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Friday, December 2, 2022

Our Answer to "Booster Season"

 By Anna Von Reitz

Many parents are facing the reality of schools demanding more and more and more "booster" shots.  It wasn't bad enough to damage their child's immune system and irrevocably mess with their genome, now the fiends are demanding more and more "boosters" to complete the genocide, maiming, and long term damage program they have institutionalized as Agenda 2030. 

They've only got seven years to kill and maim billions of people.  So step right up and get going, kids.  Your lives are on the line and so are the lives of your children and grandchildren. 

We already know for sure that these "vaccines" don't prevent any disease, don't prevent transmission of any disease, and basically have no known benefit --- and, we also know that they have bad effects on the health of recipients. 

Share this 2-minute video for those who are slow on the uptake: 


See this article and over 3800 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Transmission of disease is a fairytale anyway. It doesn't work like that.


    1. "Transmission of disease is a fairytale anyway. It doesn't work like that"
      Those words are a HUGE BS to the power of infinity plus one!
      —Read on, think three times at least, and do the due dilligence on your own time.

      "Shedding Concerns: "It Looks Like the mRNA is Transferring from the Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated"
      "Every shot is accumulating in the body with no ability for the body to get rid of it."

      Make America Free and Healthy, m

    2. bubonic plague?

    3. Viruses are the garbage collectors of our body. Nothing more. Foolishness is the sustenance of the arrogant. Read Louis Pasteur’s papers. Those who don’t learn from history are destined to repeat it.

      Intelligence vs arrogance. It’s a choice!


    4. germ theory is the single biggest lie and scam ever

    5. Electromagnetic fields are not microbes. There is no shedding of microbes/disease onto another. You are full of shit if you claim there are facts. The germ theory is BS. And I've got oxygen, ozone and UV light to back me up.

    6. The End of Germ Theory

      Important Information on Coronavirus 5G Kung Flu

  2. If shedding was a real threat there would only be need for one shot given and everyone else would get it from another shedderr on and on. Also military planners have reviewed all methods and stated only some way of getting the bioweapon right in peoples bodies would work. Takes some kind of public illusion to get everyone to want to get the stuff right in their body for it to work.

  3. Bellerian1: 2030 minus 7 = 2023
    The 7 years begins now, or even say, Jan 1 2023
    Easy math. By 2030, the globalist plan of dominion requires a whopping large amount of less people alive. See?

  4. The body is always attempting to heal from foreign matter - over time, the body rises in shedding via perspiration, to decreasing in shedding. Get boosted with the injection dose, and the shedding ramps up again for a time. This is proven by the man who endured pericarditis soon after nearby people were injected. The man wasn't. He left their location and away from injected people and his pericarditis ended. Shedding is the only possibly way a man with no heart problem suddenly got this heart problem. Nobody can argue the facts here. Nobody.

    1. Of course. No facts.

    2. Facts: Lots n’ lots of facts!


    3. Wrong. It is not the only way. This is a proven side effect of EM radiation. Sorry Charlie.

    4. The End of Germ Theory

      Important Information on Coronavirus 5G Kung Flu

  5. ty anony 255pm

  6. anony255pm,
    do you know: by what authority they claim 7 years (or any time) to do such things? i mean, how are they trying to say its alright for them?ty.

  7. Listen to the name folks. What does it tell you. “Gain Of Function” Does it say viruses are transferrable or an effort to change that?

    Gain of Function

  8. What does “TAXPAYER funded” mean to anyone hear? We The People are the enemy folks! Let your con-science speak for itself.

  9. Hint:Ten Commandments

    1. No God’s (white coats or otherwise) before me.

    Seem clear enough?

    1. Correction: *Gods

      Humbled again…

      Have a Blessed Day!

  10. She's referencing Agenda 2030. They want 90% of people dead by 2030.

  11. Napoleonic war,WW1,WW2,Martin Luther,JFK murders,false flags,9/11
    Vietnam war,Iraq war, Syrian war,Korean war, Afghanistan war,all the deaths,all the mayhem.
    Rothschild, patent, via pirbright,ww3 today nearly all points back to Rothschild, Rocafella,Vatican.
    Yes I missed a lot out here,but the same Parasites been leading this for to long,all these parasites have to be eradicated.
    If anyone has a better idea please do tell

    1. Agreed, we now know more than the CIA/Mossad media permits us.
      This is why the full court press more militarization, more falce flag smokescreens.
      Controlled opposition divide and conquer.
      But with all the fighting comes scraps of information that’s why I’m here . Unfortunately ((( google/blogger))) is stiffening any decent by not allowing you to be admitted properly any unapproved words your gone.

  12. Why 7yrs? 2030 agenda

  13. There is NO such thing as a Virus! Virus is a Latin word for poison! And the so called vaccines are how they are spreading the so called “virus/poison”! It’s a bio-weapon!! ALL vaccines are bio weapons/poisons! Study the germ theory vs the terrain theory! Even Pasteur admitted he was wrong! But the medical mafia uses the debunked germ theory as it it a very convenient way for them to “spread” fear which is the real “virus” and convince the sheep to take their poison ☠️ The slow kill shots along with the rest of the Harmamaceutical toxic drugs they push on us!


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