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Monday, February 15, 2016

Me and the NLA by Anna Von Reitz

About me and the NLA:  
I TRIED to work with NLA early on.  I also in good faith delivered a wet-ink signed and thumb-printed and sealed copy of our affidavit of probable cause to John Daresh, but nothing was done about our affidavit---which has been published as "You Know Something Is Wrong When....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause" available on

When I attempted to contact NLA regarding their silence and inaction with regard to the grave accusations of criminality our affidavit raised, they hung up on me.  A couple weeks later, Mr. Gary Jolly, contacted me and said something inane like, "we know who you are and we don't trust you"--- as if this was an excuse for failure to address capital crime?

I also rubbed them the wrong way when I revealed that the Common Law Grand Jury is only about one-fourth of the Common Law Court System we are owed, and without the Common Law Judges (properly called Common Law Justices) and Trial Juries and Clerks and other members of the Common Law Courts including the Sheriffs operating the land jurisdiction of this country, the Common Law Grand Juries have no enforcement capability.  They can hand down their findings, and the "District Attorney" can ignore them, so that the entire effort goes astray and has no teeth. 

Therefore I pointed out the need to elect people to fill the other, additional vacated Public Offices we are owed and to re-established the American Common Law Court System that is supposed to be in place and acting in support of the Common Law Grand Juries.  Mr. Daresh and Mr. Jolly would hear none of it.

Three years have gone by with the Citizens Common Law Grand Juries being set up and spinning their wheels, accomplishing nothing much for all their work and good will.  Meanwhile, those who waved good-bye to NLA and proceeded to set up their counties on the land and elect and fill the vacated Public Offices have made great strides. They are actively setting up and restoring County-level government and educating people all over this country, while NLA continues to accomplish.......what?

As a result of all this, I have grave concerns about NLA's leadership.   Some months ago, I heard that John Daresh is actually a Bar Attorney from New York named John Vidurek.  So I asked him, up front, in good faith--- just wanting to know the truth of the matter.  He refused to answer me, but he did answer Rodger Dowdell in Florida, that yes, this is so.  His given name was John Vidurek and yes, he is from New York and yes, he is a Bar Attorney.

To me, a Bar Card is a strong indicator that Mr. Daresh may not be operating in good faith. 

A second indicator is that he has adopted a nom de guerre that has nothing whatsoever to do with his real name.

Third, why quote me out of context in a major Writ of Mandamus and not even bother to contact me, yet leave it seeming that I was involved?  That doesn't add up, either. 

Fourth, why harbor vaguely stated and semi-threatening "suspicions" such as Gary Jolly expressed toward me?   Honest men ask honest questions. They don't hide behind vague insinuations.

A fifth concern about NLA leadership is the lack of progress by the CLGJ organizations in the states where NLA is in control of the CLGJ's compared to what is going on in other states where people have struck off and done it without NLA's "help and direction".  These spin off groups are miles ahead in addressing the real problems we are facing.

A sixth concern in NLA's failure to admit and educate people regarding the fact that the CLGJ's are just a part--- about one quarter-- of the Common Law Court System that we are owed and which we need up and fully functioning to give the CLGJ's both teeth and administrative support.  How can you run a wagon train with one-wheeled carts?

A seventh concern is NLA's complete lack of response to a signed, sealed, witnessed affidavit of probable cause that has been exhaustively researched and demonstrated.  We brought forward damning evidence of immense, systemic, institutionalized fraud--- fraud against the Republic, fraud against the probate and bankruptcy courts, fraud against American States and American people---- and NLA puts the blinkers on and pretends it never heard a word?

So we are supposed to ignore capital level crimes, including war crimes, being committed by foreign banks and their storefront organizations run as "governmental services corporations" because......?  Why? 

If it is NOT the job of the CLGJ's to investigate crimes against Americans, just exactly what does Mr. Daresh propose that their job is?  To stand around issuing pointless documents filled with ignorance and outrage so that his buddies down at the local Bar Association can have a good laugh?

