted this many times, they're plan is total destruction
They will steal it all
Confiscation before the big bang as this guy says - and that means the banks will all default - crypto will emerge and you either take their chip and live or you die
Anyone that helps those who do not take the chip will have their crypto cut off too
And this is how you get your UN agenda to one government of which by the way the world government and councils of governments are already running in parallel
Thats why the world parliament meets in India it is part of the BRICS green new deal