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Friday, May 17, 2024

International Public Notice: The Crime of Unlawful Conversion

 By Anna Von Reitz

Conversion is the act of taking another's property with the intention of depriving them of it --- it is a form of theft.  It can occur in any jurisdiction of the law. 

Unlawful Conversion occurs when actual physical property or "material interests" are stolen, usually by altering some aspect of the property. 

Simple conversion usually involves fines and jail time; but, some forms of Unlawful Conversion are very serious. 

Unlawful Conversion of nationality or political status is a Crime of State occurring in International Jurisdiction, a crime which seeks to depopulate and deprive a country of its people by altering their natural nationality and allegiances on paper without their knowledge or consent. 

This form of Unlawful Conversion is specifically prohibited by both the Geneva and Hague Conventions and carries the death penalty. 

From the perspective of the country being attacked in this criminal manner, the Unlawful Conversion can either result from domestic sources or foreign sources, or, as in our case, foreign sources appearing to be domestic. 

"....from all Enemies, both foreign and domestic." 

If the Unlawful Conversion of nationality or political status comes from domestic or foreign sources under contract to serve the offended country, it results in charges of Treason and usually Misprision of Treason --- meaning that you knew that Treason was being committed, and failed to report it. 

This particular crime has been ongoing in this country since the 1920's when the British Territorial United States Government first began registering babies born to U.S. Citizens ---- and gratuitously glommed onto our people and redefined them as U.S. Citizens, too--- as if they had been born in Puerto Rico, instead of one of the American States. 

Puerto Rico is a British Commonwealth nation to this day.  

Now it is easy to see and understand the Unlawful Conversion that took place.  

An American baby born in Wisconsin is a Wisconsinite.  We take our nationality from our State.  We are not Subjects of the British Monarch or any foreign government. 

But some U.S. Citizens, including those born in Puerto Rico, are British Subjects.  So the white collar criminals involved registered our names as U.S. Citizens domiciled in Puerto Rico.  

In this way, millions of American State Nationals were deliberately misidentified and trafficked as U.S. Citizens; their political status was altered so that they were no longer recognizable as Americans and no longer protected by the Federal Constitutions. Along with their nationality, their political and social status was altered, too.

Instead of being identified as free men and women native to an American State of the Union,  these American babies were Unlawfully Converted as a result of being registered as U.S. Citizens, and then also presumed to be British Subjects and Indentured Servants, too. 

This is a gross breach of trust and a vast international crime that has gone on for a hundred years without being discovered and recognized for what it is. 

Everyone who ever took the vow to protect this country against all enemies both foreign and domestic now has cause to know that we have been attacked by con artists involved in a staggeringly big Unlawful Conversion, Human Trafficking, and Personage and Barratry Scheme. 

Now the Guilty Parties are ginning up a big propaganda campaign and calling American State Nationals "sovereign citizens" and trying to attach other derogatory labels to us, but we are the victims of their crimes and so, they are naturally trying to discredit us. 

They would love it, if we would just fall back asleep and let them finish stealing our identity and our land and money and everything else of value. 

The fact remains that these people are criminals who owed us good faith service, people who have been taking their paychecks from our pockets the entire time that they have been robbing us, denigrating us, mischaracterizing us, and illegally subjugating us. 

And while they may try to attach the oxymoron "sovereign citizen" to us, we will label them with something worse --- "citizen sovereigns" --- people who betrayed their position of trust as citizens and sought to be sovereigns over their employers. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

May 15th 2024


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