Daresh is a Bar Attorney.  He knows better than to send a Writ of Mandamus to an Admiralty Court.  He was playing everyone for laughs.  He was saying, "Oh, look at this, boys!  These people are SO clueless, SO dumb, that they are going to put their time and energy into doing this! Hahahahahah! --- And for EXTRA fun, I am going to sign Anna's name to it and take her work out of context, so everyone can laugh at her, too!  Hahahahahahah!"

I believe that many, many of the people in NLA are wonderful, patriotic, well-intentioned, and determined. I believe that the vast majority are trying in good faith to make a badly needed difference and to fill in a very necessary Public Office---- but I also believe that they are being purposefully limited and misguided by leaders who have their own contrary agenda, which is simply to keep the horse in the barn and not let the CLGJ's function as they could and ought to, and also prevent people from addressing the need to restore the ENTIRE American Common Law Court System which is owed and needed to make the work of the Common Law Grand Juries count.

The way things are run under Daresh, you might as well be riding unicycles.  It's entertaining, but without the other "wheels" of the American Common Law Courts in place---- the Justices, the Clerks, the Recorders, the Bailiffs, the Sheriffs operating on the land jurisdiction, and the Trial Juries----you are stuck, chasing around in circles without enforcement, wasting your time. Apparently, that kind of window dressing role is what Mr. Daresh wants.  Just "be there" appearing to do something and creating an illusion of remedy, while in fact providing no real alternative to the Admiralty Court and Administrative Court System at all. 

If the CLGJ's were operating as they should, as part of the American Common Law Court System, they would hand down orders to a Sheriff operating on the jurisdiction of the land of this country, and the Sheriff would bring the orders to a Common Law Justice who would issue the warrants for arrest and to Public Prosecutors who would prepare the discovery subpoenas and complaints, and this would all wind up in front of a Jury of Twelve Honest Peers who would review the facts and hand down a decision for the Justice to read in open court on the record and execute.  That is how it is supposed to work. 

As it is, the CLGJ's are misguided to function as laughingstocks for the Bar Members and spend their days making pleas to District Attorneys who ignore the CLGJ's just like they ignore everyone else, and writing Writs in Law addressed to Admiralty Courts that can't even hear a Land Writ.

Sigh.  So, there is my assessment of the current status of the CLGJ's and their role under the limitations imposed by John Daresh and NLA---- and right where they are is where they are likely to stay, in my opinion, until or unless people wake up a second time and realize that they are spinning their wheels at a moment in history when they ought to be making desperately needed progress. 

NLA could be instrumental in restoring the entire American Common Law Court System, in reviving and restoring the land-based government we are owed---- but that isn't where the NLA leadership has gone and that doesn't appear to be where they are going.

See this article and over 100 others on Anna's website


  1. What do all these abbreviations stand for. I am new to this. NLA? CLGJ?

  2. NLA is National Liberty Alliance and CLGJ is Common Law Grand Jury

  3. When I see people take over an organization that has good intentions and nothing really gets done, I suspect these pretended leaders have from the outset other intentions.
    Lawyers do not have a reputation of truth telling. They specialty is manipulating facts and altering perceptions. It's easy for such an one with no moral scruples to infiltrate and take over a group to guarantee the group goes nowhere.
    Trusting anyone who has been a member of the BAR, is not wise at all. Their training, experience and loyalties are to their old ties. They are often just shills. Such "leaders" also do not like being questioned or criticized. Since they cannot admit to making mistakes, they cannot change or improve. This means that the group under their mentorship also cannot change or improve.
    Remember the situation we are in has been caused by people who cannot tell the truth. They have to lie. Why are so many politicians BAR members? Also beware of those who are overly impressed with their own sense of self importance. They may seem charming and charismatic, but they are just narcissists with no good intentions to others. The NLA members need to wake up and throw these card carrying false "leaders" out, the same way we must stand up and use all the tools of Common Law to ferret out and eject the criminal pretenders in the fed gov.

