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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Emergency Shut Down Order / Emergency Arrest Order

By Anna Von Reitz

This is a direct Order to all United States Military Personnel in active range and to the Commander-in-Chief from The United States of America.

We request and require you to immediately shut down all HAARP and CIPPA stations and facilities worldwide that are in your control or under your administration.

We request and require you to immediately apprehend and arrest all Leadership of the Council on Foreign Relations.

James Clinton Belcher, Head of State
The United States of America

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America


  1. High ALERT, to all earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn (police, judge too, repent, join force beware, they would take you out too):
    - First starting from April 16, 2020 (Hot) – June 28.
    - Then near the end of 2020 (hotter), the Universe will open your eyes, to combat the vermin deceptive force over our Rights.

    You will oppose General Flynn’s (deceptive force (neg.Neptune)) energies, at his negative energies, at 7th house of relationship with people.

    This is where his 4/5 of CUP in reversed came from. So be prepared, think like an engineer. You can make your bullets travel far, if you analyze the reason why it can’t go far.

    1. I'm a earth sign may 5 what do you mean?

    2. Malakai: If you were born on May 5, then the Uranus force will not trigger your inner feeling, to go after the bad gen., Anna referring to. If you are in the Military. Bc your Sun-sign is at 17 degree T'rs. The Uranus will fuse and trigger a different earth-sign at 7 degree. Any earth sign at 7 degree will feel the urge to stop the bad Gen. If they are working in military. Even Virgo and Capricorn will feel the same urge. Other sign like Pisces, or Aquarius, or Libra could fee also depending on their age, at 7 degree, transiting inner-Sun. I'm saying this so you wouldn't quote wrong that someone else who's earth sign, going after Flynn. April 16 forward.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Malakai: Whoever will go after the vermin, should beware, that the vermin inherits Scorpion energies, with high negative energy, be smart of secret weapon, well concealed. Camera, motion detection, night vision maybe used. Be smart.

    5. Hi Carpenter! I'm barely a Virgo. Born Sept 21, 1960. 8:48 pm. Anything I should know? Thank you!

  2. - Some people can inherit earth sign if they are OLDER, Ie. Pisces, Libra, or Aquarius. The Q now inherits Leo (Fire sign).

  3. Emergency zoom meeting in 15 Anna, to sweet....chop chop we need more info

  4. Yessss!!! Thank you

  5. all sentence must start with "We The People" to be fully inner stood and acknoeledged. the power is in "We The People"

    1. Anna thinks she is some kind of royalty didn't you know? She is quite delusional and really doesn't understand most of the topics she writes about. She has a lot of hot air though.

  6. I agree fully. Count me in on this one Douglas Cross

  7. Treason is defined one way as "an attempt to overthrow a kind of government" like for instance forcing or sneaking in something like all counties being allegedly incorporated, which since that is treason and not lawfully allowed that those who have done this are indeed involved in that very thing and now up to about the level of only one nostril above the evidence left to breathe at all, near death even and hopefully would just dry up and blow away, all bad energy generations from that wrong hateful energy used to further abuse people, make them sad, make their hearts sick and cut off entirely if possible any spiritual connections to often what seems "something we do not mention at all" like being surrounded with hands upon you and experiencing personally a loving healing like suddeney "Hmmm thats odd I just dont really even feel like drinking any more after consuming gallons weekly. Gone totally healled, no debt and free for everyone who so wants it.

  8. i - am of the light. i am , on facebook..

  9. Hi I’m Pisces what is my challenge.?

  10. I lol'd. I bet they are jumping right on it Anna. They are relieving command to some boomer that writes a blog with a lot of delusions and disinfo
