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Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Situation Update, Dec. 23rd – Trump chooses declassification option to expose Joe Biden and the deep state traitors

(Natural News) Today’s Situation Update (for Dec. 23rd) reveals how Trump appears to have chosen the “declassification” option to expose Joe Biden and the deep state traitors. But with InfoWars now reporting that Trump has been utterly abandoned by nearly all White House staff, is there anyone remaining to carry out Trump’s declassification orders?

Correction: This podcast refers to a Reuters article that announced a test of the emergency broadcast system on Thursday. Upon further review, that article was from a previous year, not 2020, so that point stands corrected.

Here’s what you’ll learn in today’s Situation Update:

  • More rumors of C-17 transport planes arriving in Nevada.
  • Rumors that Trump will speak to America on Christmas Day.
  • Trump appoints Ezra Cohen-Watnick to Chairperson of the Public Interest Declassification Board, which is responsible for deciding which documents get declassified. Watnick is known to be an ally of Gen. Michael Flynn and Trump. (
  • Trump signs new memorandum to allow John Durham and any new special counsel to use classified documents with grand juries in order to seek new criminal indictments against deep state players. This order would also apply to Sidney Powell if she is appointed special counsel in the coming days. (
  • Joe Biden was involved in the 2016 spygate / FISA warrant scandal and may be exposed in the coming document dumps.
  • Wisconsin judge testifies that over 200,000 votes were illegal and invalid in that state.
  • Join the march in D.C. on January 6th. Trump says, “It’s gonna be wild!”
  • National File reports that the White House has released an internal memo essentially compelling VP Pence to act today, rejecting the electoral votes from states that carried out fraudulent, unconstitutional elections.
  • Georgia lawmakers move to certify their own election.
  • Arizona lawmakers are working to certify Trump as the true winner.
  • Patrick Byrne reveals Trump is just one signature away from unleashing a powerful solution.
  • Trump meets with multiple members of Congress to discuss a Jan. 6th solution.
  • Giuliani says a big revelation is coming about fraud in Georgia.

1 comment:

  1. Annie is correct about a hidden Deep state Agent / disinformer herein this group:

    Shell-by ** Trump are ones of them. Trump gave $740b to Communists, SOCIALISTS, and to PAKISTAN $1.4* trillion. SEARCH !

    ** The Deep State agent(s) are here almost every day, to entice you to watch his feeding nonsense YouTube videos.

    So [ Google play, persistent background services ] can turn on your cellphone Geolocation to spy on you, even if you turn it off
    So beware, don't allow Google play. Youtube App to alter your system, stop them at Setting. Be in controls of your lives America.


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