    1. You might be considerate enough to look at both sides of the coin before making comments that may make you look ignorant at a later time. Anna has no idea what we are doing in reality but she does like our papers. So well that she has our papers mixed in with her papers claiming they are hers but our name is on them.

  4. Anna says that John Darash is a BAR attorney with no BAR number, in what state, how long has he been a BAR attorney. She claims to be a judge without any proof. If her demands have been met in her papers, where is the proof. Why is Anna attacking John, Gary and NLA?

    1. I was a member of NLA and both john and Gary treated people like crap, cut them off in sentences, bullied, talked down to, and was just plain rude. John would cut people off to talk about being a construction worker when he was a kid. He claimed to want to help people but never had the time to stamp anyone's papers and his new assistant Linda Palmer was rude and controlling. She was a bar attorney legal assistant. She wouldn't clarify things and wouldn't bother to explain properly the things that needed to be down. Also John said he was going to make sure people got paid according to the size and workload of the county but after Linda got there they changed it and decided grand jury administrators would get paid according to their experience... No one was experienced!!! And that the money people got paid would be funneled through them so that they could take their proper cut. So he's saying that no matter how hard you work in your county he would decide what your pay was and take his cut of the rest, or actually take his cut and give you the rest. This was contrary to what he had said before and only changed after Linda got there, she supposedly moved all the way from Mexico to be a part of johns system. I haven't even begun to talk about how nobody actually got helped.

    2. Sorry Jenn but you are assuming things that are not true. John is not a Bar Attorney and yes people are not qualified until they take our courses. The trained administrators will be paid by the county and NO, NLA will not take a cut of it. That has never been said nor will it ever be said except by ignorant people

  5. We are headed for a rough ride...we have been on a rough ride since the forbidden fruit. Does anyone see this, really?


    Jer 13:23 Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.

    Unless the Sheriff, Anna, all having a desire for true justice come to worship in truth and in spirit, not what King James and his cronies put out; not some off shoot doctrine of the Catholic Church; unless the doctrine that we are gods is eradicated, unless WE THE PEOPLE OF AMERICA come to see WHO WE REALLY ARE and submit our will to the will of the Most High God, you will not have the spiritual force to cause change.

    Unless their is a rudimentary change within each of us from all the religious indoctrination of this santanic world influence and that beam of light of discernment and intuition comes from our Creator there will be no change. For the next generation that should bring back the Common Law will unfortunately reverb back to the oppressed enslaving the oppressors.

    There is great hope and there is a purpose under heaven for all of men's suffering and each one of us will one day be transformed into spiritual beings, but not before the lessons are learn. The big one being

    That God rules amongst men and it is his will that will be done.

    Semper Fi

  6. I absolutely agree 100% with what Ben is saying with one exception, and that exception is his views on the King James and Geneva Bibles. Our Pastor uses these writings to preach God's Word, and shows us every week where and how His will shall be done. Never have I thought, or been taught, that we are gods. Blasphemy would be the name for a teaching such as this! These Bibles have errors, mostly in the translation, but a good man of God will recognize these and point them out. I have never heard that we are gods even referred to, much less stated as fact.


  7. I somehow felt that something was not right with NLA, seemed like so much on the plate but nothing was happening. Of course that the poser courts would just shrug off these writs, etc., as they are not courts of the people and for the people. Just another psyop? The NLA has plenty of info to do good and gain traction but there is a certain disconnect between their presented writs and what Anna has been teaching us. Onward, the truth must continue to be shown...

  8. Like anna says all the good folks WITHOUT a BAR card need to turn the tables there. How can the good deeds of men continue when it's just another place for THE GREAT DECEPTION!

  9. Please, do tell what counties have made progress to establish the common law there, and how? We need examples...give us process, Please!

