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Tuesday, November 21, 2017

JFK: Bethesda Autopsy Photos not JFK / Oswald Framed, Warren Report a Sham

By Anna Von Reitz

Finally.  The Truth Begins to Emerge About JFK.  An Update From Jim Fetzer, USMC, Retired..... via Ambassador Lee E. Wanta: 

I don't usually just hit "Forward" on a message and send it to my List or publish it on my page, but I am making an exception today.

I was seven years-old when the Deed in Dallas went down, and even then, I was sitting in front of the TV saying, "But Mom, this is all phony!  Can't you see where the bullet came from?"   

[I have held my immediate distrust and dislike for LBJ throughout my lifetime.  I never lost the feeling that he had something to do with it besides being next in line.  Maybe we will finally find out exactly what his role in these murders (plural) and cover-ups (plural) was.] 

Trump released thousands of files on the JFK Assassination a couple weeks ago.  And guess what?  What we all knew was phony was phony. Oswald was a patsy.  The guy on the slab wasn't even JFK.  And here is the proof in black and white presented below. 

Please pause a moment and think: what you are seeing now has been known by  hundreds if not thousands of Dallas police, federal agency subcontractors, and actual government employees, not to mention the Kennedy family, for over fifty years.  They knew.  They had to know.  So where does that leave us?  

What happened to the actual JFK?   Was he kidnapped?  Murdered in cold blood in the Oval Office?   Imprisoned somewhere---here or abroad?   He certainly never re-appeared among the living.  Jackie moved on.  His children grew up.  The nation mourned. 

For a brief and shining moment, this one man captured the hearts and inspired the minds of not just Americans, but people all over the world.  And then he was snuffed out like a brightly burning candle, and the world he illuminated guttered into night. 

What I felt most of all about this as a small child was righteous anger, a certainty that those who did this--- whoever did it, however they did it--- deserved to go down in infamy, deserved to be caught, tried, and executed, deserved to have every one of us walk by and spit on their tombstones forever afterward.    I feel the same way about them as I feel about the sniper who shot Randy Weaver's wife and baby as they stood in the doorway of their own cabin on American soil and the callous vermin who massacred civilians in Vietnam and the adherents of "ISIS" mindlessly beheading and burning what isn't theirs to kill and more recently the mindless sewer rats who planned the ambush and execution of LaVoy Finicum, an innocent American Rancher exercising his right to attend a public assembly.     

Such men do not deserve to live and much less do they deserve to live among us.  We need to wake up.  We need to stop ducking and dodging and hoping that we won't be next.  We have to find our courage and our resolve to put an end to this criminality in our government once and for all.  

Here is the link.

Editors note: I have captured these documents and they are live on my server also but I wanted you to see the original article first because of the animation on the pictures.

Paul Stramer


  1. C'mon! As a 7 year old you declared the assination of JFK was faked? Do you expect anyone to believe that? I think you're imagination has gotten the best of you. Perhaps a sense of inflated ego as well!

    1. She not only has an insightful intelligence- she uses it.

    2. She not only has an insightful intelligence- she uses it.

    3. We all knew nefarious force's were at work I recall vividly the day and expecially my dad's look on his face the loss of hope because the greatest president since Andrew Jackson and Jefferson was taken out.

    4. I think an honest and due response to you sir is that not everyone is as dumb as you were and are at seven years old. Sadly you have continued in your dumbness. Even more sad is that you are planning to continue to operate in your dumbness indefinitely. You should check into your dumbness as there is likely a cure, but because of your dumbness you probably won't and therefore will continue to live in your ignorance and dumbness.

    5. I debut ked Santa Claus at 3 years old. Some of us have always been critical thinkers. Worst beating of my life as my mom was furious when I told all my cousins and my brother. It's very possible. I know folks who watched the moon landing on t.v. and never bought I to it. Just perspective

    6. Net; My comments are based on many years of investigating the JFK murder. There were very, very few adults at the time that questioned the official story much less a child. Children have little, if any, concept of fraud, false flags and conspiracies and they take as truth what they're told by adults and that is FACT in 99% of children ALL the time. I was DIA for 10 years in "cover" and it's very difficult to separate fact from fiction at times and add in the assorted "red herrings" and it becomes a huge task to find truth. I read everything I could about the murder of JFK and still do and more information is becoming available BUT, there was NOTHING contrary to the official story at the time so, tell me, genius, how could a mere child who is normally sheltered from the uglier side of things, going to deduce the murder wasn't as it appeared and reported, especially by news media that were very well respected and trusted at the time? Use your brain if you have one and stop carrying the torch for Anna just because she does a great job of disclosing the huge frauds perpetrated against the people. I follow Anna and agree with her most the time but if you take EVERYTHING ANYONE says as gospel, you're still a dumbed-down & brainwashed're just rooting for the other side!

    7. A little trivia for all you loving people.. The label " Conspiracy theorist or theory" was created in 1963. Its purpose was to make anyone who thought outside the box to be a little off the wall. To this day it has become the one and same useful purpose as in 1963. They did not want any other theories about what happened. That has carried all the way up until present time. I was 13 at the time and had no concept of fake makies, fake moon launches, phony stories about Oklahoma City and world Trade towers. Even though I have my doubts about many believing no believing what they saw on TV, I usually never say never. I read a book close to 40 years ago by Bill Cooper and use to listen to his shortwave radio. The man usually called it and that is why he was taken out. So here we are in 2017 and as opposed to name calling , let collectively keep our faith that Trump gets the job done and the slavery of mankind comes to an end. I have told people for years that Putin was a goodguy and no one believed me but getting rid of GMO foods and ending the Cabal banking in Russia and no chemtrails is all I needed. Lets hope these arrests move forward so we can too.

  2. I believe her because I was 12 at the time and I knew it too.Everyone knew it and people talked about LBJsinvolvement. Then there is the George H W Bush involvement in the whole thing too as part of the CIA.

    1. Sure you did...blah, blah, blah! My father was a Colonel in the USAF in secret operations at Offutt and he did have questions but that's a far cry from KNOWING anything. To say EVERYONE knew displays your abject stupidity. People love to take credit for "knowing" after the heavy lifting is done by others and nefarious facts come out! I bet you're one HELL of an armchair quarterback too, aren't you?

  3. Little Children who have not been dumbed down as a result of their indoctrination in "public schools" are very psychic. I knew it was a hit job, because at the age of 22 I had begun to wake myself up, the event went down when I was 27. When one is awake, one feels what is truth and what is a lie, that's why it was so important to the elite to put a stranglehold on the education system, as well as all the media.
    I read Joseph P. Farrell's book and he implicates LBJ, who went on to make billions off the war - the accounts were in his wife's name. Farrell also mentioned the body switch. Several years ago on the internet I saw a picture of Jackie now married to Onassis on his boat with a figure in a wheelchair and there was speculation as to whether JFK had survived, albeit in a somewhat vegetative state.
    I'm glad all the details are finally coming out. It also may be that # 44 was the shooter who scattered the fake evidence on the book suppository floor... there might have been a collusion between him and LHO - which #44 deliberately broke and they went after Oswald, who was clean. And they bumped him off in public.
    C.i.a. scenarios are usually very dramatic. #44 may have been the lead planner.

    1. What better way to hide a damaged ex-president than to insulate with the wealth and money of a foreigner in a foreign land? And isn't it interesting that #41 went on to be the head of the CIA, then attempted Reagan, and then was appointed Pres himself?

  4. All you have to look at is the video on YT of how the SS guys were visually instructed to stay away from the Kennedy limo as it left the tarmac area. And setting the stage when you threaten the elimination / dis-empowering of the FED and disbanding CIA the deep state doesn't like that. That is why individual political heroes can't win there agendas of change. The odds in so many ways are against them ! They permit Ron and Rand Paul to say what they want and propose bills that would never gain majority . It's a good show with no go ! certainly know one knows exactly what JFK was thinking or any warnings he may have received. He gave the speech acknowledging the deep state / secret societies existed. And so did Eisenhower with the MIC disclosure warning ! I believe George called it "The Big Club"

  5. My stepfather with no 'formal' education past the second grade nailed it, too, at that time. He said LBJ was involved, that Lee Harvey Oswald didn't do it, and any official investigation would just be a whitewash. And, of course, it was.

  6. This is just one more reason the "Intelligent Agencies" have to go... Every politician loves to use the word "transparantcy" lately as if they really mean it...!! There will never be transparacy of anything unless the public is allowed to get into the crime scene itself.....before the intelligengent agencies or cops do, so there can be a "True" forensics done...!! Thats the whole reason there will always be controvercies and conspiracy theories after an incident like that.....there always has to be oversite by the lay public who have first hand knowledge of the crime scene and the victim...who gave all these people authority over all of us and treat us as a threat to their coverups...!! A "peoples first" attitude has to be adopted in order to actually have "Transparantcy" of a crime scene...!! We need another intelligent agentcy called "The Peoples First" agency in charge of witnessing and controlling the forensics of any crime scene that involves "National Security"....and they only have to be normal people with no agenda to be called as first responders to any incidence which is considered to be questionable.....and they need to have the highest authority over all law enforcement and intelligent agencies so they cant get away with FRAUD..!!! But we all know that will never happen...these agencies dont answer to no one...their entire authority lays with their holstered guns....leathal weapons they get to use indiscriminately without question..!!

  7. After reading Mile Mathis papers on these events, I have my doubts and being suspicious of anything "they" are putting out there for "our" consumption now view the possiblility JKF might have been involved himself, simply living out of the public eye. If you listen carefully to the entire speech often quoted where he says "secrecy is repugnant in a free society" the jist of what he says in total is that more secrecy is needed. Hmmm. Check out Lincolns assassination, 200 soldiers waiting outside stormed the theater and kicked out all the patrons yelling at them, theater was taken over by the military, evidence swallowed up, Booth allegedly jumped 20 feet to the stagee brandishing a heavy knife without falling or breaking a leg, recited shakespeare to the audience then ran out the back escaping the 200 soldiers, I mean these events, and people, even good ol George Washington is family of Earls and Dukes, those who held interests and stakes investing in the "new" plunder. Well sooner or later liers and fakes are found out and those being deceived will spoil it for them once they know.


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