    As I see it, it must come from the elected Sheriff, (they are the Bailiffs in court; Bailiffs must be educated/instructed by the Sheriff to uphold & support the rights of the people, instead of Bailiffs looking to the 'judge' for permission to do what the people require him to do...) Once the Sheriff & his 'crew' are on board, do you give those in "public office" (the Justices, the Clerks, the Recorders), a chance to come 'clean' and do their good work, or do you just 'Fire' their A**es? What is our process? What has worked and how did it get done? I have been attempting this for years, but I am just spinning my wheels, being jailed, alienating myself and making those who love me, afraid for me. This is dis-empowering...I'm ready for something that works, something better!

    There are many of us who are courageous & willing to do what needs to be done now, including those who are involved with NLA and I hope, as established CLGJ's in their counties. Perhaps the NLA members have been mislead or neutered, but we have a standing army ready & willing to make a difference. I appreciate the Truth of where I've been off-track or deceived. Anna has brought more education and righteous action to us all now, when and where we need it. Don't stop, keep going!
    Let us be a 'House United' so as not to fall divided when our America needs us the most. The Truth will set us Free, BUT we need a Unified Direction of Action at the grass level.
    Let us move in a collective manner, knowing we are separate in our counties, yet together in the strength of our work with clear & effective forward direction, encouraged by all, steered & directed by those with experience in the Law of the Land, like Anna & so many who support, research & submit the law (truth) with her.
    As our momentum builds in truth and law, it will become self-evident where others intentions lie.
    No better time than now to do our good work. Continue to help us please, Anna...Let's have a definitive plan of action that everyone can follow and implement now!!!THANK YOU ALL IN ADVANCE! Namaste'

  10. "Three years have gone by with the Citizens Common Law Grand Juries being set up and spinning their wheels, accomplishing nothing much for all their work and good will. Meanwhile, those who waved good-bye to NLA and proceeded to set up their counties on the land and elect and fill the vacated Public Offices have made great strides. They are actively setting up and restoring County-level government and educating people all over this country, while NLA continues to accomplish.......what?"

    Where are these communities?

    Are there any real examples and what have they done other than talk and staple paper?

  11. Please, do tell what counties have made progress to establish the common law there, and how? We need examples...give us process, Please!

    As I see it, it must come from the elected Sheriff, (they are the Bailiffs in court; Bailiffs must be educated/instructed by the Sheriff to uphold & support the rights of the people, instead of Bailiffs looking to the 'judge' for permission to do what the people require him to do...) Once the Sheriff & his 'crew' are on board, do you give those in "public office" (the Justices, the Clerks, the Recorders), a chance to come 'clean' and do their good work, or do you just 'Fire' their A**es? What is our process? What has worked and how did it get done? I have been attempting this for years, but I am just spinning my wheels, being jailed, alienating myself and making those who love me, afraid for me. This is dis-empowering...I'm ready for something that works, something better!

    There are many of us who are courageous & willing to do what needs to be done now, including those who are involved with NLA and I hope, as established CLGJ's in their counties. Perhaps the NLA members have been mislead or neutered, but we have a standing army ready & willing to make a difference. I appreciate the Truth of where I've been off-track or deceived. Anna has brought more education and righteous action to us all now, when and where we need it. Don't stop, keep going!
    Let us be a 'House United' so as not to fall divided when our America needs us the most. The Truth will set us Free, BUT we need a Unified Direction of Action at the grass level.
    Let us move in a collective manner, knowing we are separate in our counties, yet together in the strength of our work with clear & effective forward direction, encouraged by all, steered & directed by those with experience in the Law of the Land, like Anna & so many who support, research & submit the law (truth) with her.
    As our momentum builds in truth and law, it will become self-evident where others intentions lie.
    No better time than now to do our good work. Continue to help us please, Anna...Let's have a definitive plan of action that everyone can follow and implement now!!!THANK YOU ALL IN ADVANCE! Namaste'

  12. Where has a Land Law Sheriff ever arrested someone?


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